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603 November 5, 2007


What Can the United States Learn from

the Nordic Model?
by Daniel J. Mitchell

Executive Summary

Some policymakers in the United States and paring disposable income, private consumption,
Europe argue that it is possible to enjoy economic and other measures that reflect living standards.
growth and also have a large welfare state. These Notwithstanding problems associated with a
advocates for bigger government claim that the so- large welfare state, there is much to applaud in
called Nordic Model offers the best of both worlds. Nordic nations. They have open markets, low lev-
This claim does not withstand scrutiny. Eco- els of regulation, strong property rights, stable
nomic performance in Nordic nations is lagging, currencies, and many other policies associated
and excessive government is the most likely expla- with growth and prosperity. Indeed, Nordic
nation. The public sector in Sweden, Denmark, nations generally rank among the world’s most
Norway, Finland, and Iceland consumes, on aver- market-oriented nations.
age, more than 48 percent of economic output. Nordic nations also have implemented some
Total government outlays in the United States, by pro-market reforms. Every Nordic nation has a
contrast, are less than 37 percent of gross domes- lower corporate tax rate than the United States,
tic product. Revenue comparisons are even more for example, and most of them have low-rate flat
striking. Tax receipts average more than 45 per- tax systems for capital income. Iceland even has
cent of GDP in Nordic nations, a full 20 percent- a flat tax for labor income. And both Iceland and
age points higher than the aggregate tax burden in Sweden have partially privatized their social
the United States. security retirement systems.
This bigger burden of government hurts The Nordic nations offer valuable lessons for
Nordic competitiveness, both because govern- policymakers, but they do not fit the traditional
ment spending consumes resources that could be stereotype. Conservative critics correctly con-
more efficiently allocated by market forces and demn the large welfare states, but often overlook
because the accompanying high tax rates discour- the positive results generated by laissez-faire
age productive behavior. A smaller state sector is policies in other areas. Liberals, meanwhile, exag-
one reason why the United States is more pros- gerate the economic performance of Nordic
perous. Per capita GDP in the United States is nations in an effort to justify welfare-state poli-
more than 15 percent higher than it is in the cies, while failing to acknowledge the role of free-
Nordic nations. The gap is even larger when com- market policies in other areas.

Daniel J. Mitchell is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute.
America has a 4.3 percent in Iceland.5 Unemployment rates
medium-size Introduction are all below 9 percent, with Iceland enjoying a
jobless rate of just 2.6 percent.6 Per capita GDP
welfare state and Economic policy debates frequently revolve also is reasonably impressive, especially com-
the Nordic around the experiences of other nations. pared to most parts of the world, ranging
Conservatives often cite Hong Kong when from nearly $43,600 in oil-rich Norway to
nations have they advocate the flat tax, Ireland as evidence slightly more than $34,400 in Sweden.7
large welfare for lower corporate tax rates, and Australia Before drawing conclusions about the
states. That and Chile to show the benefits of personal desirability of the Nordic model, however, it
retirement accounts. Liberals often invoke the is important to answer three relevant ques-
explains, at least Nordic nations as evidence that it is possible tions:
in part, why the to have a large welfare state without sacrificing
U.S. economy too much growth. 1. Why are Nordic nations relatively rich?
Proponents of this view argue that the 2. Has the welfare state has helped or hin-
generally United States should emulate Sweden, Den- dered these countries’ economic perfor-
outperforms the mark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland. The so- mance?
called Nordic Model (alternatively known as 3. Does the Nordic Model create more
Nordic Model. the Swedish Model or Scandinavian Model) is prosperity than the (relatively speaking)
often cited by those who want an alternative to limited-government model in the United
the supposedly Darwinistic free-market sys- States?
tem of the Anglo-Saxon world. For instance:
The answer to all of those questions is that
• A study published by a government-sub- Nordic nations are reasonably successful in
sidized think tank in Brussels asserts, spite of the welfare state. Nordic countries ben-
“The ‘Nordic’ and the ‘Anglo-Saxon’ efit from institutions—such as property rights,
models are both efficient, but only the stable currencies, and the rule of law—that
former manages to combine both equi- facilitate economic growth. And although they
ty and efficiency.”1 have large welfare states and concomitantly
• Foreign-aid advocate Jeffrey Sachs claims, high levels of taxation, their economic systems
“The Nordic countries outperform the in other respects are very market-oriented.
Anglo-Saxon ones on most measures of Combined with the fact that before the mid-
economic performance.”2 1960s the burden of government in Nordic
• An article in the International Herald nations was modest, these factors help explain
Tribune states, “European leaders want to why those countries today are relatively pros-
know how Sweden and its Nordic neigh- perous.
bors, so heavily laden with cradle-to- But relative prosperity does not imply that
grave welfare systems, float high.”3 the welfare state is good for growth, and it
• The head of the Tax Policy Centre for the certainly does not suggest that the Nordic
Organization for Economic Cooperation Model should be adopted by nations with
and Development recently bragged that smaller governments. The United States can
taxes are twice as high in Sweden as they learn something from the Nordic Model, but
are in the United States, but that eco- the main lesson is that a large welfare state
nomic growth is twice as fast.4 reduces economic performance.
The main difference between the American
Some praise for the Nordic Model is under- system and the Nordic Model is that America
standable. Compared to most other European has a medium-size welfare state and the Nordic
nations, Nordic nations are doing well. nations have large welfare states. That explains,
Average annual growth rates over the past 10 at least in part, why the U.S. economy general-
years range from 2.1 percent in Denmark to ly outperforms the Nordic Model. Income is

