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Modelsim Walkthrough Design of a Simple ALU

The following diagram shows the basic steps for simulating a design in Modelsim.

Creating the working library In Modelsim, all designs, be they VHDL, Verilog, or a combination of the two, are compiled into a library. You typically start a new simulation in Modelsim by creating a working library called "work". "Work" is the library name used by the compiler as the default destination for compiled design units. Compiling your design After creating the working library, you compile your design units into it. The Modelsim library format is compatible across all supported platforms. You can simulate your design on any platform without having to recompile your design. Running the simulation With the design compiled, you invoke the simulator on a top-level module (Verilog) or a configuration or entity/architecture pair (VHDL). Assuming the design loads successfully, the simulation time is set to zero, and you enter a run command to begin simulation. Step 1: Creating a new Project. 1. 2. Start Modelsim. Create a new project. Select Create a Project from the Welcome dialog or File > New >Project (Main window) from the menu bar. This opens a dialog where you enter a Project Name, Project Location (i.e., directory), and Default Library Name. The default library is where compiled design units will reside. Type test in the Project Name field.

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Click Browse to select a directory where the project file will be stored. Leave the Default Library Name set to work. Click ok

Step 2: Adding items to the project Once you click OK to accept the new project settings, you will see a blank Project tab in the workspace area of the Main window and the Add items to the Project dialog will appear. From this dialog you can create a new design file, add an existing file, add a folder for organization purposes, or create a simulation configuration.

Creating new files: In this walkthrough you will need two files: one for the VHDL code of the ALU and another for the test benches.
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Click Create New File. Click Browse. Write the file name you wish to give to file e.g. alu.vhd Click Open and then OK Repeat for any other files e.g. alu_tb.vhd and alu_tl.vhd

These two files are attached to this walk-through. Adding existing files: Click Add Existing File. Click Browse. Open the examples directory in your ModelSim installation tree Select alu.vhd, alu_tb.vhd and alu_tl.vhd Click Open and then OK

You should now see two files listed in the Project tab of the Main window workspace. Question mark icons (?) in the Status column mean the file hasnt been compiled or the source file has changed since the last successful compile. The other columns identify file type (e.g., Verilog or VHDL), compilation order, and modified date.

Changing compile order (VHDL)

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Compilation order is important in VHDL designs. Follow these steps to change compilation order within a project. Select Compile > Compile Order. Click the Auto Generate button.

ModelSim "determines" the compile order by making multiple passes over the files. It starts compiling from the top; if a file fails to compile due to dependencies, it moves that file to the bottom and then recompiles it after compiling the rest of the files. It continues in this manner until all files compile successfully or until a file(s) cant be compiled for reasons other than dependency. Alternatively, you can select a file and use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to put the files in the correct order. Step 3: Simulation Configurations A Simulation Configuration associates a design unit(s) and its simulation options. For example, say every time you load alu_tl.vhd you want to set the simulator resolution to nanoseconds (ns) and enable event order hazard checking. Ordinarily you would have to specify those options each time you load the design. With a Simulation Configuration, you specify options for a design and then save a "configuration" that associates the design and its options. The configuration is then listed in the Project tab and you can double-click it to load alu.vhd along with its options. Create a new Simulation Configuration: Select File > Add to Project > Simulation Configuration. Type alu in the Simulation Configuration Name field Select Top Level from the Place in Folder drop-down Click the + icon next to the work library and select alu_tl. Click the Resolution drop-down and select ns Click Ok

The Project tab now shows a Simulation Configuration named alu.

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Step 4: Load the Simulation Configuration. Double-click the alu Simulation Configuration in the Project tab. In the Transcript pane of the Main window, the vsim (the ModelSim simulator) invocation shows the -t ps switches. These are the command-line equivalents of the options you specified in the Simulate dialog.

Step 5: Running Simulation Enter Simulation time in space allocated: e.g. 160 ns Select Simulate > Run > Restart Select Simulate > Run-All

Step 6: Wave Window The Wave window allows you to view the results of your simulation as HDL waveforms and their values. The Wave window is divided into a number of window panes. All window panes in the Wave window can be resized by clicking and dragging the bar between any two panes.

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Adding items to the Wave window ModelSim offers several methods for adding items to the Wave window. In this exercise, youll try out different methods. 1. Add items using drag-and-drop.

You can drag an item to the Wave window from many other windows (e.g., Main, Signals, and Variables). 2. Drag an instance from the sim tab of the Main window to the Wave. Drag a signal from the Signals window to the Wave window. In the Wave window, select Edit > Select All and then Edit > Delete. Add items using a command. Type add wave * at the VSIM> prompt. ModelSim adds all items from the current region. Run the simulation for awhile so you can see waveforms.

