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=== What's New In DC 2.

20 ====================================================== ==== - Added a 'feature' so that when the application crashes, the user has the ability to optionally send some debugging infomation back to should they wish to help. - Added a 'Request Feature' start menu item that can be used to request new features for Direct Connect. - Version number in 'About Direct Connect' is now obtained from the Direct Connect executables so that the version number is always correct. Previously it wasn't updated for weekly builds - Fixed a bug that slipped in with 2.0.29 that caused search queries to crash upon selecting results in the GUI. - XML Queue's from other clients can now be imported from an 'Import Queue' menu item in the 'Client' menu. - Custom operator menus. You can now define custom menus under the operator tab of the preferences. Each menu has a 'Target User' when you use the menu item, a message will be sent to that user. You get to type the contents of that message in that dialog, and then it will always be just one click away. The 'Target User' can also be '<selected>'. If you enter '<selected>' for the user name the currently selected user will receive your message. The 'Target User' field is ignored if you choose to send the message over the main chat. These menus are targeted at operators who frequently communicate with bot's. The menus can ordered into arbitrary hierarchies and each menu item can have a custom 16x16 icon. The menus are accessed by right clicking a users name in the hub, or left clicking a users name in a main chat or private message. - The connect window and hub list code was rewritten. Now XML hub lists have all of their native columns shown. - Hub list displays remember their column position and information individually. So, you can have the columns for an XML hub list, and your favorites list be completely different, and these settings will be saved. - When you sort by 'Kind' in a search or browse dialog, the items are sub-sorted by extension. So all movies will be next to each other, but in the set of movies they will be grouped by 'avi', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'mov' etc. - The Connect dialog can now be a tab or a window, just like the hub connections browse dialogs, search dialogs, and message dialogs. - The 'More..' text in the advanced search section was sometimes visible when it shouldn't have been. This has been corrected. - Context menu's in the user lists didn't behave property and could sometimes be shown twice for just one click. This has been corrected. - Previously, in build 2.027, holding down the enter key in the main chat or a private message window would cause a flood of messages. This has been corrected. - Files smaller than 128KB do not require a slot. If a user connects to you when you are maxed out they stay connected and can keep downloading as long as files they ask for are less than 128KB. This includes your files list. - Support for XML hub lists. You ll have to enter in the URL of an XML hub list in the preferences window. XML lists compressed with bz2 are also supported. - Fixed memory leaks in the c/c++ layer. You can type /mem in the main chat for a memory report.

- You can use up and down arrow keys to scroll through a history of what you ve said in a chat dialog. - The <DC tag now shows the correct number for number of connected hubs. Previously, it counted disconnected hubs as connected - Whenever there is a peer connection in progress there will be a connecting message in the transfers download section - There is a contextual menu item that to add a hub to your favorites. Just right click on the hub s tab to reveal it. - There s a combo box in the advanced search section that allows you to pick a hub to limit your search to. - The pause and resume menu items in the transfer context menu can now be used to pause and resume entire queues like DC 1.0 - When a transfer is aborted, the queue item represented by that transfer is returned to the top of the queue rather than the bottom. - You can type /fav or /favorites in the main chat to add a hub to your favorites. - Better DNS management. The client would previously forget hub s DNS names and instead use their IP addresses. This botched reconnect attempts and foiled the password saving system. It has been fixed. - The Advanced panel in the search window can be hidden with a toggle button next to the search button. - You can now right-click on the column header of any list view for a context menu that will allow you to show/hide the columns - The chat area now has a context menu to allow copy/paste/select all - 'Advanced' button now enables and disables depending on the radio button selection - The Advanced button in the preferences used to set routing options now enables and disables with the radio button for Passive and Active mode. - Better handling of pressing enter when chatting. Previously you could see the enter key splitting your text before It disappeared. This visual annoyance has been resolved. - Combo boxes have been improved - Both drawing and clicking. - The Queue Users panel is now resizable. - The Advanced panel now hides items that don t fit all the way on the view and shows a caption indicating there are more items to view. - The last seen on tool tips that where revealed when holding the mouse over a queue user are now available when holding the mouse over a queue item. - Added an active / paused column to the queue users column. - Queue users icon s get badged with a pause symbol if their queue is paused. - The /help section is now more informative. - The names of hubs are now trimmed to fit in tabs while leaving them long for the caption next to user counts. - Remote hub lists are now auto sorted by user count. - Reconnect now works all of the time when you right click on a hub s tab. - The client now logs all of its output to <Documents and Settings>\ <Your UserID>\Applciation Data\\Direct Connect.stdout.txt and Direct Connect.stderr.txt. If you have a problem that you report t o us, please include these files - especially if it is an assertion erro r. - Font is selectable along with foreground and background color

