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Three Freed ~OnBondJn. i~c~991IJJ,.t~


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The su~rintmdent of a chut'eh-T'Wl home for troubled boys ill Walterboro vowed to coctinae operaUng Ute bome Thursday after he was releaJed OD t40,()QO bail on charges of u~wfw neglel:l. cOI'lSPiracy and kidDapping. "It's a spiritual batUe, brotber: said Olin King of Ule cbarges filed

against him aed two or ~ New_~_Ul:..

.loy Baptist employee;.

Cburcb Home

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The two employee;, JWbert KiD8 and Richard Davis, were also charged


kidnapping and cODsp~rac)' alter Colle\.OD COWll), authoritIes raided tbe boys home.
Wednesday Davis and boUl Kiegs, wbo atl! DOt


related, were released Tb'Urllda, arternCXln wben church members posted a to~1 of 'll~,OOO ~ for aU
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T~ school's attorney, Orin RfiIP of Columbia, said Ule wrges ;were I'''!''icall)' motivated. CoHeton County Sherifl Cutter Adterman'iI up for reeleeuen in two weeks. Brius said be bad beta a\l~ to fill' a civil rights suit in Ole cue, but added Ulat he did DOt know .ben lbe suit would be file~1. Briggs claimed "Gat.apo tactics"
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See Thrft Freed, Page 2"





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JUN .:

...Three Freed On' Bond In School Raid

, Continued F,om

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; 1I'ere used by thi CoUtton County Sheriff's Office and the Department ( of Social Service 10 taktnl 43 boY' from the !lome Into custody In the Wednesday mornlnl raid. 1 wouldn't treat a do,like they've treated WI, be .. Id. Brlus also said "the state has ctrcumvented the family court law by fa III"1 to file petitions that are reo qulred the next da')! In cases 1I'here cbildren have been taken Into state custody. ~They are the ones who bave violated the law: he said. When (the stite) takes a child Into cU3tody it Is required to file a petition Ole oext day In family court; BriUS Nld. But DO petitions had beeD filed, be said. But OSS employee Mary Lou Bai ley aald the requirement for Immedl I~ petitions was waived by Family Court Jud,e Donald FaoDon on ... Thursday afternoon ~Mr. Brilis -I to It," Mrs. Bailey said. "I was Usere when he agreed COIt. ~ '"We never had any problem with le,lttmite Inquiries on child abuse: Brll&' said. But Utey want to coatrol Ute churc"" The filM Over the cU3tody of the children remalnln, In tbe Armory would continue, Brt"' said, but under the child abuse law we can't petl Uon the Family Court. Our only recOUf'Se Is to go InCO federal court for a Violation of civil , rigllts Ind to try COlet an Injunction from the court to prevent t"em (county offlcials) from interfering the operation of the home: Brl", said. Meanwhile In Columbia, Depart

of Social Services Commls sioner James L. Solomon Jr. said the ment Incident "emphasizes the concerns this department has about the need for strengthenin, the (foster borne) II censtna law.~ The current law, Solomon suld, Is inadequate stnce the 1956 law con, talns numerous exemptions and has ~n struck down for not provldinl equal prcteeuon. and as a result, religloU!!homes have not been required to be licensed. D5S ls supportlna a bill currently In a state Senate committee that would set -minimum standards (but) '_'ould not In any way affect reUgious beliefs; Solomon said. New BeUla"y was asked to license the facility 1I'hen it opened in 1982, said DSS public Information director Norma "ndenon. It l'l one five relialous homes not licensed In the state, she said. Elahteen olbenllre Ilceosed, she said Anderson said parents of Ute chll dren at New Bethany are belna con\.acted and asked to pick them up or arranlle transportation borne. About 18 of the 43 children bad ~n picked up by parents by Thursday evening. One Florida boy's father picked the boy up at the National Guard Armory, where the children are staying in Wal terboro, and drove him back to the New Ikthany Baptist Church minutes later, aordlng to Kina But other parents were upset about dIsCipline at the school, which Is al le,eel by Colleton authorities to have Included a system of whippings with plastic pipe and at least one lrutance of confinement In a jailllke cell.



ment room?" he said. "You don't lock kIds up In a cell" "I'd rather have a child confined said Mn. Patricia Sexton, who drove from Chicago to pick up her boy. -I than run away,~ BrI", said. sent him here for help, to learn hoW' to socially adapt to people ... They; said If the children did someUling' II'ron, they would spank them. but not ' beat them." -I think tlley're hldln, under .. retl,jous banner: Mrs. Sexton 3ald. But Brili' predicted many parents would return their children to the home. We have a spotless reputation from church people who send their ~ds here, ~ he said. In an Interview It the New Bethany # Baptist Cburcb s!lortly after King and :; the two employees were releaW'd, King said God put ".. burden in my heart: and lbat he could not put it aside. The fonner 80y Scout leader from Mlssourl said he worked with trcubleel boys for I ~ years before he wa3 "saved: an event whlcb occured AUI.. 3, 1976. he said .. Respondina to a question .boul hu alleged use of plastic pipes on the cblldren, King said, "The Bible says to usc a rod, King said. "A rod does not leave a mark like II paddle. The last thillg I wlnt to do is put a mark on a child. 1 want to leave a (spiritual) mark on hi' hearl," he said. "The last tllln, we want to do Is hllrt these klds.~ King would not comment on the al lele<! continemenl In a Jalllike cell. but attorney Briggs claimed that chil dren from the school had ~n locked up by the sheriff's offlce. "Why is It II rlaht for them to lock up kicb In jal wilen we can" put them In a confine

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