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II. NON TEACHING STAFF I. Basic Information Age. Presented in Table 19 are the data of non-teaching respondents age.

Majority of the non-teaching staff were among the middle adults having the age of 25-65 years with the frequency of 95 or 89.62 percent. Only 11 or 10.38 percent were young adults having the age bracket of 18-24 years old. These data reflect that middle adulthood is focused on productivity and that most of workers are from this age group. Table 19 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to Age Age Young Adult Middle Adult Total Frequency (f) 11 95 106 Percentage (%) 10.38 89.62 100.00

Sex. Showed in Table 20 are the data of non-teaching respondents sex. Majority of the respondents were female with the frequency of 60 or 56.60 percent. Only 46 or 43.40 percent are male respondents. Female are most in number over the male among the non-teaching staff which also reflects the distribution in the general population. Table 20 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to Sex Sex Male Female Total Frequency (f) 46 60 106 Percentage (%) 43.40 56.60 100.00

Weight. Table 21 shows the distribution of non-teaching staff according to weight with respect to the sex categories. Among 46 male non-teaching staff, 4 or 8.29percent belonged to the weight range of 40-45 kg while 9 or 19.57 percent have weights of 45-50 kg, 11 or 23.91 percent have weights of 55-60 kg, 16 or 34.79 percent were among those with 65-70 kg of weight, and 6 or 13.04 percent have weights of 75 kg and above. On the other hand, among 60 female non-teaching staff, 10 or 16.67 percent belonged to 40-45 kg weight range, 12 or 20

percent to 45-50 kg, 14or 23.33 percent to 55-60 kg, 16 or 26.67 percent to 65-70 kg, and 6 or 13,33 percent to 75 kg and above. To sum up the data between male and female, there were 14 or 13.21 percent of the non-teaching staff who belonged to 40-45 kg, 21 or 19.81 percent to 4550 kg, 25 or 23.58 percent to 55-60 kg, 32 or 30.18 percent to 65-70 kg, and 14 or 13.21 percent to 75 kg and above. It can be implied from the results that more males were heavier than females and were in greater body build. Table 21 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to Weight Weight (kg) 40 45 45 - 50 55 60 65 70 75 above Total Male Frequency Percentage 4 8.69 9 19.57 11 23.91 16 34.79 6 13.04 46 100 Female Frequency Percentage 10 16.67 12 20 14 23.33 16 26.67 8 13.33 60 100 Total Frequency 14 21 25 32 14 106 Percentage 13.21 19.81 23.58 30.18 13.21 100

Height. Table 22 presents the distribution of non-teaching staff according to height relative to sex. Among 46 male teaching staff, no one belonged to 410, 411 and 412 height classification, while 10 or 21.74 percent were 50, 4 or 8.69 percent were 51, 7 or 15.22 percent were 52, 6 or 13.04 percent were 53, and 12 or 26.09 percent were 54, 2 or 4.35 percent were 55, 3 or 6.52 percent were 56, 2 or 4.35 percent were 57. On the contrary, among 60 females, 4 or 6.67 percent were 410, 2 or 33 percent were 411 and 412, 6 or 10 percent were 50,8 or 13.13 percent were 51, 10 or 16.67 percent were 52, 14 or 23.33 percent were 53, 10 or 16.67 percent were 54, 1 or 1.67 percent were 55 and 56 and 2 or 3.33 percent were 57.Many were among 53 with 14 or 23.33 percent. This shows the dominance of the male population over the females in terms of the height advantage.

Table 22 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to Height Height 410 411 412 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Total Male Frequency Percentage 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 21.74 4 8.69 7 15.22 6 13.04 12 26.09 2 4.35 3 6.52 2 4.35 46 100 Female Total Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage 4 6.67 4 3.77 2 3.33 2 1.89 2 3.33 2 1.89 6 10 16 15.09 8 13.33 12 11.32 10 16.67 17 16.04 14 23.33 20 18.87 10 16.67 22 20.75 1 1.67 3 2.84 1 1.67 4 3.77 2 3.33 4 3.77 60 100 106 100

II. Health Indicators Blood Pressure Reading. Presented in Table 23 are the data on the distribution of the nonteaching staff according to their blood pressure reading. Majority of the non-teaching staff have a normal blood pressure (<120/80 mmHg) with the frequency of 52 or 49.06 percent. Only 26 or 24.53 percent were classified as having pre-hypertension (120/80 to 139/89 mmHg). There were also 12 or 11.32 percent at Stage I-Hypertension (140/90 to 159/99 mmHg) and 5 or 4.71 percent were at Stage II-Hypertension (>160/100 mmHg). Lastly there were 11 or 10.38 percent with low blood pressures (<90/60 mmHg). Though almost half of the non-teaching staff targeted population were within the normal blood pressure reading, the other half have some deviations in their blood pressure readings which need constant monitoring for early detection of disease and proper medical management.

