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CompuLer Sclence S-73: 8ulldlng uynamlc WebslLes

Parvard Summer School

Summer 2012
0 < 9
due by Wed 7/17, noon L1


ueslgn your own daLa model.
lnLroduce you Lo P, xML, and xaLh.


lnsplred by
CompuLer Sclence S-73: 8ulldlng uynamlc WebslLes
Parvard Summer School
Summer 2012
1 < 9

All work LhaL you do Loward fulflllmenL of Lhls course's expecLaLlons musL be your own unless
collaboraLlon ls expllclLly allowed (!"#", by some problem seL or Lhe flnal pro[ecL). vlewlng or copylng
anoLher lndlvldual's work (even lf lefL by a prlnLer, sLored ln an execuLable dlrecLory, or accldenLally
shared ln Lhe course's vlrLual classroom) or llfLlng maLerlal from a book, magazlne, webslLe, or oLher
source-even ln parL-and presenLlng lL as your own consLlLuLes academlc dlshonesLy, as does showlng
or glvlng your work, even ln parL, Lo anoLher sLudenL.

Slmllarly ls dual submlsslon academlc dlshonesLy: you may noL submlL Lhe same or slmllar work Lo Lhls
course LhaL you have submlLLed or wlll submlL Lo anoLher. nor may you provlde or make avallable your
or oLher sLudenLs' soluLlons Lo ro[ecL 0, ro[ecL 1, or ro[ecL 2 Lo lndlvlduals who Lake or may Lake Lhls
course (or CSCl L-73) ln Lhe fuLure.

?ou are welcome Lo dlscuss Lhe course's maLerlal wlLh oLhers ln order Lo beLLer undersLand lL. ?ou may
even dlscuss problem seLs wlLh classmaLes, buL you may noL share code. ?ou may also Lurn Lo Lhe Web
for lnsLrucLlon beyond Lhe course's lecLures and secLlons, for references, and for soluLlons Lo Lechnlcal
dlfflculLles, buL noL for ouLrlghL soluLlons Lo problems on pro[ecLs. Powever, fallure Lo clLe (as wlLh
commenLs) Lhe orlgln of any code or Lechnlque LhaL you do dlscover ouLslde of Lhe course's lecLures and
secLlons (even whlle respecLlng Lhese consLralnLs) and Lhen lnLegraLe lnLo your own work may be
consldered academlc dlshonesLy.

lf ln doubL as Lo Lhe approprlaLeness of some dlscusslon or acLlon, conLacL Lhe sLaff.

All forms of academlc dlshonesLy are dealL wlLh harshly. lf Lhe course refers some maLLer Lo Lhe
AdmlnlsLraLlve 8oard and Lhe ouLcome for some sLudenL ls dlsclpllnary acLlon, Lhe course reserves Lhe
rlghL Lo lmpose local sancLlons on Lop of LhaL ouLcome for LhaL sLudenL LhaL may lnclude, buL noL be
llmlLed Lo, a falllng grade for work submlLLed or for Lhe course lLself.

?our code (CSS, P1ML, P, xML, !$%.) wlll be evaluaLed along Lhe followlng axes.

&%'(!. 1o whaL exLenL does your code lmplemenL Lhe feaLures requlred by our speclflcaLlon?
)'**!%$+!,,. 1o whaL exLenL ls your code conslsLenL wlLh our speclflcaLlons and free of bugs?
-!,.#+. 1o whaL exLenL ls your code wrlLLen well (."!", clearly, efflclenLly, eleganLly, and/or loglcally)?
&$/0!. 1o whaL exLenL ls your code readable (."!", commenLed and lndenLed wlLh varlables apLly named)?

CompuLer Sclence S-73: 8ulldlng uynamlc WebslLes
Parvard Summer School
Summer 2012
2 < 9

! Surf on over Lo, logglng ln lf prompLed, and poke around lf you haven'L
already! AnyLlme you have a quesLlon Lhls semesLer (LhaL's noL, say, personal ln naLure), do
search ulscuss Lo see lf your quesLlon has already been asked by some fellow sLudenL and, beLLer
yeL, answered! lf noL, posL away!

uo be mlndful of Lhe syllabus's pollcles on academlc honesLy. osLlng snlppeLs of code ls probably
flne, posLlng an enLlre flle ls probably noL. lf ever ln doubL, lL's probably besL Lo keep your posL
prlvaLe Lo sLaff" by checklng Lhe approprlaLe checkbox. ?ou are welcome Lo respond Lo fellow
sLudenLs' quesLlons, buL, agaln, do be mlndful of Lhe leLLer and splrlL of Lhe course's pollcles.


