Sie sind auf Seite 1von 10


S(fNGS KETHUvIM THE SONG OF Do not wake or rouse Love until it Please!






-l-"1lYn-trt(] I l-FyR-trx

: fpr rnrl 1l' i]3il$il-n$

desert oWho is she that comes up from the Like columns of smok'e' In clouds of myrrh and frankincense'

lF 6 ll-l)3il-ln '-r!v nNi

[*t me hearYourvolce; Ic your voiceis sweet &J your faceis comelY." *tCatchus the foxes, ,&e tittle foxes Tbat ruin the vineYardsis in blossom' Fcr our vineYard $L{y belovedis mine "fgd I am his amongthe lilies' lAo browses gentiY-a rlt'hen the day d-blows flee,t };d the shadorvs Stl out, mY beloved, ihrift as a gazelle

of the merchant? Of all the Powders couch' zThere is Solomon's bY sixtYwarriors Encircled Of the warriorsof Israel' aAtlof them trainedcin warfare' Skiliedin battle' Eachwith sword on thigh of terror bY night' Because him a palanquin eKingSolomonmadie Of wood from Lebanon' loHe madeits Postsof silver' Its backdof gold' Its seatof PurPlew'coi' '-love Within, it was deckedwith of llerusalem'-' BYthe maidens rlO maidensof Zictn'go forth And gazeuPon King Solomon Wearingthe crown that his mother day, Gavehim on his ra,edding biiss' On his daYof

l}ltYnll4'f-tP nlirh rin n--]l?i?n :b:ir n?$ 5Pn \ngn niir rrnlytbYl :')g D'J!l tr'Jp'qr ,.-r? 'Jtln ' b51tu1

trh t rlt.,r'l! ilpF?n'lp?F

irr'-by'i111 tur5 D : ntbrbl UPls

, \,1 '

{} e voung stag' nnbq, l?r?ilrr 6s the hills of sPices!/ X[lo:';...x; ro

\9? ilvy ]'r-nnv trill lrlT!1 1l?--1F]}_( i1?4!-( $YJ llln : nbqnrt nlllD
il;t)s--.lJI itllNv rr

L:pon my couch at nighto


ib-nl\tyq illgq? ]nlnn tr'l''3 : il? npDV,tri]r3

S$ught the one I loveS,night, but found him not' xft rnustrise and roam the tovsn, andthrouglrthe squa: &ough the streets $alr<t seekthe one I love." Erught but found him not' bt met the watchmen-b
lhEo patrol the town. you seenthe one I love?"

*,vou arefair,mYdarling'
Ah, You are tarr' Your eyesare like doves BehindYour veil' goats Your hair is like a flock of down Mount Gilead' Streaming zYourteeth are like a flock of ewes, Climbing uP from the washingPooi;
c "ro learn'" Akkadian ahizu' Meaning oJ'Heb' uncertatn' d / o e-e Enrcndation 1;aat':'ion'y' Cl a Cf 6.o; extct

trrlir ;l!tl

lt]PY? 1I'38

:-rfh "]fn t{r?}Y

niirvi?il -llP?

l?VY nxn-]T-ln


them tcrrcely had I Passed tLfl I found the one I love' frHd him fast,I would not l'3thirn go house IEEI broughthim to my mother'rs m of her who conceived Fr rhecharnber f adjureyou, O maidensof .lerusalem' ,fp glzellesor by hinds of the fiell:

{}' trygnt i

4' Ier' 6'l' fncndation lelds "declines"; ruds "lengthen":d' Ier' 6'4 "sp rudsbe:'arnim' neaning;8'14 Si l"-tt .t 4r, certain k- ot a dream' nrctme" -;i'The watchmen

naidens of lerusalem!" "shorn unceftain' perhaps


ones" l73l

KETHUVIM THE SONG OF SONGIS 5.1 I lSweetness drops From your lips, O bride; Honey and milk Are under Your tongue; And the scent of your robes Is like the scent of Lebanon, l2A garden locked Is my own, my bride, A fountain locked, A sealed-upspring. l3Your limbs arean orchard ,rf pomegranates And of all luscious fruits, Of henna and of nardlaNard and safton, Fragrant reed and cinnamon, With all aromatic woods, Myrrh and aloesAli the choice perfumes. tss-[You are] a garden spring, A well of fresh water,'g A rill of Lebanon.

i-r tr'r-]lurn


vrrvrTHE SONG OF SONG S ,lt of them bearrwins. :&d not one loses her young. ffour lips are like a crimson thread, fsur mouth is lovely. Sotrr brow behind your veil


i'Tl5'tR n5l u

il?r lt5tn?lt :bnt vr:r

t 1 : (:

il'l\rt n[F
n:} 1''nn7l{,
u : Ii::: nr-13 btv: t 1rt=
I I t : r : . t

i1?) rl-jns Ltv: )r

t .

