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BusinessObjects SDK Object Model Diagrams

Copyright Business Objects 2002. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright 1996, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in France.

Version 5.5 Windows

Part Number: 254-10-550-01 Edition: 3

BusinessObjects Object Model Core Documents CommandBars Universes Data Providers Send To Broadcast Agent Reports VBE 5.0 Object Model Core Command Bars Code Panes and VB Components DpVBAInterface Object Model Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14

Designer Object Model Core Connections and NetworkLayers UniverseDomains and Users ObjectStrategies and CandidateClasses JoinStrategies and CandidateJoins TableStrategies and DBTables Classes and Objects Tables, Joins and Contexts CustomHierarchies, DefaultHierarchies, Qualifiers and Owners LinkedUniverses, SQLOption and ControlOption Report Viewer Object Model Core

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

BusinessObjects Object Model - Overview

DataProvider Query Condition Sort Result




























FileWatcher Legend Variable

Object and Collection Object Only


BusinessObjects Object Model - Core

Application Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) ActiveDocument As Document (R) ActiveReport As Report (R) BreakOnVBAError As Boolean (R/W) ClipBoard As ClipBoard (R) CmdBars As CmdBars (R) Documents As Documents (R) ExchangeDomain As String (R/W) ExchangeMode As BoExchangeMode (R/W) Interactive As Boolean (R/W) Name As String (R/W) Universes As Universes (R) Variables As Variables (R) VBE As VBE (R) Version As String (R) Visible As Boolean (R/W) Window As Window (R) Function GetVersion((ByRef) Major As Integer, (ByRef) Minor As Integer, (ByRef) Maintenance As Integer) A s Boolean (R) Sub ExecuteMacro(MacroName As String) Function GetInstallDirectory(DirectoryID As BoDirectoryID) As String Function LoginAs([User As String], [Pass As String], [ Offline As Boolean], [RepositoryName As String]) As Boolean Sub Quit() Sub ReceiveScript([Name as String]) Sub RegisterDPVBAProc(procName As String, friendlyName As String, description As String) Sub SetInstallDirectory(DirectoryID As BoDirectoryID, Path As String, Temporary As Boolean) Sub SetSecurityPrompt(UserName As String, UserPasswordvarName As String, UserPassword As String, DBName As String, DBPasswordVarName As String, DBPassword As String) Sub UnregisterDPVBAProc(procName As String, friendlyName As String, description As String) Event DOCUMENT ACTIVATE (ByVal Doc As busobj.IDocument) Event DOCUMENT BEFOREREFRESH (ByVal Doc As busobj.IDocument, Cancel As Boolean) Event DOCUMENTAFTERREFRESH (ByVal Doc As busobj.IDocument) Event DOCUMENTBEFORE CLOSE (ByVal Doc As busobj.IDocument, Cancel As Boolean) Event DOCUMENTBEFORE SAVE (ByVal Doc As busobj.IDocument, Cancel As Boolean) Event DOCUMENTDEACTIVATE (ByVal Doc As busobj.IDocument) Event DOCUMENTOPEN (ByVal Doc As busobj.IDocument) Event NEWDOCUMENT (ByVal Doc As busobj.IDocument)

Clipboard Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Sub Clear() Function GetData([Format As Variant]) As StdPicture Function GetFormat(Format As Long) As Boolean Function GetText ([Format As Variant]) As String Sub SetData(Picture As StdPicture, [Format As Variant]) Sub SetText(Str As String, [Format As Variant])

Variables Variable Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Variable Function Add(Name As String) As Variable Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R/W) Value As String (R/W) IsUserPrompt As Boolean (R) PossibleValues As String (R) MultiValued As Boolean (R) InterpretAs As BoVariableInterpretAs (R/W) Sub Delete()

Window Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Caption As String (R) Height, Width,Top, Left As Long (R/W) State As BoWindowState (R/W) Sub Activate() Sub Close()

BoExchangeMode boDocAgentMode boRepositoryMode boRepositoryModeNoOverwrite boUserMode

BoDirectoryID boBusObjDirectory boDocumentDirectory boLocDataDirectory boScriptsDirectory boSharedDataDirectory boTemplateDirectory boUniverseDirectory boTemporaryDirectory

BoVariableInterpretAs boDateVariable boNumericVariable boStringVariable



boClipboardFormatBitmap boClipboardFormatMetafile boClipboardFormatText

Collection Object Enum

BusinessObjects Object Model - Documents

Document Documents DocumentVariables Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Author As String (R/W) ActiveReport As Report (R) AutoRefreshWhenOpening As Boolean (R/W) Comments As String (R/W) DataProviders As DataProviders (R) DocAgentOption As DocAgentOption (R) DocumentVariables As DocumentVariables (R) FullName As String (R) Installed As BoInstallStatus (R/W) IsAddIn As Boolean (R/W) Keywords As String (R/W) LastPrintDate As String (R) LastSaveDate As String (R) Name As String (R) PartialResults As Boolean (R) Path As String (R) Reports As Reports (R) Saved As Boolean (R) Subject As String (R/W) Title As String (R/W) Variables As Variables (R) Windows As Windows (R) Sub Activate() Sub Close([CloseOption As BoCloseOption]) Sub ConvertFromReportScript (FileName As String) Function Evaluate(Formula As String, [EvaluationMode As BoEvaluationMode) Sub ExecuteMacro(MacroName As String) Sub ExportAsPDF(fileName As String) Function ExportSheetsAsHtml(FileName As String, [SheetsName As String], [Graphs As Boolean], [ Borders As Boolean], [Background As Boolean], [Foreground As Boolean], [Font As Boolean], [FreeForm As Boolean], [Frames As Boolean], [AutoRefreshTime As Long], [BusObjDoc As Boolean], [HtmlLayout As boHTMLLayout]) As Long Function GetSecurityPrompts() As SecurityPrompts Sub PrintOut([PrinterName As String]) Sub PrintDialog() Sub Refresh() Sub Save() Sub SaveAs([Name As String], [ForAllUsers As Boolean]) Sub Send([User As String], [StoreGeneratedHTML As Boolean], [HtmlLayout As BoHTMLLayout], [CategoryList As String, [ExchangeM ode As BoExchangeMode], [ExchangeDomain As String]) Event ACTIVATE() Event BEFORECLOSE(Cancel As Boolean) Event BEFORE REFRESH(Cancel As Boolean) Event AFTERREFRESH () Event BEFORESAVE(Cancel As Boolean) Event DEACTIVATE () Event OPEN() Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As DocumentVariable Function Add(Formula As String, [Name As String]) As DocumentVariable

