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ECOP 75 - Finanas Internacionais Perodo Letivo: 2012 TerceiroTrimestre Professor Responsvel: Dr. Andr Moreira Cunha Nmero de crditos e carga horria: 3 crditos e 45 h/a I. Ementa: Evoluo do sistema financeiro internacional entre os sculos XIX e XXI. Instituies, mercados e instrumentos financeiros internacionais. Regimes Cambiais e Gesto Macroeconmica. Impactos macroeconmicos dos movimentos de capitais. II. Objetivo: Compreender os aspectos tericos, institucionais e empricos associados evoluo do sistema financeiro internacional. III. Sistema de avaliao: A avaliao ser composta de realizao de seminrios (50% da nota) e trabalhos individuais (50% da nota). IV. Contedo 1. O Sistema Financeiro Internacional: aspectos tericos e evidncias empricas Bibliografia Bsica: Carneiro (2010), Cohen (2012a), Obstfeld (2008), Cecchetti e Kharroubi (2012), CarrickHagenbarth e Epstein (2012) Bibliografia Complementar: Cohen (2009a, 2009b), Minsky (1991), Thirlwall (2003, cap. 17), Obstfeld & Taylor (2004, caps. 1-3), Harvey (2003), Rochon (2003), Mishkin (2006, cap. 3, 2009b), Kregel (2007), Mishkin (2009). 2. O Sistema do Padro Ouro Internacional: origem e desenvolvimento Bibliografia Bsica: Eichengreen (1996, Introduo e caps 2); Block (Introduo e captulo II); Isard (2005, cap. 2), Polanyi (1944, caps 1-2) Bibliografia Complementar: Bordo (1993b), Isard (2005, cap.1), Bordo & Kydland (1987) 3. A Ruptura da Ordem Liberal: instabilidade e crises no entre guerras Bibliografia Bsica: Eichengreen (1996, cap. 3), Block (cap. II) Kindleberger (1983, Introduo e cap. 14); Isard (2005, cap. 2), Polanyi (1944, caps 1-2), Hobsbawm (1995, caps. 3-4) Bibliografia Complementar: Eichengreen (1985, 1987, 1989), Obstfeld et al. (2004) 4. Impactos da Crise Financeira na Teoria Econmica: algumas interpretaes Bibliografia Bsica: Fisher (1933), Bernanke (1983, 1995), Minsky (1982, Introduo e caps 1 e 2) Bibliografia Complementar: Minsky (1991) 5. O Sistema Bretton Woods: a tentativa de regulao das finanas internacionais Bibliografia Bsica: Eichengreen (1996, cap. 4), Block (captulo III e IV), De Cecco (1979); Isard (2005, cap. 2), Boughton (2002) Bibliografia Complementar: Keynes (1943, 1944); Bordo (1993); Strange (1998, Introduo); Helleiner (1994, caps. 2-3); Boughton (1997, 2006); Bordo (1993b) 6. Globalizao Financeira

