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The Atheist Insurgency

In a War for Intellectual Freedom

F.D. Slocombe Jr.

2013 F.D. Slocombe Jr. All rights reserved

PURPOSE This book is meant to bring focus to what most people already suspect but cannot articulate. That our civilization has been organized upon a foundation of lies that render it unsustainable for all, but highly profitable for very few, for a very short period of time, such as French King Louis XVI, Czar Nicholas II and countless felled despots throughout history. You probably think you live in democracy, but human behavior supersedes all ideology, and the inevitable cycle of revolution returns. With each new cycle of civilization, prospects for peace and longevity become greater through scientific progress, but this poses a threat to the currently prevailing authority which is supported by reinforcing cultural divisions, fear, superstition and hatred among the masses. The conflict between progress and power will come to a head very soon, but facts and evidence are indestructible.

ACKNOLEDGEMENT My gratitude goes to the few professors and teachers at Ivy Tech and the University of Illinois who dangerously broached the topic of secularism and to the U.S. Government under President George W. Bush and Al Qaida for demonstrating the effects of religious zeal, pushing more people toward atheism than ever before.

While studying for my Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication at the University of Illinois at Springfield, I had a class in a building with offices for psychology professors. The university completed construction of a new building and the psychology professors were in the process of migration. To lighten the load, they left behind hundreds of books on tables in the hallway, with signs written Free books. Many of the books were samples from sales people that were left out of curriculum either because of price or controversy. I obtained a copy of A Primer of Operant Conditioning by G.S. Reynolds, and Cognition: Exploring the science of the mind by Daniel Reisberg among various other collections of journal articles

and brain anatomy books. I also accidentally stumbled onto the term Semiotics or Semiology which is the study of how we create meaning out of shapes, or the study of written languages. From this I extrapolated that Operant Conditioning programs us with meaning. Gaining control of the natural way the brain is conditioned to maximize the fundamental meaning of the things in our environment can have such an impact as to control impulses that drive consumption, reproduction, and costly instant gratification leading to addictioni, which results in overwhelming poverty. While in high school and technical school, I took psychology classes but they always focused on abnormal psychology and behavior. Communication curriculum deals with normal psychology and behavior, but will go only far enough beyond overt

persuasion to avoid controversy. Around that time, the news media began using the term stove-pipe frequently to describe the intelligence sharing problems within the U.S. National Security structure. Stove-piping of intelligence occurred during the pre-Iraq war (2003) period when the Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense, Department of State and the Federal Bureau of Investigation gathered separate intelligence on the same area of interest, but did not collaborate or share the information. If the information was shared, there would be no reason to go to war.ii Stove-piping occurs in the education of our children, perhaps to ensure their stations in society. The term seemed to apply well to the two fields of communication

and psychology. I was almost convinced that merging the two would be an ethics violation, until I picked up Rebecca Lemovs book World As Laboratory: Experiments with mice, mazes and men and William Graebners The Engineering of Consent: Democracy and Authority in Twentieth Century America There are seemingly countless numbers of journal articles on the topic of Democratic Social Engineering and Reality Construction. Not available to the public at large. The Internet has become a formidable opponent to institutional censorship by universities, government agencies and corporations, thanks in part to the heroic efforts of people like Aaron Swartziii and Julian Assangeiv. The two fields of psychology and communication successfully merged at private Ivy League

institutions, and were successfully stove-piped at public institutions, until the Internet arrived with enough information to shine a light on the strategically placed obstacles in the education system. Through my undergraduate years at UIS, my research afforded fleeting glimpses of these academic levees. It seemed like someone decided that certain topics should not be mixed because such topics combined would be a volatile threat to the current prevailing authority and their very long line of descendants. Separate fields of study such as Economics and Psychology were also kept separate by egos of academia, refusing to accept that theories of human behavior posited by each could be explained by the other, until someone broke the rules and arrived at Behavioral Economics. Combining the two would be

controversial because it would reduce costs to the students who would otherwise be required to major separately in each field, resulting in further gentrification of education. The idea of restricting information had its origins in reinforcing illiteracy. Literacy began as a privilege. Originally it served only leaders who passed messages to managers building the pyramids or marching into battle. I can imagine that the early scribes often were employed to compose messages for illiterate princes, and an intelligent scribe perhaps grew in power to overthrow a kingdom using the power of literacy to his advantage.v Early shamans and priests quickly understood the value of communication and used it with great advantage. For thousands of years, menial labor required very little

written communication as most people were either subsistence farmers and personally trained as apprentices on the job. After the invention of the printing press, severe restrictions were placed on its use. One example of resistance against such control was the Martin Marprelate controversy involving a war of pamphlets between unknown individuals and the early Anglican Church in 1588 and The printing press was highly restricted by the government, but pockets of pamphleteers had secret presses they carried from place to place. When they were caught they were tortured or worse. Throughout history, the literate had power over the imaginations of the illiterate. Early on, the literate proclaimed themselves as magical and created gods. It is a legacy that continues to this day in parts of the world where public education is

non-existent; however, in the west where basic literature is the norm, more complex measures have been taken to censor important information. Banning books from public libraries continues.vii Cities and states cut funding to public libraries as a first measure toward balancing their budgets, causing the libraries to be open less and under-staffed, further limiting free information to the public. Public school children are taught to pass standardized tests without connecting real value to what little information they are forcefed. Corporations promote inappropriate values and behavior in the mass media causing young people to make costly personal decisions like having children they cannot afford, getting into debt, or pursuing goals which are closed to the public

and only awarded to privileged associates, with only a few rare exceptions. A distorted, inequitable and predatory version of capitalism promotes arbitrary social values through advertising, impressing on the public that certain things are popular while other things are despised, as a method of obtaining pure profit instead of contributing to the overall prosperity of society. Evidence in the form of income disparity is raising questions about the effectiveness and intent of public education. While scientific discoveries move us forward, the one force openly standing against the tide of progress is religion.