higher in America, unemployment is lower, The OECD and the International Monetary Measures of per
and long-term growth is more impressive. Fund publish comprehensive economic data capita GDP from
High levels of government spending in Nordic that can be used to compare growth rates in
nations have hindered economic performance. America and the five Nordic countries.8 As seen the World Bank,
Excessive spending invariably creates a culture in Figure 1, this data shows that the United the OECD, the
of dependency and misallocates a nation’s eco- States has enjoyed a faster rate of growth.
nomic resources. A heavy burden of govern- According to the OECD, the U.S. grew by an
IMF, and the CIA
ment also requires an onerous tax burden, even average of 3 percent between 1981 and 1991 all show that
if a government seeks to raise revenue in a rela- and 3.3 percent between 1992 and 2006 (mean- Americans have
tively nondestructive manner. ing average growth of 3.2 percent for 1981 to
2006). The Nordic nations, by contrast, grew about $6,000
by an average of 2.2 percent between 1981 and of additional
Comparing the United States 1991 and 2.7 percent from 1992 to 2006 economic output
and the Nordic Nations (meaning average growth of 2.5 percent over
per person.
the entire period). The IMF, meanwhile,
The two main ways of comparing eco- reports that U.S. growth averaged 3.1 percent
nomic performance are rate of growth and from 1981–2006 compared to an average of 2.6
level of output. One measures how fast gross percent for Nordic nations in the same period.9
domestic product (or some similar measure Some might argue that the faster rate of
of economic output) is expanding. The other economic growth in the United States is the
compares the absolute level of economic out- result of more rapid population growth. But
put (or some similar measure of prosperity). that explains only a fraction of the difference.
By both measures, the Nordic nations gener- Moreover, differences in population growth
ally do not fare well when compared to the are irrelevant when examining per capita eco-
United States. nomic output, and America clearly enjoys a

Figure 1
Faster Growth in the United States

United States
United States
United States
Annual Economic Growth




OECD (1981–1991) OECD (1992–2006) IMF (1981–2006)

Sources: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Monetary Fund.

Figure 2
Americans Enjoy More Output

Nordic Average
$45,000 United States

Per Capita GDP




World Bank 2006 OECD 2005 IMF 2006 CIA 2006

Source: World Bank, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Monetary Fund, Central
Intelligence Agency.

Figure 3
Higher Levels of Disposable Income in the United States

2003 Data, Alternative Measures of Well-Being
2003 Data, Basic Structural Indicators
Per Capita, US Dollars





Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Finland United States

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

large advantage using this comparison. As while the average person in Nordic nations The average
seen in Figure 2, measures of per capita GDP (no data available for Iceland) had disposable person in Nordic
from the World Bank, the OECD, the IMF, income of barely $14,300, less than 53 percent
and the CIA all show that Americans have of the U.S. level.10 Even Norwegians, bolstered nations has
about $6,000 of additional economic output by oil wealth, had per capita disposable barely 51 percent
per person, significantly more than $20,000 income of less than $16,800, barely 62 percent
for each family of four. of the American level. Danes and Finns are at
as much private
Although per capita GDP is an excellent the bottom, with less than 50 percent of the consumption as
measure of overall economic output relative disposable income of the average American. A an average
to population, it does not necessarily mea- separate data series, which includes numbers
sure living standards. Comparing U.S. and for Iceland, is more flattering to Nordic American.
Nordic living standards requires numbers for nations. Per capita disposable income in
disposable income or personal consumption. America barely changes, but the average dis-
Fortunately, both types of numbers are avail- posable income for Nordic nations climbs by
able. In both cases, the figures demonstrate more than $3,000.11 But even if this data
that GDP statistics actually understate the series is more accurate, the average resident of
degree to which people in Nordic nations a Nordic nation has only 65 percent of the
have lower living standards compared to disposable income of the average American.
their American counterparts. Personal consumption numbers tell a simi-
The OECD, for instance, has two data lar story. In 2005, the Danish Finance Ministry
series for disposable income, both included in produced numbers comparing per capita pri-
Figure 3. According to a study using 2003 vate consumption in OECD nations.12 As seen
data, the average person in the United States in Figure 4, the average person in Nordic
had more than $27,000 of disposable income, nations has barely 51 percent as much private

Figure 4
Higher Living Standards in America


Private Consumption per Capita

200,000 Individual Consumption per Capita
Danish Krone




Norway Denmark Iceland Sweden Finland United States

Source: Danish Finance Ministry.