Bibliografia Bsica: World Bank (2005, cap. 7), Isard (2005, cap. 2, 4 e 5), Stallings & Studart (2005, cap.2), Prasad et al. (2003), Mishkin (2006, cap. 4), Reinhart e Reinhart (2008). Bibliografia Complementar: Davidson (2002, cap.1); Solomon (2002, caps 1-2 e 5); Eatwell & Taylor (1999, cap. 2); Strange (1998, Introduo), Eichengreen (1996, cap. 5), World Bank (2000, cap.6), Kose et al. (2006). 7. A Nova Ordem Internacional: Desequilbrios Globais e Crises Financeiras Bibliografia Bsica: Bibow (2010a, 2010b, 2012), Fitoussi e Stiglitz (2011), Ferguson e Schularick (2007), Unctad (2007, 2008), BIS (2007, 2008), Dooley et al. (2005, 2009), Roubini & Setser (2005), Eichengreen (2006), Eichengreen & Park (2006), Palley (2006), Bijian (2005), Wang (2006), Trinh, Voss e Dick (2006), World Bank (2007). Bibliografia Complementar: Unctad (2006, cap. 1), Goldstein (2005), Papadimitriou et al. (2005), Bernanke (2005), Eichengreen (2004), Papadimitriou et al. (2006), Cooper (2005), Hausmann & Sturzenegger (2006), rasad & Wei (2005), Prasad & Ranjan (2006), Woo (2005), Bijian (2005), Mahbubani (2005), Zweing & Jianhai (2005), IMF (2006, cap. 3), Finance and Development (2007). 8. Globalizao Financeira, Instabilidade e as Economias Emergentes Bibliografia Bsica: BIS (2012), Griffith-Jones e Ocampo (2011), Hausmann e Panizza (2011), Fitoussi e Stiglitz (2011), Blanchard, Dell'Ariccia e Mauro (2010), Ostry et al. (2010), Eichengreen (2009b), CGFS (2009), BIS (2008b), Kregel (2008), Unctad (2007, cap. V; 2008), Caballero, Caldern, Cspedes (2006), BIS (2007, cap. III; 2008, 2009, 2010), BIS (2006), Mishkin e Schmidt-Hebbel (2007), Morgan Stanley (2007), Farrell e Lund (2007), Toloui (2007). Bibliografia Complementar: Hanson (2005), Stallings & Studart (2005, cap.2), Truman & Wong (2006), Unctad (2006, cap. 1), Isard (2005, cap. 7 e 8), Mohanty & Turner (2006), Cowen et al. (2006), Eichengreen (2006c), Rana (2006), Plummer (2006). 9. A Crise Financeira Global e Seus Desdobramentos Bibliografia Bsica: BIS (2012), Wray (2012), Bibow (2012) World Bank (2010, caps 2 e 3), Kregel (2010), Fitoussi e Stiglitz (2011), Almunia et al. (2009), Reinhart e Rogoff (2008), Bordo (2008), Taylor (2009) Bibliografia Complementar: Eichengreen (2008, 2009), Wray (2009, 2010), Wray e Tymoigne (2008), Kregel (2008, 2008b, Dooley (2008), Levy Economics Institute (2008), Global Financial Stability Report, Finance and Development, IMF World Economic Outlook. 10. A Contestao do Dlar e a Ascenso da China Bibliografia Bsica: Eichengreen (2009a, 2011), Felipe et al. (2010), Cohen (2009a, 2009b, 2012), Breslin (2011), Ikenberry (2011), Nye (2010), Subramanian (2011), Kregel (2010b), McKinnon (2010), Helleiner (2008). Bibliografia Complementar: Eichengreen e Flandreau (2010), Flandreau e Jobst (2009), Ferguson e Schularick (2007), Unctad (2007, 2008, 2009 e 2010), BIS (2007, 2008, 2009 e 2010), Dooley et al. (2005, 2009), Roubini & Setser (2005), Bijian (2005), Wang (2006), Trinh, Voss e Dick (2006).

V. Planejamento de Aula Aula 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Apresentao e Tpico 1 Tpico 1 Tpico 2 (Resenha 1) Tpico 3 (Resenha 2) Tpico 4 (Resenha 3) Tpico 5 (Resenha 4) Tpico 6 Seminrio Tpico 7 (Resenha 5) Seminrio Tpico 8 (Resenha 6) Seminrio Tpico 9 (Resenha 7) Seminrio Tpico 10 (Resenha 8) Atividade

VI. Resenhas e Seminrios Resenha 1: Polanyi (1944, caps 1-2) Resenha 2: Block (cap. II) Resenha 3: Fisher (1933) e Bernanke (1983) Resenha 4: Boughton (2002) Textos Bsicos dos Seminrios (para elaborao de resenha e pergunta) Resenha 5 (Seminrio 7): Bibow (2010) Resenha 6 (Seminrio 8): Griffith-Jones e Ocampo (2011 Resenha 7 (Seminrio 9): Eichengreen (2009) Resenha 8 (Seminrio 10): Eichengreen (2009a) e Cohen (2012) VII. Bibliografia Bsica ALMUNIA, M., BNTRIX, A. S., EICHENGREEN, B., OROURKE, C. H., RUA, G. From Great Depression to Great Credit Crisis: Similarities, Differences and Lessons, 2009 ( BERNANKE, B. Nonmonetary effects of the financial crisis in the propagation of the Great Depression. American Economic Review 73 (3): 257276, 1983. BERNANKE, B. The Macroeconomics of the Great Depression: a comparative approach. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, v. 27, n.1, 1995. BIBOW, J. Bretton Woods II Is Dead, Long Live to Bretton Woods III Working Paper No. 597, May. New York: Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, 2010b.

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