{Geamsllike a pomegranate split open. {our neck is like the Tower of David. Suilt ,-to hold weapons,_b *{ungwith a thousand shields_ Tll the quiversof warriors. sfour breasts are like two fawns,
Twins of a gazelle,


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: nlf [ ]lyB DJ trriin-] tp ltlrfu ',

D]'I)n r-'15Elt
A ' t : l ' :

tr'J?? :tr'JJJ-try tr!-]l] | -111.* nlg,l$l .lq :tr'Fvl r\rNl-t! try

A r : 1 " : t .


il)f 1,,-;1?'! tvY-t! D5

ri n l:'

tr.'tl lllrD i5

tr'll:I tr]p r$+ : fPb-1Ptr'h{

kowsing amongthe lilies. *lVhen the day blows gently And the shadows flee. ,I*ill betakeme to the mount of myrrtr, ifo the hill of frankincense. i,ivey part of you is fair, my darling, \' ;Ihere is no blemishin you. llFrom Lebanoncome rvith me: Lebanon, my bride,with me! ,'ftorn Srip down from Arnana'speak,
hom the peak of Senirdand Hermon, flom the dens of lions, *om the hills'of leopards.

l6Awake, O north wind, Come,O southwind! Blow upon my garden, That its perfumemaYsPread. cometo his garden Let my beloved fruitsl And enjoyits luscious

,.{ou havecapturedmy heart, own,.f my bride. havecaptured my heart fou

ith one [glance] of your eyes, Sith one coil of your necklace.

\ J

I hauecometo my garde:n, My own, my bride; I havepluckedmY mYrrh and sPice, and hone'Ycomb, Eatenmy honeY Drunk my wine and mY mLilk. and drink: Eat,lovers, of lovel Drink deeP
g-C Ementlation feltk "The spring in m1' garden / ls a well of t'resh

u)7 rnNr I
t j
' - : ' ) f

ir!; .'P'n

f1o* sweetis your love, y own, my bride! much more delightfulyour love than wine,
ointments more fragrant any spice!
a poetic ::!:::^::,:, uncertatn. ke notes at 2,17. Cf. Dnt. 3.9. fgure for j*etry; nrcaning of Heb.

tnv]-try r'l1n rnr-ll rtrl:l-try \rv: t::l?, ')7q-try 'J'l 'I'f-l

:ln\t tr:y-]
! i


\ ,

. n r - i : lr l
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.]lpn 'yn



.'lairs'; Emendation yields cf. Nah. 2.13. Ltt. "stster": and sofrequentlt,below.




Ilr'rlx (appiryon), ;rands , (yod) in lse one hundred issuing from the ,orld, all totaling red, correspond>alsam,and that ving no body in of pure balsam, :r this world, as:ceiving-giving this rvorld, and like the fragrance ing in that field. ighting below.2n

'Look, souls solomon made himself-for himself. Nc,rv,you might say: certainly so! of the righteous delight within, and yet you say made himself?' the delight for Becausethrspa,irion andail those souls of the righteous ail exist ,,King of the xntut (shelama)' "Kittg nn w (She/omo) , Solomon-the King rvho possesses The king anonypeace, namely the supernal King, as they have established' of threFemale'26 world is mous-King Messiah.This is world of the Male' that One "Frnn'tilte treesof Lebanorr-piantedtrees, uprooted by the blessedHoly cedars said: as is of Lebanort, Theseare cailed cedars and transplantedelsewhere. built and decowas pavilion This that He planted (Psalmsio4:t6)' of Lebartolt rated with them alone.:t

25. King Solomon made himself-for saythat King himself... Horvcan the verse for himseli p a v i l i o n t h e m a d e Solomon rvho righteous the of souls the is it u,hen

embodiedin this len (or pavilion) at lie asleepand are of Shekhlnah. They ir good deedsenb the fragranceof ;cribesIsaacsmellgarmentsworn b1' tter sought Isaac's ngranceof his gartd said, "See,fhe the fragranceof a : "When Jacob enGardenof Eden,a 'd with him, and rs one Ii.e., Isaac] thefragrance of my ' a by field blessed s him." , feld and Garden BereshitRabbah 'ohar t:.t4zb-r43a; ', n. t7z), 44a.