instinctively seeking out the first thing that seems like the causes of problems. Typically people first look at what they dont fully understand and assume danger because its instinctive to associate danger to the unknown. Its not natural to not feel a sense of danger in a situation where there are too many unknowns. But, some people are born with a diminished sense of fear. They are able to walk headlong into the darkness beyond the firelight of the tribal camp, break beyond the false limitations imposed on them and return with new knowledge that contributes to what has become known as progress. Progress is a watchword of the ruling class. Throneholders and throne-seekers alike do not enjoy their subjects having new knowledge. It is a simple rule that knowledge is power, and keeping knowledge from ones subjects is a guarantee

The Unknown
I imagine that everyone is trying to explain what is going wrong with our civilization by

for ones longevity on or in succession to a throne of one sort or another. The war for hearts and minds for centuries was fought with force and deception. False information requires more elaborate and costly mechanisms and management than facts supported by evidence. Subjects are tested for loyalty and their fear of the unknown replaced by tall tales they are required by their laws to repeat to their children. Their education is limited to that which efficiently operates the kingdom on behalf of the throne. Efficiency is a subjective term that includes enough busy-work to keep subjects distracted from thoughts of growing beyond their stations in life. From the crowd there are a few who see the rigged system under which they live

and seek to level the playing field for all, but society calls them insurgents, terrorists, heathens, blasphemers, idolaters, infidels, evildoers, possessed by demons, hackers, or simply bad.

What is an Atheist?
An atheist is a person who rejects the claim that gods exist. Many people have trouble adjusting from religion to atheism because they are misled about the lifestyles of atheists. Being atheist is not an excuse for acting sinful. Before you adopt an aggressively hedonistic lifestyle, bent on committing all of the sins in your religious doctrine, probably because you realized there is no such thing as Hell or even a soul to punish, you should take it slow. Youll find that empathy for others is the real driving force behind civil behavior,

and not the threat of eternal damnation. If you are a religious person, you might think that everyone who is not in your religion is an infidel, a heathen, second-class citizen, or even a non-person who is fair game for mistreatment and abuses like denial of employment, denial of work promotion or services; sub-standard health care, mismanagement of money, legal or political negligence, war, genocide, imperialism, etc. The Religious writings are full of language encouraging the mistreatment or slaughter of outsiders. Becoming an atheist means tearing down the banners of fear and hatred under which religions around the world justified their horrific actions throughout history. Governments love populations segmented into groups pitted against one8

another, divide and conquer. No better mechanism of division exists than religion. Atheists seem angry because they are. Why wouldnt they be? Many people become atheists as a result of traumatic events, the trauma in most cases being the realization that their lives have been utterly wasted. Years of living in ignorance, while knowledge of science and technology sweeps other people into vastly superior experiences and lifestyles. Others are driven from their religions by the misbehavior of their religious leaders due to hypocrisy, corruption or abuse of power. Who really benefits from religion other than the leaders? Atheism requires clearing out your mind of all the garbage passed down from generation to generation. Its a difficult task because cultures around the world have evolved for

countless generations under the influence of religion. Rejecting the supernatural is only the first step. Your brain and the brains of all of your ancestors have been wired by institutional indoctrination, but there is hope. Your brain can be rewired through meditationviii for a faster, more efficient and productive future for yourself and your children. The difference between atheism and agnosticism Some people call themselves Agnostics, who are undecided about the existence of a deity, perhaps because they cannot shake the fear that perchance a god may arrive to punish them for not expressing faith. If you call yourself an Agnostic, you can be a member of the Unitarian Universalists or the Bahai who desire the peaceful coexistence of all religions. If the Agnostics stay on the fence, maybe their chances of

heaven increase over their chances of eternal damnation in a lake of fire. You must ask yourself if clinging to any threads of a supernatural idea is a distraction worthy of the short time you are alive. If you are an atheist, you reject faith entirely. You reject any claim that is not supported by evidence. To a real atheist, religion is symptomatic of a mental disorder involving delusional fantasies of ghosts with supernatural powers over the physical world, as well as the delusion that super-beings have the ability to travel between different plains of existence, stealing a persons soul and inflicting supernatural rewards or abuses on it for inconceivable periods of time beyond the physical death of the body. Everyone with some science education realizes that our technical progress has surpassed the

comprehension of our ancestors of just ten generations ago. How far back in time would we travel only to be greeted by shrieking mobs accusing us of witchcraft? Hanging onto the smallest inkling of Intelligent Design or supernatural intelligence has dire consequences to our civilization.

of their activities to themselves, their families, and their future? Faith must be tested regularly Oddly, psychologists have proven than the feeling of belonging to a group is magnified and reinforced by the intimacy that follows abuse and humiliation. This is explained by numerous research in field of spousal abuse and the study of cults such as The Peoples Temple founded by Jim Jones, The Branch Davidians under the leadership of David Koresh, Heavens Gate under Marshall Applewhite Jr. among others. A Good place to start is which cult expert Rick Ross has amassed a huge database of cult-related information. Faith is of no use without other people knowing about it. Faith is primarily a communicative expression of affinity-seeking behaviors. No