consumption as an average American. The worthy since economic theory generally
Norwegians are the most prosperous, but even assumes that a nation with less income
their private consumption is just 56 percent of should grow faster than a nation with more
U.S. levels. Both the Swedes and the Finns have income. This phenomenon, known as conver-
less than 50 percent of the private consump- gence, is based in part on the relatively non-
tion of average Americans. controversial proposition that more invest-
Defenders of the welfare state could re- ment will flow to a poorer nation to take
spond by arguing that people in Nordic nations advantage of lower production costs and
do not need to worry about financing their own more profit-making opportunities.
consumption because the government takes There was substantial convergence for sev-
care of so many expenses. The Danish Finance eral decades after World War II, largely
Ministry study includes figures on individual because European nations suffered so much
consumption per capita, which includes items damage during the conflict and started with
“paid for by the public sector.” This shrinks the low levels of income. But after several decades
gap, but Figure 4 shows that the U.S. retains a of strong growth, economic performance in
large advantage. Norwegians are the best European nations—including Nordic coun-
regional performers and Finns are the worst, tries began to wane. And beginning in the
According to a but gaps between individual Nordic nations are 1980s, following Reagan-era reforms to
KPMG study, trivial compared to the gap between all the reduce the burden of government, the United
Scandinavians Nordic nations and the United States. States has widened its lead. As Figure 5 illus-
Even those numbers may overstate the trates, the United States has maintained a
are the poorest prosperity of Nordic nations. According to a steady advantage over Nordic nations in com-
people in Western KPMG study, which attracted some attention parisons of per capita GDP.14
in the Norwegian press, Scandinavians are the Not all Nordic nations are the same, of
Europe once poorest people in Western Europe once course, so “average” calculations often dis-
income is adjust- income is adjusted for taxes and the cost of liv- guise important differences. Figure 6, for
ed for taxes and ing. Danes had the lowest adjusted income, fol- instance, shows per capita GDP figures for the
lowed by the Norwegians and the Swedes. individual Nordic nations measured as a share
the cost of living. Finland managed to edge out Belgium, so the of U.S. output based on OECD and IMF data.
four Nordic countries in the survey occupied Oil-rich Norway stands out as the strongest
four of the bottom five slots.13 economy of the Nordic nations, surpassing
even the United States according to IMF fig-
ures. Sweden and Finland, by contrast, are the
Where’s the Convergence? least impressive nations in the region.

Whether measured by annual growth

rates or levels of output, income, or con- Other Measures of
sumption, Nordic nations have inferior eco- Prosperity
nomic performance when compared to the
United States. This does not mean Nordic Unemployment is often one of the main
nations are economically unsuccessful. Nor indicators of economic vitality. Nordic
does it mean that the United States economy nations generally have low levels of unemploy-
is without flaws. But it does mean that it is ment. Indeed, the average unemployment rate
rather absurd to claim that, as Jeffrey Sachs is not significantly higher than the American
does, that “the Nordic countries outperform level. Iceland, Denmark, and Norway have
the Anglo-Saxon ones on most measures of especially strong job markets, while Finland
economic performance.” and Sweden lag.
The performance gap between America Youth unemployment figures show a simi-
and the Nordic nations is particularly note- lar pattern. The United States has a slightly

Figure 5
Nordic Nations Consistently Lag U.S. Economic Output

$45,000 United States
$40,000 Nordic Average

Per Capita GDP

1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

Source: International Monetary Fund World Economic Database.

Figure 6
Where’s the Convergence? Per Capita Output as Share of U.S. Level




1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006

Denmark IMF Finland IMF Iceland IMF

Norway IMF Sweden IMF United Sta tes
Denmark OECD Finland OECD Norway OECD
Sweden OECD

Sources: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, International Monetary Fund.

A German think lower rate of unemployment for ages 16-24, GDP) and artificially understates unemploy-
tank estimates but the difference is not large and Denmark ment.18
and Iceland actually have better numbers than Proponents of the Nordic model argue that
that nearly America. Statistics for long-term unemploy- the United States does not have an advantage
one-third of ment, however, are not flattering for Nordic in every measure of prosperity and the quality
nations. More than 18 percent of the unem- of life, and they often cite leisure time as an
Scandinavian ployed in Nordic nations have been out of important variable. It is certainly true that
workers are work for more than 12 months. In the United Americans spend more time on the job. As
employed by the States, by contrast, fewer than 12 percent of seen in Figure 7, Americans spend more time
the unemployed have been jobless that long.15 each year working than the residents of every
state. In the Another noteworthy feature of labor mar- Nordic nation. According to OECD data, only
United States kets in Nordic nations is the role of govern- people in Finland and Iceland work similar
by contrast, ment as a major employer. As noted by a hours to Americans, while Norwegians work
German think tank, “On average, the share of 400 fewer hours each year.19 The Nordic
government state employment in total dependent employ- Statistical Yearbook has weekly labor supply
workers account ment across Scandinavia is 32.7%, compared estimates that show a similar pattern, with
to only 18.5% in the non-Scandinavian coun- Americans working 41 hours per week while
for slightly more tries of the EU-15.”16 In the United States, gov- residents of Nordic nations work between 35
than 15 percent of ernment workers account for slightly more and 38 hours each week.20
the workforce. than 15 percent of the workforce.17 Moreover, It is unclear, though, whether working fewer
the same researchers say that some Nordic hours than Americans translates into more
nations are prone to re-characterize welfare leisure time for people in Nordic nations. The
beneficiaries as government employees, a prac- workweek is composed not only of hours in
tice that artificially overstates economic out- paid employment, but also of time spent in
put (since government salaries are added to household production (cooking, cleaning,

