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To answer the question, "why God permit's Satan's attacks," I look to the book of

the century, "War on the Saints." Sister Penn-Lewis writes:

"Only through the fire of sifting will the people of God be urged forward to the
battle and victory which will drive the forces of Satan from their place in the
heavenlies......Wrong conceptions of divine things can only be destroyed by
experience. Many of the children ofGod are deceived whilst they think they are
protected by God. They comply with the conditions for God to work, apart from
intelligent understanding ofwhy He does so,and they do not realize that it is just
through ignorance of the laws governing both divine and satanic workings. (pg.

While I was a minister within the organized church for 25 years, I thought that
I knew a lot about deliverance. As I look back, I realize now that I only knew a
very "little bit." Actually, my "little bit" seemed like a lot in comparision to
my peers and ministerial colleagues who barely even mentioned that the devil
actually exists. I had even cast out a few demons, but never inside of
conventional church walls. Churchfolk in bondage in the community sought me out by
either telephone or they knocked at my door. I was primarily sought after "on the
down low" by both denominational and word of faith churchgoers, not because I
was an ordained minister but in truth, it was known that I had experience in the

I describe my first deliverance session with a word of faith Christian woman who
was addicted to alcohol in "To Curse The Root:"
"I had never conducted a deliverance before but I believed God's word so I began
by rebuking the spirit and commanding it with a loud voice to come out of her in
the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. My daughter, fourteen years old at the
time, began to join me in the command. From the moment I began, Laura started to
cough and vomit up a greenish fluid, which I thought was bile. We got her a pail,
as she continued to heave and retch.Then, like the wisping sound ofwind, an
unearthly,guttural,rasping sound issued forth from deep in Laura's throat."(pg.

Laura was delivered that day and she has remained drug free since 1983. In fact,
she is now an evangelist and a certified addiction counselor. This was a great
victory for my daughter and I since we moved out in faith without any knowledge.
However, with only a smattering of spiritual warfare experience, I believe that
one of the reasons why I had to be driven out of the organized church was so that
I would not be hindered from "going deeper."

Unfortunately, the organized church continues to be unwilling to face the truth

and churchfolk are content to remain ignorant. I prefer to pay the price of non-
acceptance as I press forward to gain the knowledge necessary for discernment.
Discernment is not only spiritual but it also involves natural reasoning, wisdom
and commonsense. The more battles I experience, the more knowledge I acquire.
With each captive, I learn more each day how to resist the wiles, schemes,
accusations, tricks, weights and obstacles of the devil. Giving up the support and
acceptance of people is a price worth paying.

The subtlety of the deception is that many professing Christians and churchgoers
may have already been turned over to a deluding spirit. Sometimes I have to shake
the dust from my feet as I sadly move on to someone who is desperate enough to
listen. Perhaps the spirit of delusion is the reason why only 10 percent of those
who receive this newsletter actually read it. Unfortunately, my email list is
predominately filled with content churchgoers. I need a list of people "who are
not so comfortable."
Furthermore, from 300 to 500 people a day or more visit the website but only 10
percent actually stay, read, listen, watch and "go deeper."
So I am here for "The Ten Percent."


From my experience with survivors of extreme abuse, I have described walk-ins much
as you describe it. In my experience, higher level beings--- principalities, which
I am now calling Cosmic Beings (just to distinguish them from demons) may also be
involved in such situations. In any case, your description of trauma and passivity
is very consistent with what I have discovered.

A walk in can be either demonic or Cosmic but in either case they can only do so
by the human spirit vacating its rightful place in the body. Fortunately, as you
discovered, it is not necessarily permanent as the Grace of God can redeem such
people, but it often requires an intense work of healing. I also agree that the
good angels of God can legitimately manifest in the flesh as indicated in Genesis
18 during the time of Abraham and Lot, when granted this permission by God
Himself. (Tom R. Hawkins, Ph.D.

Comment from Pam : There are those who suggest that the higher fallen angels,
referred to by Tom as "cosmic beings" are not demons and therefore,there is a
belief that we don't have the power to cast them out. At one time, I entertained
this thought. I no longer agree with this differentiation. Why? Because all
angels are a higher creation than we are and Jesus never suggested that we do not
have the authority to cast out cosmic beings as well.