Faith, acceptance and emotional imprisonment

Faith means to trust even the unsubstantiated claim. Religion cannot survive where doubt and scrutiny lurk. In religion its not enough to just have faith; it must also be demonstrated in various creative and humiliating ways. Why are people willing to dispense with reality in order to feel a sense of belonging, to live in a soft blanket of emotional luxury, ignoring the true costs

one knows you have faith unless you express it. In religion, you must express it in a very specific manner, through tests of knowledge, various sacrifices or physical appearance. The very existence of an effort to express faith is narcissistic. The Catholics call this a sin of pride. Expressions of faith can be easier for some, breeding envy among others, another sin. The narcissistic expression of faith converts religion instantly into a political hierarchy with privileges and power at the top, and well, the rest at the bottom. The requirements of faith do not allow for freedom to question or criticize the behavior of leaders. The old saying goes, absolute power corrupts absolutely and a power structure uninhibited by criticism, however small, crumbles under the harsh light of reality.

Religion suspends emotional development Because adults long to return to their own childhood they tend to live vicariously through their own children, and consequently delay their childs development so they may prolong the childhood experience. They think they are doing their child a favor by preventing the child from missing childhood. The motivation behind adults wanting to return to their own childhood is the desire to fill the void left behind where once were the comforting embrace of a parent, dispossession of responsibilities, and protection with overwhelming force. When this becomes impossible as children grow up, a fantasy spirit with supernatural qualities is the ideal substitute. Even more ideally is avoiding accusations of insanity by having an invisible

friend made up for you by an institution.

Tactical distractions worthless words

Our minds are full of words and meanings that have little or no value to us, other than to distract us from our own potential achievements and to distract us from the mischief of others.

books means sanctioning by omission, inaction, or deliberately ineffective policies. Removing the distraction of religion will bring everything into focus for the first time in human history.

In many dictionaries, the definition of the word soul blurs the line between reality and fantasy, describing a personality, yet attaching it to immortality. The dictionary is not a scientific document, only a reference to language, filled with such words that have no business in the reality of our short lives. There is no proof the soul exists, nothing alleged to be immaterial is worth the time of day and absolutely nothing is immortal, not even time and space as we know it.

Defined as supreme power or authority, sovereignty itself has a huge stake in religion. A power base relies on its subjugated people accepting the claim that power is doled out to their masters by an even higher authority that cannot be overthrown by force. The Atheist Insurgency seeks to dismantle these organizations but they are sanctioned off the books by the currently prevailing authority. Sanctioned off the

Spirituality is euphoria, a chemical reaction in your brain that allows you to

experience intense feelings of well-being, elation, happiness, excitement, joy, contentment, etc. The portion of your brain responsible for this is sometimes called the reward center because your body requires certain activities and nutrients for survival and reproduction. Basic psychology and neurology teaches that euphoria can be achieved through normal needfulfilling activity or substitutes such as chemicals like alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, drugs, substitute activities like gambling, dangerous physical activity, meditation and prayer. Every living thing on the planet is driven toward a reward of some kind or another through chemistry, and the coincidental outcome is survival or perpetuation of the species. Look at the functions of individual cells in

the bodies of every living organism to explain life.

Addiction in relation to spirituality

The pursuit of euphoria is a normal survival activity, but some people have a more difficult time achieving the sense of satisfaction than others. The reward of dopamine is somehow inhibited throughout development, possibly creating a chain-reaction of operant conditioning throughout life that directs an individual toward a different lifestyle than that which most other people are accustomed; a metaphorical pinball machine where the brain chooses arbitrary stimuli to trigger the release of chemistry for reward or punishment. Some people are led behaviorally astray into isolation because nobody else seems to understand them. Other people fear them, they fear others. They

are only a little bit different but it hurts anyway because most other people dont notice or dont want to notice. The substitution of chemicals in social settings is often used to supplement the normal reward-seeking behavior. Unfortunately, some people choose chemical substitutes or risky activities as their primary source of producing reward brain chemistry. Since this creates a deviation from normal social behavior, it has come to be known as addiction and throughout history the blame has fallen on the external substances or activities, which are only symptoms of an internal neurological issue. Addiction is defined as the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. The idea that addiction is caused by external substances or activities is an

example of a myth that has impeded medical research and unscrupulously empowered industrial, religious and governmental institutions to seek profit by treating only the symptoms. Research has found that the brain can also change in response to messages generated internallyin other words, to our thoughts and intentions.ix Prayer, meditation, or reinforcing a system of faith can literally physically rewire your brain. Some people can alter their addictive behavior away from activity or substances toward rituals and meditation with mild success. The so-called power of prayer can be supplemented with emotional abuse to further diminish your sense of autonomy.

Fate, Karma, Your Lot in Life and Your Comeuppance Many people have the misfortune of being taught that there was a job waiting for them after graduation from school, and also had the misfortune of witnessing their parents and grandparents seemingly prosperous lives, and assuming that their own lives will be the same, without preparing for the day when the factory closes. One would think that public school education would be enough preparation for the realities of life and focus on selfreliance and entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, public education is distorted by politics, and politics is distorted by religion. The consequence over the last several generations has increased the disparity in wealth, growing poverty and homelessness. The human

potential is left to decay because too many people believe they are experiencing their lot in life. They are told their fate is in Gods hands. They are the people who use the words intellectual elitist to describe people they believe are to blame for their own inability to make proper decisions because they were uninformed or worse, deliberately misinformed.