Holi' connotesthe blessed king arronymous, 'WhereverKingtnlv say, Rabbis One.' T'he the text speaks (She/omo), Solanon,appears' nrbu (sha/om)' possesses who King the of 'Cne]' whereas Hoiv blessed the peace li.e., Well, King Solomonsymfind delight there? the Assembli' connotes anonymous, king the boiizes the blessedHoly One, who delights of Israel Assembly Zohar, the In Israel."' of (the pavilion)' in thesesoulsand in Shekhlnah (seeabove,p' z'1,n' 68)' Shekhinah to alludes SeeZohar tz9a. "the Zohnrr:t5b,zga-b.On the phrase See ''' 26.King nn5u (She/omo),Solomon SheSr/ra, see peace"' King lvho possesses dithe masculine King Soiomon s1'mbolizes Ka' de-Rav Pesiqta 15, 44c; nini, milht'itlt, vine potency,spanningthe entire configura(on r:u R'abbah ha-Shirint Shir hana t:2, l; t i o n o f s e f i r o ti r o m H o k h m a ha n d B i n a h zz6b' r84a' z9a, l:5b, Zohar (on r:z); This entire potency (known r:t), t:rz through !'esod. r3za-b' (or "pos- z+8b;z:sa (MhN), r+a (MhN), roob' as Worid of the Male) contains ZH 6zb 6oa, 2oa, nb; r64a; 3:rob, r43b-i44b, rvho is calied"peace"because Yesod, sesses"') oY. the right and left poles (ShS); betrveen He mediates as the Mes:;iah,see Zohar Shekhinah On Tii'eret of the sefirot'or becauseHe unites z38a;z:r64b; 3:r9b; N{osesde Leon' SeeBT Shabbatr52a'rvhere r:84a, rvith Shekhinah. ha-Qodesh' to the ShushanEdut, 343;idem, Sheqel Rabbi Shim'on son of F{alaftarefers the Male' see of World the (9o-9r). On 7v7z of the home"' phallus as "peacemaker a b o v ep , . 48'n. 132. World the signifies Whereas KingSolomon the trees of Lebatnn-planted Fro* ,7. speciof the Male, the kirrg (with no name L e b a n o ns y m b o l i z e sH o k h m a h ' . . Shekhi- t r e e s . fied) signifiesKing Messiah,namely tlrot from Hesed are the six se cedars its rvhile (Kingdom) nah, u'ho is known as Ma/khut which began as saplings in the Yesod, to and also \\brld of the Female' realm and rvere later transn KingSobnnn and higher sefirotic The distincttonbenvee the planted and eventually fashioned into "the kinganon)'mous"derivesfrom the Midpavilion. ,urh on Songof Songs'SeeShir ha-Shirim "YHVH Elohim See BereshitRabbah r5:lL: Rabbi and Yudan "Rabbi (on r:l): Rabbahr:rt z:8)" ' ' As (Genesis Eden in garden a planted Levi said in the name of Rabbi Yohanan' are sated'cedars l'Hvrt of trees The *ritt..,, i, 'Whereverin this scroll Ithe Songof Songsl He planted (Psalmsro4:16)' appears'the of Lebanonthat 'They resembled the expressionKing Solon'ton antenfhe Rabbi Hanina said' t.*t ,, of King Solomon' whereas



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nl)"11, "l..tnD.r ,;tnTryDX'n n'tiPyln n']nSnynl,'l'liln nl'Dol ;ln'l;llrf nllDNi'] .ty .l.'lDt.1 X'l ;rlul ;11i'11;'1 )r:: r:r o.,ltl/ J'Nr, ,D')trnnn b: nN n''nlnl nDPD ): ):x ,'lDl) nlDD ): ,)n'lx)yll ): ,1tu)rl):t ;ryOrl;r ;.tyD't;'t 1:tn )>t J''l.'v''l '1)tn by n:ut'D N'i'ln'nltyt n'uDl ntrrtvn;r ):t ,uxnt 1)tn )>nt ,;ll''l)D l"nlttr;'tn-lntf ,"J oltl nN'lP nll;'lfl .n:t')y;r n'r'b):: b)>nnt T'tntDD.l'tl 'to'lDn ilDIrl )>n pran:n):t .b>bv nbvnnt;r)tv ,lnl']DN n''l;'tDl n't'T;.t''l ,'lr.l!;''t
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nnn-lTil oyy ,?lD n)]

n:n]l N''i'l r''li'l ,ill]P: 'l-ty nN 'l ,'')b);l D'tRit iltnN;'1t ;'tf,;]Ni''t'l lDni

,));r nx x';r nlb:b'l ,c "r''tN''l :'lt nurl]f n'n']"1 '7xrx)t D')N);:),o'r

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