Function Add() As Document Function Open([Name As String], [NoAutomaticRefresh As Boolean], [ReadOnly As Boolean], [Password As String], [WriteResPassword As String]) As Document Sub Receive([Name As String], [DestDir As String])

boInstalled boInstalledAndLocked boNotInstalled

BoWindowState boMaximized boMinimized boNormal

BoObjectQualification boDetail boDimension boMeasure

BoExchangeMode boUserMode boRepositoryMode boRepositoryModeNoOverwrite boDocAgentMode


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Document

DocumentVariable Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R/W) Qualification As BoObjectQualification (R/W) Formula As String (R/W) IsDataProviderObject As Boolean (R) Values(EvaluationMode As BOEvaluationMode) As Variant (R) Sub Delete()

BoEvaluationMode Bo41Behavior BoAllValues boUniqueValues

Variables Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Variable Function Add(Name As String) As Variable

Variable Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R/W) InterpretAs As BoVariableInterpretAs (R/W) Value As Variant (R/W) IsUserPrompt As Boolean (R) PossibleValues As String (R) MultiValued As Boolean (R) Sub Delete()

BoCloseOption boSaveIfModified boDontSave boPromptUser

BoVariableInterpretAs boDateVariable boNumericVariable boStringVariable


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index as Variant) As Window


boHTMLLayout boHTMLOnePage boHTMLSectionBySection boHTMLBoth

SecurityPrompts Application As Object (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Function GetPrompt(Index As Long, Title As String, UserName As String, UserPasswordVarName As String, DBName As String, DBPasswordVarName As String) As Boolean

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Caption As String (R) Height, Width, Top, Left As Long (R/W) State As BoWindowState (R/W) Sub Activate() Sub Close()


Collection Object Enum

BusinessObjects Object Model - CmdBars

CmdBarControl Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) BuiltIn As Boolean (R) Caption As String (R/W) DescriptionText As String (R/W) ID As Long (R) Index As Long (R) OnAction As String (R/W) TooltipText As String (R/W) Type As BoControlType (R) Sub Delete() Sub Execute()

CmdBar CmdBars Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As CmdBar (R) ActiveMenuBar As CmdBar (R) DisplayKeysInTooltips As Boolean (R/W) DisplayTooltips As Boolean (R/W) LargeButtons As Boolean (R/W) Function Add(Name As String, Position As BoBarPosition) As CmdBar Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) BuiltIn As Boolean (R) Controls As CmdBarControls (R) Enabled As Boolean (R/W) Name As String (R/W) Position As BoBarPosition (R/W) Type As BoBarType (R) Visible As Boolean (R/W) Sub Delete() Sub ShowPopup([x As Variant], [y As Variant]) CmdBarControls Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As CmdBarControl (R) Function Add(Type As BoControlType, [ID As Long], [Before As Long]) As CmdBarControl

*CmdBarButton BuiltInFace As Boolean (R) FaceID As Long (R/W) Sub CopyFace() Sub PasteFace()

*CmdBarPopup CmdBar As CmdBar (R) Controls As CmdBarControl (R)

BoBarPosition boBarLeft boBarTop boBarRight boBarBottom boBarFloating boBarPopup *These objects inherit all of CmdBarControls properties and methods BoBarType


BoControlType boControlButton boControlPopup

Collection boBarTypeNormal boBarTypeMenuBar boBarTypePopup Object Enum

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant, [RepositoryName As String]) As Universe (R)

BoObjectQualification boDetail boDimension boMeasure

BusinessObjects Object Model - Universes


Universes Universe Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Classes As Classes (R) LongName As String (R) ShortName As String (R) DomainName As String (R) Objects

Classes Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Class (R)

Class Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Classes As Classes (R) Description As String (R) Name As String (R) Objects As Objects (R) PredefinedConditions As PredefinedConditions (R)

Application As Object (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Object (R)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) ListofValues As ListofValues (R) Name As String (R) Description As String (R) Objects As Objects (R) Qualification As BoObjectQualification (R) Type As BoObjectType (R)


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) *Values As Variant (R) Sub Edit() Sub Purge() Sub Refresh()

PredefinedCondition PredefinedConditions Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Description As String (R) Name As String (R)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As PredefinedCondition (R)

BoObjectType boBlobCharacterObject boBlobObject boCharacterObject boDateObject boNullObject boNumericObject

*Returns an array containing the list of values.

Collection Object Enum

BusinessObjects Object Model - Data Providers

Column Conditions Columns Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Long) (R) Name As String (R) Sub CustomSort (SortOrder As String) Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Long) As Condition (R) Format As String (R/W) Function Add(Class As String, ObjectOrCondition As String, [Operator As String], [Operand1 As String], [Operand1Type As String], [Operand2 As String], [Operand2Type As String]) As Condition Sub Remove(Index As Long)

DataProvider DataProviders Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As DataProvider Function AddDPVBA(procName As String) As DataProvider Function AddQueryTechnique (UniverseName As String, [UniverseDomainName As String]) As DataProvider Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Columns As Columns (R) IsEditable As Boolean (R/W) IsRefreshable As Boolean (R/W) LastExecutionTime As String (R) Name As String (R/W) MaxDuration As Long (R/W) MaxNbLines As Long (R/W) NbCubes As Long (R) NbRowsFetched As Long (R) Queries As Queries (R) SQL As String (R/W) * Universe As Universe (R) UniverseName As String (R) Sub ChangeUniverse(newUniverse As Universe) Sub ConvertTo(Type As BoConvertToType, CubeNb As Long, [FileName As String]) Sub ExportToRDBMS(ConnectionName As String, ConnectionType As BoConnectionType) Sub Edit() Function GetType() As String Sub Load() Sub Refresh() Sub Unload()

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Column (R)

Condition Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Class As String (R) Level As Long (R) Object As String (R) Property Operand(Index As Long) As String (R) OperandCount As Long (R) Property OperandType(Index As Long) As String (R) Operator As String (R)