Magicians and Theologians

Atheists reject the idea that ones life path is set in stone. Other people who wish to control your future want you to accept the myths that everyone is governed by a fixed set of unbreakable rules (or metaphorical rails). Magicians and Illusionists have a code never to reveal the secrets of how they perform. Many illusions or magic tricks are arrived at by accidental discovery, and some people can perform a

few tricks on others to eke out a living, but the Master Illusionists and Magicians get special training in the best illusions. What better metaphor is there to describe anyone with a Bachelors or Masters degree in Theology? Theologians are individuals specially trained to maintain illusions of religion in order to control the lives of other people.

accepting supernatural claims when they concluded with frustration that their fantasy beings, like God, the Easter Bunny, or Santa Claus are not real. Some people decide to stop accepting supernatural claims when they encountered hypocrisy in their religious leaders and contradictions in their writings. Some stopped accepting supernatural claims when they learned indisputable scientific contradictions to their religious doctrine. Others abandoned religion because they couldnt stand the increasing pressure to perform acts demonstrating loyalty. Some people are traumatized by abuse from powerful members of their religion. Ministers disappear with all of the money; members of the church are more severely punished for seemingly minor infractions and increasingly absurd rules. Some members leave

Reasons for leaving religion

Despite being born into a group allegedly under the protection of a fantastically powerful all-seeing all-doing spirit, desires for direct contact and requests for action on ones behalf are never truly satisfied. Some people never really accepted the supernatural claims of their religion even though they regularly attended religious services. Some people stopped

because they are expected to give more to their church than they can afford and find themselves shunned by important members when they cannot give anymore without damaging their own family finances. Some find the estates of their parents or grandparents completely given over, or depleted through donations, to their church, which is perfectly legal. Realizing the years of potential knowledge and opportunities we will never get back because of religion can be devastating. Many people remain under the watchful eye of their religious leaders because they fear losing their jobs, their family or friends, or even their lives. In many cases family members are held hostage. Many communities have unwritten requirements for religious association before you can have a successful business, run for public office, or get a

job. You simply must attend a church to find the right connections to succeed in some areas. Many businesses encircled by places of worship must carefully choose which to least offend, and suffer the boycott of the rest.

As we grow and develop, our sense of awareness also grows like a bubble around us. Empathy takes about six years to develop and requires proper training. provides many examples of such teaching: Lessons in Sincerity Social psychologists believe that although children are born with a capacity for empathy, they can also learn to become empathic. However, empathy has to be

natural, spontaneous, and sincere. Jarrod's teacher tells him: "Daniel is crying. Paint is splashed all over his picture. You must tell him that you're sorry." If fouryear-old Jarrod is forced in such a way to say he's "sorry" without understanding why or how it relates to Daniel's feelings, he isn't really exhibiting or learning empathic behavior. In fact, the insincerity of this process may teach him that others' feelings don't really matter. Instead, the teacher needs to encourage Jarrod's participation in the process by asking: "How do you think Daniel is feeling? What might you do to help him?"x

Clearly, this shows the difference between learning empathy for the sake of others, and learning empathy for the sake of saving ones self from going to Hell. Which of these demonstrates more sincerity in emotional development? Proper social behavior is a matter of empathy, looking at any situation from a different perspective than yours; understanding that people are not mad at you; they may only be having a bad day. No one can read your mind. There is nobody hovering around you, invisibly spying on your every private moment. When you are alone in private, you are truly alone in your privacy. No other person has the privilege of receiving whispers of your secrets in their ears from invisible beings, because there are none. Do you get the feeling that someone who is looking at

you knows a secret about you? You probably feel like you are never alone, even in privacy. These feelings are part of brain-washing, a subtle psychological conditioning that keeps you from questioning authority.

Unlawful activities are any activity involving unwilling or unknowing direct or indirect participants, who accrues expenses as a result. This seems like common sense, but it requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Witness statements must be vetted for conflict of interest and much work is necessary in compiling evidence, if any exists. Its much easier to reverse-engineer this premise by regulating risky activity known to have costs beyond those to the individual who chooses the activity. People not using protective safety equipment when necessary, not wearing seatbelts, child safety seats, motorcycle or bicycle helmets invariably raise the price of health care, taxes for public health services and insurance premiums for everyone. Claiming that seatbelt laws or motorcycle helmet laws are a violation of ones right to

Rule #1: Informed Consent

No potentially costly activity shall take place without the informed consent of all participants. A lawful participant is defined as anyone who can consent to an activity as long as they are fully informed about the activity, capable of expressing any informed opinion about the activity including refusal, understand the consequences of the activity to themselves and to others, and can facilitate full cost mitigation as a direct or indirect result of the activity.