! llrsL dlve lnLo P1ML3 aL, a free onllne book wrlLLen ln, well,
P1ML3! ?ou won'L need Lo leverage all of P1ML3's feaLures for Lhls or fuLure pro[ecLs, so feel free
Lo sklm or sklp secLlons LhaL aren'L of lnLeresL.

! nexL read up on P aL And sklm Lhe sLyle
guldes aL and Lo famlllarlze yourself
wlLh some convenLlons.

! lf unfamlllar wlLh xML and/or parslng xML wlLh P, read up on boLh aL and, focuslng parLlcularly
on P's SlmplexML Al.

Powever, do 9#' sLore any xML ln a P flle for Lhls pro[ecL, as l8M dld for some (crazy) reason ln
arL 1's LlsLlng 6 as well as oLhers (uslng P's heredoc synLax).

! lf unfamlllar wlLh git (and speclflcally merges), learn how Lo verslon flles vla Lhe semlnar aL ?ou mlghL also flnd
helpful Lhe ClL CommunlLy 8ook aL

! now lL's Llme Lo download some sofLware.

! lf you don'L have lL already, lnsLall Lhe laLesL verslon of Coogle Chrome from, Lhen lnsLall Lhe Wlndow 8eslzer exLenslon from
! lnsLall verslon 17a of Lhe CS30 Appllance, per Lhe lnsLrucLlons aL lf you've noL used
Lhe CS30 Appllance before, see Lo learn how Lo
use lL!

CompuLer Sclence S-73: 8ulldlng uynamlc WebslLes
Parvard Summer School
Summer 2012
3 < 9
! now LhaL you have verslon 17a of Lhe CS30 Appllance lnsLalled, sLarL Lhe appllance. SelecL .%9<(?(
@9'%"9%'(?(1##>2%(AB"#7% lnslde Lhe appllance and Lhen vlslL your favorlLe webslLe Lo conflrm
LhaL Lhe appllance has lnLerneL access. (Sufflce lL Lo say your own compuLer musL Loo!) 1hen
open a Lermlnal lnslde Lhe appllance, per, or SSP
from your own compuLer Lo Lhe appllance, per SSP from your own compuLer Lo Lhe appllance, per, and
updaLe Lhe appllance by execuLlng Lhe command below.

sudo yum y reinstall appliance50

lf Lhe command falls, Lry lL agaln afLer resLarLlng Lhe appllance (as vla .%9<(?(/#>(C<'(?(=%3'-"').
lf sLlll no luck, Lurn Lo your parLner or for a hand!
! lf unfamlllar wlLh vlrLual hosLs (vhosLs), acqualnL yourself aL

1hen, ln a Lermlnal wlndow lnslde Lhe appllance, execuLe

sudo geany /etc/hosts

and add Lhe followlng llne aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe flle LhaL opens, Lhen save and qulL geany. project0

8ecall LhaL sudo execuLes a command as Lhe super-user (."!", root), whlch ls necessary ln Lhls
case, slnce /etc/hosts ls only wrlLeable by root. 1he llne you [usL added ensures LhaL
project0 wlll resolve" (as vla unS) Lo, whlch ls Lhe appllance's loopback address."
( nexL, conflrm LhaL you have a dlrecLory called vhosts ln your (well, !ohn Parvard's) home
dlrecLory. 1hen creaLe a project0 dlrecLory wlLhln vhosts. 1hen creaLe an html dlrecLory
wlLhln project0. 1hen chmod all Lhree, plus your home dlrecLory, 711.

no need Lo append project0.localdomain Lo LhaL llne.