Queries Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Query (R) DuplicateRows As Boolean (R/W) DeleteTrailingBlanks As Boolean (R/W) ScopeOfAnalysis As BoScopeOfAnalysis (R/W) Sorts() As Sorts (R) Function Add() As Query

Query Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Conditions As Conditions (R) Name As String (R) Operator As BoQueryOperator (R/W) Results As Results (R)

Results Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Long) As Result Function Add(Class As String, Object As String) As Result Sub Remove(Class As String, Object As String) Sub RemoveByIndex (Index As Long) Result Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Class As String (R) Object As String (R)

Sorts Sort Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Long) As Sort BoConnectionType boPersonalConnection boSharedConnection Function Add (Class As String, Object As String, Ascending As Boolean) As Sort Sub Remove(Item As Long) Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Class As String (R) Object As String (R) Ascending As Boolean (R)

BoConvertToType BoScopeOfAnalysis boOneLevelsDown boTwoLevelsDown boThreeLevelsDown boZeroLevelsDown BoQueryOperator boOperatorIntersection boOperatorMinus boOperatorNone boOperatorUnion boExpAsciiCSV boExpAsciiTab boExpDbase boExpExcel boExpExcel97 boExpLotus

* The SQL property in the DataProvider class is Writable only in the case of a Query Technique data provider


Collection Object Enum

BusinessObjects Object Model - Send To Broadcast Agent

Daily Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday,Friday,Saturday, Sunday As Boolean (R/W) StartTime As Date (R/W) WeekPeriodicity As Long (R/W) BoDayDA boUserDefinedBusinessDays boUserDefinedDays boUserDefinedFridays boUserDefinedHours boUserDefinedMinutes boUserDefinedMondays boUserDefinedSaturdays boUserDefinedSundays boUserDefinedThursdays boUserDefinedTuesdays boUserDefinedWednesdays boUserDefinedWeekendDays

Every Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Every As Long (R/W) Day As BoDayDA (R/W) StartHour As Date (R/W) MonthPeriodicity As Long (R/W)


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) CategoryList As String (R/W) ContinueOnInvalidCategory As Boolean (R/W) ContinueOnInvalidUser As Boolean (R/W) CustomScript As String (R/W) DistributionFolder As String (R/W) Daily As Daily (R) EndDate As Date (R/W) Every As Every (R) FileWatcher As FileWatcher (R) Hourly As Hourly (R) Monthly As Monthly (R) Overwrite As Boolean (R/W) Priority As BoPriority (R/W) Refresh As Boolean (R/W) RefreshInTheNameOfRecipient As Boolean (R/W) ScheduleMode As BoScheduleMode (R/W) Server As String (R/W) StartDate As Date (R/W) Title As String (R/W) UserDefined As UserDefined (R) Property Users(Index As Long) As String (R/W) Weekly As Weekly (R) Function Send() As Long Sub ResetToDefault()

BoPriority Hourly Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) FromHour As Date (R/W) ToHour As Date (R/W) MinutesAfterHour As Long (R/W) Monthly Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Day1, Day2, Day3, Day4, Day5, Day6, Day7, Day8, Day9, Day10, Day11, Day12, Day13, Day14, Day15, Day16, Day17, Day18, Day19, Day20, Day21, Day22, Day23, Day24, Day25, Day26, Day27, Day28, Day29, Day30, Day31, LastDayOfMonth As Boolean (R/W) StartTime As Date (R/W) Weekly Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) StartDay As Long (R/W) StartTime As Date (R/W) WeekPeriodicity As Long (R/W) boPriorityHigh boPriorityLow boPriorityNormal

BoScheduleMode boDaily boEvery boHourly boMonthly boOnce boUserDefined boWeekly

UserDefined Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Every As Long (R/W) Unit As BoDayDA (R/W)


FileWatcher Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) FullFileName As String (R/W) FileWatcherOnly As Boolean (R/W) DeleteFileOnCompletion As Boolean (R/W)

Collection Object Enum

BusinessObjects Object Model - Reports

ReportStructureItem Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Type As BoReportItemType (R) Sub ApplyStdStyle() Sub Delete() Reports Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Report (R) Function CreateQuickReport([DPName As Variant]) As Report Function Add() As Report Report Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) GeneralSectionStructure As SectionStructure (R) Name As String (R/W) NumberOfPages As Long (R) PageHeader As ReportStructureItems (R) PageFooter As ReportStructureItems (R) DrillMode As Boolean (R) Sub Activate() Sub AddComplexFilter(Variable As Variant, Formula As String) Sub ApplyTemplate([FileName As Variant], [StyleAndStructure As Boolean]) Sub Delete() Function Duplicate() As Report Function ExportAsHtml(FileName As String, [Graphs As Boolean], [Borders As Boolean], [Background As Boolean], [Foreground As Boolean], [Font As Boolean], [FreeForm As Boolean], [Frames As Boolean], [AutoRefreshTime As Long], [HtmlLayout As BoHtmlLayout]) As Boolean Sub ExportAsPDF(fileName As String) Function ExportAsText (FileName As String) As Boolean Function ExportAsRtf(FileName As String) As Boolean Sub ForceCompute() Sub PrintOut([PrinterName As String]) Sub Reset()

*CellStructure SectionStructure Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Header As ReportSturctureItems (R) Footer As ReportStructureItems (R) Body As ReportStructureItems (R) SubSectionStructure As SectionStructure (R) Master As DocumentVariable (R/W) IsGeneral As Boolean (R) IsTerminal As Boolean (R) Sub Delete() ReportStructureItems ValueType As BoCellValueType (R) Variable As DocumentVariable (R) Sub Clear() Pivot

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Long) As ReportStructureItem

*BlockStructure Name As String (R/W) Pivot As Pivot (R)

Application As Object (R) Parent As Object (R) Columns(Index As Long) As DocumentVariable (R/W) ColumnsCount As Long (R) Rows(Index As Long) As DocumentVariable (R/W) RowsCount As Long (R) Body(Index As Long) As DocumentVariable (R/W) BodyCount As Long (R) Sub Apply() Sub Reset()

BoReportItemType boCell boTable boCrosstab boChart

BoHtmlLayout boHtmlOnePage boHtmlSectionBySection boHtmlBoth

BoCellValueType boDocumentVariable boEmpty boOLEObject *These objects inherit all of ReportStructureItems properties and methods.

