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A Questionnaire on the concept of sexual harassment in Academic Institute We are student of MBA from Chaudhari Technical Institute, Gandhinagar. We are conducting a comprehensive project and doing a research on A study on concept of Sexual Harassments at Academic Institutes. We requested you to fill this questionnaire. We ensure you that the valuable information given by you will support our research and ensure this data will keep confidential and use for our research only. As part of my academic course curriculum of MBA-HR, we are doing this project in Academic Institute. Please respond candidly to the question. Confidentiality of your opinions/views would be maintained. 1. According to you is it true the definition of sexual Harassment include the following. Please tick. A. Verbal Type Remarks about physical appearance Remarks about sexual behaviour Intrusive personal questioning Unwelcome requests of a sexual nature Very True Somewhat true Not very Not at true true all

B. Non Verbal Type Whistling Pin-ups Suggestive gestures C. Physical Type Unwelcome physical contact Touching intimate body parts Forced kisses/hugs 2. Which group(s) do you think is/are frequently subjected to sexual harassment on the job? Please tick ( ) Under 18 years ( ) 41-60 years ( ) 18-25 years ( ) 60 years and above ( ) 26-40 years Very True Somewhat true Not very true Not at all true Very True Somewhat true Not very true Not at all true

3. Do you think that both men and women are guilty of sexual harassment? [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Never

4. Have you ever been subjected to sexual harassment while on the job? A) Yes ( ) B) No ( )

(a) Did you report sexual harassment? [ ] Yes [ ] No (b) Was any action taken to deal with the complaint? [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] All of the time Most of the time Some of the time Just now and then

5. In particular, can an Employer be liable for the following: Particular Sexual Harassment by a workers Superior(s) Sexual Harassment by a workers Peer(s) Sexual Harassment by Client(s) 6. Kindly indicate the level of sexual harassment which in your estimation occurs in the following: Groups: Sexual harassment of females by males males by females females by females males by males Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Never Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

7. Who can report/initiate an allegation of sexual harassment? Particular Observer Victim Other Yes NO

8. If you have witnessed or experienced any of the above behaviors while working, what was your reaction? [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Contentment Concealed anger Verbally expressed anger Apathy Other

9. Are you aware of the any legal obligation to prevent Sexual Harassment / Harassment Based on Sex at the academic (in the workplace)? Please tick. [ ] Yes [ ] No 10. What are your Institutes policies on sexual harassment?

11. What changes would you make to those policies? a) b) c) d) e) Strongly agree Agree Neutral Strongly Disagree Disagree

12. What types of punishments do you think is fair or unfair for those who violate the sexual harassment policy?

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