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TCS COMPANY PROFILE...................

POSITION OF ASE (TRAINEE).................


4 Objectives

4 PART 1 Pre Induction Preparation.............

4 PART 2 First Day Introduction and formalities................

4 PART 3 Post Introduction................

4 PART 4 Evaluation & Follow up..............

The objectives of the 1CS ASE(Assistant Systems Engineer) Orientation Program are:
O To have an effective orientation program that is consistent throughout TCS
O To comply with the TCS human resource mission of establishing and maintaining
an effective, diverse, and motivated workforce to ensure sustained employee

In TCS, all ASSISTANT SYSTEMS ENGINEERS will be subjected to 1 week
Induction program, the design oI which is discussed to some details in the Iollowing

Part I
Before they arrive.

O ecide who will be involved with each part oI the Induction you, other
managers/supervisors, other staII in the section/unit.
O II possible identiIy a 'buddy someone who will look out Ior the new starter Ior the
Iirst Iew days/week and act as their Iriend and guide. Pick someone with the habits and
behaviours you want to see developing in the new starter.
O ake sure all staII involved are clear what their responsibilities will be.
O II appropriate make sure that a work place is available do they need IT access?
Organise email accounts, passwords, etc.
O ecide what local Induction materials need to be added to the Personal evelopment
Pack work areas, building layouts, procedures, policies, etc.
O o through the check list. Have a plan Ior what needs to be covered, when and by whom.
O Insert any standard 'welcome letter Irom the Head oI OIIice/irector.

Part II
First Day

It is suggested that the TCS centre head, ivisional irector, Location Coordinator, Research
Leader,etc. welcome new employees. An overview oI the TCS mission and vision should be

Jarious videos of TCS history, laurels, products, work area, company culture etc. will provide
new employees with inIormation on some oI that is done by the TCS, and an understanding oI
the importance oI their position to the compamy.

The processing-in personnel will go over the Iorms listed on the !rocessing-In Checklist` and
answer any questions.
To give the new employee a break from completing the forms, you could stop and discuss
other topics such as: annual and sick leave, LWOP, etc. You could then go back to
reviewing the last of the forms on the list.

Video: The OIIice oI Personnel anagement has two videos on beneIits:
1) enefits...Cet Serious" and
2) et's 1alk enefits - An Introduction to Federal enefits and the Decisions
You Aeed to Make as Aew Employee".
Cost: enefits Cet Serious" - $25 and et's 1alk enefits" - $39.

O REMINDER: Please be sure new employees are provided a copy oI Standards of
Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch` when they are processed-in.

AIter the Iorms have been reviewed, the new employee should sign and date the !rocessing-In
Checklist.` A copy should then be Iorwarded to the servicing branch oI the Human Resources
ivision where a copy will be Iiled in the employee`s OIIicial Personnel Folder.

Meet with Supervisor
The enclosed 'Supervisor`s Checklist is a suggested checklist Ior supervisor`s use. This is an
opportunity Ior the supervisor to explain policies to the new employee. The supervisor may not
need to cover all items on the checklistdepends on the employee`s position. Additional
inIormation on many oI the topics will be discussed in Part II.

The supervisor should the items discussed with the new employee. The employee and
supervisor should sign and date the Supervisors Checklist.` The supervisor should Iile the
checklist in the supervisor`s work Iile. A copy oI the Supervisor`s Checklist may be given to the
Location Administrative OIIicer or employee conducting Part II oI the company orientation to
cover topics in more detail.


Presenter Appro. Time
Welcome CENTRE HEA 10-15 minutes

Video- Processing-In Personnel 15 minutes
1echnology in Your Shopping Cart"

Processing-In 2 hours
BeneIits review
Meet with Supervisor 1hours
eet with Admin, HR, InIormation security heads 1 hour
Processing-In Checklist (Paperwork to be done by the employee)
Employee's Aame: ___________________________________________________
1itle/Series/Crade: ___________________________________________________
EOD: ___________________________________________________
1ype of Appointment:
***** Career Conditional
***** Career
***** Temporary
***** Term
enefits for Which _____ FEHB ***** CSRS (oIIset) ***** FICA ***** FELI
Appointee Is Eligible: CSRS _____ FERS ***** TSP _____ Leave Earning

***** Selective Service Statement (required Ior all males born aIter 12/31/59)
***** *I-9 Employment Eligibility VeriIication
***** *SF-61 Appointment AIIidavit
***** *SF-181 Race & National Origin IdentiIication
***** *SF-256 SelI-IdentiIication oI Handicap
***** *A-349 Employee Address
***** State Tax Withholding (iI required)