Whether or not the cosmic beings consider themselves in the same class as other
demons, the higher level beings can be cast out just like the lower ones. In fact,
I have recently cast out Jesus Sananda Immanuel, Ashtar and Maitreya as well as


Greetings My Sister!
I'm not slamming the true Church of Christ, the seducers need to be prayed for.
Many of us have come out of abusive churches, and if one does not study God's
word, pray and fast, one can easily be consumed by the wiles ofthe devil. Our
goal is to share Jesus Christ, and love one another,andlove God. We must go after
the lost. Shuck's ---I feel like I am a refugee from the church's I attended.
Many people are still being held in captivity! The enemy joined the church a long
time ago! But,Praise God that the gates of hell will never prevail, preach
Christ...and liveChrist...true gain is a soul for Christ!

God bless you, and keep being a "Watchman!" Don'be swayed, it is Jehovah that you
serve. Keep saying what God tells you to say, and keep
praying, and fasting. We are at war...many of us have been to various churches
are are disgusted with what is called 'worship', but it is only a
haven for seducing spirits, and doctrines of demons. My sister, what if Jesus
Christ was the sum of all things, and we preached Christ and him
crucified, and if we let love be without dissimulation? What would happen?
The warfare would become all the more intense. The prosperity preachers would
never take that damnable doctrine to Asia and other dark regions where 'true '
native Christian missionaries are beaten,battered, and bruised daily and count it
all joy to suffer with Christ,for righteousness sake. Those Christians are happy
to get a bowl of rice as a meal, and it is often the only meal they eat per day.
I could go on, but keep praying for the native Christian missionaries that have
come out of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and such like devilish
doctrines...the native missionaries are more effective in the countries
in which they live because the western church is polluted with the
gospel of selfish gain, and deceit...the ways and doctrine of
Balaam...much love to you my the matchless name of our
Savior, King, and High Priest, Jesus Christ, the Lord...keep fighting
and interceding!



Unable to rejoice in his apparent victory that detached man from the presence of
God, Satan learned early on right there in the garden of Eden that One was
coming Who would bruise his head. Therefore much of Satan's activity in the
old testament resulted from his attempt to detach the people from God and to
attach them to himself. To try and stop his head from being bruised, Satan
continued to try to block the first coming of Jesus Christ. Christmas Day was a
real blow to him. The Redeemer had come.
As indicated in the editorial, detachment from God is strongly connected to his
next strategy--- to attempt to sneakily attach God's people to himself. The
detachment-attachment strategy worked when Satan led the Israelites "a whoring"
after other gods and idols---gods that were high level fallen angels in Satan's
own army. In spite of all of his effort, Satan's head was ultimately bruised at
the cross when the sins of the "lower creature" were forgiven and forgotten in
the sacrifice of the Son. The Father chose to "lord it over Satan "by sending His
Son in the body of a mere man. So God Himself restored His own creation by
redeeming the chosen ones by the sacrifice of His own precious blood.
Today, Satan is re-working the same strategy upon churchfolk and professing
numerous levels. Take yoga as an example. Some of the clients that I have worked
with over the years practiced yoga BEFORE they became a Christian. They are now
being tormented. The torment that they are not enduring is unimaginable. The
obscenities, cursings, blasphemies and ravings that come forth out of the mouths
and throats of those whom Hindu demons control is "unearthly",especially when
they also speak in tongues. It is progressive, but we are experiencing some
Yoga is rooted in Eastern mysticism, incompatible with Christianity. Yet, there
are Christians who believe that it is possible to extract physical benefits from
yoga, in spite of its demonic roots. In fact, there is now an acceptable
practice, spreading like wild fire primarily in the denominational churches
called "Christian Yoga." Operating in some of the United Methodist Churches and
the Parkwood Baptist Church, it is believed that "getting quiet to hear God" by
"tuning out the world's frequency to tune into God's frequency" is obtainable
through Christianized yoga. Church leaders ignorantly believe that applying
scripture to yoga provides an opportunity for its participants to receive Jesus
Christ as Lord and Savior.
What the deceived do not know is that conversion to Jesus Christ of Nazereth
through the practice of yoga is akin to expecting "Satan to cast out Satan." It
just won't happen. Why? Because through passivity, yoga stretches open up the
seven psychic centers in the body known in the occult world as chakras.
Chakras are actually demonic doorways for Hindu deities who themselves are
principalities and powers. Each of these demons rules a particular sphere of life,
which I am presently researching. Once these doorways are opened through
passivity, the deities stand guard over each portal: Over the crown is Shiva; the
third eye is Hakini; the throat is Savashiva, the heart is Isha, the navel is
Vahni, the gut is Vishnu and Rakeeni and the anus is Brahma.

