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Hannah Cox

The Sile nt Call

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Usingconventionsfrom real media products:

When researching into the codes and conventions of short films, I realised that they include a small number of characters. (S ee blog post on Wednesday, 4 July 2012: Codes and conventions of short films) For example, in the short films I watched such as The Girl with the Y ellow S tockings and Lifeline they only had 1-2 characters. This was because it allows the audience and characters to connect better in a short space of time. Hence, this argues my media product uses typical conventions from real short films as I included 2 characters which talked, and 2 characters which didn't, hence, making the connection easier between audience and characters. However, because I used more than two characters, it could be argued my short film is challenging the forms and conventions of short films. The S ilent Call could be reflecting a mainstream feature film as I have included smaller characters which is typically shown in larger films through extras. However, the fact my film largely focuses and connects with only one character argues it follows conventions from short films. Furthermore, my short film also includes a twist: a typical convention found in short films. When researching the codes and conventions of short films, most of my research said that short films must contain a twist as this keeps the audience entertained in a short space of time. The twist portrayed in my short film is conveyed through the rewind. When the protagonist sees the body and is presumed guilty by the runner, a rewind occurs allowing the audience to see a different turn of events . This also allows the protagonist to not witness the body alone nor witness the near car accident. I know this is a typical convention. Twist resulted in alternative scenes: 1:58 where he did see the car and 4:00 where he didnt see the car. The call also made me late of time resulting in him not seeing the body: 5:09.

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of a short film because during my research I watched numerous a short films, largely containing twists. In Bengini a twist occurs when a man grows a baby like formation on his arm. In The Black Hole there is also a twist when a man finds a large paper with a black hole on the front which has a secret portal he can use to get inside vaults. S imilar to the characters in Bengini and The Black Hole, my protagonist finds the body, (finds the twist like the baby and the black hole) hence argui ng my short film uses typical conventions of short films from real media products. My short film also uses creativity: another typical code and convention of short films. In most of my research I found out that the majority of short films use alternative and creative storylines, completely different from mainstream films. The message behind short films is usually direct and personal, presented in a random and unusual style. In Bengini the tone and storyli ne of the film differs hugely from mainstream feature films and my short film has a similar tone and style. For example, in my short film I used no music, just the sound from the action created in the shots. Compared to mainstream feature films, music is used to create atmosphere. In contrast to, The S ilent Call and other short films such as Bengini and Blik, atmospher e is created by the emotions presented in each shot. Usingreal media conventions: Keeping the protagonist centred in the opening shots allows audience to establish the main character as centralising suggests significance.

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Developingconventionsof real media products:

One way I have developed real media products is through the narrative. Upon my research into narrative and structure (see blog post Friday 22nd June: Narrative and story research) I understood the different types of narratives that can be portrayed. My short film uses a linear narrative as it has a beginning (introduction to characters and story) a middle (events happenstory builds) and an end. However, in the middle of my narrative I use elements of a circular narrative as the rewind allows the story to go back in time. Hence, this argues my short film develops conventions of real media products as I have developed traditional narratives. I also wanted to develop meaning behind the text, similar to LoveField. I wanted to portray this through the protagonist and present his life as simple as possible, thus contrasting against the fact he meets a mysterious body lying in a field. I tried to convey this through many shots and this argues I have developed real media conventions: By having the glass of water, the phone and the note pad, it conveys a very structured lifestyle. The fact he writes that he is going on a walk also suggests the protagonist is very peaceful and calm, again contrasting against the scenes with the mysterious body. Furthermore, by shooting the shot in a high angle, it reveals most of the room and the protagonist. Hence, the fact he retrieves the iPod suggests this is a normal task as his facial expressions are plain and simple. In addition to this, the slanted angle of this shot suggests unfamiliarity as most of the shots have been stable and straight. Hence this argues the protagonist is faced with a problem: something unknown to him.

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Challengingformsof real media products:

S hort films: LoveField and Benigni

Psycho and Black S wan

One aspect I have challenged conventions of short films is the titles. Most short films tend to introduce the title of the film over footage, perhaps due to the short space of time to develop the narrative. In my short film however, I have used a modern approach to introducing my film by having a black screen with white text. This typically reflects a mainstream film, hence arguing that my film does challenge forms of real media products.
Hence, as we can see, the difference between these four examples show that short films have titles behind footage whereas mainstream films such as Psycho and Black S wan have black screen titles. The reason I chose these two films is because I believe my short films calls into the genre of thriller/crime- the genre of both Psycho and Black S wan. This argues I am challenging typical conventions of real media products. Nevertheless, The Black Hole begins it titles behind a black screen to transition into live action.

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