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How to Make a Kite

Materials: 3 pieces of cane Thread Large sheet of strong paper (e.g. tissue) Soft pencil Scissors Paint and paintbrush Glue Strong string What to do: The Frame Dampen the cane to make flexible Carefully, bend the cane to desired shape then tie securely with thread The Covering Lay the frame on sheet of paper Trace around frame with pencil Cut covering approximately 1 cm larger than the outline Paint bird on covering (e.g. bowl) When paint is dry, place the frame on unpainted side. Now, fold edges of covering over the frame carefully, and glue them down. The Bridle Cut 3 pieces of string, each 20 cm long. Secure one end of each string tightly to frame at the shoulders and tail of the bird. Then, tie the other ends in a knot.

Decide on the type of design and the final shape of the kite, and trace it on a grid paper initially. According to the shape and space occupied by various markings on the grids, replicate the pattern on the cardboard, with the kite paper neatly placed on it. Use the scissor and knife to make careful cuttings. If possible, enlist the support of elders and friends.the process of making a kite, you have to make three parts of the framework, the shade, and lastly is the Bridle part.

First of all, the framework should be made ,you are required to dampen the cane so that the kite frame easily create flexible. you must be careful when bent cane to desired shape so that it is not broken. then, you tie securely with thread until tight. the next step is the shade part. you need to make a frame on large paper sheets of strong paper. then, you have to Trace around the frame with a soft pencil. lastly, you are asked to cut that covers about 1 cm larger than the outline according to your creativity. after that, you have to paint a kite includes wings once. When the paint has dried, you put the frame on the side separately Unpainted. Now, you need to fold over the edges of the frame covering carefully, and glue down The next important step would be to tie the string or bridle to the kite. The arrangement should again be centred around the kite, such that the sticks are held together and the knot directs and controls the kite. The string should be sufficiently large, at least 5 times the distance between two thoughtfully made holes, in the kite paper. Secure the knots sufficiently tight, so that it is easy to manoeuvre the kite and at the same time, not rip the paper on jerking the kite. The final stage is to tie a small loop to the tied framework, which finally can be connected to the flying line. The length of the line again depends on the flyer's choice and the height to which a kite is to be raised. The setup is finally ready and at the first hint of a windy sky with no chances of shower, you can venture out and enjoy the pleasures of kite flying

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