privacy is advocating an increase in costs for everyone else. If everyone else agrees to pay more so people can ride motorcycles without helmets, then so be it. It seems logical that employers should concern themselves with the inability of their employees to afford time away from work to prevent the spread of sickness that reduces productivity and poses a health risk to the public, especially in food service, hospitality, retail and other high public exposure settings. Unfortunately, taking such protective measures will reduce the profits of drug companies and health care providers. The natural conclusion is that cold and flu season is engineered for profit. Other costs to the public that generate profit include: Firearms left unsecured that are stolen and used in crimes;

physically injurious activities that cause long-term neurological damage; the transmission of incurable viral infections from intimate contact because barrier methods were restricted or stigmatized; lack of adequate affordable health screening for infectious organisms, either due to costs, stigmatization or requirements for parental consent and unwanted pregnancies that result from denial of birth-control. Its a fact that adolescents will become sexually active and hide it from their parents out of fear of punishment. They will carry on despite the lack of knowledge and protection offered by proper sex education and contraception methods. This fact having been clarified in the scientific community over and over again leads to the conclusion that the negative outcome of ignorant adolescent sexual activity is deliberate. It was

Voltaire who said The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor.

tortured or just gradually fading into the din of religious evangelism to be ignored for another generation.

An Atheist Lifestyle
Basically you can do anything you want as long as it doesnt have negative consequences. What are the negative consequences? Exceeding ones budget, causing an unexpected expense or injury, to yourself or others; engaging in activity with an unwilling or uninformed participant; acquiring property not your own, in a manner not prescribed as a legal transaction.

What is the Atheist Insurgency?

Its not a coordinated, organized effort. Its more like the tide going out in a murky ocean harbor. Atheism is a symptom of human evolution, like the stones you can barely see on the bottom of a harbor through the murky water of primitive human thought that science inevitably makes visible. We let go of the supernatural and egocentric obstructions in our minds. The murk fades as the water gets lower and we approach the bottom of the harbor, we then see the foundation of civilization, crumbling under a precarious infrastructure of superstition and disinformation. Its not enough to just stop believing in a god, you have a

It originates from the Latin ininto, toward + surgere to rise. An insurgent is defined as a rebel rising in revolt. Atheists have a history of expressing their rejection of theology but usually succeed only at getting murdered,


civilization and a planet to save. The Atheist Insurgency is a revolt against any supernatural ideas. The term supernatural itself demands scrutiny because its dictionary definition simply describes an event unexplainable by scientific understanding or the laws of nature. Typically these events are hoaxes or illusions. We can now discard the word supernatural because the bias created by the mere juxtaposition of the word nature to the word super is a deliberate distraction from reality and a waste of time. You will find from reading this book that most of what you enjoy doing is a huge waste of time, money, and resources, as is most consumer activity. The Atheist Insurgency is in conflict with anyone who seeks to maintain ideas and values deviated from

scientific facts, so whose interests are served by maintaining false ideas? What could potentially be lost if everyone rejected religion and fantasy to live in reality?

Literacy is power
The literate were guaranteed power over the illiterate for thousands of years. Today most of us can read, but still there are only a few people that control the bulk of the worlds wealth. Apparently, despite the fact that we are literate, the information we are taught is wrong. The values we are taught are wrong. We have been conditioned for generations with absent or distorted information, that leads us to unproductive or selfdestructive behavior. Despite hundreds of years of elections and accumulations of laws and layers of bureaucracy and public

education, the problems in our society go unsolved. Oh, it is for lack of trying, they only work at appearing to try to solve problems.

most of the money is in the hands of only a few people at the top. People become preoccupied by conspicuous consumption. They expend hours of effort and money on trivialities that might otherwise be stored for actions threatening the throne, such as expansion of real knowledge, land as a commodity, and defensive or offensive capability. Instead, the subjects in their humiliating existence seek immediate gratification through various forms of sensory stimulation. At repeating intervals they attend sessions of mental conditioning reinforcement to maintain the presence of information in their minds not supported by any scientific findings, and especially devoid of real progress. The false perception of participation in government is achieved as simply as

Panem Et Circensesxi
Contrary to popular expectations, the real throne of power in our society is not visible to the public, but buried beneath layers of distraction engineered to divert attention from real problems and supplant real solutions with immediate forms of selfish gratification that, because they are only temporary, must be repeated. Much profit can be made from providing exotic food and entertainment. More profit can be made by supplying the suppliers and you can raise your prices, causing the suppliers to work even harder, lower their workers wages, and raise their prices, and so on, until

offering the subjects as few as two choices for leadership of a government that exists only for the purpose of overseeing distractions. One only needs to ask why the same problems persist throughout history to realize why entire sectors of industry and government created to fight those problems never succeed in solving them. They are successful at generating huge profits for themselves and creating low-paying jobs. Solving the real problems would close down huge arms of the government and private contractors would go out of business. The War on Drugs is an example that some say is an abject failure, but from the perspective of government employees and contractors who support the activity, it has been a resounding success for their personal lifestyles. Industries that need slave labor can now choose from an abundance of

non-violent convicted felons who were arrested for mere possession of Marijuana or other controlled substance. Property accumulated with drug money is auctioned for sale and the proceeds continue to serve the same effort.

Distortion of Meaning
There is a split in our education that can be measured by how strict we adhere to the proper meanings in our language. The word truth is one of the most abused words in our language. Religious doctrine is full of truisms intermingled with false claims in an attempt to raise the expectations of the reader to assume that the false claims are as reliable as the truisms. The Golden Rule Do unto others as you would have others do unto you is a truism made to appear as an

original philosophical idea coming from the document. In reality, we already treat each-other as we would have others treat us and viseversa, as do many living creatures. The absurd contradiction arises when a tribe continues to break the very laws it claims to have originally created. Every early human-rights document was created with consideration only to tribe membership, not outsiders. Even the founding fathers of the United States of America were considering only white male land-owners. They didnt think about the overreaching implication of their document as only the literate would be able to read it. Otherwise, slavery would have ended then if they really meant it. Always take the language of such documents in the context of the period in which it was written.

