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Interpersonal Communication across Generations: Generation X Derrick Kelly University of Kentucky

GENERATION X Abstract The paper examines interpersonal communication throughout the Generation X which spans about fifth-teen years. Generation X represents the people born between the years of 1965 to 1980. Multiple research journals and articles connected to the interpersonal communication across Generation X will be examined to form conclusions about the data presented in the sources. In the review of literature there are three main points that will be examined. The first will examine certain attributes of Generation X such as beliefs, household sizes, the way members from this generation work together, and traits to see how it impacts their role in

interpersonal communication. Majority of Generation X grew up in a small household size which causes them to be independent and creates distance in interpersonal relationships. The second point will examine the attitudes of members from Generation X have toward technology when used for interpersonal communication both then and now. The third point will examine the interpersonal communication of Generation X people used in a workplace environment. Furthermore, there will be indication on the understanding and future research of interpersonal communication across Generation X. Keywords: communication; generation x; interpersonal; relationships; and workplace

GENERATION X Interpersonal Communication across Generations: Generation X Generation X is the generation that follows the Baby Boomers and it represents people

born between the years of 1965 to 1980. Examining the ways in which two people communicate in Generation X will help exhibit a better perception toward the evolution of interpersonal communication as a whole. This literature review addresses the distinctiveness of interpersonal communication across this particular generation. Experiences of people from Generation X are more unique from any other generation which makes it more important to examine them. Qualities and attributes received from being born in the age of Generation X causes an impact on the interpersonal communication skills of the people. To examine this, this literature review covers three main points: the distinctiveness of certain attributes of Generation X that impact their interpersonal communication, the attitudes of Generation X toward technology used for interpersonal communication back then and now, and the interpersonal communication of Generation X people use in a workplace environment. Distinct Attributes of Generation X As of 2013, about 49 to 51 million people make up the population of Generation X, and the people throughout the group is made up of various races. The distinctiveness of certain attributes of Generation X like beliefs, household sizes, and the way they work together impacts their role in interpersonal communication. According to Theilfoldt and Scheef (2004), Divorce and working moms created "latchkey" kids out of many in this generation. This led to traits of independence, resilience and adaptability (pg.1). Developing traits of independence, resilience, and adaptability can impact interpersonal communication by giving the people of Generation X unique ways of communicating or interacting with other people. Independence is adapted from being home alone frequently and can lead to the people creating distance from communicating with everyone else. Distance is a particular way of communicating non-verbal messages to

GENERATION X people which is horrible for creating an identity through interpersonal communication. It is also an uncommon way of interpersonal communication which makes it unique from all the other interpersonal styles of communication in other generations. Theilfoldt and Scheef (2004) states that interpersonal friendships involving two people

from Generation X are just seen as common friends to one another. Even though they are seen as just friends to one another, they may disclose important information to that friend depending on the closeness of the friendship. If we have someone close enough to disclose personal information to them, we would consider them more as family than a friend (Theilfoldt and Scheef, 2004). It is unique to see that people of Generation X draw a line between calling friends family, but disclose personal information to friends as if they were family. The distinctiveness of interpersonal communication in Generation X makes a big impact on their communication along with their attitudes toward communication technology back then and now. Attitudes toward Technology used for Interpersonal Communication The attitudes of Generation X toward technology used for interpersonal communication both in 1965-1980 and 2013 are similar because the people of this age are good at adapting to most of the things that come their way. During the childhood of the people from Generation X there was not much technology or other ways dedicated to mediated interpersonal communication. As such, people were accustomed to mainly the telephone, face-to-face conversation, and interpersonal messages through mailing a letter. Of these, face-to-face communication was probably used the most by a child growing up in the Generation X. Growing up with a limited amount of ways for interpersonal communication did not cause much of an impact besides slowing down their process of communication. Klie (2012) states that as time brings about new communication devices Generation X maintained a good grasp on the

