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purpose of this document is to outline and explain the goals and initiatives introduced and supported by current Junior Senator and Student Body Presidential Candidate Andrew Peterson, and it introduces the new reforms and policies that will be addressed in the upcoming academic year. Public review is encouraged and welcomed. Please feel free to contact Andrew Peterson about any of the proposed changes and goals outlined below.

The academic opportunities offered at NCSSM are what make this school unique. While this school offers many other activities for students, Student Government must remain focused on maintaining the integrity and academic rigor of the school. Student Government will work with the student body, the faculty, and the Administration to lead crucial changes and address student body concerns in every academic department. Academic Affairs will focus on expanding the unique opportunities open to all students and work to establish course equality, resolve scheduling conflicts, and expand research opportunities. Grade Transparency -Grade Transparency is important to the Administration, Students, and the Student Body. I will continue to work with the Administration, the student body, and Student Government to guarantee grade transparency for the students. I believe the student body should have access to their grades at any time, and that our current system only hurts the students and the teachers. -Access to a quick, online grade book used by all teachers would be the most effective way to achieve this goal. By partnering with the administration to improve the online grading system, we could encourage teachers to use the system to benefit themselves and the students. -By partnering with teachers, Student Government and the Administration could set up a system that gives the teachers the necessary control over their grade book while giving students universal access to their grades. Extend Library Hours During Exams -The Library is a valuable resource for the students. Unfortunately, it has very limited hours. I have already taken steps to extend library hours during trimester exams, and Student Government will continue to expand on this program. +The current funding allocated to this program only offers up to 10 additional hours of library access during each exam period. Student Government will work with the administration and the library staff to extend the hours further. Senior Third Tri Exam Exemptions - My administration will negotiate work with the administration and the departments to allow seniors who meet certain requirements to exempt exams. Seniors have worked hard for two years, and they should not be tested in a class where they have already proven themselves. This policy will allow teachers to focus on the students who do need the extra help and allows seniors who are doing well to focus on their other exams. Scheduling

- Every trimester students face difficulties with scheduling classes. By working with the registrar, Student Government will help improve the drop/add process by making it easier for students to alter their schedules before the beginning of the trimester. This new system should allow students to drop/add a course before the trimester starts, so they do not fall behind in their course work at the beginning of the tri. -This new system will also make it easier for students to overload by making these course additions before the trimester begins. Allowing them to start their additional course work on the first day. Expanding Research Opportunities -One of the main reasons many students come to NCSSM is to embrace the research opportunities available in the area. This is an expensive and selective opportunity given to few students at NCSSM. We will work to expand these programs so as many students as possible can conduct their own forms of research either on campus or partnering with another laboratory. -These programs are mainly limited based on lack of funding. To expand these opportunities I would reach out to the state government to bring their attention to the benefits high school research opportunities and stress its importance to the NCSSM student body. -With the new NCSSM research coordinator, Student Government would work on expanding researchers in the area who partner with NCSSM to provide student research opportunities. By expanding the number of mentors, we could offer students with more research options in the area. Accessible E-Book Library -As a part of the UNC system, NCSSM can share all e-books with other universities. Student Government will work with our branch of the University Library to help encourage the development of this new system, and bring it to the student body. -We already have a similar system in place, but in collaboration with the library, we hope to expand the program and make it more accessible to students.

Student Affairs
Student Affairs works with the Student Body and the Administration to represent students personal interests on and off campus. We define the needs of the student body for the administration and represent the interests of the student body on all administrative levels. I believe that Student Affairs should take a more active role in campaigning for the students interests. We should work more closely with the administration to define policies more clearly, improve campus life and security, and offer programs that are encouraging and inviting to the student body. Curfew -My administration will work with the administration to establish a walking curfew of 6:00 PM or sunset (whichever is later), which will give students time to walk off campus during second trimester. -Students should be able to access the immediate area after classes throughout the year. Being confined to campus during the winter makes it difficult to maintain productive learning environment and does not provide the student body enough engaging