Collection Object Enum

VBE 5.0 Object Model - Overview












Object and Collection Object Only

VBE 5.0 Object Model - Core




Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) VBE As VBE (R)
Function Item (Index As Variant) As VBProject Event ITEMADDED Event ITEMREMOVED VBE

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) VBProjects As VBProjects (R) Windows As Windows (R) CodePanes As CodePanes (R) CommandBars As CommandBars (R) ActiveCodePane As CodePane (R/W) ActiveVBProject As VBProject (R) ActiveWindow As Window (R) MainWindow As Window (R) SelectedVBComponent As VBComponent (R) Version As String (R) Events As Events (R)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Collection As VBProjects (R) Description As String (R/W) HelpContextID As String (R/W) HelpFile As String (R/W) Mode As VbextMode (R/W) Name As String (R/W) Protection As VbextProtection (R) References As References (R) Saved As Boolean (R/W) VBComponents As VBComponents (R) VBE As VBE (R)


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) VBE As VBE (R)
Function AddFromFile( FileName As String) As Reference Function AddFromGUID( guid As String, major As Long, minor As Long) As Reference Function Item( Index As Variant) As Reference Sub Remove(component As component) Event ITEMADDED Event ITEMREMOVED

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) BuiltIn As Boolean (R) Collection As References (R) Description As String (R) FullPath As String (R) GUID As String (R) IsBroken As Boolean (R) Major As Long (R) Minor As Long (R) Name As String (R) Type As VbextReferenceType (R) VBE As VBE (R)


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) CommandBarEvents(CommandBarControl As CommandBarControl) As CommandBarEvents (R) ReferencesEvents(VBProject As VBProject) As ReferencesEvents (R)



Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Creator As Long (R) Count As Long (R)
VbextReferenceType vbext_rk_TypeLib vbext_rk_Project Function Item( Index As Variant) As Window

VbextMode vbext_vm_RunMode vbext_vm_BreakMode vbext_vm_DesignMode VbextWindowType vbext_wt_CodeWindow vbext_wt_Designer vbext_wt_Browser vbext_wt_Watch vbext_wt_Locals vbext_wt_Immediate vbext_wt_ProjectWindow vbext_wt_PropertyWindow vbext_wt_Find vbext_wt_FindReplace vbext_wt_LinkedWindow vbext_wt_MainWindow

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Caption As String (R/W) Collection As Windows (R) Height As Long (R/W) Left As Long (R/W) LinkedWindowFrame As Window (R) Top As Long (R/W) Type As VbextWindowType (R) VBE As VBE (R) Visible As Boolean (R/W) Width As Long (R/W) WindowState As VbextWindowState (R/W)
Sub Close( [SaveChanges As Boolean], [FileName As String], [RouteDocument As Boolean]) Sub SetFocus()

Collection Object VbextWindowState vbext_ws_Normal vbext_ws_Min vbext_ws_Max VbextReferenceType vbext_rk_TypeLib vbext_rk_Project Enum

VbextProtection vbext_pp_locked vbext_pp_none


VBE 5.0 Object Model - Command Bars

CommandBars CommandBar


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) ActionControl As CommandBarControl (R) ActiveMenuBar As CommandBar (R) Count As Long (R) Creator As Long (R) DisplayKeysInTooltips As Boolean (R/W) DisplayTooltips As Boolean (R/W) Item(Index As Variant) As CommandBar (R) LargeButtons As Boolean (R/W) MenuAnimationStyle As msoMenuAnimation (R/W)
Function Add([Name As Variant], [Position As msoBarPosition], [MenuBar As Boolean], [Temporary As Boolean]) As CommandBar Function FindControl([Type As msoControlType], [Id As Variant], [Tag As Variant], [Visible As Boolean], [Recursive As Boolean]) As CommandBarControl Sub ReleaseFocus()

msoControlCustom msoControlButton msoControlEdit msoControlDropdown msoControlComboBox msoControlButtonDropdown msoControlSplitDropdown msoControlGenericDropdown msoControlGraphicCombo msoControlSplitButtonMRUPopup msoControlSplitExpandingGrid msoControlGraphicDropdown msoControlPopup msoControlGraphicPopup msoControlButtonPopup msoControlGauge msoControlLabel msoControlExpandingGrid msoControlGrid msoControlOCXDropDown msoControlSplitButtonPopup

Object Enum

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) BuiltIn As Boolean (R) Context As String (R/W) Controls As CommandBarControls (R) Creator As Long (R) Enabled As Boolean (R/W) Height As Long (R/W) Index As Long (R) Left As Long (R/W) Name As String (R/W) NameLocal As String (R/W) Position As msoBarPosition (R/W) Protection As msoBarProtection (R/W) RowIndex As Long or msoBarRow (R/W) Top As Long (R/W) Type As msoBarType (R) Visible As Boolean (R/W) Width As Long (R/W)
Sub Delete() Sub Reset() Sub ShowPopup([x As Variant], [y As Variant])


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Creator As Long (R) Item(Index As Variant) As CommandBarControl (R)
Function Add([Type As msoControlType], [Id As Long], [Parameter As Long], [Before As Long], [Temporary As Boolean]) As CommandBarControl

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) BeginGroup As Boolean (R/W) BuiltIn As Boolean (R) Caption As String (R/W) Creator As Long (R) DescriptionText As String (R/W) Enabled As Boolean (R/W) Height As Long (R/W) HelpContextId As Long (R/W) HelpFile As String (R/W) Id As Long (R) Index As Long (R) Left As Long (R) OLEUsage As msoControlOLEUsage (R/W) OnAction As String (R/W) Parameter As String (R/W) Priority As Long (R/W) Tag As String (R/W) TooltipText As String (R/W) Top As Long (R) Type As msoControlType (R) Visible As Boolean (R/W) Width As Long (R/W)
Sub Copy([Bar As CommandBar], [Before As Variant]) Sub Delete([Temporary As Boolean]) Sub Execute() Sub Move([Bar As CommandBar], [Before As Variant]) Sub Reset() Sub SetFocus()