Table 23 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to Blood Pressure Reading Blood Pressure Reading Normal Pre Hypertension Stage I Hypertension Stage II Hypertension Low Total Frequency 52 26 12 5 11 106 Percentage 49.06 24.53 11.32 4.71 10.38 100.00

Blood Cholesterol Level Check. Shown in Table 24a are the data on the distribution of nonteaching staff according to the checking of the blood cholesterol level in the previous month. Majority of the non-teaching staff were subjected into a laboratory check of their blood cholesterol level with the frequency 76 or 71.70 percent. Only 30 or 28.30 percent have not visited the laboratory for a blood cholesterol level test. It can be inferred that most of the nonteaching employees were aware of the importance of having their blood cholesterol levels checked for monitoring. Table 24a Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to Checking of Blood Cholesterol Level in the Past Month Blood Cholesterol Level Check Not Checked Checked Total Frequency (f) 30 76 106 Percentage (%) 28.30 71.70 100.00

Blood Cholesterol Level. Presented in Table 24b is the distribution of the non-teaching staff according to their blood cholesterol level. Out of the 76 non-teaching staff who had been subjected to a blood cholesterol level test, no one supplied the actual blood cholesterol result.

Table 24b Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to their Blood Cholesterol Level Blood Cholesterol Checking Less than 200 mg/dL 200239 mg/dL 240 mg/dL and above Total Frequency (f) 0 0 0 0 Percentage (%) 0 0 0 0

Description of Cholesterol Level. Shown in Table 24c are the data on the distribution of nonteaching staff according to the best description of cholesterol level. Majority of the respondents are unaware of their blood cholesterol level with frequency of 20 or 66.66 percent. Only 6 percent relayed that their cholesterol level is normal with frequency of 6 or 20 percent. Those who divulged that their cholesterol level was high got a frequency of 2 or 6.67 percent. Similarly, the same number of non-teaching employees relayed that their results were low. It can be inferred that a number of non-teaching employees may not deem the importance of subjecting themselves for a blood test with regards to their cholesterol level since they are not aware of these results. Table 24c Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to the Best Description of their Cholesterol Level Description High Normal Low Unaware Total Frequency (f) 2 6 2 20 30 Percentage (%) 6.67 20.00 6.67 66.66 100.00

Blood Sugar Level Check. As presented in Table 25a, majority of the non-teaching employees have their blood sugar level checked with frequency of 71 or 66.98 percent. Only 35 or 32.02 percent were not able to have their blood sugar tested in the previous months. This implies that non-teaching staff realizes the importance of having their sugar levels tested in a regular basis.

Table 25a Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to Checking of Blood Sugar Level in the Past Month Blood Sugar Level Check Not Checked Checked Total Frequency (f) 35 71 106 Percentage (%) 33.02 66.98 100.00

Blood Sugar Level. Presented in Table 25b is the distribution of the non-teaching staff according to their blood sugar level. Out of the 76 non-teaching staff who had been subjected to a blood sugar level test, no one indicated the actual blood sugar result.

Table 25b Distribution of Respondents According to their Blood Sugar Level Blood Sugar Level Below 70 mg/dl 70 110 mg/dl Above 110 mg/dl Total Frequency (f) 0 0 0 0 Percentage (%) 0 0 0 0

Description of Blood Sugar Level. Presented in Table 25c are the data of non-teaching staff according to the best description of their blood sugar level. Majority of the respondents were unaware of their sugar level with frequency of 13 or 37.15 percent. Only 9 or 25.71 percent have described their sugar level as normal whereas 7 or 20 percent relayed that they have low sugar level. Further, 6 or 17.14 percent described their sugar level as high. This implies that a number of non-teaching employees may not deem the necessity of having their sugar levels tested since most are unaware of their results.