False assumptions about following rules What is true is that humans are inherently interested in their own survival first. Its nave to think that just because you are part of a group that everyone else follows the rules of the group. Despots and their cronies engineer rules to maximize the manipulation of their followers. The followers will be lulled into a false sense of security to such a degree that activity like rampant child molestations, extortion, racketeering and other criminal activity can take place, and anyone who speaks out against it as an individual will be considered a false accuser and shunned by other members, even other members who are victimized yet hold hope that their sacrifices will have some kind of dividend in an afterlife.


Reward or punishment in death has no proof what-soever You might like to believe that your consciousness will continue to exist beyond the expiration of your physical body. The only possibility that this might be true lies in the fact that our ability to observe every particle of physical reality is incomplete. The danger of assuming the existence of an afterlife is lethargy and procrastination in this life. Who stands to benefit from promoting lethargy and procrastination among followers in life, by promoting grand rewards in death? With no proof of an afterlife other than delusional claims resulting from hypoxia or other brain damage, why would anyone choose to follow someone who promises eternal life?

Faith and belief have nothing in common

In fact, you cannot refer to anyone religious as a believer. Nor can the word truth be used in reference to anything without evidence. Belief and truth are only supported by the presence of facts and evidence. The phrase non-believer is false and derogatory when referring to an atheist. The definitions of the word "belief" in more than one dictionary include Mental reliance on or acceptance of a particular concept, which is arrived at by weighing external evidence, facts, and personal observation and experience." Faith is defined as "Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing."xii The dictionary definition of the word faith should only read The confidence in the claims or opinions of others;


expectations based on unsubstantiated claims. The dictionary definition of the word truth should read A statement of reality supported by evidence. A Fact is something that is indisputably the case. Therefore, "belief in reference to religion is an inappropriate use of the word. To call someone a nonbeliever is to claim that they are mentally at a level of development equivalent to an infant who does not search for hidden objects.xiii The word belief in reference to anything intangible is inappropriate. Technically, belief occurs at around eight months old, and is the capacity to search for hidden objects because the object was moments earlier tangibly experienced firsthand. Belief does not refer to assuming something is present but hidden according to the claims of others. If you

walk out of your kitchen, you can legitimately hold the belief that the refrigerator or oven will be there when you return moments later. You can have faith that a brand new refrigerator will magically appear in your kitchen, or you can believe that your new refrigerator, which you purchased, is being delivered on time, but you cannot believe that a brand new refrigerator will magically appear in your kitchen, because that would be technically delusional. The word belief can therefore only apply to everything that qualifies within the definition as prescribed in legally accepted dictionaries. One cannot hold a belief about anything that was never proven to exist; therefore the word belief can never be used in the context of any religion because it is completely grounded in the rules of the scientific process. Using the

word "belief" in the definition of the word "faith" is in error.

The Truth
If a claim that something is true is not supported by scientific evidence, or the results cannot be reproduced, then the claim is not true. In a court of law, this is called perjury and is punishable as the judge sees fit. In addition to the crime of presenting false information, there is the motivation behind the false information, and consequences resulting from the false information that also warrant additional punishments. If the person presenting the false information is only doing so because he or she was told to do so, and this person does not know the truth, the person took no responsibility to determine the truth prior to passing along the false information, and is therefore guilty of

slothful neglect of their own education and potentially the slothful neglect of their childs education. If the person presenting the false information personally gains financially through the propagation of the false information, the person has committed a fraud against all from whom he or she gained as a result of the false information. The consequences of operating under false information are dire. People are misdirected into wasteful activities that take away from their own personal intellectual growth; money is spent that should have been saved for food, transportation or more adequate housing; resources of the community as a whole such as real property and materials may be misdirected by criminal actions or ignorant negligence; the ecosystem that supports the

production of food and water may be destroyed; the population may exceed the capacity for efficient sustainability.

have more meanings than those stated here, but for our purposes, we take the words into the context of truthfulness. Theory is defined in the New Oxford American Dictionary Third Edition, as a supposition or system of ideas intended to explain something, esp. one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained. Idea is defined as a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action; concept, or mental impression. The phrase mental impression is tainted by the potential use of claims intermingled with facts, blending faith into belief, and by association discredits the value of the word theory. Science must remove the potential for such distortions, and define theory as a proposition derived from potentially related facts.

EDUCATION: Theories, Claims, Opinions, Explanations or Excuses

Opinion is defined as a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Claim is defined as a statement or assertion that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof. An explanation is defined as a statement or account that makes something clear; a reason or justification given for an action or assumption [belief]. Excuse is defined as a reason or explanation put forward to justify a fault or offense.xiv These words

Therefore, since Creation has absolutely no basis in real belief, but only faith, it has no place in education. Words misplaced or transposed slightly can mean the difference between fact and fiction, crime and mistake. It is this subtle agency toward making the meaning of words in our language vague, causing difficulty in education that opens the door for unscrupulous activity in our schools, resulting in stifled development, inappropriate health risks due to ignorance, and subjugation in adulthood.

the planet surface has created variations in the outward appearance of all species. Varying degrees and types of available resources over millions of years contributed to adaptation of survival behavior and physical biological enhancements necessary for survival. Physical appearance is altered by cross-breeding and takes many generations to mitigate the contrasting features into an average mix of the most desired features. Behavior and language adaptation only take a few years. Thus, the only apparent impenetrable boundary is between species and not within species. So what is meant by the terms race, culture, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation? Why are these words allowed to have any meaning at all? These words are used by people to rationalize abuse of other people. There is no real

Boundaries between People

The boundaries between people are completely artificial as proven by the genetic melting pot created by advancing travel technology. The geographical boundaries and environmental adaptation on

benefit other than exploitation for applying these kinds of distinctions among people.