*CommandBarButton MsoControlType MsoControlOLEUsage msoControlOLEUsageNeither msoControlOLEUsageServer msoControlOLEUsageClient msoControlOLEUsageBoth MsoMenuAnimation msoMenuAnimationNone msoMenuAnimationRandom msoMenuAnimationUnfold msoMenuAnimationSlide MsoBarPosition msoBarLeft msoBarTop msoBarRight msoBarBottom msoBarFloating msoBarPopup msoBarMenu

BuiltInFace As Boolean (R/W) FaceId As Long (R/W) ShortcutText As String (R/W) State As msoButtonState (R/W) Style As msoButtonStyle (R/W)
Sub CopyFace() Sub PasteFace()

MsoOLEMenuGroup msoOleMenuGroupNone msoOleMenuGroupFile msoOleMenuGroupEdit msoOleMenuGroupContainer msoOleMenuGroupObject msoOleMenuGroupWindow msoOleMenuGroupHelp

MsoBarProtection MsoButtonState msoBarNoProtection msoBarNoCustomize msoBarNoResize msoBarNoMove msoBarNoChangeVisible msoBarNoChangeDock msoBarNoVerticalDock msoBarNoHorizontalDock msoButtonUp msoButtonDown msoButtonMixed *CommandBarComboBox

MsoComboStyle msoComboLabel msoComboNormal

MsoButtonStyle msoButtonAutomatic msoButtonIcon msoButtonCaption msoButtonIconandCaption MsoBarType msoBarTypeNormal msoBarTypeMenuBar msoBarTypePopup

DropDownLines As Long (R/W) DropDownWidth As Long (R/W) List(Index As Long) As String (R/W) ListCount As Long (R) ListHeaderCount As Long (R/W) ListIndex As Long (R/W) Style As msoComboStyle (R/W) Text As String (R/W) TooltipText As String (R/W)
Sub AddItem(Text As String, [Index As Variant]) Sub Clear() Sub RemoveItem(Index As Long)

MsoBarRow msoBarRowFirst msoBarRowLast


*CommandBarPopup *These objects inherit all of CommandBarControl's properties and methods

CommandBar As CommandBar (R) Controls As CommandBarControls (R) OLEMenuGroup As msoOLEMenuGroup (R/W) TooltipText As String (R/W)

VBE 5.0 Object Model - Code Panes and VB Components

CodePane CodePanes

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) VBE As VBE (R)
Function Item(Index As Variant) As CodePane

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) CodeModule As CodeModule (R) CodePaneView As VbextCodePaneView (R) Collection As CodePanes (R) CountOfVisibleLines As Long (R) TopLine As Long (R/W) VBE As VBE (R) Window As Window (R)
Sub GetSelection(Startline As Long , startcol As Long, endline As Long, endcol As Long) Sub SetSelection(Startline As Long , startcol As Long, endline As Long, endcol As Long) Sub Show()


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) CodePane As CodePane (R) CountOfDeclarationLines As Long (R) CountOfLines As Long (R) VBE As VBE (R)
Sub AddFromFile(FileName As String) Sub AddFromString( String As String) Function CreateEventProc(eventname As String, objectname As Variant) As Long Sub DeleteLines(startline As Long, [count As Long]) Function Find(target As String, startline As Long, startcol As Long, endline As Long, endcol As Long, [wholeword As Boolean], [matchcase As Boolean], [patternsearch As Boolean]) As Boolean Sub InsertLines(line As Long, code As String) Function Lines(startline As Long, count As Long) As String Function ProcBodyLine(procname As String, prockind As VbextProcKind) As Long Function ProcCountLines(procname As String, prockind As VbextProcKind) As Long Function ProcOfLine(line As Long, prockind As VbextProcKind) As String Function ProcStartLine(procname As String, , prockind As VbextProcKind) As Long Sub ReplaceLine(line As Long, code As String)


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) VBE As VBE (R)
Function Add(Component As VbextComponent) As VBComponent Function Import(FileName As String) As VBComponent Function Item(Index As Variant) As VBComponent Sub Remove(component As component)

VBComponent Properties


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) CodeModule As CodeModule (R) Collection As VBComponents (R) Designer As Designer (R) DesignerWindow As Window (R) HasOpenDesigner As Boolean (R) Name As String (R/W) Properties As Properties (R) Saved As Boolean (R/W) Type As VbextVBComponentType (R) VBE As VBE (R)
Sub Activate() Sub Export( FileName As String)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) VBE As VBE (R)
Function Item(Index As Variant) As Property

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Collection As Properties (R) IndexedValue(Index As Long) As Variant Name As String (R/W) NumIndices As Long (R) Object As Object (R/W) Value As Variant (R/W) VBE As VBE (R)

VbextCodePaneView vbext_cv_ProcedureView vbext_cv_FullModuleView

VbextComponent vbext_ct_ClassModule vbext_ct_MSForm vbext_ct_StdModule

VbextVBComponentType vbext_ct_ClassModule vbext_ct_MSForm vbext_ct_StdModule vbext_ct_Document

VbextProcKind vbext_pk_Get vbext_pk_Let vbext_pk_Set vbext_pk_Proc

Collection Object Enum



DpVBAInterface Object Model - Overview




Object and Collection Object Only

DpVBAInterface Automation Object Model - Core

DPVBAInterface Parent As Object (R) CancelOnExit As Boolean (R/W) DpVBACubes As DpVBACubes (R) IsEdit As Boolean (R) Property UserString(Index As Long) As String (R/W) UserStringCount As Long (R) ShowSelectionDialogOnEdit As Boolean (R/W) CheckDataIntegrity(Level As BoCheckLevel) DPVBACubes Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Long) As DpVBACube (R) DPVBACube Parent As Object (R) DpVBAColumns As DpVBAColumns (R) DPVBAColumns Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Long) As DPVBAColumn (R) NbLines As Long (R/W) Function Add(sColName As String) As Long *Function AddLine(NewValue As Variant) As Long Sub SetNbColumns(nNbColumns As Long)

DPVBAColumn Parent As Object (R) Aggregation As BoObjectAggregation (R/W) Qualification As BoObjectQualification (R/W) Type As BoObjectType (R/W) Name As String (R/W) Index As Long(R) Property Item(Index As Long) As Variant (R/W) MaxWidth As Long (R/W) Function Add(Val As Variant) As Long Function Delete() As Boolean BoObjectAggregation boAggregateByAvgObject boAggregateByCountObject boAggregateByMaxObject boAggregateByMinObject boAggregateByNullObject boAggregateBySumObject BoObjectType boCharacterObject boDateObject boNullObject boNumericObject

BoCheckLevel boCheckAll boCheckAutoTyping boCheckChangeType boCheckColumnsName boCheckNumberOfCube boNoCheck

BoObjectQualification boDetail boDimension boMeasure

*The parameter Newvalue must be declared as an array. Thi s array may be: - A one-dimensional array with the same size as the numberof columns in the data cube. - A two-dimensional array. The first dimension represents h t e rows and the second dimension represents the columns. The second dimensi on must be equal to the number of columns in th e data cube.

