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23 juan interrogated, fired, drunk warehouse tterror ride be the best at producting PART of a product (stitching t-shirts together,

sergios sign design, etc...) and cement yourself with trying to give advice for prosperity, but giver is slow, like dust, not good as dirt gang boss eduardo

Philosophum non facit barba. Translation: "A beard doesn't make a philosopher." (Plutarch) Meaning: Mere formal signs of authority does not make one.
23 jose says of chief who lacks integrity 'monstered' by the tabloids =attacked in excessive blitzkrieg attach the above to juan's firing monstered-unless they want to see themselves monstered by the paper establishing formality (when someone is in trouble, calling them by their full name, proper name, formal name, for insane things can happen in formal structure civilization) the writings of the book of the dead (any writing, to be true) was to help those who THOUGHT LITTLE IDEAS, have grand ideas to quell their fear at DeathTime - those who acquired much and thought little had ABANDONED THEMSELVES concerning Spirit, and had to buy the knowledge from those with Wisdom (the PreistWriters) as in chess, what is the value of knowledge, if it can be acquired (bought) forever (writing) so that a person can actually POSSESS knowledge? writing makes thought less valuable establishing formality-chief does 'This head is for the beast' 'I need a head to give to the board' head symbolizes brainThoughts

civilization is a beast of one logic that demands the head of a person (and thus, their life) who thinks and therefore Acts from a logic different, other than, the logic of the civilization (nonconformists die). the leaders keep the workers, by providing food for the workers (even if the workers materialized the food themselves, it was organized by the leaders) Joy is Savage (essential nature, essentially) How did Ancient civilizations do crazy things like human sacrifice? = mob elation = as mob reaches the end of its abilities, the craziest things are allowed to happen, because the members of the mob feel invincible, unaware of damage done to the others, just as lack of information about life makes teenagers feel invincible This head is for the beast, jose lost his head

Auctoritas non veritas facit legem Translation: "Authority, not truth, makes law" Thomas Hobbes, "Leviathan" II, 26 over chiefs door

Veritatem dies aperit. Translation: "Time discloses the truth." Strauss, Emmanuel (1994). Dictionary of European Proverbs, Volym 1. Routledge. p. 1206. ISBN 0415096243.
not true, all good policemen know that 'time closes the truth' 23 jose thought and followed an unction

If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake.
if you make a mistake and do not correct it, that is a mistake lying is the power//entitlement//right// of the leader, the entitlement, crown of the leader, which is why leaders don't want others to lie (thy shall not bear false witness-the power of the leader is to lie, and the leader does not want to share power) access is the coin of the realm access is the coin of the realm-chief, jesus, soos, fires jose to keep access

people say 'thee' instead of 'the' to stall for time while talking; makes the sound 'ee', mind fly-wheeling, spinning for traction, purchase, purpose to look 9 ways is to squint nasa's 'ask an astronaut' mirror fortune cookie people say-radio station of information, but none of it changing your life or making your life better our district attorney's office is known for its ability to PUNCH UP (boxing term, fight above its weight class) whatever you are, be a good one. abraham lincoln you cannot BE the boss unless you LOOK like the boss. you can almost be the boss

Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.
juan's captain says

Piscem vorat maior minorem. Idiomatic translation: Men are like fish; the great ones devour the small.
23 the chief retorts to jose we test people to see if they're intelligent, yes, but why don't we test to see if they're moral and ethical? if we can do one, we can do all three

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by.
I love deadlines-paperwork

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them...well I have others.

I am not afraid of you. I am not afraid of you and I am not afraid of the thinly veneered deceit of your verdict at this so-called trial. My truth lives with me. I believe that honesty, free-speaking and the thirst for truth will make us all a little freer. We will see this come to pass.

the American republic is designed as a business, so logically empowers corporations in order to change the direction of the ship, capitalism will not work because of competition; government intervention is AN ABSOLUTE REQUIREMENT, A MANDATE when crossing the grain of income-racing, intrinsincally

Quod gratis asseritur, gratis negatur. Translation: What is asserted gratuitously may be denied gratuitously. Variants: What is asserted without evidence/proof/reason, may/can be dismissed/denied without evidence/proof/reason.
23 chief says to jose of mastermind

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