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Traditional medicine: derived from natural sources such as plants and animal without being processed chemically Traditional medicine Ginseng Aloe vera Mint Garlic Ginger Quinine Cocaine uses To improve the overall health and increasing energy, endurance and reducing fatigue Treating itchy skins and burns on the skins Increase body temperature and make it sweating As antibiotic and use to treat injured, asthma, flu and also decreasing high blood, Treating stomach pain, supplying heat energy to keep body warm and preventing flu attack Treating malaria and preventing muscle cramps anesthetic


Modern medicine : - known as chemotherapy - made in various type like pill, capsule, paste and solution Modern medicine is classified in 4 categories: 1. ANALGESICS Relieve pain or sometimes called pain killer example : Aspirin (acetyl salicylic) - Pain killer - Reduce fever - Treat arthritis (muscle aches) - Prevent clotting of blood and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes Paracetamol / panadol - Pain killer - Reduce fever - Replace aspirin for children Codeine - Relieve minor to moderate pain - Suppressing cough - Can cause addicted 2. ANTIBIOTIC Destroy or prevent the growth of infectious microorganism Example : Penicillin


- Treat disease cause by bacteria, such as pneumonia, gonorrhea and syphilis Streptomycin - treating tuberculosis 3. PSYCHOTHERAPEUTIC MEDICINE Treating mental or emotional illness Psychotherapeutic is divide in 3 group; Group Function Example

- stimulate(excite) the activity of brain and central nervous system Stimulants - increasing alertness and physical abilities to prepare for demanding or energetic activities - increase the brains level of neurotransmitters, thus Antidepressants improving mood and also make a person feel calm and sleepy Antipsychotic - treating schizophrenia (people lose touch with reality)

Amphetamines Dextoamphetamine Femetrazin

Barbiturate Tranquilizer

Chlozapin Chlorpromazine Haloperidol

4. Hormone and Steroid Hormone is a organic substance that produce by human endocrine gland to control physiology process and homeostasis


Hormone example : Insulin - treating diabetes Steroid is natural lipid compound. Steroid is divide to steroid anabolic and corticosteroid

Group Steroid anabolic

Function - use to treating AIDS and cancer

Example Metandrostenolone (Dianabol) Testosteronpropionat (Testex) Cortisone Prednisone

- having anti inflammation characteristics and treating Corticosteroid asthma and arthritis rheumatoid (joint illness)

Side effects of modern medicine Modern medicine have side effects:



Example ; Type of modern drug Aspirin (analgesic) Penicillin (antibiotic) Side effect Bleeding in stomach, allergic reaction, skin rashes and asthmatic attacks Allergic reactions, coma and rash

Amphetamines Excitable and talkative, can cause heart attack, (psychotherapeutic) anxiety, sleepiness, aggressive behavior and (stimulant) decrease appetite. Barbiturate (psychotherapeutic) Addicted, (antidepressant) Haloperidol (psikoteraputik) (antipsychotic) Sedative (imagination), Increase the weigh, dizzy, giddy, constipation and active.

Cortisone (Steroid) Increase the weigh, high blood pressure, joint (Corticosteroid) illness, muscle cramps, headache,


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