Collection Object Enum


If several values are added, Val must be declared as an array.

Class Object CheckedItem LinkedUniverse SQLOption ControlOption

Designer Object Model - Overview
















CandidatePredefinedCondition JoinStrategy














Object and Collection Object Only

Designer Object Model - Core

Windows Universe Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) LongName As String (R/W) Description As String (R/W) Connection As String (R/W) Author As String (R) Modifier As String (R) CreationDate As String (R) ModificationDate As String (R) RevisionNumber As Long (R) Comments As String (R/W) FullName As String (R) Name As String (R) Path As String (R) Saved As Boolean (R) Windows As Windows (R) Tables As Tables (R) Classes As Classes (R) Joins As Joins (R) Contexts As Contexts (R) DefaultHierarchies As DefaultHierarchies (R) CustomHierarchies As CustomHierarchies (R) CmdBar Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Visible As Boolean (R/W) Name As String (R/W) ControlOption As ControlOption (R) SQLOption As SQLOption (R) LinkedUniverses As LinkedUniverses (R) OwnerSupported As Boolean (R) QualifierSupported As Boolean (R) DBtables As DBTables (R) Qualifiers As Qualifiers (R) Owners As Owners (R) ObjectStrategies As ObjectStrategies (R) JoinStrategies As JoinStrategies (R) TableStrategies As TableStrategies (R) CandidateJoins As CandidateJoins (R) CandidateClasses As CandidateClasses (R) CurrentQualifier As String (R/W) CurrentOwner As String (R/W) CurrentJoinStrategy As String (R/W) CurrentObjectStrategy As String (R/W) CurrentTableStrategy As String (R/W) UseCustomHierarchies As Boolean(R/W) Sub Activate() Sub Close() Sub PrintOut([PrinterName As Variant]) Sub PrintDialog() Sub Save() Sub SaveAs([Name As Variant]) Sub ArrangeTables() Sub RefreshStructure() Function CheckIntegrity(Filter As DsCheckFilter, ParseLevel As DsCheckParseLevel) As CheckedItems Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Window (R)

Universes Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Universe (R) Function Add() As Universe Function Open([UniverseName As String]) As Universe Sub Import(UniverseDomainName As String, UniverseName As String, [Lock]) Sub Export(DomainName As String, GroupName As String, UniverseName As String, [Lock]) Sub ExportEx(DomainName As String, GroupName As Array of String, UniverseName As String, [Lock As Variant])

DsVariableType dsDateVariable dsNumericVariable dsStringVariable

Application Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) ActiveUniverse As Universe (R) Universes As Universes (R) UniverseDomains As UniverseDomains (R) Connections As Connections (R) Interactive As Boolean (R/W) Name As String (R) CmdBars As CmdBars (R) NetworkLayers As NetworkLayers (R) Variables As Variables (R) Version As String(R) Visible As Boolean (R/W) Window As Window (R) Function GetInstallDirectory(DirectoryID As DsDirectoryID) As String Sub LoginAs([User As String], [Pass As String], [Offline As Boolean], [RepositoryName As String]) Sub Quit()

DsCheckFilter dsCheckCardinality dsCheckCondition dsCheckContext dsCheckJoin dsCheckLoop dsCheckObject dsCheckStructure

CmdBars Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As CmdBar (R)

DsDirectoryID dsDesignerDirectory dsDocumentDirectory dsTemplateDirectory dsUniverseDirectory dsScriptsDirectory

Variables Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Variable (R) Function Add(Name As String) As Variable

Variable Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) InterpretAs As DsVariableType (R/W) Value As String (R/W) MultiValued As Boolean (R) Sub Delete()

DsWindowState dsMaximized dsMinimized dsNormal

DsCheckParseLevel DsCheckQuickParsing DsCheckThoroughParsing

Window Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Caption As String (R/W) Height, Width,Top, Left As Long (R/W) State As DsWindowState (R/W) Sub Activate() Sub Close()

Collection Object Enum



Designer Object Model - Connections and NetworkLayers

Connections Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Variant) As Connection (R) Function Add(Name As String, Type As DsConnectionType, NetworkLayer As String, DatabaseEngine As String, [DatabaseSource As String], [UserName As String], [Password As String], [Server As String]) As Connection Function AddDialog() As Connection Connection Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) Type As DsConnectionType (R) UseBOUserPass As Boolean (R/W) NetworkLayer As String (R) DatabaseEngine As String (R/W) DatabaseSource As String (R/W) UserName As String (R/W) Password As String (R/W) Server As String (R/W) ActiveState As DsConnectionState (R/W) ActiveTime As Long (R/W) IsAsyncMode As Boolean (R/W) PerformCostEstimate As Boolean (R/W) ArrayFetchSize As Long (R/W) Sub Test() Sub Delete()

DsConnectionType dsPersonal dsSecured dsShared

DsConnectionState dsDisconnectAfterEachTransaction dsKeepActiveForxx dsKeepActiveWholeSession

NetworkLayers Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Variant) As NetworkLayer (R) NetworkLayer DatabaseEngines Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) DatabaseEngines As DatabaseEngines (R) DatabaseEngine Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As DatabaseEngine (R)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R)

Collection Object Enum

Designer Object Model - UniverseDomains and Users

UniverseDomains Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As UniverseDomain (R) UniverseDomain Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) StoredUniverses As StoredUniverses (R) Users As Users (R) StoredUniverses StoredUniverse Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As StoredUniverse (R) Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) LockBy As String (R)

