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Essence of Wild Moon Journal

Essence of Wild Moon Journal

For aeons our ancestors danced with the moon. They followed its circular route through the sky and planned their own activities by the look of her face. Throughout nature the moons effect is known, whether it be the insistent pull on the tides of our great oceans or the gentle guidance given to a multitude of creatures as they navigate the night skies. Emotionally too were affected by the phases of the moon; understanding just how this influences us can help us plan our routine to best take into consideration our mood at any given moment. This guide is designed to help you plot your month, observing how the moon influences your thoughts, feelings and actions so you can harness her energy to feel vibrant, centred and connected. Essence of Wild is a creative partnership between Jason Smalley and Jackie Stewart. We first began working together to create a photographic guide to the Bach Flower Remedies in 2009. Together we created the Barefoot Breathing e-course and Landscapes of Your Soul meditation & e-book. We teach workshops, make flower essences, send out a free monthly newsletter and write about reconnecting to nature, earth wisdom, Soulful living, the sacred landscape, nature spirituality and flower essences. This is our gift to you. Many more free gifts can be found on our websites.

Websites: | Email: Twitter: @Essenceofwild | Facebook: Essenceofwild

Words Jason Smalley & Jackie Stewart Images by Jason Smalley | Design by Jackie Stewart

From Full Moon to Last Quarter: A gradual slowing down and easing back into life, a time to allow logic and planning to take centre stage.
Beginning our month at the height of the full moon we can look forward to a lessening of intensity and a slowing down, maybe even a clearing out of old stuck stuff before a welcome hatching of plans which could lead to a period of creativity and abundance. Full Moon Fever The full moon rises as the sun sets and for a couple of days at full moon you may feel fiery, intense and unreasonably emotional. You may notice a tendency to respond irrationally to a testing situation. Bearing this in mind, its wise to bite your tongue for a few days until the intensity of the period has passed. Day 1 How do you feel gazing at the full moon as it rises high? What emotions are rising high in you with the full moon? Day 2 As the full moon passes how can you begin to relax into the next phase of planning and nurturing? What plans would you like to make? Write down 3 steps you can take this coming week to help your plans get underway. Day 3 How are you relaxing into this phase of planning and nurturing? Emotionally how are you feeling? What can you do to nurture yourself today? Day 4 Are you settling into a more logical mindset, ready to tackle jobs that demand a methodical approach rather than a creative one? What sorts of activities feel natural and necessary for you today? What sorts of activities feel unnatural and difficult for you today? Day 5 How are your plans unfolding this week? Is there anything youve been meaning to do but havent got around to yet? Do it today. Emotionally how are you feeling? Day 6 As you watch the moon wane are you feeling a slow-down too? How will you nurture yourself during the week ahead? Write down three self-nurturing activities for the week ahead and do at least one today. Day 7 As you near the end of this first week of tracking your connection to the moon, which activities have drawn you, and which have challenged you? Whats the focus of your attention today? Emotionally how are you feeling?

Day 4

From Last Quarter to New Moon: A time of quiet self-reflection as you enjoy feelings of completion from tending to details.
This is a period of dotting the is and crossing the ts. A time to use the logical side of your brain and allow your creativity to rest if so guided. As the new moon fast approaches, you may notice increasing feelings of self-reflection and a need to focus on your inner world more than whats around you. Take the time to listen to your needs, settle down and put in place whatever protective and nurturing practices you are drawn to as this time of quietness approaches. By the end of the week, try to complete things that need to be done, leaving as little as possible to occupy your thoughts during the New Moon period. Day 8 How do you feel gazing at the full moon as it wanes? Which logical activities need your attention? Write them down so that you can tend to them this week. Day 9 As the moon continues to wane do you feel the same process within? Your energy levels may go down or you may feel the need for quiet time. What sorts of activities feel natural and necessary for you today? What sorts of activities feel unnatural and difficult for you today? Day 10 Emotionally how are you feeling? Which logical activities need your attention today? How are your energy levels? Day 11 Early in the morning or late in the evening you may glimpse the remnant crescent of the Balsamic moon. How can you faciliate a similar closedown in yourself for the upcoming few days? e.g. switch the answering machine on, have a quiet evening on your own, go offline for a day. Write down 10 simple ways to give yourself quiet as this time to be still approaches. Do at least one of them every day from now until New Moon passes. Day 12 Its time to clear space for yourself, allowing natures rhythm to speak to your soul. Is there anything you havent done this week that really bothers you? Todays the day to do it so you can turn away from the world over the next couple of days. Emotionally how are you feeling today? Day 13 Traditionally this is considered to be a time of vulnerability. With this in mind, how does it influence your plans for the next few days? Whats the focus of your attention today? How are your energy levels today? Day 14 As you near the end of this second week of tracking your connection to the moon, which activities have drawn you, and which have challenged you? Emotionally how are you feeling? Which of your quiet activities will you do today?