CompuLer Sclence S-73: 8ulldlng uynamlc WebslLes
Parvard Summer School
Summer 2012
4 < 9
now creaLe a flle called index.php lnslde of ~/vhosts/project0/html/ conLalnlng Lhe

<?= 'hello' ?>

1hen chmod Lhe flle 600 (Lhough lL should be already) and vlslL http://project0/ wlLh Chrome
lnslde Lhe appllance. 8e sure Lo Lype Lhe http://, else you'll end up Coogllng "pro[ecL0". ?ou
should be greeLed wlLh hi. lf you lnsLead see some error, besL Lo reLry Lhese sLeps!

lf curlous as Lo why all Lhls works, Lake a peek aL /etc/httpd/conf.d/appliance50.conf.
1haL flle maps all of Lhe appllance's vlrLual hosLs Lo /home/jharvard/vhosts/ so LhaL creaLlng
a new vlrLual hosL called, say, foo lnslde Lhe appllance ls as easy as creaLlng
/home/jharvard/vhosts/foo/ and /home/jharvard/vhosts/foo/html/ and edlLlng
/etc/hosts so LhaL foo resolves Lo Lhe

1hanks Lo vlrLual hosLs, each of your

pro[ecLs can appear Lo llve ln Lhe rooL of a webserver (as opposed Lo some subdlrecLory), [usL llke
a real slLe!


! So LhaL you have a place Lo sLore revlslons of Lhls and fuLure pro[ecLs prlvaLely, head Lo and slgn up for a F=GG accounL. 8e sure Lo use a .edu
address so LhaL you're auLomaLlcally upgraded Lo an unllmlLed sLudenL plan.

! Log lnLo your 8lLbuckeL accounL and creaLe a new, prlvaLe repo as follows:

! Lnsure LhaL A"%-'%(9%H("%I#3+'#": ls hlghllghLed (ln dark blue).
! lnpuL a value of I"#$%&') under J-7%.
! Lnsure LhaL !"+K-'% ls checked.
! Lnsure LhaL 1+' ls selecLed under =%I#3+'#":(':I%.
! Check boLh @33<%('"-&E+9> and L+E+ under !"#$%&'(7-9->%7%9' lf you'd llke.
! SelecL !8! under /-9><->%.
! lnpuL a value for ;%3&"+I'+#9 and/or(L%M3+'% lf you'd llke.
! Cllck A"%-'%("%I#3+'#":.

?ou should Lhen flnd yourself aL a page whose u8L ls, where alice ls your acLual 8lLbuckeL username.

lf you lnsLead see goodbye, you really dld someLhlng wrong.

?ou can also access Lhe appllance's vlrLual hosLs from a browser on your own compuLer lf you'd llke, buL you'll flrsL need Lo
edlL /etc/hosts (lf runnlng Mac CS or Llnux) or C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (lf runnlng Wlndows) on your
own compuLer slmllarly. !usL be sure Lo replace wlLh Lhe appllance's l address, whlch ls dlsplayed aL all Llmes ln
Lhe appllance's boLLom-rlghL corner. 1o edlL Lhese flles wlLh a LexL edlLor, you'll llkely need Lo lnvoke sudo (lf runnlng Mac CS
or Llnux) or =<9(-3(567+93'"-'#" (lf runnlng Wlndows).
lf you already have an exlsLlng accounL, you're welcome Lo use LhaL for Lhe course. ?ou can apply Lo have lL upgraded Lo an
unllmlLed sLudenL plan aL
CompuLer Sclence S-73: 8ulldlng uynamlc WebslLes
Parvard Summer School
Summer 2012
3 < 9
! Cpen a Lermlnal lnslde Lhe appllance or SSP Lo lL from your compuLer. 1hen execuLe Lhe followlng
command Lo generaLe an SSP key palr (one publlc key, one prlvaLe key):


PlL LnLer aL each of Lhe prompLs LhaL appears (unless you'd prefer Lo secure Lhe prlvaLe key wlLh a
keyphrase). lf you Lhen execuLe

ls ~/.ssh/

you should see LhaL you now have (among oLhers) flles called id_rsa (your prlvaLe key) and (your publlc key). LxecuLe

geany ~/.ssh/

Lhen hlghllghL and copy Lhe conLenLs of LhaL flle (whlch happens Lo be your publlc key). vlslL and pasLe Lhe key lnLo Lhe LexL fleld below NN8(E%:3, Lhen
cllck 566(E%:.

