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British English A accelerato r aerial (TV, radio) at the weekend B bank holiday

American English gas pedal, accelerator antenna, aerial on the weekend

cloakroom clothes peg colour cooker (bathing) costume cosy cotton wool crisps

checkroom, coatroom clothespin color stove swimsuit cozy cotton ball

dress favourite to fill in film first floor flannel flavour football fortnight fringe full stop G garden gear lever Gents goods train ground floor first floor H harbour to hire hire purchase holiday hoover humour I indicator J jewellery jumper K kilometre

national holiday, federal holiday barrister, lawyer, base rate prime rate to bath to bathe beetroot beet bill (in check (in restaurant restaurants) s) bin, garbage dustbin can/trash can biscuit cookie boot trunk C candy cotton candy floss car park parking lot caravan trailer caretaker janitor catalogue catalog centre center chemist's drugstore, shop pharmacy chips French fries downtown, city centre city center

potato chips intersection crossroads (town and country) D directory enquiries double cream draught draughts drawing pin dressing gown drink driving driving licence dummy E earth wire engaged enquiry expiry date F fancy directory assistance heavy cream draft checkers thumb tack (bath) robe drunk driving driver's license pacifier ground wire busy inquiry expiration date costumes

favorite to fill out film, movie second floor face cloth, wash cloth flavor soccer two weeks bangs period yard gear shift Men's Room freight train ground floor, first floor second floor harbor to rent installment plan vacation vacuum cleaner humor turn signal jewelery sweater kilometer

L ladybird letter box lift litre lorry M

ladybug mail box elevator liter truck

CEO (chief managing executive director officer) match game maths math mobile cellphone (phone) motorbike motorcycle highway, motorway expressway, mum mom N nappy diaper neighbour neighbor note bill notice bulletin board board number license plate plate P a pack of a deck of cards cards kerosene/kero paraffin sine pavement sidewalk pedestrian crosswalk crossing petrol gas phone box phone booth plane airplane post mail

post code zip code postman mailman programm program e Q to queue to line up R railway railroad reception front desk to ring to call road way pavement rubber eraser rubbish garbage S share stock shop store shop sales clerk assistant sick nauseated single one-way ticket ticket Sorry. Excuse me. stock inventory subway underpass sweet shop candy store T tap faucet taxi cab term semester theatre theater timetable schedule tin can bathroom, toilet, loo rest room town downtown, centre city center torch flashlight

tram travelled trolley trousers tyre

streetcar traveled cart pants tire U

undergrou subway nd, tube V vest undershirt W waistcoat vest wardrobe closet Y year grade Z zebra crosswalk crossing zip zipper

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me. Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful, that's what matters to me. Steve Jobs
Baleswar reddy

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