Table 25c Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to the Best Description of their Blood Sugar Level Description High Normal Low Unaware Total Frequency (f) 6 9 7 13 35 Percentage (%) 17.14 25.71 20 37.15 100.00

Smoking Habits. Presented in Table 26 are the data on the distribution of respondents according to their smoking habits. Majority of the non-teaching staff of the university were non-smokers with a frequency of 56 or 52.83 percent. A frequency of 28 or 26.42 percent was current smoker whereas 22 or 20.75 percent were former smokers. This implies that most of the non-teaching staff are non-smokers and considers the negative effects of smoking.

Table 26 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to their Smoking Habits Smoking Habits Current Smoker Former Smoker Non-smoker Total Frequency (f) 28 22 56 106 Percentage (%) 26.42 20.75 52.83 100.00

Consumption of Cigarettes Per Day. Presented in Table 27 is the distribution of current smoker non-teaching respondents according to their consumption of cigarettes per day. Majority of the respondents consume 20 sticks per day or moderate smokers with a frequency of 14 or 50 percent. Only 8 or 28.57 percent consume 1-9 sticks per day or those considered as light smokers whereas 6 or 21.43 percent consume more than 21 sticks of cigarettes per day or the heavy smokers. This implies that non-teaching staff were moderate smokers and that they are more vulnerable to developing diseases caused by smoking as compared with the teaching staff.

Table 27 Distribution of Current Smoker Non-Teaching Staff According to their Consumption of Cigarettes per Day Consumption of Cigarettes per Day 1-19 sticks per day 20 sticks per day >21 sticks per day Total Frequency (f) 8 14 6 28 Percentage (%) 28.57 50.00 21.43 100.00

Consumption of Cigarettes Per Day Before Quitting. The distribution of former smoker nonteaching respondents according to their consumption of cigarettes per day before quitting is presented in Table 28. Majority of the respondents consume 20 sticks per day before quitting with a frequency of 10 or 45.45 percent. Only 7 or 31.82 percent consume more than 21 sticks per day before quitting whereas 5 or 22.73 percent of respondents consumes 1-19 sticks per day before quitting. It can be implied from the results that non-teaching who were former smokers moderately consumed cigarettes per day before they quitted, hence, they are more at risk of developing ill effects of smoking as compared to the teaching staff.

Table 28 Distribution of Former Smoker Non-Teaching According to their Consumption of Cigarettes Per Day Before Quitting Consumption of Cigarettes Per Day Before Quitting 1-19 sticks per day 20 sticks per day >21 sticks per day Total

Frequency (f) 5 10 7 22

Percentage (%) 22.73 45.45 31.82 100.00

Alcohol Drinking Habit. Presented in Table 29 is the distribution of non-teaching respondents according to their alcoholic drinking habit. Majority of the respondents were non-drinkers with a frequency of 60 or 56.60 percent. Only 46 or 43.40 percent were alcoholic beverage drinkers. From this, it is implied that most were non-drinkers of alcohol and that they deem the importance of declining habituation from alcohol.

Table 29 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to their Alcohol Drinking Habit Alcohol Drinking Habit Non-Drinker Drinker Total Frequency (f) 60 46 106 Percentage (%) 56.60 43.40 100.00

Frequency of Alcohol Intake Presented on Table 30 is the distribution of respondents according to their frequency of alcohol intake. Majority of the respondents were moderate drinkers or those who drink excessively on a specific occasion or situation with a frequency of 22 or 47.82 percent. A frequency of 16 or 34.78 percent was social drinkers or those who consume liquors on social occasions like weddings, cocktails, restaurants and others. Only 8 or 17.40 percent of the respondents were heavy drinkers or those who consume liquors habitually and heavily.

Table 30 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to their Frequency of Alcohol Intake Frequency of Alcohol Intake Social Drinkers Moderate Drinkers Heavy Drinkers Total Frequency (f) 16 22 8 46 Percentage (%) 34.78 47.82 17.40 100.00

Diet. Presented in Table 31 is the distribution of non-teaching respondents according to their diet. Majority of the non-teaching employees maintain a healthy diet with a frequency of 99 or 93.40 percent. Only 7 or 6.60 percent have a non-healthy diet. From this, it can be implied that most are aware of the relevance of maintaining a healthy diet complete with all necessary nutrients and minerals.