`All employees must receive these forms.
Other forms are based on employee`s appointment.
``````````Break from form filling process, so that induction program does not go monotonous````````
Cover the following topics and/or show orientation video
Annual, Sick, LWOP
Family edical Leave
Leave TransIer Program
Federal Holidays
Health BeneIits
LiIe Insurance
Retirement BeneIits
ThriIt Savings Program
Public Transportation BeneIit Program
Continue covering forms below
***** SF-2809 Health BeneIits Registration Form
***** Filing nominantion, gratuity Iorms etc.
***** *Standards oI Ethical Conduct
***** *Responsibilities and Conduct
***** *IdentiIication Card
***** Agreement, Student Career Experience Program
***** Statement oI Understanding, Student Temporary Employment Program

`All employees must receive these forms.
Other forms are based on employee`s appointment.
I have been provided all the Iorms indicated above.
************************************************* *****************
Employee Signature ate

After the initial briefing, the net days of the week are devoted to acquaint employee
about the following aspects relevant to his position(ASE), and company overall.

Company Overview: Remember that the new employee will have a great deal oI inIormation to
take in and too much too soon will overload them. It is more eIIective to pace inIormation, check
it has been understood, repeat important details and be Ilexible enough to revisit areas oI concern
to the new employee. A new employee will not know about the organization, what they need to
know - you need to guide them. This makes clear to them their position, role, and authority in the
organization. Hence Iollowing inIormation about the company is a must.

O Structure
O Values and organizational culture
O Strategic Plans

eadquarter/Area Offices and Useful locations. : Employees need to be made aware oI
diIIerent departments within the centre. This would help him gel into organization and also take
numerous advantages that the organization oIIers. For eg; Library, gymnasium etc.

O Administrator`s OIIice
O Administrative and Financial anagement
O InIormation StaII
O OIIice oI Technology TransIer
O TCS Area OIIices/Locations
O Centre Library
O Canteen culture
O Accomodation

Other Topics As a manager, supervisor or team leader you have the responsibilities oI an
employer to provide a saIe working environment. Thus provide and demonstrate the use oI all
OH & S equipment. II the working environment is oIIice based ensure that all ergonomic aspects
are considered. This is an ongoing process and required close attention in the Iirst three months
so that mastery is achieved in all aspects oI new Iunctions. Thus Iollowing aspects need to be
included in the induction design

O Time and attendance policies

O Travel policies (including Ioreign)
O Ethical standards
O SaIety (oIIice and lab)
O OIIice oI Worker`s Compensation Program (OWCP)
O Career development (IP, etc.)
O Websites
O Headquarters/Area/Location tour
O Retirement
O Unions
O Policies and procedures
O Employee Assistance Program
O Cooperative Resolution Program
O andatory training (workplace violence, sexual harassment, ethics, diversity, etc.)

Work Group: The socialization oI a new employee is a critical part oI the induction and can
reIlect in the employee`s satisIaction in their new working environment

O Introductions to colleagues
O Establishment oI buddy`
O Social codes and practices
O Layout and resources

The Position (ASE): Employees who have been placed Irom within the organization will also
require induction into their new position and work environment. This includes providing clear
inIormation to them about:

O Position description / responsibilities / outcomes
O Resources and equipment
O Workplace and personal space
O SaIety procedures
O Tasks and duties - speciIic procedures
O PerIormance assessment
O Training and development

Evaluation & Follow up of TCS New Employee Orientation Program

The Human Resources ivision would appreciate each new employee and their supervisor
completing the enclosed evaluation Iorms. Your responses will help the Human Resources
ivision evaluate the:
1) eIIectiveness and achievement oI orientation objectives;
2) timing and completeness oI inIormation in the program; and,
3) inIormation oIIered to the new employee.

The enclosed 'Post-Orientation Evaluation by New Employee and 'Post-Orientation Evaluation
by Supervisor should be completed 4 weeks after the new employee begins work.
Completed Iorms should be mailed to Human Resources ivision, TCS.

It has been 4 weeks since you attended your initial orientation. A great deal oI inIormation was oIIered
and presented concerning ARS policies, procedures, and beneIits. Your perspective on the inIormation
you were given is important. Please answer these questions to help complete Part I and Part II oI your
orientation and to assist us in improving our orientation program.
Use the rating scale below to indicate your opinion oI how well the new-employee process accomplished
the Iollowing objectives. Rate the Iollowing parts oI the program according to this scale:
5 very deIinitely/very clear
4 yes/mostly clear
3 somewhat/OK
2 not sure/need more inIormation
1 no/insuIIicient

How I Feel Now:
***** 1. I am eager to begin work.
***** 2. I Ieel welcome here.
***** 3. I anticipate a positive working relationship with my supervisor.
***** 4. I anticipate a positive working relationship with peers in my department.

Orientation objectives:
***** 5. I received essential inIormation.
***** 6. I received inIormation in a timely manner.
***** 7. I know what is expected oI me by my supervisor.
***** 8. I know what is expected oI me by my coworkers.
***** 9. I understand my job responsibilities.
***** 10. I have essential supplies and equipment to do my job or know where to Iind them.

11. What were the most helpIul items covered during orientation?
12. What items were not helpIul, not needed, or could have waited until later to be addressed?
13. What items were not covered during the initial meetings that you want to know about?
14. What questions do you have about inIormation presented that did not occur to you at the time?

Overall rating of the orientation program`s value to me: **********


It has been 4 weeks since your new employee (name) ****************************** attended Part
I and Part II oI the orientation program. A great deal oI inIormation was oIIered and presented concerning
our policies, procedures, and beneIits. Your perspective on the inIormation that was given is important.

Please answer these questions to help complete Part I and Part II oI your new employee orientation and to
assist us in improving the orientation program.
Use the rating scale below to indicate your opinion oI how well the new-employee process accomplished
the Iollowing objectives. Rate the Iollowing parts oI the program according to this scale:

5 very deIinitely/very clear
4 yes/mostly clear
3 somewhat/OK
2 not sure/need more inIormation
1 no/insuIIicient

***** 1. The new employee received essential inIormation.
***** 2. The new employee received inIormation in a timely manner.
***** 3. The new employee was inIormed about his or her supervisor`s expectations.
***** 4. The new employee was inIormed about the expectations that his or her coworkers have oI
him or her.
***** 5. The new employee`s job responsibilities were explained to him or her.
***** 6. The new employee has essential supplies and equipment to do his or her job or has been
told where to Iind them.

7. What inIormation has the employee asked about that could have been included in the initial meeting?
8. What items at the orientation were not helpIul, not needed, or could have waited until later to be
9. What Iurther inIormation does the employee need now?
10. What skill training does the employee need now?

Follow Up: Check in on the new member regularly to answer any questions and discuss their
progress (daily at Iirst). Relate whether the induction helped and motivated the newly placed
employee at work.


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