Users Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Variant) As User (R) User

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R)



Object Enum

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As ObjectStrategy (R)


Designer Object Model - ObjectStrategies and CandidateClasses

ObjectStrategies ObjectStrategy

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) Help As String (R)

CandidateObjects CandidateObject CandidateClasses CandidateClass

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As CandidateClass (R)
Sub Refresh()

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) CandidateObjects As CandidateObjects (R) CandidateClasses As CandidateClasses (R) CandidatePredefinedConditions As CandidatePredefinedConditions (R)
Function Insert() As Class

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As CandidateObject (R)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R)

Function Insert(Class As Class) As Object

CandidatePredefinedConditions CandidatePredefinedCondition

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As CandidatePredefinedCondition (R)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R)

Function Insert(Class As Class) As PredefinedCondition

Collection Object Enum

Designer Object Model - JoinStrategies and CandidateJoins

JoinStrategies JoinStrategy Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Variant) As JoinStrategy (R)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) Help As String (R)

CandidateJoins CandidateJoin Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Variant) As CandidateJoin (R) Sub Refresh ()

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) FirstTable As String(R) SecondTable As String (R) FirstColumn As String (R) SecondColumn As String (R) Expression As String (R) Cardinality As DsCardinality (R) OuterJoin As DsOuterJoin (R) Function Insert() As Join


DsOuterJoin dsNoOuter dsOuterLeft dsOuterRight

dsManytoManyCardinality dsManytoOneCardinality dsOnetoManyCardinality dsOnetoOneCardinality dsUnknownCardinality



Object Enum

Designer Object Model - TableStrategies and DB Tables


TableStrategies TableStrategy

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Variant) As TableStrategy (R)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) Help As String (R)

DBTables DBTable

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Variant) As DBTable (R)
Sub Refresh()

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String(R) DBColumns As DBColumns (R) Function Insert() As Table


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Variant) As DBColumn (R) Sub Refresh()


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) Type As DsColumnType (R) Key As DsColumnKey (R)

Collection Object Enum

Designer Object Model - Classes and Objects

Object ListofValues Application As Application (R) Name As String (R/W) Parent As Object (R) Sub Edit () Sub Purge() Sub Refresh() Values As Variant (R) *

Objects Application As Application (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Object (R) Parent As Object (R) Function Add(Name As String, [ClassName As String]) As Object


Classes Application As Application (R) Count As Long (R) FindClass(Name As String) As Class (R) Item(Index As Variant) As Class (R) Parent As Object (R) Function Add(Name As String) As Class

Application As Application (R) Classes As Classes (R) Description As String (R/W) Name As String (R/W) Objects As Objects (R) Parent As Object (R) PredefinedConditions As PredefinedConditions (R) RootClass As Class (R) Show As Boolean (R) Sub Delete ()

PredefinedConditions Application As Application (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As PredefinedCondition (R) Parent As Object (R) Function Add(Name As String, [ClassName As String]) As PredefinedCondition

ActiveMonth As Boolean ActiveQuarter As Boolean ActiveYear As Boolean AggregateFunction As DsObjectAggregate (R/W) AllowUserToEditLov As Boolean (R/W) Application As Application (R/W) AssociatedDimension As Object (R/W) AutomaticLovRefreshBeforeUse As Boolean (R/W) CanBeUsedCondition As Boolean (R/W) CanBeUsedResult As Boolean (R/W) CanBeUsedSort As Boolean (R/W) DatabaseFormat As String (R/W) Description As String (R/W) ExportLovWithUniverse As Boolean (R/W) HasListofValues As Boolean (R/W) ListofValues As ListofValues (R) MonthName As String (R) Name As String (R/W) Objects As Objects (R) Parent As Object (R) Qualification As DsObjectQualification (R/W) QuarterName As String (R) RootClass As Class (R) SecurityAccessLevel As DsObjectSecurityAccess (R/W) Select As String (R/W) Show As Boolean (R/W) Tables As Tables (R) Type As DsObjectType (R/W) Where As String (R/W) YearName As String (R/W) Sub Parse() Sub Delete()

DsObjectSecurityAccess dsPublicAccess dsControlledAccess dsRestrictedAccess dsConfidentialAccess dsPrivateAccess

DsObjectAggregate PredefinedCondition dsAggregateBySumObject dsAggregateByMaxObject dsAggregateByMinObject dsAggregateByAvgObject dsAggregateByCountObject dsAggregateByNullObject

DsObjectQualification dsAxisObject dsInformationObject dsMeasureObject


Application As Application (R) Description As String (R/W) Name As String (R/W) Parent As Object (R) RootClass As Class (R) Show As Boolean (R/W) Tables As Tables (R) Where As String (R/W) Sub Delete() Sub Parse()

dsNullObject dsNumericObject dsCharacterObject dsDateObject dsBlobObject

*Returns an array containing the list of values.

Collection Object Enum



Designer Object Model - Tables, Joins and Contexts


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Table (R)
Function Add(Name As String) As Table Sub DetectIncompatibility()


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R/W) IsAlias As Boolean (R) OriginalTable As Table (R) Weight As Long (R/W) Columns As Columns (R) IncompatibleObjects As Objects IncompatiblePredefConditions As PredefinedConditions
Sub Delete() Function CreateAlias(Name As String) As Table Function CreateClass(Name As String) As Class

Columns Column

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Column (R)
Function Add(Name As String) As Column

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) Type As DsColumnType (R/W) Key As DsColumnKey (R/W)
Sub Delete()


DsColumnKey dsUnknownKey dsAllKey dsNoKey dsPrimaryKey dsSecondaryKey dsExternKey


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Join (R)
Function Add(Expression As String) As Join Sub Detect()

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) FirstTable As Table (R) SecondTable As Table (R) FirstColumns As Columns (R) SecondColumns As Columns (R) Expression As String (R/W) Shortcut As Boolean (R/W) Cardinality As DsCardinality (R/W) OuterJoin As DsOuterJoin (R/W)
Sub SetCardinality() Function Parse() As Boolean Sub Delete()

dsManytoManyCardinality dsManytoOneCardinality dsOnetoManyCardinality dsOnetoOneCardinality dsUnknownCardinality