Figure 7
Average Annual Hours Worked


Annual Labor Supply







Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden United States

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Country Statistical Profiles.

household repairs and maintenance, etc). There that reductions in tax distortions have bene-
are not many cross-country studies of house- ficial effects on labour-market outcomes and
hold work, so comparing America and the general economic performance. In fact, low-
Nordic nations is rather difficult. But a Swedish ering euro area tax wedges to levels prevailing
study found that 90 percent of the gap between in the United States is found to result in a rise
the hours worked by Swedes and Americans dis- in hours worked and output by more than 10
appeared once household production was percent in the long run.”23
added to the equation. Inferences can also be An OECD study also threw cold water on
drawn by comparing the United States and the assertion that Europeans have freely cho-
Germany. A German study explains: “On aver- sen to work less:
age Americans and Germans spend roughly the
same hours working, but Americans spend The leisure time enjoyed by individuals
more time in market work while Germans is obviously important for any evalua-
spend more hours in household production. tion of well-being, and workers’ choices
Americans do not work longer hours than on how to allocate their time have a
Germans overall, but they allocate a larger share direct bearing on cross-country com-
of working time to gainful employment and parisons of economic aggregates. . . . As
invest less in self-provision.”21 The study European workers worked more than
explains that tax policy is a key factor. their US counterparts up to the late
Moreover, even if people in Nordic nations 1960s, it is difficult to invoke long-
truly have more leisure time, it is not necessar- standing cultural differences to explain
ily what they prefer. As the president of the current labour-utilisation patterns. A
European Central Bank recently remarked: different explanation focuses on the
role of policies and institutions, which
Lower participation rates are not neces- may both depress and boost working
sarily solely associated with personal hours. . . . [R]elatively low hours worked
preferences, but are also triggered by per person in Europe can be fully
the legal and regulatory environment, explained by policy distortions arising
tax systems and social institutions. from high marginal taxes on labour.24
Benefit systems that are too generous
discourage job search, early retirement Shifting to another measure of prosperity,
schemes encourage early withdrawal cross-country wealth data is relatively scarce
from the labour market—employment and presumably less precise than income data,
rates for older workers aged 55–64 but the figures that are available show that the
stood at just 40.2% in the euro area in United States has a large advantage in per capi-
2005 and, according to the OECD, at ta wealth.25 Indeed, as shown in Figure 8,
around 60% in the U.S.—and marginal Americans have twice the household wealth of
tax rates that are too high discourage Swedes, Finns, and Norwegians (no data avail-
labour market entry and have a down- able for Iceland and Denmark). Americans also
ward effect on average hours worked.22 own more consumer products, particularly
durable equipment such as automobiles and
A study from the Bank confirms this household appliances.26 Americans also enjoy
analysis. It explains that “while the overall tax more housing. Indeed, poor people in the Americans
wedge in the euro area currently amounts to United States have as much housing space as
roughly 64 percent of the earnings of an aver- the average European.27 As stated above, none have twice the
age production worker, that of the United of these comparisons suggest that Nordic household wealth
States is limited to about 37 percent.” It then nations are economic failures. Indeed, they are
reports: “Our analysis using the [New Area- among the world’s wealthiest economies, but
of Swedes, Finns,
Wide Model] confirms the widely-held view high taxes and excessive government spending and Norwegians.

Figure 8
Per Capita Net Wealth







Finland Norway Sweden United States United States
(Panel Study of (Survey of
Income Consumer
Dynamics) Finance)

Source: Luxembourg Wealth Survey Project.

mean that they are not as wealthy as they could If nations are being judged on the pros-
be. It also means they trail the United States in perity of their poorest citizens, then Nordic
almost all measures of economic success. nations certainly are equal to the United
Last but not least, defenders of the Nordic States. Indeed, they even have a slight advan-
Model argue that the United States suffers tage (though even that advantage might dis-
from greater levels of income inequality. appear if Nordic nations had US levels of
Various measures of inequality, such as Gini immigration). But if nations are being
coefficients, confirm that “wealthy” Americans judged on factors beyond just the well-being
earn a bigger share of the pie than upper- on the poorest segment of the population,
income citizens in Nordic nations. But this then the United States holds a clear edge.
data is incomplete without also looking at the There is also some evidence that Nordic
If nations are size of the pie. nations are moving in the wrong direction,
being judged on As illustrated in Figure 9, the poorest 10 particularly when compared with other
percent of Americans have about the same European nations with smaller burdens of
factors beyond level of income as the poorest 10 percent of government. As one researcher explained,
just the well-being Finns, Swedes, and Danes. Only in oil-rich “Over the last decade, the incomes of the
on the poorest Norway is there a noticeable gap (data for poorest 10% of the population have grown
Iceland not available). What differentiates eight times faster in Ireland than in Sweden,
segment of the America from the Nordic nations is the and six times faster in Britain. As a result, so-
population, then income of everyone else. The rich, the middle called Anglo-Saxon economies like Ireland
class, and the working class in the United and the UK now for the first time have a
the United States States enjoy higher levels of income than their smaller proportion of their population below
holds a clear edge. Nordic counterparts.28 the poverty line than does Sweden.”29 This

