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Jeff Johnson FRIT 7738 Self Evaluation of Staff Development Workshop

The workshop was conducted on a teacher workday. Because of this, I was unsure how many people would show up. To my surprise, there were 18 adults in the room. My facilitating supervisor was present and the media specialist from the middle school was there. She videoed the workshop because she had so many requests from people who wanted to come, but could not because of meeting conflicts. I felt that it went well. I was prepared and started the class by introducing myself and explaining why I was conducting the workshop. Everyone in the room was eager to learn how to use the LRS. This made my presentation much better because they asked great questions and participated in the hands-on aspect of the workshop. All my equipment worked correctly and I had no technical problems. I wanted to be sensitive to their time and did not go over an hour. I could have gone on with more in-depth information, but time did not allow it. I felt that I was clear, specific, and provided easy enough instructions for any of the teachers attending the workshop to utilize this technology in their classrooms.

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