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1. What is the capacity of the stomach of a new born? 80 ml 2. What is the thoracic duct also known as?

Pecquet duct 3. Which nerve ismost commonly involved in intracranial aneurysm ? Occulomotor nerve 4. Name the structures that are derived from metencephalon Pons and cerebellum 5. Salmon colored saliva is characteristic of which condition? Acute pulmonary edema 6. Which part of the CNS does the locked in syndrome affect? Pons 7. The longest living WBC ? Lymphocyte 8. In newborns and infants, the normal total plasma protein level is ? 5.1 5.59 % 9. Special stain used for melanin ? Schmorls stain 10. Mid-zonal necrosis in the liver is characteristic of which disease? Yellow fever 11. Kveim test is positive in? Sarcoidosis 12. Hemangioblastoma commonly occurs in which organ ? Cerebellum 13. Earliest microscopic sign of ischaemia is? Loss of cellular glycogen 14. Hypoventilation syndrome in very obese persons is also known as? Pick wickian syndrome 15. Warthin-starry stain is used to demonstrate which organism? Spirochaetes 16. Michaelis-Gutmann bodies are pathognomonic of? Malakoplakia 17. Lacis cells are seen in which organ? Kidney 18. Pipe stem fibrosis is characteristic of ? Schistosomiasis 19. The knuckle knuckle dimple dimple sign is characteristic of which condition? Psedohypoparathyroidism 20. During childbirth which are the most commonly injured muscles ? Pubococcygeus and puborectalis 21. Most of the bodys collagen is of which type? Type 1

22. In which enzyme deficiency does orotic aciduria occur? Ornithine transcarbamoylase 23. Xanthomas of Achilles tendon and corneal arcus are characteristic signs of which genetic condition? Familial hypercholesterolemia 24. Methyl malonic aciduria and progressive peripheral neuropathy are observed in the deficiency of which vitamin? Vitamin B12 25. Failure of post. neuropore to close causes which defect? Spina bifida 26. Crumpled paper inclusions is characteristic of which disease? Gauchers disease 27. In a well fed state what is the energy source for the cardiac muscle? Fatty acids 28. Name the structure from which the anterior pituitary is derived from? Rathkes poch 29. Expand MSFP Mean systemic filling pressure 30. Which artery passes through the guyons canal? Ulnar artery 31. Neuroglial cells that form the supporting framework in the retina are? Muller cells 32. Higoumenakis sign is characteristic of which congenital disease? Congenital syphilis 33. Brazilian purpuric fever is caused by? H.aegypticus 34. Barking cough is a classic indicator of? Croup ( lartyngotracheobronchitis) 35. Most frequently fractured carpal bone? Scaphoid 36. What is abasia? Inability to walk

37. What is an abzyme? An antibody with catalytic activity 38. What is the preservative added in DPT vaccine? Aluminium phosphate 39. Pulsus bisferiens is best felt in ? Radial artery 40. Trident hand is characteristic of ? Achondroplasia 41. Lattice degeneration of retina may be seen in which refractory error? Pathological myopia 42. What is TB of skin known as? Lupus vulgaris 43. In cholangiography CBD stone appears as? Meniscus sign 44. Strawberry vagina is seen in ? Trichomonas vaginalis 45. First paranasal sinus to develop at birth? Maxillary 46. Erethism is seen in which metal poisoning? Mercury 47. Extra calories given in lactation? 550 kcal 48. Confusion of true memories with false memories ( memory with that of imagination) Confabulation 49. Normal glucose metabolism requires which trace metal? Chromium 50. What is de mussets sign ? Head nodding with systole 51. Deficient abdominal wall musculature, bilateral cryprorchidism and dilatation of urogenita tract characterise which syndrome ? Eagle barrett syndrome 52. Honey comb liver is characteristic of which condition ? Actinomycosis 53. Asymmetrical union of the sutures in the skull results in a condition known as ? Plagiocephaly 54. Fast pricking pain is transmitted by which type of nerve fibres? A delta fibres 55. Nissl bodies correspond to which cytoplasmic organelles? Rough endoplasmic reticulum 56. The largest human chromosome is ? Chromosome 1 57. Valves of hoboken are present in ?

58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78.

Umbilical artery The cells of adrenal medulla are derived from? Neural crest cells Diurnal variation in height is ? 16 mm Triangle of koch is the landmark for ? AV node What are tanycytes? Glial cells What is the joint between the tooth and the mandible known as? Gomphosis The carbohydrate restricted low calorie diet is known as? Atkins diet Migratory necrolytic erythema is seen in? Glucagonoma What is ghrelin responsible for? Stimulation of appetite Thrombroaesthenia refers to a defect in ? Platelet aggregation Splenic macrophages occupy which part of the spleen? Red pulp Tunica media is absent in which type of blood vessel? Capillaries When can HCG be detected in the blood of a pregnant women ? 6 days Bronchodilation is mediated by which receptors? Beta 2 adrenergic receptors What are howell jolly bodies ? Nuclear remnants in RBC M spike in serum electrophoresis is seen in which condition ? Waldenstroms macroglobinemia In JVP, absent a waves indicate? Atrial fibrillation Iris pearls are seen in ? Leprosy Radial kerato-neuritis is a feature of ? Acanthamoeba keratitis Which drug causes bulls eye macula? Chloroquine Purtschers retinopathy results from ? Chest injuries In Electroretinogram, the b-wave represents the activity of ?

79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98.

Bipolar cells Collapse of the vitreous is referred to as ? Syneresis Roths spots are seen in ? Sub acute bacterial endocarditis Instrument used to measure optical activity? Polarimeter Which molecule is responsible for Ca2+ uptake into sarcoplasmic reticulum? Calsequestrin What is BRILL ZINSSER? Recrudescent epidemic typhus Pugilistic attitude is seen in death due to ? Burns (very high temperatures ) Casoni test used in the diagnosis of ? Hydatid disease Mouse nibbled ulcer on the margins of vocal cords is seen in ? Tuberculosis ? Martels sign radiological sign observed in which condition? Gout What is vitamin H also known as? Biotin In what form does the product of glycolysis enter the TCA cycle? Acetyl coA Major histocompatibility complex is locted on which chromosome ? Chromosome 6 Name the gram positive coccobacilli with tumbling motility ? Listeria monocytogenes Steeple sign is seen in? Croup HYPOGLYCEMIA IN MEWBORN IS DEFINED AS BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL BELOW? 40 mg% Barberios test is done for ? Semen Blood stain of human origin is tested by ? Haemochromogen test Widmarks formula is used for measurement of blood levels of ? Alcohol Rhinitis sicca is due to drying of? Septum

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