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Ethical Arguments


4. 5.


Is MLA formatting followed? Does the outline follow the given format? Are complete sentences used? Is the thesis statement clear and specific? Are three reasons for a like/dislike given? Is there a rebuttal for each reason? Are there any grammar/mechanical errors? Make corrections as necessary.

Type of evaluation argument Guiding question Is this action right (or wrong)? Disagreements about an issue often stem from different systems of values Makes issue irresolvable Purpose of argument is not to persuade others to your view Purpose of argument is to make others think seriously about it Its what you believe and why you believe it

Two frames An act is right (wrong) because it follows (violates) principles A, B, and C. An act is right (wrong)because it will lead to consequences A, B, and C, which are good (bad).

An act is right (wrong) because it follows (violates) principles A, B, and C. Would You Rather, without explanation, wear a cape or an eye patch and carry a walking stick, for a month?

Wearing an eye patch and carrying a walking stick is wrong because it simulates having a disability, makes others feel sympathetic towards a pretended disability, and takes resources from those who do have a legitimate disability.

An act is right (wrong)because it will lead to consequences A, B, and C, which are good (bad). Would You Rather, work everyday as a well paid garbage collector Or work every day doing research in a shark cage in an ocean teeming with ferocious sharks?

Working every day doing research in a shark cage in an ocean teeming with ferocious sharks is right because it will lead to consequences such as how to divert shark attacks, how to properly interact with sharks, and how to socialize sharks with one another, which are good.

In groups Each player will be given a Question Card Youngest player (Reader) reads a question out loud to the group. Other players guess the Readers choice by completing worksheet. Discuss answers. Reader reveals choice. Each player who guessed correctly earns 1 point. Play moves to the left and that player becomes the Reader. Player with most points wins!

As a group, try to write each choice as one of the following frames: An act is right (wrong) because it follows (violates) principles A, B, and C. An act is right (wrong)because it will lead to consequences A, B, and C, which are good (bad).

Causal Outline Due Read sample essays and answer questions on Weebly

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