! now leL's push an lnlLlal commlL Lo your reposlLory. Agaln ln a Lermlnal wlndow wlLhln Lhe
appllance, execuLe Lhese commands, where Alice ls your own name and
ls your own emall address:

cd ~/vhosts/project0/
git config --global "Alice"
git config --global ""
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial commit"

1hen execuLe Lhe below Lo add a remoLe" for your 8lLbuckeL repo, where alice ls your own
8lLbuckeL username:

git remote add origin
now push your code Lo LhaL remoLe:

git push -u origin master

lf you vlslL, where alice ls your 8lLbuckeL
username, you should see Lhe code you [usL pushed.
CompuLer Sclence S-73: 8ulldlng uynamlc WebslLes
Parvard Summer School
Summer 2012
6 < 9
! PenceforLh, anyLlme you make changes Lo code LhaL you'd llke Lrack ln verslon conLrol, execuLe
Lhe below (or slmllar, lf more experlenced wlLh git) lnslde of ~/vhosts/project0/:

git add --all
git commit -m "a description of the changes you've made"
git push


! !usL Lhe oLher day, whlle walLlng ln llne for lunch aL your favorlLe plzza place, you were golng on
and on (as you ofLen do) wlLh a frlend abouL how you're Laklng some course on bulldlng dynamlc
webslLes. Maybe you should make Lhls place a webslLe so LhaL we don'L have Lo sLand ln llne
anymore," your frlend lnLerrupLed, wlLh [usL a hlnL of sarcasm. 1hen we could order onllne."

Pmmm," you replled, mlsslng Lhe sarcasm. 1haL ls a fanLasLlc ldea!"

And so was born your ro[ecL 0. ?our mlsslon for Lhls pro[ecL ls Lo lmplemenL a webslLe LhaL
allows cusLomers Lo place orders onllne!

lncluded aL Lhls documenL's end ls a menu from a local haunL called 1hree Aces (who, sadly, has
gone ouL of buslness, buL leL's preLend Lhey're sLlll wlLh us). 1urns ouL Lhey sell more Lhan [usL
plzza. ln facL, Lhey offer Len dlfferenL caLegorles" of food: !+,,-3, NI%&+-2':( !+,,-3, NI%&+-2(
;+99%"3, N+6%( C"6%"3, N-2-63, NI->B%''+( #"( P+'+, 8#7%( 7-6%( /-3->9-( =-K+#2+( #"( .-9+&#''+,
8#7%7-6%(A-2,#9%3, L"-I3, and 1"+96%"3. Some lLems only came ln one slze, buL oLhers clearly
come ln boLh small and large slzes, aL dlfferenL prlces no less.

?our flrsL challenge ls Lo come up wlLh a daLa model for Lhls menu. ?ou LhoughL abouL uslng a
daLabase, buL LhaL feels llke overklll, slnce you'd Lhen also need Lo lmplemenL an lnLerface wlLh
whlch Lhe folks aL 1hree Aces could updaLe Lhe menu. AfLer all, you don'L wanL a phone call every
Llme Lhey wanL Lo ralse prlces! lus, Lhe goal here ls Lo save Llme. An xML flle, Lhen, feels llke Lhe
rlghL cholce for Lhls menu, your slLe wlll slmply read lLems from lL. 1haL way, Loo, Lhe folks aL
1hree Aces can preLLy easlly updaLe Lhelr own menu Lhemselves wlLh any old LexL edlLor. Cf
course, Lhey'll have Lo keep Lhe xML well-formed, buL LhaL seems a reasonable prlce Lo pay for an
oLherwlse free webslLe!

Spend some Llme Lhlnklng abouL how besL Lo represenL Lhls menu as xML, keeplng Lhese goals ln

! lL musL be easy for someone less Lechnlcal Lhan you Lo make changes Lo Lhe menu. 1he xML
should be sLralghLforward Lo read and alLer.
! ?ou musL somehow keep Lrack of each lLem's caLegory, name, prlce(s), slze(s), and
descrlpLlon, lf any.

If you omit the -m flag when committing, git will prompt you for a commit message with nano. Once youve
provided said message, you can save and quit nano with ctl-x, y, then Enter.
CompuLer Sclence S-73: 8ulldlng uynamlc WebslLes
Parvard Summer School
Summer 2012
7 < 9
! ?ou should avold dupllcaLlon of daLa. !usL because 1hree Aces sells 1omaLo & Cheese plzzas
ln Lwo slzes, LhaL doesn'L mean 1omaLo & Cheese" needs Lo appear Lwlce ln your flle!
! ?our model should be exLenslble. lf 1hree Aces evenLually decldes Lo sell medlum plzzas,
Lhey shouldn'L need Lo call you!