in GUI preferences. - Browse icon in transfer menu has been corrected to the new browse icon. - WMV is now a 'Movie' type as far as search is concerned. - Text in the info section (1003 Users Sharing 1.01 TB) now paints properly after a resize. - Corrected icon in context menu for connect window to be the updated connect icon. - Colors in 'Advanced Search' section now change with the rest of the application. - Combo box's now draw their background color properly. - Connect window's toolbar doesn't flicker when selecting new hubs from the list. - Auto compelete is now not so zealous. It waits a fraction of a second before guessing what you plan to type. - Fixed bug null refrence error in peer communications. - Holding the mouse over the user name list on the queue tab will now bring up a tooltip expressing where and when the user was last seen. - The system tray icon now has an exit menu - The user icons will now are shown as grey if the user is away they will have an 'A' badged over them if the user is known to be in active mode, and a 'P' if they are known to be in passive mode. For example, if they are away and active their icon will be grey and have an 'A'. If they are present, but the app doesn't know if they are active or passive their icon will have the normal color with no badge. - The context menu shown when the user clicks on a tab now enabled the 'close' and 'float' items correctly with respect to the 'left most' and 'welcome' tab. - There is a new movie icon. - Fixed a bug in the queue ordering that made it appear that queue items hadn't been reordered, when in fact they had. - The transfer menu now has a 'Queue Placement' sub-menu that allows for the movement of files within a user's queue. - The application is now much faster at queueing files. - The application shouldn't warn you about shutting down by saying you have acive transfers when you can't see any active transfers. - The 'Download' button in the browse view enables and disables more accurately. - Fixed a resource leak that kept you from deleting some files Direct Connect had used. - Toggling whether the transfers are shown doesn't cause the app to flicker as much. - If a user you are private messaging disconnects from the hub you knew them from, or you disconnec from that hub, you are notified in the private message window. If you later rejoin that hub through the same window/tab, the private message window/tab becomes active again and you are notified that the user is available. - The password managment system won't ask you to retype your password after being disconnected from a hub. - Ping Results check box in the search dialog now works as intended. It previously had no effect. - Smilies now work with different background colors - Name coloring is now more accurate. - The application no longer flickers when you change your prefs, go to/from away mode, or refresh your list. - You should no longer see strange values like -104.2 EB when

you first start transfering a file. - MyList(X).dclist entries should no longer appear in the upload history. - If you are an opperator, your icon will no longer flash back and forth to the no op version of your icon while changing your setings. - The GUI settings allow you to specify to keep the connect window open after connecting to a new hub. - Upload items are now tracked in the history view also. - You can now click a chat name for a context menu. - There's a menu option to refresh your shared files list. - The GUI settings allow you to customize what gets printed in the 'Progress' section of transfers view. - Hyperlinks in the chat views are now clickable. They're also drawn in colored underlined text. - There are two new columns in the search results 'Hub', and 'Connection' - If you right click on a hub's tab, now you can choose 'Reconnect' - If you upload a file at over 100KB/s, you'll get the 'fireball' icon. - The application now always allows Operators to connect and browse your file list or other small files. - The application now supports Emoticons - smilies. They're also customizable if you're willing to edit config files. See the 'Emoticons\' folder in your direct connect install folder. - New download icon - New connect icon - New zip icon - New browse icon - Fixed a bug that caused the program to crash having to do with adding items to your favorites list. - User definable hub lists. You can now add your own hub list sources to the program. - Hub list compression. Hub lists can now be downloaded as bzip2 files to save transfer time and bandwidth. - Password and name management on a per hub basis. You can now assign a name and password to any hub address. when the client connect to a hub that has a name or password assigned, it will use the name and password provided in the settings. Should that password ever fail, the next time you connect to that server, you will be presented with a dialog to enter a new password. This new password will then be stored for this hub address and used for subsequent connections. - There is a preference to save and restore the active hub connections when opening and closing the software. - There is a preference to log conversations to disk.

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