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AUDI REPORT INTRODUCTIONAs a manufacturer of high-quality and innovative luxury cars, Audi is one of the worlds leading premium

brands and is among the most admired on the world market. The basis of its success comprises pioneering concepts in the domains of advanced technology and design. Audi is represented in 110 countries worldwide and since 2004, Audi has been selling its products on the Indian market. In March 2007, Audi set up its own sales company for India. By establishing Audi India as a Division of Volkswagen Group Sales India Pvt. Ltd. In Mumbai, Audi is making a clear long-term statement in the country with ambitious growths plans. Audis goal is to become the leading automobile luxury brand in the Indian market in the next few years. The Audi India strategy encompasses significant investments in branding, marketing, exclusive dealerships and after sales service for the upcoming years .At present, Audi is assembling the Audi A6 and the Audi A4 for the Indian market in Aurangabad.

OBJECTIVE OF STUDYPrimary objective

The primary objective of the study was to c reate brand awareness of Brand Audi in and around west Delhi

Secondary Objective:
1-To know the market share of Audi in Delhi 2-To know the customer preference when it comes to luxury cars 3-To know how consumer perceive Audi as a brand. 4-To know find out the potential customers of luxury cars i.e. prospecting

Need for studyLux ur y and com fort i s the dem and of peopl e, t hey want i t all t he wa y, at hom e, i n offi ce, and also when on move. This led to development and introduction of various luxury products and brands. Lux ury cars are among one of t hos e product s, whi ch i s an obvious affi rm ati ve wi sh of every people since long. Every car manufacturing companies are making luxury cars to ful l fill the demand of people in exclusive range of society. T h e s t u d y w a s c o n d u c t e d t o k n o w t h e a w a r e n e s s o f B r a n d A u d i a s c o m p a r e d t o o t h e r luxury carmakers. The study also gave emphasis on which type of car the consumer preferred the most. From the study, it was identified that when it came to SUVs Audis Q7 and Q5 was the most preferred car. The research was conduct ed to

know the l uxury car m arket of Del hi and t he to i denti f y t he p o t e n t i a l customers of luxury cars. Audi needs to be around this class of c u s t o m e r s w h i c h i s possible by maintain a strong relationship with this segment of customers.

RESEARCH DESIGNA research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research. It specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and solve marketing research problem. TYPES OF RESEARH1- Qualitative research 2-Quantitative research 1- Qualitative research Qualitative research is a field of inquiry applicable to many discipli n e s a n d s u b j e c t m a t t e r s . Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behaviour and the reasonst h a t g o v e r n s u c h b e h a v i o r . T h e q u a l i t a t i v e m e t h o d i n v e s t i g a t e s t h e w h y a n d h o w o f d e c i s i o n making, not just what, where, when. Hence, smaller but focused samples are more often needed, rather than large random samples. 2- Qu an titati v e research Quant it at ive research is t he syst em ati c sci ent i fi c investi gation of quanti t ati v e properti es and phenomena and their relationships. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to natural phenomena. The process of m easurem ent i s cent ral t o quant it at ive research because i t provi des t he fundam ent al connecti on between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative relationships. Quantitative research is widely used in both the natural sciences and social sciences, from physics and biology t o soci ol ogy and j ournal is m. It is al so used as a way t o research di fferent aspects of education. SAMPLING TECHNIQUES JUDGEMENT SAMPLINGIt is a non-probability sampling technique. In this technique, the researcher exercise judgment ore x p e r t i s e c h o o s e s t h e e l e m e n t s t o b e i n c l u d e d i n t h e s a m p l e . S o m e o f t h e r e s p o n d e n t s w e r e approached just by making judgment that they are capable of buying a luxury car. STRATIFIED SAMPLINGIt is a probability sampling technique. It is a two step process in which the population is partitionedi n t o s u b populations, or strata. Next, elements are selected from each stratum by a randomprocedure. Here, the people who are owning luxury cars o r w h o o w n t h o s e c a r s w h i c h c a n b e called as semi-luxury car were targeted. POPULATION The population was defined as people owning semi-luxury and luxury car owners in delhi

SAMPLING PLAN Data collected has been analyzed and interpreted by using simple percentage method and finally the data is presented in graphs and charts. SAMPLING FRAME 1- Customers visiting showrooms 2- Shopping malls, Supermarket, Markets, Gyms, Cafes etc in DELHI. SAMPLING UNIT People owning cars esp. Luxury car owners. METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION Data was collected from various sources such internet, brochures, personal interview etc. The data is classified into two types: PRIMARY DATAThe primary data included the information collected from the 1-General manager and other employees of Audi Delhi. 2-Structured questionnaire 3-Personal interview with car owners and luxury car owners in specific SECONDARY DATASecondary data includes Data from various magazines esp. Overdrive. 1-Internet 2-Brochures(Audi) 3-Books 4-Newspapers etc

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