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Test: Mid Term Exam Semester 1 Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below.

An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Semester 1 Mid Term Exam covers Sections 1-10 of Database Design. Section 3 (Answer all questions in this section) 1. Matrix Diagrams are used to verify an ERD. True or Fals e? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

2. m. True or False? (1) Points True False (*)

Two entities can ONLY have one relationship between the Mark for Review

3. Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

Relationship Names are optional. True or False?

4. In a business that sells pet food choose the best relat ionship name between FOOD TYPE and ANIMAL (e.g. dog, horse or cat). (Choose Two) Mark for Review (1) Points

(Choose all correct answers) Each FOOD TYPE must be suitable for one or more ANIMALs. (*) Each ANIMAL must be the seller of one or more FOOD TYPES. Each FOOD TYPE may be made from one or more ANIMALs. Each FOOD TYPE may be given to one or more ANIMALs. (*)

5. To identify an attribute as part of a unique identifier on an ER diagram, the # symbol goes in front of it. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

Section 7 (Answer all questions in this section) 6. Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*) Historical data must never be kept. True or False?

7. Modeling historical data can produce a unique identifie r that always excludes dates. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points

True False (*)

8. Which of the following would be good as a Unique Identi fier for its Entity? (Choose Three) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Personal Identification number for Person (*) Vehicle Registration Number for Car (*) ISBN Number for Book (*) Date of birth for Baby

9. A particular problem may be solved using either a Recurs ive Relationship or a Hierarchy, though not at the same time. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

rue or False? (1) Points True (*) False

10. An arc can also be modeled as Supertype and Subtypes. T Mark for Review

Test: Mid Term Exam Semester 1 Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Semester 1 Mid Term Exam covers Sections 1-10 of Database Design. Section 7 (Answer all questions in this section) 11. Arcs are used to visually represent _________ between t wo or more relationships in an ERD. Mark for Review (1) Points Sameness Differences Exclusivity (*) Inheritance

12. Mark for Review (1) Points Some to None (*) One to One One to Many Many to Many

Which of the following is NOT a relationship type?

13. (1) Points

Primary UIDs are:

Mark for Review

Something that each Entity should have, but is not mandatory (*) Useful as an alternative means of identifying instances of an entity, in dependent of their datatype Mandatory in data modeling Always comprised of numbers

14. tory. True or False? (1) Points True False (*)

All relationships participating in an arc must be manda Mark for Review

Section 6 (Answer all questions in this section) r False? (1) Points True (*) False 15. Any Non-UID must be dependant on the entire UID. True o Mark for Review

16. (1) Points

When is an entity in 2nd Normal Form? Mark for Review

When all non-UID attributes are dependent upon the entire UID. (*) When no attritibutes are mutually independant and fully independent on t

he primary key. When no attritibutes are mutually independent and all are fully dependen t on the primary key. None of the Above.

17. As a database designer you do not need to worry about w here in the datamodel you store a particular attribute, as long as you get it on to the ERD your job is done. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

18. Normalizing an Entity to 1st Normal Form is done by rem oving repeated or redundant attributes. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

19. An entity without repeated values is said to be on 1st Normal Form. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

r False? (1) Points True

20. All entities must be given a new artificial UID. True o Mark for Review

False (*)

Test: Mid Term Exam Semester 1 Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Semester 1 Mid Term Exam covers Sections 1-10 of Database Design. Section 7 (Answer all questions in this section) 11. Arcs are used to visually represent _________ between t wo or more relationships in an ERD. Mark for Review (1) Points Sameness Differences Exclusivity (*) Inheritance

12. Mark for Review (1) Points Some to None (*) One to One One to Many Many to Many

Which of the following is NOT a relationship type?

13. (1) Points

Primary UIDs are:

Mark for Review

Something that each Entity should have, but is not mandatory (*) Useful as an alternative means of identifying instances of an entity, in dependent of their datatype Mandatory in data modeling Always comprised of numbers

14. tory. True or False? (1) Points True False (*)

All relationships participating in an arc must be manda Mark for Review

Section 6 (Answer all questions in this section) r False? (1) Points True (*) False 15. Any Non-UID must be dependant on the entire UID. True o Mark for Review

16. (1) Points

When is an entity in 2nd Normal Form? Mark for Review

When all non-UID attributes are dependent upon the entire UID. (*) When no attritibutes are mutually independant and fully independent on t he primary key. When no attritibutes are mutually independent and all are fully dependen t on the primary key. None of the Above.

17. As a database designer you do not need to worry about w here in the datamodel you store a particular attribute, as long as you get it on to the ERD your job is done. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

18. Normalizing an Entity to 1st Normal Form is done by rem oving repeated or redundant attributes. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

19. An entity without repeated values is said to be on 1st Normal Form. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False


All entities must be given a new artificial UID. True o

r False? (1) Points True

Mark for Review

False (*)

Test: Mid Term Exam Semester 1 Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Semester 1 Mid Term Exam covers Sections 1-10 of Database Design. Section 6 (Answer all questions in this section) 21. The first UID for an entity is called the Primary UID, the second is called Secondary UID and so on. Mark for Review (1) Points Yes, this is the way UID's are named. (*) No, it is not possible to have more than one UID for an Entity. Yes, but then it stops. No entities can have more than two UID's. No, each Entity can only have one UID, the secondary one.