From New Moon to First Quarter: A time to nurture the spirit so you can release your creativity.
The new moon has long been known to be a time to go within, to detach from the world and to nurture yourself. Energy levels are low so much more can be achieved by waiting until the first signs of the crescent moon show in a few days time before undertaking any new projects. The new moon can bring up negative feelings, loss of confidence and an overwhelming sense of worry and inadequacy. Bear in mind that it will pass, the silvery cresent of hope will rise in the sky once more in a few short days time. The new moon rises and sets with the sun, the following crescent moon rises and sets shortly after the sun. As the week progresses towards the first quarter moon its a good time to breathe life into creativity and to feel the rise of excitement as plans can be pursued and projects brought into reality very soon. Day 15 How do you feel emotionally? Nurture yourself and slow down knowing that all will look brighter in 2 or 3 days. Write down 10 things youre looking forward to over the next couple of weeks. Day 16 What sorts of activities feel natural and necessary for you today? What sorts of activities feel unnatural and difficult for you today? Journal your thoughts, being aware that you may be feeling more negative than usual at this time. Day 17 How are you feeling emotionally today? Be gentle with yourself and continue to nurture. Think of a treat that would brighten your day and do it. Day 18 How does the return of the crescent moon make you feel? Its time to embrace the rising sense of positivity. Write down 20 creative things you would love to do in the next year and 20 creative things you would love to do in the next month. Day 19 The moon is advancing more fully into its creative phase and its time for you to do the same. Choose one creative activity from your list and do it today. How are your energy levels? Day 20 We are now in a phase of doing rather than planning. What activities will you do to engage with this vibrant time? Do you have any social plans youd like to carry out? What creative projects will you breathe life into today? Day 21 As you near the end of this week which activities have drawn you, and which have challenged you? Whats the focus of your attention today? What would you like to do in the week ahead?

From First Quarter to approaching Full Moon: A time to live your creativity.
As the moon passes from the First Quarter and comes near to being Full its time to allow your energies to go out into the world. Focus on the creative ventures that feed your passions rather than the logical dayto-day stuff of routine and planning. Therell be time enough for routine once the full moon is past, for now enjoy giving full rein to your crafts and creativity. As the moon reaches its zenith a feeling of over-exuberance can emerge and after this coming weekend there may well be a need to hold your tongue as emotions could be near the surface and our reactions may be irrational. Day 22 As you see the moon reaching the first quarter, growing to maturity, what changes do you feel in yourself compared to a week ago? How do you feel emotionally? Day 23 How are your creative projects going? Putting aside routine work until next week, what creative plans are coming to you? Day 24 Write down 10 ways you can share your creativity in your community - both online and locally. What sorts of activities feel natural and necessary for you today? What sorts of activities feel unnatural and difficult for you today? Day 25 Looking through your list of what youd like to do from last week choose the most nurturing activities. Do one a day from today until the end of the week. How are your energy levels? Day 26 How are your energy levels now? Notice if youre starting to feel burnout and make time to rest even if you dont think you need a break. What creative task can you do today that makes your energy levels rise when you think about it? Day 27 Prepare yourself for a brief pause from busy-ness by tying up the loose ends of creative projects. Write down things youll need to address over the next couple of weeks. How do you feel emotionally? Day 28 How is the impending full moon energy beginning to affect those around you? Be aware of stronger emotions and observe when your buttons get pushed. As the full moon approaches make time to walk under its silvery light, basking in the nocturnal beauty. Collect your crystals or sacred tools so you can cleanse them on the night of the imminent Full Moon.

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