Using cursors in the Wave window Cursors mark simulation time in the Wave window. When ModelSim first draws the Wave window, it places one cursor at time zero. Clicking anywhere in the waveform pane brings that cursor to the mouse location. You can also add additional cursors; name, lock, and delete cursors; use cursors to measure time interval; and use cursors to find transitions.

Working with a single cursor Position the cursor by clicking and dragging. Click the Select Mode icon on the Wave window toolbar. Click anywhere in the waveform pane. A cursor is inserted at the time where you clicked

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Drag the cursor and observe the value pane. The signal values change as you move the cursor. This is perhaps the easiest way to examine the value of a signal at a particular time. d In the waveform pane, drag the cursor to the right of a transition with the mouse positioned over a waveform. The cursor "snaps" to the transition. Cursors "snap" to a waveform edge if you click or drag a cursor to within ten pixels of a waveform edge. You can set the snap distance in the Window Preferences dialog (select Tools > Window Preferences). In the cursor pane, drag the cursor to the right of a transition. The cursor doesnt snap to a transition if you drag in the cursor pane.

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VHDL Code for clk, reset

-------------------------------------------------- Project : Simple Reset --- Author : Owen Casha --- Date : 10/10/2005 --- Company : UOM --- File : system.vhd --- Design : Walkthrough -------------------------------------------------library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_misc.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity SYSTEM is port ( reset clk ); end SYSTEM;

: out bit ; : out bit

architecture SYSTEM_arch of SYSTEM is begin SIGNAL reset : bit := '1'; SIGNAL clk : bit; CONSTANT clk_pd CONSTANT reset_pd : time := 100 ns; --clock period : time := 200 ns; --reset period

BEGIN -------------------------------------------- clock generator ------------------------------------------clock_driver : PROCESS BEGIN clk <= '0'; WAIT FOR clk_pd / 2; LOOP clk <= '1', '0' AFTER clk_pd / 2; WAIT FOR clk_pd; END LOOP; END PROCESS; -------------------------------------------- reset driver ------------------------------------------reset <= '0' after reset_pd; END SYSTEM_arch

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VHDL Code for ALU

-------------------------------------------------- Project : Simple Arithmetic Logic Unit --- Author : Owen Casha --- Date : 10/10/2005 --- Company : UOM --- File : alu.vhd --- Design : Walkthrough -------------------------------------------------library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_misc.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity ALU is port ( Accumulator_in: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Data_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); Opcode_in : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); Result_out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0) ); end ALU; architecture ALU_arch of ALU is begin Main: process(Accumulator_in,Opcode_in, Data_in) begin case Opcode_in is when "0000" => Result_out <= Data_in; -- result = Data_in when "0001"=> Result_out <= Accumulator_in; -- result = accumulator_in when "0010"=> Result_out <= "00000000"; -- result = accumulator_in + Data_in when "0011"=> Result_out <= "00000000"; -- result = accumulator_in - Data_in when "0100"=> Result_out <= Accumulator_in and Data_in; -- result = accumulator_in and Data_in when "0101"=> Result_out <= Accumulator_in or Data_in; -- result = accumulator_in or Data_in when "0110"=> Result_out <= Accumulator_in xor Data_in; -- result = accumulator_in xor Data_in when "0111"=> Result_out <= not(accumulator_in); -- result = not(accumulator_in) when "1000"=> Result_out <= not(accumulator_in); -- result = not(Data_in); when "1001"=> Result_out <= "00000000"; -- result = 0 when "1010"=> Result_out <= "00000000"; -- result = 8 LSBs of ( accumulator_in * Data_in) when "1011"=> Result_out <= "00000000"; -- result = 8 MSBs of ( accumulator_in * Data_in) when "1100"=> Result_out <= accumulator_in nand Data_in; -- result = accumulator_in nand Data_in when "1101"=> Result_out <= accumulator_in nor Data_in; -- result = accumulator_in nor Data_in when "1110"=> Result_out <= accumulator_in xnor Data_in; --result=accumulator_in xnor Data_in when "1111"=> Result_out <= "00000000"; --result=Accumulator_in+1 when others => Result_out <="XXXXXXXX"; end case; end process Main; end ALU_arch;

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Test Bench for ALU

-------------------------------------------------- Project : Simple Arithmetic Logic Unit --- Author : Owen Casha --- Date : 10/10/2005 --- Company : UOM --- File : alu_tb.vhd --- Design : Walkthrough -------------------------------------------------library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_misc.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity alu_tb is port ( Accumulator_out: out std_logic_vector (8 downto 1); Data_out : out std_logic_vector (8 downto 1); Opcode_out : out std_logic_vector (4 downto 1)); end alu_tb; architecture alu_tb_arch of alu_tb is begin operation_1: PROCESS begin wait for 0ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait for 10 ns; Opcode_out wait; end PROCESS operation_1;

<= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <= <=

"0000"; "0001"; "0010"; "0011"; "0100"; "0101"; "0110"; "0111"; "1000"; "1001"; "1010"; "1011"; "1100"; "1101"; "1110"; "1111";

operation_2: PROCESS begin wait for 0ns; Data_out <= "00000001"; wait; end PROCESS operation_2; operation_3: PROCESS begin wait for 0ns; Accumulator_out <= "00001010"; wait; end PROCESS operation_3; end alu_tb_arch;

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Top Level for ALU -------------------------------------------------- Project : Simple Arithmetic Logic Unit --- Author : Owen Casha --- Date : 10/10/2005 --- Company : UOM --- File : alu_tl.vhd --- Design : Walkthrough -------------------------------------------------library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; use IEEE.std_logic_misc.all; use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity alu_tl is port ( Result end alu_tl; architecture alu_tl_arch of alu_tl is component alu port ( Accumulator_in: in std_logic_vector (8 downto 1); Data_in: in std_logic_vector (8 downto 1); Opcode_in: in std_logic_vector (4 downto 1); Result_out: out std_logic_vector (8 downto 1) ); end component ; component alu_tb is port ( Accumulator_out: out std_logic_vector (8 downto 1); Data_out: out std_logic_vector (8 downto 1); Opcode_out: out std_logic_vector (4 downto 1) ); end component; signal Accumulator signal Data signal Opcode begin alu_1 : alu port map ( Accumulator_in => Accumulator, Data_in => Data, Opcode_in => Opcode, Result_out => Result ); tb_1 : alu_tb port map ( Accumulator_out => Accumulator, Data_out => Data, Opcode_out => Opcode); end alu_tl_arch; : std_logic_vector(8 downto 1); : std_logic_vector(8 downto 1); : std_logic_vector(4 downto 1); : out std_logic_vector (8 downto 1));

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VHDL Coding style

1. VHDL directory format

The following table is the recommended way to organize your project. Each project should be placed in a separate directory. Project directory title Sub directories doc rtl synth testbench work 2. VHDL file name description Project name title File name entity_name.vhd entity_name_arch.vhd entity_name_ent.vhd entity_name_cfg.vhd entity_name_pkg.vhd entity_name_tb.vhd Rule: A VHDL file and the entity it contains have the same name. 3. VHDL signal naming convention Signal name _in _out _io _reg _lat _clk _rst _n _async Description Input signal Output signal Inout signal Output Signal of a flipflop Output signal of a latch Clock signal reset_signal Negative logic signal Asynchronous signal Description One architecture and one entity One architecture One entity One configuration Package Test bench Description Place any documentation here Place vhdl files here Place synthesis script here Place simulation test files here Work directory for modelsim

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VHDL File header

Every VHDL file starts with standard header: --------------------------------------------------------------------- Project : project or course name -- Author : Mark Bonnici -- Date : 01 jan 2005 -- Company : --- File : RISC1.vhd -- Design : Course exercise 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Description : RISC1 top module ---------------------------------------------------------------------Changes : -------------------------------------------------------------------5. Architecture

Architecture should be one of the following: name BEHAVIORAL RTL STRUCTURAL GATE SIMULATION TESTBENCH Description implies physical logic, does not compiler with rtl tools Implies physical logic, compiler with rtl tools Implies physical connections, but not any logic Gate level netlist Simulation model Test bench model

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6. I.1 I.2 I.3 I.4 I.5 I.6 I.7

Code Appearance -VHDL code must be indented. Use three spaces for indentation. -The maximum length of lines is 80. - place each port on a different line. -Use lower case -Align the colons in the entity port. -Add a short comment to each port -Add other comments as necessary to make your code more readable and understandable.

Example --------------------------------------------------------------------- Project : project or course name -- Author : -- Date : -- Company : --- File : async_dff.vhd -- Design : Course exercise 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------Description : asynchronous d type fliflop ---------------------------------------------------------------------Changes : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------entity of asynchronous d flpflop -------------------------------------------------------------------ENTITY async_dff is PORT ( async_rst : in std_logic; --asynchronous reset clk : in std_logic; --system clock d_in : in std_logic; --data input q_reg_out : out std_logic; --data output end async_dff; ---------------------------------------------------------------------architecture of asynchronous d flpflop -------------------------------------------------------------------architecture behav of async_dff is begin process (clk, async_rst) begin if (async_rst = '1') then q_reg_out <= '0'; elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then q_reg_out <= d_in; end if; end process; end behav;

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