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Soal Ujian ILO RADIOGRAPHS Blok 2 Semester 2 ( 27 April 2012 ) 1. Kualitas film menurut klasifikasi ILO : 1.

Good Good technical quality for chest radiographs : Full inspiration Mediastinum and parenchyma visible Minimal underexposure or overexposure Limited scapular overlap Apices,lung bases and chest wall visible

2. Acceptable No technical defect likely to impair classification. 3. Acceptable Some technical defect likely to impair classification but still adequate for classification purposes. 4. Unacceptable or for classification purposes.

2. Penilaian kelainan Pleura : Pleural plaques (localized pleural thickening) Costophrenic angle obliteration Diffuse pleural thickening

3. Penilaian Large opacities : Definition : opacity having the longest dimension exceeding 10mm. Ada 3 kategori : A : dimension 1-5 cm B : dimension >5 cm tetapi tidak melebihi Right Upper Zone C : area melebihi Right Upper Zone

4. Penilaian Small Opacities : Small opacities are described by : Shape and size : Two letters must be used to record shape and size (example : qq,qt,tq,tt) Secondary p q r s t u

Primary p q r s t u

Two kinds of shape are recognized : rounded (p,q,r) and irreguler (s,t,u) p : opacities dengan diameter - 1,5 mm q : opacities dengan diameter 1,5-3 mm r : opacities dengan diameter 3-10 mm

s : opacities with widths 1,5 mm t : opacities with widths 1,5-3 mm u : opacities with widths 3-10 mm

Affected zone : zones in which small opacities are seen. Each lung field is divided into three zones The zones in which the opacities are seen are recorded Right Left Upper Middle Lower 1 2 3 4 5 6

Profusion : concentration of small opacities in affected zones of the lung. 0/- 0/0 0/1 1/0 1/1 1/2 2/1 2/2 2/3 3/2 3/3 3/+

5. Foto ILO 1/1 q/q termasuk kriteria foto apa dan alasannya apa ? Kualitas foto 2 karena : overexposed Costophrenic angles excluded Zones : R L

V V V V -

6. Foto ILO 2/2 q/q kelainan yang ada menurut ILO ? Kualitas foto 1 Zones : R L V V V V _ _

Terdapat Costophrenic angle obliteration pada left zone Right costophrenic angle Appearance due to muscle slip

7. Foto ILO B kelainannya apa saja ? Kualitas foto 1 Profusion 1/2 Shape and size q/p Zones : R V V V L V V V

Large opacities : B Ca : right lateral mid-zone nodule ax : coalescence of small opacities

8. Perbedaan silicosis dan asbesitosis menurut ILO Radiograph ? Silicosis : gambarannya pada apex paru Asbesitosis : gambarannya pada basal paru

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