activities. A walking curfew of 6:00 PM would set a definite time where students should be back on campus, but would still give the student body enough time to safety walk off campus. Redefine Disciplinary Procedures -The current disciplinary procedures are unclear and hard to understand. Student Government is in the process of reforming these policies, and we will continue this process in the next Administration. There are several sections of the handbook that concern Student Government, and we hope to work with the Administration to make the appropriate reforms. + Tardy and Absence Policies +Restricted Locations +Academic Relief Student Safety -Safety Precautions are taken and Drills are practiced regularly, but there are still concerns for student safety. Next year, Student Government will initiate a school wide safety overview where we will take a new look at our emergency protocols, and the schools ability to respond. + A current area of concern is the lockdown drill notification. We rely heavily on a text messaging system, but we also use a much faster announcement system. Students in the practice rooms are unable to hear the lockdown drill. PFM Student Advocacy - Student Government will continue to advocate for students at the PFM, and we hope to set up an effective system of communication between the student body and the PFM. This system would allow students to personally address problems with the PFM while Student Government works with the PFM and the Administration to accomplish a similar goal.

Public Relations
Student Government is elected to represent the needs of the student body. Public Relations focuses on determining what the student body wants and balances it with the goals of Student Government and the Administration. If elected, Student Government would see public relations expand beyond its current role, and watch it become a part of the student body by increasing communication and work with the student body to determine what is important. Increase Student Awareness -Student Government Newsletters sent to student body regularly to inform them of Student Governments activities and goals. +Student Government was created to advocate for the students. In order to do this, students must know what their Student Government representatives are doing. The Student Government Newsletter would contain articles written by Senators explaining the various projects Student

Government has been working on and serve as a link between the student body and the administration. -Encouraging Students to Attend Student Government Meetings +Every Student Government meeting allocates time for the student body to speak. If elected, I want representatives from the Student Body to feel comfortable and welcome at Student Government meetings. -Increase Student Input into Student Government +Student input should be the basis for every student government decision. If elected, I would create a quick way for every student to communicate with their Student Body President or their representatives through the Student Government website. I value every students opinion, and I want every student to have the means to communicate with Student government. Student Government Website -The Student Government website should be a helpful resource for the student body. It needs to be updated and improved regularly to remain an appropriate means of communication between the student body and Student Government. -Student Government will use this website as an easy means of communication for the student body and begin to move away from less reliable forms of online communication, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Government Relations
NCSSM is the only high school in the state that is a part of the UNC system. This unique quality Remain an Active Participant in ASG and work with other UNC Universities -The Association of Student Governments is an important resource for the school and the student body. It allows is to collaborate with other North Carolina Universities across the state, and it provides NCSSM Student Government with a formal means of working with the state legislature. -It is crucial that we remain an active part of this organization because it gives the student body a way to communicate with other university students, encourages student governments to interact and work together, and has a seat in the legislature. The students are represented through this organization, and it would be a disservice to the student body if Student Government does not remain an active participant. Use the Resources from ASG to improve the school -The Association of Student Governments is funded by the state, and allocates money every year for Campus Innovation and Green Grants. These grants have already funded projects on campus, and Student Government will continue to use these grants as a source of funding. -Student Government will continue to use grant funding to improve the school, and we want to work with members of the student body to give other organizations on the NCSSM campus access to this resource.

NCSSM Support the Green Clubs On Campus -Student Government endorses Green Projects across campus to give students more opportunities to improve our environmental impact. It is important we continue to support environmental organizations on campus and assist in their measures to improve our schools environmental impact. Department Based Environmental Purchasing Plan -Work with individual departments to improve their environmental impact by implementing purchasing programs focus on using sustainable and environmentally friendly materials. NCSSM Student Government has initiated many great projects this year, and has always tried to help the student body. However, we have neglected to increase our involvement within the student body. In order to achieve the goals outlined in this document, we all must work together. You have the power to change our school, and you can take the initiative to shape our school. Student Government wants to work with the Student Body and we encourage you to become involved. We want to be your voice. We want to represent your passions and interests. By serving as the voice of the Student Body, Student Government will voice the concerns and beliefs of the students to the Administration. We will work hard to accomplish the goals laid out before us to improve the school we truly value and appreciate. Thank you for considering my candidacy, and remember to vote on March 27th! CONTACTS If you have any questions regarding this campaign, please contact Presidential Candidate Andrew Peterson at For any concerns regarding elections, the campaign process, or current Student Government projects, please contact Chair of Elections Board Kelly Eom- Student Body President Anita Simha- Student Senate President Sarah Lee-

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