Figure 9
Share of U.S. Median Income Received by Low-Income OECD Households, 2000

Sweden 38%

Norway 50%

Finland 38%

Denmark 43%

United States 39%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Source: Economic Policy Institute.

may be more a reflection of positive reforms made divergent choices about the burden of
in nations such as Ireland rather than an government.
indicator of problems in countries like
Sweden, but it does suggest that strong eco- Government Spending
nomic growth is better than income redistri- As seen in Figure 10, government spend-
bution if the goal is to help the least fortu- ing consumes a larger share of GDP in all
nate in society. Nordic nations than it does in the United In every
The United States has enjoyed faster eco- States. Sweden has the biggest burden of gov- Nordic nation,
nomic growth than Nordic nations. Moreover, ernment, followed by Denmark and Finland,
per capita GDP is higher in the United States, with Iceland and Norway closer to the
the top tax rate
as are levels of disposable income and private American level. The larger burden of govern- is imposed on
consumption. Unemployment is modestly ment presumably does not bode well for taxpayers with
lower in America, and per capita wealth is sig- Nordic competitiveness since this means
nificantly higher. The Nordic Model may be politicians and bureaucrats have more power middle-class
instructive, but not in the way advocates claim. over how resources are allocated. And since incomes.
policymakers are more likely to be influenced
by political considerations rather than eco-
Taxpayers in
The Costly Nordic nomic factors, that undermines economic the United States
Welfare State performance.30 do not get hit
But not all government spending is creat-
Why are people in the United States more ed equal. Economists generally find that with the highest
prosperous than their Nordic counterparts? some forms of government spending cause tax rate until
Is it by chance, the result of different endow- less damage (or even generate some benefits), income climbs to
ments, or the consequence of policy choices? particularly outlays for physical infrastruc-
Regarding the latter possibility, policymakers ture and education. That does not necessari- more than
in America and the Nordic nations have ly mean that spending in those areas leads to $336,000.

Figure 10
Burden of Government Spending


Share of GDP 50%






Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden United States

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Fiscal Indicators, 2006.

faster growth, but it does mean that there are Marginal Tax Rates
some benefits to offset at least some of the But just as all types of spending are not
costs associated with shifting resources from equal, neither are all forms of taxation.
the productive sector of the economy to gov- Revenues raised by a low-rate consumption
ernment. tax impose only a modest burden on eco-
Other types of spending, by contrast, are nomic performance. Revenues collected as
more likely to weaken economic perfor- the result of high tax rates on productive
mance, particularly consumption spending behavior, by contrast, are likely to be associ-
and transfer outlays.31 Figure 11 shows that ated with lower levels of work, saving, invest-
governments in Nordic nations are much ment, and entrepreneurship.
A Swedish study more likely to spend money in these areas. Key factors to examine include the top tax
found that rates on individual income and corporate
Aggregate Tax Burden income, but double taxation of dividends
90 percent of the High levels of government spending, not and capital gains is also an important gauge
gap between the surprisingly, are associated with higher levels of the tax code’s bias against saving and
hours worked by of taxation. Figure 12 shows total receipts investment, as are direct taxes on capital,
(including non-tax revenues) and tax rev- such as death taxes and wealth taxes. The
Swedes and enues for the United States and the Nordic existence of such taxes, particularly if tax
Americans disap- nations. Total receipts is an important mea- rates are non-trivial, reduces incentives to
peared once sure since it is a rough approximation of the engage in wealth-creating activities.
amount of money being transferred from the Looking at taxes on personal income, the
household productive sector to government, whereas tax United States has a significant advantage over
production was revenue is an important measure since it is a most Nordic nations. As seen in Figure 13,
rough approximation of the extent to which Denmark, Sweden, and Finland all impose
added to the the fiscal system discourages work, saving, much higher tax rates on personal income.
equation. investment, and entrepreneurship. Norway’s top tax rate is significantly higher if

Figure 11
Spending on Transfers and Consumption
45% Transfer Spending
Consumption Outlays
Share of GDP

Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden United States

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Figure 12
Government Revenue

Total Receipts (2006)
Tax Revenues (2003)

Share of GDP






Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden United States

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Figure 13
Top Tax Rate on Personal Income, Including Sub-National Income Taxes

