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Analytical Essay: Is death a suitable punishment for high end criminals such as drug dealers, traffickers, terrorist, rapist,

pedophiles, serial killers, robbers and weapon dealers? Yes/ No? Why/ Why not? Nowadays, there is an increase in the number of crimes committed in our society; this includes drug dealing, robbing and murdering. These crimes are life threatening but why is not one attempting to stop it? These crimes can be stopped by having death penalties so that criminals would be afraid of the consequences and therefore are compelled to stop committing these crimes. To begin with, death is a suitable punishment for criminals such as drug dealers, traffickers and serial killers because what they do is hazardous. Having stronger penalties would be more effective because criminals would not take the risk of committing these crimes because they would know that they will have to face the harsh consequences. If we develop death penalties for murder and other life threatening crimes, it would most likely stop criminals from slaughtering and putting innocent people in our community into danger. Overall, we can no longer tolerate with the criminal behaviours and death is the best way to stop this. Crimes such as kidnapping and murder must have stronger penalties because murders clearly prefer life in prison rather than death. They do not fear the penalties we have now because they would only stay in prison for a few years and eventually be set free into the society again. Therefore, nothing will deter a criminal more than the fear of death. Ultimately, a life in jail must be less deterrent than a death sentence because and we must execute murders as long as it is merely possible that their execution protects citizens from future murder. Some people may argue that stronger penalties and harsh treatment is not likely to reduce crime or protect our society. However, they are wrong, research shows that countries with death sentence have less crimes committed because offenders fear death more than anything. If our law does not become strict then these actions will continue and many people around us would be slaughtered for no reason. Therefore, to protect the public, a death sentence for crime is the most sufficient way to stop this. In conclusion, crime is increasing, killing many innocent lives. Death penalties would decrease the amount of crime because death is the one thing that criminals fear for. If we do not act now then out society would be put into danger and losing many innocent lives.

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