Self-Determination: Why is this even a topic for discussion?

Why must we make genderrole distinctions? Nature already provides the advantages and limitations of each gender, and clearly the line drawn between gender roles has been proven much less visible in the United States as a result of the Industrial Revolution and two world wars. The rapid progress of women from the eighteenth century to now, gaining ground on their right to self-determination, has exposed a flaw in the reasoning that women are naturally constrained to the status they have been assigned for thousands of years prior. Imagine how different the world would be

today if women alone were always allowed to choose their destiny and the fathers of their children, and no marriages throughout human history were prearranged. The concept of choosing ones own spouse to raise a family is relatively new on the scale of human history. I should not be writing about anyone struggling for selfdetermination. Who stands to gain by controlling other peoples right to make decisions about their own bodies?

Religion and Health Care Dont Mix

Pharmacists who refuse to issue prescriptions based on religious reasons should have their licenses revoked, as they are interfering with a doctors professional relationship with his or her patient. There should be no protection from justice for priests who sexually abuse

children. States must eliminate poverty by controlling the population through funding proper education and access to family planning technology, not the opposite, which is legislating in the bedrooms and doctors offices, interfering in the private and professional confidential relationships they know nothing about, and interfering in the lives of consenting, informed adults.

the union and reproduction of people who wish not to, is a breach of nature. The solution is to let nature run its course. Through uninterrupted natural selection, the non-breeding instinct will, with a few rare exceptions, be bred out of the gene pool. It is the duty of the government as a tax collecting body, to treat everyone equally, and to operate as efficiently as possible, even if it means actually solving problems that will ultimately eliminate many jobs.

LAW OF ATTRACTION: Whats the point of banning gay marriage?

Clearly, nature alone provides the necessary mechanisms for attraction and/or reproduction. More studies in genetic research suggest sexual attraction may be encoded in our genesxv. It stands to reason that forcing


Who gains from keeping sick employees at work spreading cold and flu viruses to each other and to the public? Who gains from long-term highcost health care resulting from work accidents, football injuries, incurable viral

infections and unwanted pregnancies? Who gains from overpopulation? Who gains from having too many students and not enough teachers? Who gains from a large population of unskilled or low-skilled labor? Who gains from illiteracy? The high-paying stable careers can be found in the public sector, namely social services, the justice system, law enforcement, local housing authorities, and many other federal, state, county and municipal areas. The public sector is supplied by the private sector through government contracts. Each public sector has its own industrial complex, much like the famed military industrial complex warned about by President Dwight Eisenhower. Elected officials frequently reap the benefit of their authority after they leave public office, by landing softly on the board of directors of companies which

benefited from the lawmakers activities while he or she allegedly served the public interest.

Profiting from Ignorance and Overpopulation

Many organizations rely on false information for their existence. There are continuous debates about the differences between problems and their symptoms. Be fruitful and multiply is advice worth heeding thousands of years ago when there was an abundance of space and resources. Not anymore. Now its getting to the point where there is literally not enough clean fresh water for everyone to drink. Overpopulation drives a host of industries claiming to fight problems when they are merely treating symptoms, avoiding the

cause, or actually exacerbating the same symptoms or causing new different symptoms. If the veneer of religion was removed from the public perception of problems such as violence, addiction, crime, pollution, poverty, sickness, hunger, hatred, etc., everyone would realize that these are not problems, but all symptoms of ignorance and corruption. Vast industries that are centuries old never solved these problems because their intent was never to solve them, but to profit from them. The War on Poverty, The War on Drugs, Feed the Children, Children and Family Services, The Salvation Army, Prisons, surplus low-skilled or unskilled labor that causes lower wages, homeless shelters, Food Banks, volunteer military enlistment, and any type of organization

related to primary and secondary effects of overpopulation would be dismantled as a result of proper family planning. The denouncement of sex education, contraception, protection from sexually transmitted infections, and birth control, in favor of abstinence-only education relies on the false premise that what you dont know wont hurt you, ignorance is bliss, and you wont do what you dont know about. The result has been an increase in unwanted pregnancies, the spread of sexually transmitted infections, and unforeseen long-term consequences involving inadequate education, poverty, crime, costly long-term health problems leading to higher medical costs, rapid depletion of water and food sources and a toxic environment.