The main problem is that the passivity of the yoga practitioner has weakened his
will. This kind of passitivity empowers any one or all 8 demons or deities.
While each deity stands guard over the doorways that it rules, countless other
lower demons pass in and out of each ofthe 7 portals. To unseat a demonic deity
is not impossible but it is very challenging, to say the least. What I am
presently learning is that once the captive is strong enough in his or her will,
each demon must be cast out one at a time by the name of the deity. Then the
blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth must be applied to the doorposts of the 7
psychic centers in order to permanently close these doorways, opened by the
apparently harmless practice of yoga.
Almost one hundred years ago, woman of God Jessie Penn Lewis in collaboration with
Evangelist Evan Roberts of the revival in Wales wrote a life saving and life
changing book entitled "War on the Saints." This book has no competition or
comparison. Simply put, the pain of "waking me up" to how the religious demon had
deceived me palled to the astounding joy that the revelations of truth continue to
bring me, almost on a daily basis."War on the Saints" literally set me free,
equipped me to serve and inspired the contents of "Faces of the Religious Demon:
Freedom Through Deliverance Counseling."
So no one has defined passivity better than Jessie Penn Lewis:

The primary cause of deception and possession in surrendered believers may be

condensed into one word, PASSIVITY; that is, a cessation ofthe active exercise of
the WILL in control over the spirit, soul and body or either, as may be the case.
It is, practically, a counterfeit of "surrender to God." The believer who
surrenders his members or faculties to God, AND CEASES TO USE THEM HIMSELF,
thereby falls into "passivity" which enable evil spirits to deceive, and possess
any part of his being which has become passive."

This deception over passive surrender may be exampled thus: A believer surrenders
his "arm" to God. He permits it to hang passive, waiting for 'God to use it.' He
is asked, 'why do you not use your arm?' He replies, 'I have surrendered it to
God. I must not use it now. God must use it.'But will God lift the arm for the
man? Nay,the man himself must lift it, and use it, seeking to understand
intelligently God's mind in doing so.(War on the Saints, pg. 71.) Sister Lewis
amplifies this general definition of passivity as a state of being out of control
because of a loss of free will, a condition of inactivity or idleness.

In order to know what is going on in the spiritual realm, I believe that every
serious Christian should have access to "War on the Saints." Therefore, as a New
Years Gift to my readers, at your request, I will send you by a
free,online,un-abridged version of "War on the Saints" that you can download to
your computer by clicking a link. Another way is to send it is by an email

Even so, I recommend that you purchase either a soft or hard cover and keep it
real close by. Make sure that it is unabridged as the abridged version has been
seriously "butchered by Christians who disagreed with her." On those few occasions
that I myself have had reservations about one of Jessie's teachings, I myself
have been disproved more than once.

The friend to spiritual perversion is a state of passivity brought upon the

unsuspecting by other altered states of consciousness. Why choose such a subject?
Well, because as a Christian therapist, I have been exposed to too many professing
Christians who have been seriously and severely demonized and tormented due to
engaging in Indian and Buddhist practices.

We may be the lower creation in the devil's eyes but Satan knows that it is God's
will that the kingdom of darkness be ruled and dominated by those who belong to
Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Since Satan's days are short, in view of the closing
days of the age of the organized church, demonic onslaughts shall increase. To be
defeated by an inferior creation is the greatest humiliation that Satan's kingdom
must endure. Yet God Himself has raised us, an inferior creation-- to a status
once occupied by Satan when he was the great archangel of God.
We are lifted up by our Triumphant Lord, to the place of judgment where "we shall
judge angels." It is a very humblling experience to "cast out a demon" and have it
obey you, simply because you belong to the kingdom of the Christ.

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