DsOuterJoin dsNoOuter dsOuterLeft dsOuterRight

DsColumnType dsNullColumn dsNumericColumn dsCharacterColumn dsDateColumn dsTextColumn dsUnknownColumn

Contexts Context

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Context (R)
Function Add(Name As String) As Context Sub Detect()

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String(R/W) Description As String(R/W) Joins As Joins (R)
Sub Delete()

Collection Object Enum

Designer Object Model CustomHierarchies, DefaultHierarchies, Qualifiers, and Owners


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As CustomHierarchy (R)
Function Add (Name As String) As CustomHierarchy


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R/W) Dimensions As Object s (R/W)
Sub Delete()

DefaultHierarchies DefaultHierarchy

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As DefaultHierarchy (R)

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R/W) Dimensions As Object s (R/W)


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Qualifier (R)
Sub Refresh()


Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R)

Owners Owner

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item(Index As Variant) As Owner (R)
Sub Refresh()

Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R)



Object Enum

Designer Object Model LinkedUniverses, SQLOption and ControlOption

DsCheckFilter DsCheckParseLevel DsCheckQuickParsing DsCheckThoroughParsing CheckedItem Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Filter As DsCheckFilter Property Item (Index As Long) As CheckedItem (R) ParseLevel As DsCheckParseLevel (R) Application As Application (R) AssociatedObject As Object (R) CheckError As DsCheckError (R) CheckErrorDescription As String (R) Parent As Object (R) SubItems As CheckedItems (R) Type As DsCheckItemType (R) Filter As Long (R) dsCheckCardinality dsCheckCondition dsCheckContext dsCheckJoin dsCheckLoop dsCheckObject dsCheckStructure



DsCheckError dsCheckErrorColumnHasBeenAdded dsCheckErrorColumnHasChanged dsCheckErrorColumnNotFound dsCheckErrorConnection dsCheckErrorContextHasLoop dsCheckErrorContextInvolvedInLoop dsCheckErrorContextIsolatedJoin dsCheckErrorJoinBadCardinality dsCheckErrorJoinMissingCardinality dsCheckErrorJoinParseFailed dsCheckErrorJoinUnknownCardinality dsCheckErrorLoopInContext dsCheckErrorLoopNotSolveButContext dsCheckErrorLoopNotSolveByContext dsCheckErrorLoopSolveByContext dsCheckErrorLoopSolveByContextWithLoop dsCheckErrorObjectParseFailed dsCheckErrorPredefinedConditionParseFailed dsCheckErrorTableHasChanged dsCheckErrorTableIsNotInDataStructure dsCheckErrorTableNotLinked

LinkedUniverses LinkedUniverse Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Count As Long (R) Property Item (Index As Variant) As LinkedUniverse (R) Function Add(Name As String) As LinkedUniverse Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) Name As String (R) FullName As String (R) LongName As String (R) Description As String(R) Sub Delete() Sub Merge()

DsCheckItemType dsCheckedColumn dsCheckedContext dsCheckedJoin dsCheckedLoop dsCheckedNull dsCheckedObject dsCheckedPredefinedCondition dsCheckedTable

ControlOption SQLOption Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) LimitSizeofResultSet As Boolean (R/W) LimitSizeofResultSetValue As Long (R/W) LimitExecutionTime As Boolean (R/W) LimitExecutionTimeValue As Long (R/W) WarnIfCostEstimateExceeded As Boolean (R/W) CostEstimateExceededValue As Long (R/W) LimitSizeofLongTextObject As Boolean (R/W) LimitSizeofLongTextObjectValue As Long (R/W) Application As Application (R) Parent As Object (R) SubQueries As Boolean (R/W) Operators As Boolean (R/W) ComplexOperators As Boolean (R/W) MultipleSQLForContext As Boolean (R/W) MultipleSQLForMeasure As Boolean (R/W) SelectMultipleContexts As Boolean (R/W) PreventCartesianProducts As Boolean (R/W)

Collection Object Enum

Report Viewer Component Object Model - Overview








Object and Collection Object Only


Sub Connect([UserName],[UserPassword]) Function Documents(repoType As RptRepoType, sDomain As String, sFilter As String) As RptDocuments Function DocumentView() As RptDocumentView Function Domains(RepoType As RptRepoType) As RptDomains Sub RefreshBrowser() Sub Server(major As Integer, minor As Integer, maintenance As Integer) Sub Version(major As Integer, minor As Integer, maintenance As Integer)

Function Categories(RepoType As RptRepoType) As RptCategories Sub Disconnect() RptDocumentView Parent As Object (R) Zoom As Single (R/W) Sub Begin() Sub DownloadReport() Sub End() Sub Next() Sub Previous() Sub SynchronizeTreeView() Sub ZoomIn() Sub ZoomOut() Function ActiveDocument() As RptDocument ActiveReport() As RptReport ActiveSection() As RptSection

RptViewer BrowserComplete As Boolean (R/W) BrowserVisible As Boolean (R/W) Parent As Object (R) ServerURL As String (R/W) ToolBarVisible As Boolean (R/W)

RptViewer Object Model - Core

RptDomains Count As Long (R) Parent As Object (R) Function Item(Index As Variant) As RptDomain (R) RptDomain

Name As String (R) Parent As Object (R)

RptCategories Count As Long (R) Parent As Object (R) Function Item(Index As Variant) As RptCategory RptCategory Name As String (R) Parent As Object (R) RptReports

Count As Long (R) Parent As Object (R) Function Item(Index As Variant) As RptReport

RptDocuments Count As Long (R) Parent As Object (R) Function Item(Index As Variant) As RptDocument RptDocument Type As RptRepoType (R) Name As String (R) Parent As Object (R) Sub Close() Function Reports() As RptReports Sub Open() Sub PrintOut(bSilent As Boolean) Sub Refresh() RptReport Name As String (R) Number As Integer (R) Parent As Object (R) Sections As RptSections (R) Sub Activate() Sub PrintOut(bSilent As Boolean) RptSections Count As Long (R) Parent As Object (R) Function Item(Index As Variant) As RptSection RptSection Name As String (R) Parent As Object (R) Sub Activate() Level As long (R)

RptRepoType rptRepoTypeCorporate rptRepoTypeInbox rptRepoTypePersonal


Collection Object Enum

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