65% With Employee Share of Payroll Tax
Personal Income Tax


Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden United States

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

the payroll tax rate is included. Iceland, how- Many other tax measures also play a role.
ever, has a less punitive system for highly suc- Payroll taxes reduce incentives to work, and
cessful taxpayers, and Norway actually has a these levies tend to be more onerous in Nordic
slight advantage over the United States if mea- nations. Taxes on saving and investment are
suring only the personal income tax. especially important, with the United States
Another key difference between America also having a modest advantage in this area.
and the Nordic nations is that top tax rates America’s biggest advantage, though, is the
penalize a much larger share of the popula- tax burden on consumption. Value-added
tion in Nordic nations. In every Nordic taxes (VATs) tend to be less destructive than
nation, the top tax rate is imposed on tax- income taxes, but they still undermine growth
payers with middle-class incomes. Norway is by driving a wedge between earnings and con-
the most lenient of the Nordic nations, sumption. Simply stated, people sacrifice
allowing taxpayers to earn the equivalent of leisure and earn income because of the things
about $75,000 before the top tax rate takes money can buy. But if taxes reduce the
effect. Taxpayers in the United States, by con- amount of possible consumption—either
trast, do not get hit with the highest tax rate because the money is taxed when earned or
until income climbs to more than $336,000. spent, then there is less incentive to be pro-
On the other hand, every Nordic nation ductive. The United States does not have a
enjoys a lower corporate tax rate than the VAT, but all Nordic nations have high-rate
Every Nordic United States. Corporate income in the VATs, with Sweden and Denmark imposing
nation enjoys a United States is taxed at 39.3 percent, while the maximum rate of 25 percent.33
lower corporate the tax rate in Nordic nations is no higher The absence of a VAT does not mean there
than 28 percent.32 As seen in Figure 14, is no tax burden on consumption in the
tax rate than the Americans firms face a competitive disadvan- United States. Sales taxes are imposed by 45
United States. tage in this key measure. states, and the federal government imposes

Figure 14
Nordic Nations Have Lower Corporate Tax Rates









Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden United States

Source: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

numerous excise duties. Moreover, the tax formance, there is ample evidence that exces-
burden on consumption in Nordic nations is sive government spending34 and high tax
not as onerous as the rates suggest since rates35 hinder economic growth. Moreover,
some goods and services benefit from prefer- there do not appear to be other factors that
ential rates. Yet, as illustrated in Figure 15, would be causing economic growth in America
even with these caveats, the tax burden on and the Nordic nations to follow divergent
consumption is about three times higher in paths.
Nordic nations than it is in the United States.

Nordic Nations: If the “size

Does Big Government A Laissez-Faire Past and
Explain the Gap between a Hopeful Future of government”
the United States and factor is
As shown in Figure 16, the tax burden in
Nordic Nations? Nordic nations and America was remarkably removed from
similar until 1960. Not coincidentally, it was the Economic
Although rich by world standards, Nordic during this pre-1960 era that Nordic nations
nations are not as prosperous as the United grew rapidly and became rich.
Freedom of the
States. Nordic nations also have bigger gov- Beginning in the mid-1960s, and accelerat- World indicators,
ernments than the United States. The obvious ing through the 1970s and into the 1980s, Nordic nations
question to ask is whether these facts are relat- however, the Nordic nations created large wel-
ed. Is excessive government the reason Nordic fare states. Indeed, this is the key difference score an average
nations are not as wealthy as America? between America and the Nordic nations. The of 8.35, ranking
While this paper does not seek to answer United States has a medium-sized welfare above the 8.25
whether this correlation necessarily means that state and the Nordic nations have large welfare
big government is causing the economy in states. Otherwise, America and the Nordic score for the
Nordic nations to lag America’s economic per- nations have many features in common. Both United States.

Figure 15
Higher Tax Burden on Goods and Services in Nordic Nations



Share of GDP






Denmark Finland Iceland Norway Sweden United States

Source: Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development.

Figure 16
Nordic Nations Used to Have Competitive Tax Systems

50 Norway
Tax as Share of GDP

40 USA




1925 1933 1950 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1998 1999

Source: Ratio Institute, Sweden.