8efore decldlng on a model, Lhough, besL Lo read on so LhaL you know how your xML wlll be used.
1he overall deslgn and aesLheLlcs of Lhls slLe are ulLlmaLely up Lo you, buL we requlre LhaL your slLe
meeL some requlremenLs.

( F%-'<"%(=%Q<+"%7%9'3(

! ?our slLe musL noL dlsplay 1hree Aces's menu on one huge page buL, raLher, allow
cusLomers Lo browse Lhe menu by caLegory. lL ls flne Lo dlsplay mulLlple (buL noL all)
caLegorles per page. NI->B%''+( #"( P+'+ and 8#7%( 7-6%( /-3->9-( =-K+#2+( #"( .-9+&#''+, for
lnsLance, sound llke Lhey belong on Lhe same page.
! ?ou need noL converL 1hree Aces's enLlre menu Lo xML, lesL Ledlum Lake Lhe fun ouL of
deslgn, Lhree lLems per caLegory sufflce, so long as Lhose Lrlples make clear your overall
deslgn. Powever, we suspecL you'll en[oy your slLe more lf you lnpuL more Lhan Lhree lLems
per caLegory!
! CusLomers musL be able Lo add lLems Lo a shopplng carL" whose conLenLs perslsL unLll Lhe
cusLomers check ouL or close Lhelr browsers. CusLomers musL also be able Lo updaLe
quanLlLles and remove lLems ouLrlghL (wlLhouL, !"#", havlng Lo change some lLem's quanLlLy
Lo 0).
! When cusLomers follow some llnk Lo check ouL, Lhey musL be lnformed of Lhelr order's LoLal
cosL and Lhanked for Lhelr order.
! ?our slLe should perform rlgorous error-checklng. under no clrcumsLances should we be
able Lo crash your slLe or lnduce unreasonable behavlor. LeLLlng us lnpuL negaLlve
quanLlLles so LhaL 1hree Aces owes 1, money ls noL, shall we say, reasonable. We wlll bang
on your code and Lry Lo flnd faulLs, do noL leL us succeed.


! ?ou're welcome Lo develop your slLe on any compuLer uslng any luL or LexL edlLor, even
wlLhouL uslng Lhe CS30 Appllance, buL you musL ulLlmaLely ensure LhaL lL works wlLhln Lhe
CS30 Appllance aL a u8L of http://project0/ when lnsLalled ln
! Cnly flles LhaL should be web-accesslble should llve ln project0/html/, everyLhlng else
should llve ln project0/ or some (oLher) subdlrecLory Lhereln.
! ?our markup language should be valld (or LenLaLlvely" valld) P1ML3, as per, unless some feaLure of your slLe requlres oLherwlse (for
Lhe sake of some browser), explaln ln P1ML commenLs any lnLenLlonal lnvalldlLles. ?our
P1ML should also be as preLLy-prlnLed as posslble. ?our CSS need noL be valld.
! ?our P musL be exLenslvely commenLed and be as preLLy-prlnLed as posslble.
CompuLer Sclence S-73: 8ulldlng uynamlc WebslLes
Parvard Summer School
Summer 2012
8 < 9
! ?ou may use a W?SlW?C edlLor Lo generaLe P1ML and/or CSS LhaL you would llke Lo use ln
your slLe.
! lf you lnLegraLe Lhlrd-parLy CSS or !avaScrlpL llbrarles lnLo your pro[ecL, clLe Lhelr orlgln wlLh
! lf you lncorporaLe or adapL snlppeLs of P code from Lhe Web lnLo your pro[ecL
(!"#", examples from, clLe Lhe code's orlglns wlLh commenLs.
! lf you lncorporaLe lmages from Lhe Web lnLo your pro[ecL, clLe Lhe lmages' wlLh commenLs.
! ?our webslLe musL appear and behave Lhe same on Lhe laLesL verslons of aL leasL Lwo of
Lhese browsers:
! Chrome
! llrefox
! lnLerneL Lxplorer
! Cpera
! Safarl

So long as your slLe meeLs Lhe foregolng requlremenLs, you are welcome Lo lnLerpreL Lhls
speclflcaLlon as you see flL. lmaglne, perhaps, an ldeal slLe for 1hree Aces. 1hen go lmplemenL
LhaL. Cr, aL leasL, as much as you can!