Table 31 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to their Diet Diet Healthy Non-healthy Total Frequency 99 7 106 Percentage 93.40 6.60 100

Physical Activity. Presented in Table 32 is the distribution of the non-teaching staff according to their physical activity. Out of 106 respondents, 33 or 31.13 percent claim that they have vigorous physical activity, while 73 or 68.87 percent engaged in moderate physical activities. It implies that majority of the non-teaching staff of the university feel the need to perform such activities in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Table 32 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to their Physical Activity Physical Activity Vigorous Moderate None at all Total Frequency (f) 33 73 0 106 Percentage (%) 31.13 68.87 0 100

III. Medical History and Self Care Family History of Diseases. Based on Table 33, 42 or 31.82 percent have family history of high blood pressure, 28 or 21.21 percent have family members with diabetes mellitus, 24 or 18.18 percent have heart problems, 20 or 15.15 percent have family history of increased cholesterol level, and 18 or 13.64 percent have history of cancer in their family blood line. Ranking most were high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and heart problems.

Table 33 Distribution of Non-Teaching According to their Family History of Diseases Family History of Diseases High blood pressure Heart problems Diabetes mellitus Cancer Increased cholesterol level Others Total *multiple answers Frequency (f) 42 24 28 18 20 0 132 Percentage (%) 31.82 18.18 21.21 13.64 15.15 0.00 100.00

Acquired Diseases. As shown in Table 34, most of the respondents having the frequency of 27 or 26.46 percent of the non-teaching staff suffered from back pain, 20 or 19.61 percent experienced allergies, 16 or 15.69 percent had heart problems and arthritis, 13 or 12.75 percent had asthma, and 10 or 9.80 percent had diabetes. Ranking the greatest were the following: back pain, allergies, arthritis and heart problems. Table 34 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to their Acquired Diseases Acquired Diseases Heart problems Diabetes Cancer Chronic bronchitis Past stroke Asthma Arthritis Allergies Back pain Others Total *multiple answers Frequency (f) 16 10 0 0 0 13 16 20 27 0 102 Percentage (%) 15.69 9.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.75 15.69 19.61 26.46 0.00 100.00

V. Health Planning Lifestyle Changes Made that Enhanced Health in the Past 12 Months. Presented the table 35 was the distribution of non-teaching staff according to their lifestyle changes made that enhanced health in the past 12 months. Majority of the respondents said that their lifestyle changed that they increased their physical activity and weight loss with the frequency of 28 or 14.14 percent. Next to rank said that they lowered cholesterol with frequency of 26 or 13.13 percent. While on the other hand, there are also 25 or 12.63 percent said that they lowered their blood sugar level. Whereas, 21 or 10.61 percent that they reduced fat or cholesterol level. There are also 20 or 10.20 percent said that they lowered their blood pressure in the past 12 months. Only 18 or 9.09 percent said that they reduced their alcohol used. Lastly, there were 16 or 8.08 percent said that they quit or cut down smoking and coped better with stress.

Table 35 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to their Lifestyle Changes Made that Enhanced Health in the Past 12 Months Lifestyle Changes Made Increased physical activity Lost weight Reduced alcohol use Quit or cut down smoking Reduced fat/cholesterol intake Lowered blood pressure Lowered cholesterol level Lowered blood sugar level Coped better with stress Others Total *multiple answers Frequency (f) 28 28 18 16 21 20 26 25 16 0 198 Percentage (%) 14.14 14.14 9.09 8.08 10.61 10.10 13.13 12.63 8.08 0.00 100.00

Plans for Changes in the Next 6 Months to Improve Health. Presented the table 36 are distributions of non-teaching staff according to their plans for changes in the next 6 months to improve health. Majority of the respondents oath to increase their physical activity with a frequency of 36 or 21.30 percent. Next to rank are said that they lose weight with a frequency of 30 or 17.75 percent. Only 24 or 14.20 percent said that they decreased fat intake. Whereas, there are 23 or 13.61 percent said that they cope better with stress. There are also 18 or 10.66 percent said that they decreased their cholesterol level. On the other hand, there are 13 or 7.69 percent said that they decreased their alcohol used and quit smoking. Lastly, 12 or 7.10 percent said that they decreased their blood pressure. Table 36 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff According to their Plans for Changes in the Next 6 Months to Improve Health Planned Changes Increase physical activity Lose weight Decrease alcohol use Quit smoking Decrease fat intake Decrease blood pressure Decrease cholesterol level Cope better with stress Others Total *multiple answers Frequency (f) 36 30 13 13 24 12 18 23 0 169 Percentage (%) 21.30 17.75 7.69 7.69 14.20 7.10 10.66 13.61 0.00 100.00

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