GENERATION X operative advantages and, the outcome of all this is the generation being exceptionally linked together. In 2013, people of the age have adapted to new computer mediated technology like smart phones, communication over the internet, video chat, email, and even more. Studies from Klie (2012) show that smart phones play a more important role toward interpersonal communication in the lives of Generation X than regular telephones did in their childhood. E-mail was developed during the age of the Generation X, but it was not broadly used until later. Strutton and Taylor (2011) suggested that interpersonal communication via texting

and social networks may be the general stream of communication in current days, but the people of Generation X continue to stick with the email as their main option of computer mediated communication. Although email is the superior choice for them, it is evident that they adapted to using text and social networks to communicate interpersonally because so many other generations communicate that way (Strutton and Taylor, 2011). Adaptability is a trait that the people of Generation X grew up establishing, and we see that the trait benefited them as grew older. The attitudes of Generation X toward computer mediated technology show the distinctiveness of certain traits such as adaptability which can relate to their interpersonal communication that the people of the age use in a workplace environment. Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace The interpersonal communication of Generation X people used in a workplace environment is unparallel to all other work styles from other generations (Schoch, 2012). People of this generation are more down to earth when it comes to communication between two people in the workplace (Schoch, 2012). Schoch (2012) states that people of this generation do not favor the leadership until they are persuaded by solid certification in their background. An interpersonal relationship between a person from Generation X and their boss has to be

GENERATION X significant in the degree of being straight forward about most things. Although we would think that the independent people of this generation would like to have distance from more companionable work yet, research shows that they like to be in an environment where there is more interaction with others (Schoch, 2012). Thielfoldt and Scheef (2004) suggest that Generation X looks forward to receiving continuous feedback without delay and has no problem returning the favor of offering feedback to others. Being able to give and return feedback to others is a good asset to have for

interpersonal communication in the work environment. It can help both workers understand each other better in their interpersonal relationship as a two person team, and also it can create an identity for each of them towards each other. Martin and Gentry (2011) further suggest that people of Generation X do not have much concern about the safety of their job which leads to their recognition of occupying positive aspects like independence, entrepreneurship, and resilience. Interpersonal communication with someone of the Generation X at work may impel one to see these aspects that form their style of communication. Research Questions This generation has qualities and attributes received from being born in the age of Generation X that can cause an impact on the interpersonal communication skills of the people. Three important traits such as adaptability, independence, and resilience have some negative and positive effects on their communication skills. Those positive and negative effects help create an identity that impacts their interpersonal communication. People of Generation X have no problem with the steady changing of computer mediated technology because they seem to adapt well to new things that come their way. Being able to adapt helps their interpersonal

GENERATION X communication skills in the workplace and other places. Given the argument made above, the following research question(s) is posed: R1: What are the attitudes presented toward the evolution of computer mediated technology by the people of Generation X? R2: How has being born in the age impacted their role in interpersonal communication throughout different relationships? Implications Qualities and attributes received from being born in the age of Generation X can cause an impact on the interpersonal communication skills of the people. Mainly the textbook makes a connection with the topic through computer mediated technology and interpersonal

communication creating an identity for people (Adler and Proctor, 2011). The transformation and adaption to the evolution of computer mediated technology displayed through the life of Generation X people growing up with different devices made for communication. Identities of people from Generation X created through interpersonal communication will be impacted because they represent that generation. Examining the ways of communication between two people of Generation X will help exhibit a better perception about the evolution of interpersonal communication. Directions for future research Future research should focus on how the media and events during the generation impacted their interpersonal communication. The media played a big part in the lives of the people of Generation X. Different ways of interpersonal communication presented in the media should have impacted the skills of the people. An example would be someone using the interpersonal communication skills they saw on a TV show to help shape the way they

GENERATION X communicate with someone interpersonally. Research should be focus on this topic because it seems interesting to know if people adopt certain things they see on TV.

GENERATION X References Klie, L. (2012). Gen X: Stuck in the Middle. (Cover story). CRM Magazine, 16(2), 24-29. Martin, J., & Gentry, W. A. (2011). Derailment signs across generations: more in common than expected. Psychologist-Manager Journal, 14(3), 177-195. doi:10.1080/10887156.2011.595973 Schoch, T. (2012). Turning the Ship Around with a Four-Generation Crew. (Cover story). Information Management Journal,46(4), 25-29. Strutton, D., Taylor, D. G., & Thompson, K. (2011). Investigating generational differences in e-

WOM behaviours. International Journal Of Advertising, 30(4), 559-586. doi:10.2501/IJA-30-4559-586 Thielfoldt, D., & Scheef, D. (2004). Generation X and the Millennials: What you need to know about mentoring the new generations. Law Practice Today, 1-4. Adler, R., & Proctor, R. (2011). Looking out, looking in: Com 252. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning

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