the Nordic nations and America have sound vatized fisheries. Sweden, meanwhile, has an Before the 1960s,
institutions, including stable currencies, rule extensive school choice system and personal Nordic nations
of law, and property rights. Both the Nordic retirement accounts.
nations and America have relatively open mar- had modest levels
kets. Indeed, if the “size of government” factor of taxation and
is removed from the Economic Freedom of the Prosperity and spending. Once
World indicators, Nordic nations score an aver- the Welfare State:
age of 8.35, ranking above the 8.25 score for their countries
the United States.36
Understanding Causality
became rich,
Other measures indicate the Nordic Many prosperous nations in Western
nations have sound institutions and pro- Europe have large welfare states. This leads politicians in
growth policies in areas other than fiscal poli- unsophisticated observers to sometimes assume Nordic nations
cy. The World Bank publishes comprehensive that high tax rates and high levels of govern- focused on how
rankings of national business environments. ment spending do not hinder growth. Indeed,
The United States is near the top of the list, they sometimes even conclude that bigger gov- to redistribute
ranked third, but all the Nordic nations rank ernment somehow facilitates growth. After all, the wealth that
among the world’s most open economies for government in Sweden is larger than it is in
business activity. Finland has the lowest rank- many nations that have lower living standards.
was generated by
ing, but is still 14th out of 175 nations.37 This analysis puts the cart before the horse. private-sector
The World Bank rankings are not an out- It is possible for a nation to become rich and activity.
lier. Reviewing 11 different competitiveness then adopt a welfare state. There is even a rela-
scorecards, the United States has an average tionship studied in academic literature, known
ranking of 6.6, compared to 10.6 for Nordic as Wagner’s Law, which revolves around the
nations.38 America scores slightly better, but tendency for policy makers to expand the size
the United States and the Nordic nations are of government once nations obtain a certain
all considered among the world’s most com- degree of prosperity.41 A poor nation that
petitive nations. There are even some areas adopts the welfare state, however, is unlikely to
where Nordic nations score above the United ever become rich.
States. In the first international ranking of Before the 1960s, Nordic nations had mod-
property rights, for instance, the United States est levels of taxation and spending. They also
trails the four Nordic nations in the survey.39 enjoyed—and still enjoy—laissez-faire policies
Norway is number one, Sweden and Denmark and open markets in other areas. These are the
are tied for third, and Finland ranks number policies that enabled Nordic nations to pros-
11—all above the number 14 ranking for the per for much of the 20th century. Once their
United States. countries became rich, politicians in Nordic
The Nordic nations also have excellent rep- nations focused on how to redistribute the
utations for honest government. According to wealth that was generated by private-sector
Transparency International, the five Nordic activity. This sequence is important. Nordic
nations rank among the eight least corrupt nations became rich, and then government
nations in the world, with Finland and Iceland expanded. This expansion of government has
tied for first place.40 The United States also slowed growth, but slow growth for a rich
does well, with a ranking of 20 out of 163 nation is much less of a burden than slow
nations, but the higher scores for the squeaky- growth in a poor nation.
clean Nordic nations presumably help offset
the larger burden of government.
The Nordic nations also deserve attention Conclusion
for important reforms. Iceland, for instance,
has a flat tax (albeit with a 36 percent rate), Residents of Nordic nations sometimes
personal retirement accounts, and quasi-pri- express public pride in their model, but their

private behavior presents a more complicated Looking Ahead,” Washington, DC, June 4, 2007).
picture. Many productive people have depart- 5. Organization for Economic Cooperation and
ed for lower-tax jurisdictions. Others remain, Development (OECD), “OECD in Figures,” Paris,
but they move their assets so they are hidden 2006,
from tax authorities. page.php/aid/1988/OECD_in_Figures_2006-
Sometimes this hidden discontent becomes
visible. Four of the five Nordic nations now 6. Ibid.
have right-leaning governments. The Swedes
elected a conservative coalition government 7. International Monetary Fund, “World Economic
Database” (2006 data),
late last year and the Finns made a similar /ft/weo/2007/01/data/index.aspx.
choice earlier this year.42
It is unclear whether electoral changes will 8. All data adjusted for inflation to measure real
lead to government reform. But if residents of changes rather than nominal changes.
Nordic nations want faster growth, more pros- 9. International Monetary Fund, “World Economic
perity, and improved competitiveness, they Database” (1981–2006 data),
need to reduce the size of the public sector. /pubs/ft/weo/2007/01/data/index.aspx.
Excessive government diminishes growth.
10. Romina Boarini, Asa Johansson, and Marco
And although the Nordic countries’ relatively Mira d’Ercole, “Alternative Measures of Well-
free markets mitigate the damage caused by Being,” Social, Employment and Migration Work-
high taxes and high spending, the burden of ing Paper no. 33, OECD, February 17, 2006, www.
government is hindering economic perfor-
mance. The Nordic Model is preferable to the 11. OECD, “Basic Structural Statistics,” Main Eco-
Continental or Corporatist Model of nations nomic Indicators, September 2006,
such as France and Germany, which combines /dataoecd/8/4/1874420.pdf.
welfare state policies and interventionism. But
12. Finance Ministry of Denmark, “Svar pa sporgs-
the Nordic Model does not look very impres- mal nr. S 332 til finansministerer af 16. marts 2005
sive when compared to the United States. stillet af Peter Christensen (V),” April 4, 2005, www.
Notes 13. Lars Henrik Bjørgum, “Minst I Lomme-
1. Andre Sapir, “Globalisation and the Reform of boken,” Dagens Naeringliv, March 23, 2005.
European Social Models,” Bruegel Policy Brief,
Issue 2005/01, November 2005, http://www.bru 14. The U.S. population has grown more rapidly than the population in Nordic nations, so the sig-
media/PDF/Publications/Policy%20Briefs/PB20 nificant gap in growth comparisons translates into
0501_SocialModels.pdf. a smaller advantage when examining per capita
2. Jeffrey D. Sachs, “The Social Welfare State,
Beyond Ideology: Are Higher Taxes and Strong 15. OECD, “OECD in Figures, 2006–07,” Paris,
Social ‘Safety Nets’ Antagonistic to a Prosperous 2007,
Market Economy? The Evidence Is Now In,” /aid/1988/OECD_in_Figures_2006-2007.html.
Scientific American, November 2006, http://www. 16. Hans Werner-Sinn, “Scandinavia’s Accounting
C9-152E-A9F183414B7F0000. Trick,” IFO Viewpoints no. 80, Institute for Eco-
nomic Research, November 10, 2006, http://
3. Thomas Fuller and Ivar Ekman, “The Envy of
Europe,” International Herald Tribune, September Home/B-politik/05stp/_stp?item_link=stp080
17, 2005, .htm.
17. Department of Labor, “Employment Situation
4. Jeffrey Owens (presentation to the United Summary: July 2007,” Bureau of Labor Statistics,
States Council for International Business confer- August 3, 2007,
ence, “New OECD International Tax Initiatives: sit.nr0.htm.