And don'L forgeL abouL!


! Cnce done wlLh your slLe, puL LogeLher a readme ln a LexL flle called README LhaL llves ln

1reaL Lhls readme as your opporLunlLy noL only Lo explaln buL Lo [usLlfy your deslgn declslons. 1ell
us why you modeled your xML as you dld. 1ell us why you chose, say, selecL menus over radlo
buLLons for some feaLure. 1ell us wlLh whlch Lwo (or more) browsers we should evaluaLe your
slLe. And glve us an overall sense of how your slLe works (!"#", Lell us whlch flles do whaL). 8uL
sLlll be succlncL, keep Lhls readme Lo [usL a few paragraphs ln lengLh.


! A few days prlor Lo Lhls pro[ecL's deadllne, lnsLrucLlons for submlLLlng your work wlll be
announced aL 8e sure Lo look for Lhose dlrecLlons and Lhen submlL
your work prlor Lo Lhls pro[ecL's deadllne.
for more info:
MenuPages PRIME Advertising
Menu Items and Prices subject to change. Information related to this restaurant is provided solely for informational purposes only and
is not an endorsement or guarantee by or any Listed Restaurant. 2007 Slick City Media, Inc.
Three Aces 617 491-2884
1613 Massachusetts Ave
617 491-2889
Cambridge, MA 02139
Btwn Mellen & Everett St
Tomato & Cheese ..................................... 5.50 9.75
Onions..................................................... 6.85 10.85
Peppers ................................................... 6.85 10.85
Broccoli ................................................... 6.85 10.85
Fresh Garlic............................................. 6.85 10.85
Mushrooms............................................. 6.85 10.85
Fresh Spinach ......................................... 6.85 10.85
Anchovies ............................................... 6.85 10.85
Hamburg ................................................. 6.85 10.85
Pepperoni ................................................ 6.85 10.85
Sausage .................................................. 6.85 10.85
Meatball ................................................. 6.85 10.85
Bacon ...................................................... 6.85 10.85
Ham......................................................... 6.85 10.85
Olives ...................................................... 6.85 10.85
Grilled Chicken........................................ 7.95 11.80
Hawaiian................................................. 7.95 11.80
2-way Combo.......................................... 7.95 11.80
3-way Combo.......................................... 8.90 12.80
Extra Cheese............................................. 1.25 1.85
Speciality Pizzas
$9.80 Sm / $15.80 Lg
Three Aces Special ......................................................
Mediterranean Sliced Tomatoes, Olives, Spinach, Fresh
Garlic, Mozzarella & Feta Cheese ..................................
Vegetarian Sliced Tomatoes, Onion, Peppers, Mushrooms,
Broccoli, Mozzarella .....................................................
Meat Lovers Pepperoni, Hamburg, Sausage & Bacon.......
Bbq Grilled Chicken Choice Of Vegetables .....................
Grecian Supreme Grilled Chicken, Feta Cheese, Toma-
toes, Kalamata Olives...................................................
Special Dinners
Chicken Wing Dinner ............................................7.25
Gyro Plate .............................................................7.25
Chicken Finger Plate .............................................7.25
3 Piece Chicken Dinner .........................................7.25
Cheeseburger or Chicken Burger Plate.................5.25
Double-cheeseburger Plate ..................................5.75
Chicken Kabob Plate With rice, salad & pita bread..7.85
Steak Tips Dinner Served with side salad & french
fries .....................................................................8.25
Fish & Chips Dinner Served with side salad, french fries
& tartar sauce.......................................................7.35
All Dinners served with French Fries and Salad*
Side Orders
Onion Rings............................................... 2.60 2.95
French Fries............................................... 2.25 2.65
Spicy Fries................................................. 2.60 2.95
Chicken Wings......................................................5.75
Buffalo Wings....................................................... 5.75
Chicken Fingers .................................................... 5.75
Mozzarella Sticks(7 Pieces) .................................. 4.50
Slice Cheese Pizza................................................ 1.65
Slice Pepperoni Pizza............................................ 1.85
Homemade Spinach Pie ....................................... 3.10
Buffalo Fingers ..................................................... 5.75
Chicken Burger ..................................................... 2.75
Cheeseburger ....................................................... 2.75
Spanakopita.......................................................... 3.25
Garden .......................................................3.50 4.50
Greek .........................................................4.50 5.50
Antipasto ...................................................4.50 5.50
Chef ...........................................................4.50 5.50
Tuna ...........................................................4.50 5.50
Grilled Chicken ..........................................4.95 5.95