The attacks against organizations such as Planned Parenthood, resistance to availability of contraception, birth-control, proper reproductive education based on science and not abstinence-only, indicate a clear agenda to maintain the status quo: an underachieving surplus of people living in squalor and spreading disease, spending money on trash and spending money on trash cleanup; a never ending cycle of spending into poverty that funnels money and land into the pockets of the few in power. This is the growth is good philosophy of business. The scientific community has proved these as failed policies over and again, yet these failed policies continue to be enforced by politicians. In the face of overwhelming evidence, it appears that religion has become an ideal distraction for malfeasance, knowing no specific political

party affiliation. Religion is up for grabs by anyone in power who wishes to use it for their personal benefit at the cost of everyone else. After a devastating earth quake and hurricanes on Haiti, the massive infusion of food aid in the form of rice actually drove local food prices so low that farmers lost their land and their jobs. Huge commercial fishing operations decimated the food supply off the coast of Somalia, creating political upheaval and piracy as a source of income. Charitable organizations that subsidize retrenchment of dependence upon foreign aid have been a tactical asset of imperialist strategy since ancient times. Destruction of foreign economies creates opportunities for land-grabs and slavery. Convenient Immigration Enforcement

Illegal immigration supplies industry with undocumented, exploitable laborers which drives down wages, increasing profits for farmers and construction companies. Ironically more frequently one finds that those who complain the most about illegal immigration are benefiting the most from it; perhaps because they appreciate their illegal employees being arrested and deported on the day before payday.

facilitating overpopulation? First and foremost is the military, as conscripts will be needed in time of war. Producing offspring by any means necessary and at any cost was acceptable according to the Bible when a tribe was at risk of extinction thousands of years ago, but not today. Parenthood requires at least eighteen years of resources for each additional child. Parenthood must be planned.

The Social Service Industrial Complex

Social service actually encompasses every government agency required to manage people who are underprivileged enough to be at risk, or already driven into criminal activity. Every social problem is a symptom of inadequate resources for too many people. Whose interests are served by

Treating only the symptoms exacerbates the problem

Having more children is seen by free-market economists as growth because it bolsters industries that support irresponsibility: Social service operational equipment manufacturers, facility construction and maintenance, government subsidy increases to

pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment and healthcare for the poor. In 2004, the Bush Administration entered into a Faith-Based Initiative that blurred the line of separation between church and state, accelerating the strain on our resources by those who seek to profit from growth in poverty under the auspices of Family Values programs. This is why religion is so important to government, despite the claim of separation between them. The Pet Industrial Complex is one example where we are told to spay or neuter our pets; however, this message does not get out very often. Instead, we see photos of abused pets with their sad faces next to a logo of a charitable organization, and a request for donations. If not a charitable organizations, taxsupported animal shelters get money from a city, county,

state or federal budgets. Since dogs and cats dont have opposable thumbs and are useless for labor, they are euthanized if not adopted. If everyone spayed and neutered their pets, these organizations would not exist. Imagine the money saved and suffering averted. Imagine if people also took responsibility for their own reproductive capacity.


Many people find the casual statements about population control shocking, religious zealots scream and rant about abortions and stem-cell research. If every sperm cell and egg were truly sacred, every living thing on the planet would have much for which to answer. Women are born with about one to two million immature eggs but by the time they reach puberty only about 400,000 immature eggs

remain. Out of the thousand immature eggs lost at each menstrual cycle, only one will mature into an ovum of the one to two million follicles, only about 400 will ever mature.xvi a woman is fertile for about 30 years (from roughly age 13 to 43) and could technically get pregnant every 10-11 months (if she isnt breastfeeding, anyway)she could have around 35 full term pregnancies. Toss in a couple of multiple births, that would make around 40 children.xvii For men, billions of sperm cells are produced and die, aside from the one that manages to fertilize an egg.xviii Its a matter of choice between preventing an egg from fertilizing, or a childs life of suffering in pain or

squalor and violence. Who would be so cruel and greedy to promote the latter? Anyone who suggests creating more jobs, reforming education, increasing the supply of food, clothing and shelter, or suggests increased spending on social programs without addressing the problem of overpopulation, is only looking to benefit from short-term profits. The Free Market is driven by short-term profits which require ignoring the longterm consequences of limited resources and destruction of the environment. In the end there will be a few people sitting atop a mountain of wealth, while the rest writhe about in fetid, flyblown waste.


Despite the claims that different forms of government exist, one only needs to see the throne by tracing the path of wealth in land and subjects (people). All the differences in meanings of words are mere distractions. Understanding this, the paper upon which is written entitlements can be burned and only victory in blood remains true.

End notes

The assumption that behavior leads to addiction is actually false but I didnt know it at the time. This topic is covered later in this book. What I Didnt Find in Africa-- Joe Wilson, New York Times Op Ed, July 06, 2003
iii ii s/article/ages-stages-empathy Panem et circenses translates to Bread and Circuses and is a metaphor for the superficial means by which the public is lulled through distraction into a false sense of satisfaction and security by unscrupulous leaders.
xiii xii xi Swartz
iv Assange

The Silver Pharoah PBS 2010 WNET & Blink Films. d_History_of_Psychology/Cognitive _Development


Marprelate Controversy elate_Controversy.


Claim, Opinion, Explanation and Excuse -- New Oxford American Dictionary Third Edition Abrams, Michael; The Real Story on Gay Genes, Discover Magazine, Tuesday, June 05, 2007
xvi xv

xiv (American Library Association) Office of Intellectual Freedom Davidson, Richard J. Begley, Sharon The Emotional Life of Your Brain Davidson, Richard J., Begley, Sharon: The Emotional Life of Your Brain p. 70
ix viii men-and-their-eggs-how-many-andhow-long

xvii /index?qid=20080623101008AAzhJn C

xviii ature-environment/naturalhistory/sperm-counts

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