18. Werner-Sinn. World, Spring, 2007, http://www.europesworld.
19. OECD Statistics, “Dataset: Country Statistical d=4169306f-b19d-438e-a0e4-a84906b2e09f.
Profiles, 2006,”
fault.aspx?DatasetCode=CSP6. 30. Daniel J. Mitchell, “The Impact of Government
Spending on Economic Growth,” Heritage Foun-
20. Frank Dahlgaard, ed., Nordic Statistical Yearbook, dation Backgrounder no. 1381, March 15, 2005,
2006 (Copenhagen, Denmark: Council of Mini-
sters, 2006), cfm.
31. See “Supplemental Appendix” to Daniel J.
21. Conny Olovsson, “Why Do Europeans Work So Mitchell, “The Impact of Government Spending,”
Little?” Seminar Paper no. 727, Institute for Inter-
national Economic Studies, Stockholm University, 31_suppl.cfm.
February 2004; Ronald Schettkat, “Differences in
US–German Time-Allocation: Why Do Americans 32. Chris Atkins and Scott Hodge, “U.S. Still
Work Longer Hours Than Germans?” Institute for Lagging Behind OECD Corporate Tax Trends,”
the Study of Labor Discussion Paper no. 697, January Tax Foundation Fiscal Facts no. 96, July 24, 2007,
2003, pp. 2–3 and 15,
cussionpaper/dp697.pdf. w/22501.html.

22. Jean-Claude Trichet, “Structural Reforms in 33. European Commission, Taxation Trends in the
Europe,” Speech given at the OECD Forum, Paris, European Union: Data for the EU Member States and
May 22, 2006, Norway (European Communities, Brussels: 2007),
23. Gunter Coenen, Peter McAdam, and Roland sis/tax_structures/Structures2007.pdf.
Straub, “Tax Reform and Labour-Market Perfor-
mance in the Euro Area: A Simulation-Based 34. Daniel J. Mitchell, “The Impact of Government
Analysis Using the New Area-Wide Model,” Euro- Spending.”
pean Central Bank Working Paper no. 747, April
2007, 35. Christina Romer and David Romer, “The
747.pdf. Macroeconomic Effects of Tax Changes: Estimates
Based on a New Measure of Fiscal Shocks,” NBER
24. Boarini, Johansson, and D’Ercole. Working Paper no. 13264, July 2007, http://www.
25. Eva Sierminska, Andrea Brandolini and
Timothy M. Smeeding, “Comparing Wealth Distri- 36. James Gwartney and Robert Lawson, Economic
bution across Rich Countries: First Results from Freedom of the World: 2007 Annual Report (Vancouver,
the Luxembourg Wealth Study,” Luxembourg Canada: Fraser Institute, 2007),
Wealth Study Series Working Paper no. 1, August 9,
2006, _2007.pdf.
37. World Bank, Doing Business 2007: How to Reform
26. Fredrick Bergström and Robert Gidehag, “EU (Washington: World Bank, 2006),
vs. USA,” Timbro, June 2004,
vsusa/pdf/EU_vs_USA_English.pdf. _FullReport.pdf.

27. Robert E. Rector and Kirk A. Johnson, “Under- 38. Author calculations based on competitiveness
standing Poverty in America,” Heritage Foun- indices found in Daniel Mitchell, “Competitiveness
dation Backgrounder no. 1713, January 5, 2004, Means Less Government, Not More,” Heritage Foundation Backgrounder no. 1929, April 20, 2006,
28. Lawrence Mishel, Jared Bernstein, and Sylvia cfm.
Allegretto, The State of Working America, 2006/2007
(Washington: Economic Policy Institute, 2007), 39. Alexandra Horst, “International Property Rights Index, 2007 Report,” Property Rights Alliance,
h08_international.pdf. 2007,
29. Lorraine Mullally, “Warning to Brussels—
Don’t Be Seduced by the Nordic Model,” Europe’s 40. Transparency International, “Corruption Percep-

tions Index 2006,” Berlin, Germany, November 2006, tries,” Applied Economics 32, no. 8 (June 2000): 1059–1068.
pdf. 42. Daniel J. Mitchell, “Hoping to Restore
Growth, Voters Rebel against Sweden’s High-Tax
41. Bharat R. Kollut, Michael J. Panik, and Welfare State,” Heritage Foundation Webmemo
Mahmoud S. Wahab, “Government Expenditures no. 1219, September 21, 2006, http://www.heri
and Economic Growth: Evidence from G& Coun-


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