Section 9 (Answer all questions in this section) 22. Which of the following is a logical constraint that cou ld result from considering how time impacts an example of data storage? Mark for Review (1) Points An ASSIGNMENT may only refer to an EMPLOYEE with a valid employee record

at the Start Date of the ASSIGNMENT. (*) EMPLOYEE periods can overlap causing the database to crash. End Date must be before the Start Date. Dates must be stored with Time.

23. All systems must include functionality to provide loggi ng or journaling in conceptual data models. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

24. All systems must have an entity called WEEK with a holi day attribute, so you know when to give your employees a holiday. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

25. If a system includes the concept of time and it stores Start Dates, then End Dates becomes Mandatory. For each Start Date attribute you create, you MUST create an End Date attribute and it must be mandatory. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)


Which of the following would be a logical constraint wh

en modeling time for a City entity? (1) Points

Mark for Review

People are born in the city and people die in the city. Cites may change their name and/or which country they are placed in, if the borders of a country change. (*) If you are doing a system for any French City, you would need security c learance You need a constant record of cities because they are still cities, even if leadership changes over time, e.g. they get a new Mayor

Section 4 (Answer all questions in this section) e or False? (1) Points True False (*) 27. A supertype can only have two subtypes and no more. Tru Mark for Review

28. Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

A Supertype can have only one subtype. True or False?

29. Review

Which of the following is true about subtypes? Mark for

(1) Points One instance may belong to two subtypes of the same supertype. Subtypes must be mutually exclusive. (*) Subtypes must not be mutually exclusive. Subtype entities may not have relationships to the other subtype entitie s, only the supertype itself.

30. All instances of a subtype may be an instance of the su pertype but does not have to. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

Page 3 of 5

Test: Mid Term Exam Semester 1 Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Semester 1 Mid Term Exam covers Sections 1-10 of Database Design. Section 4 (Answer all questions in this section) 31. Why is it important to identify and document structural rules? Mark for Review (1) Points Ensures we know what data to store and how that data works together. (*) Ensures nothing. There are no benefits to be gained from documenting you

r Structural Business Rules. We need to concentrate on the Procedural Business R ules only. Ensures we know what Information to store and how that Information works together. All of the Above.

Section 5 (Answer all questions in this section) 32. A Diamond on a relationship indicates the Relationship as Non-Tranferrable. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

33. Which of the following pairs of entities is most likely to be modeled as a M:M relationship? Mark for Review (1) Points CAR and WHEEL TREE and BRANCH PERSON and FINGERPRINT TEACHER and SUBJECT AREA (*)

34. A relationship from an entity back to itself is called a ___________ relationship. Mark for Review (1) Points Mandatory

Recursive (*) Many to Many Optional Transferrable

35. If two entities have two relationships between them, th ese relationships can be either _____________ or _____________ ? Mark for Review (1) Points Redundant or Required (*) Replicated or Required Resourced and Really Good Redundant and Replicated

36. Many to many relationships must be left in the Model. I t is important to have them documented as M-M. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

37. Intersection Entities are at the Master end in the rela tionships between it and the original entities. So the original entities are det ails or children of the newly created intersection entity. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

38. Intersection Entities often have the relationships part icipating in the UID, so the relationships are often barred. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

39. M:M relationship? (1) Points

What do you call the entity created when you resolve a Mark for Review

Intersection entity (*) Inclusion entity Recursive entity M:M entity

Section 10 (Answer all questions in this section) 40. There are formal rules for how to draw ERD's, even thou gh they are only guidelines, you should always try to follow them. True or False ? Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

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Test: Mid Term Exam Semester 1 Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indica tes a correct answer. Semester 1 Mid Term Exam covers Sections 1-10 of Database Design. Section 10 (Answer all questions in this section) 41. There is no point in trying to group your entities toge ther on your diagram according to volume. Making a diagram pretty is a waste of time. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

42. A datamodel containing generic modeling techniques must not be mixed in with non-generic models. The generic entities MUST be drawn on a diagram of their own. True or False? Mark for Review (1) Points True False (*)

43. eric. True or False? (1) Points True False (*)

All datamodels must be transformed from specific to gen Mark for Review

Section 2 (Answer all questions in this section) 44. Entity and Attribute names are always interchangable, s o you need not worry about choosing the right type. True or False? Mark for

Review (1) Points True False (*)

45. A/an _________ is a picture of all the information that will form the basis for the finished system. Mark for Review (1) Points ERD (*) Process Table Attribute

46. Mark for Review (1) Points True (*) False

Relationship names are usually verbs. True or False?

47. In a physical data model, a relationship is represented as a? Mark for Review (1) Points Column Row Instance

Foreign Key (*)

48. Which of the following entities most likely contains va lid attributes? (Choose two) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) Entity: Home. Attributes: Number of Bedrooms, Owner, Address, Date Built (*) Entity: Pet. Attributes: Name, Birthdate, Owner (*) Entity: Car. Attributes: Owner Occupation, Owner Salary, Speed Entity: Mother. Attributes: Name, Birthdate, Occupation, Salary

49. Which of the following are examples of ENTITY: Instance . (Choose Two) Mark for Review (1) Points (Choose all correct answers) TRANSPORTATION METHOD: Car (*) ANIMAL: Dog (*) MEAT PRODUCT: Lettuce BODY PART: Larry Ellison

50. . True or False? (1) Points True (*)

The Physical Model is derived from the Conceptual Model Mark for Review


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