Kabob Salad With grilled Chicken & feta
cheese ......................................................5.45 6.45
Spaghetti or Ziti
With Sauce........................................................... 5.40
With Sausage....................................................... 6.45
With Meat Ball ..................................................... 6.45
With Veal .............................................................. 6.45
With Chicken Cutlet ............................................. 6.45
With Mushrooms.................................................. 6.45
A La Three Aces Sausage, Mushrooms, Bacon & Ham
Topped with Sauce & Mozzarella Cheese................ 7.25
Eggplant Spaghetti or Ziti Dinner With Mozzarella
Cheese................................................................. 7.25
Home made Lasagna Ravioli or Mani-
With Sauce........................................................... 6.25
With Sausage....................................................... 7.25
With Meatball ...................................................... 7.25
With Veal .............................................................. 7.25
With Chicken Cutlet ............................................. 7.25
With Mushrooms.................................................. 7.25
Veggie Lasagna .................................................... 7.25
All Pasta Dinners Served with Garlic Bread and Salad
Homemade Calzones
Vegetarian ...................................................................
Ham & Cheese.............................................................
Chicken Cutlet .............................................................
Grilled Chicken ............................................................
Meatball ......................................................................
Grecian ........................................................................
Veal ..............................................................................
Eggplant ......................................................................
Steak ...........................................................................
Italian All the above come with mushrooms, peppers&
onions ........................................................................
Grecian Fresh Tomatoes, Spinach, Feta...........................
Wraps $4.95
Turkey Club Wrap Turkey, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato,
Onion, Mayo................................................................
Chicken Cobb Grilled Chicken, Bacon, Cheese, lettuce,
Tomatop, Onion, Honey Mustard...................................
Greek Supreme Feta Cheese, Black Olives, Lettuce,
Tomato, Onion, Greek Dressing.....................................
Crispy Chicken Chicken Finger, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion,
Honey Mustard............................................................
Steak Wrap .................................................................
Meatless ................................................... 4.50 4.95
Hamburger................................................. 4.50 4.95
Cheeseburger ............................................ 4.75 5.75
Meatball .................................................... 4.75 5.75
Sausage..................................................... 4.75 5.75
American................................................... 4.75 5.75
Veal Cutlet................................................. 4.75 5.75
Hot Pastrami.............................................. 4.95 5.95
Italian ........................................................ 4.75 5.75
Genoa Salami ............................................ 4.75 5.75
Ham........................................................... 4.75 5.75
Tuna........................................................... 4.75 5.75
Roast Beef................................................. 4.95 5.95
B.l.t. Bacon, Lettuce, Tomato ........................ 4.75 5.75
Sliced Turkey ............................................. 4.75 5.75
Three Aces Special Turkey, Roast Beef &
Bacon ....................................................... 5.30 6.40
Cheese Steak ............................................ 5.10 6.00
Onion Steak............................................... 5.20 6.20
Pepper Steak ............................................. 5.20 6.20
Mushroom Steak....................................... 5.20 6.20
Special Steak ............................................ 5.40 6.40
Steak Bomb Each Additional Item on Steak Subs $0.25/
$0.40 ........................................................ 5.50 6.50
Pepper & Egg............................................. 4.50 4.95
Ham & Egg ................................................ 4.75 5.75
Steak & Egg............................................... 5.60 6.50
Bacon & Egg.............................................. 5.30 6.40
Chicken Cutlet ........................................... 4.75 5.75
Eggplant & Cheese.................................... 4.75 5.75
Gyro On Pita ......................................................... 5.50
Grilled Chicken On Pita ........................................ 5.25
Grilled Chicken Delight ............................. 5.50 6.50
Grilled Chicken Sub................................... 5.25 5.85
Chicken Finger Sub.................................... 4.60 5.60

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