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Networking Notes by jeet: RHCE NOTES

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History of Linux
In 1969, Four programmer Ken Thompson, Dennis Ritchie, Rudd Canady & Doug McElroy made a program in Bell labs which does not have any name in year 1969. Brian Kernighan checked that program & found it is very good software for client & networking purpose. He gave the name Unix to this program on 1st January 1970 (epoch time). First Operating System. That time that program was written in Assembly language. In 1972, a programmer Dennis Ritchie started converting this program in C language. (Also called founder of C language). 1973- Unix in C language. 1980- Berkeley Software Development (a part of research program of Berkeley University) launches open BSD (a small program written in a single floppy). Paul Allen & Bill Gates are the employee of Bell Labs. In 1981, they both started Microsoft with 9 more candidates & they gave a programme named Xenix (1980) but it was flopped. In 1981- Launched MS-DOS 1.0 In 1984- UNIX open source In 1985- First Graphical Based OS- Win 2.0 In 1991, Linus Benedict Torvalds, B-tech Iind year Computer Science, 23 years old student of University of Helensiki (Finland) made Kernel (25th August 1991). In 1994- RedHat Company (collection of Linux Sets) came into existence. 99 % servers of Linux till 2012.

1. Everything is a file. 2. Small, single purpose programmers 3. Ability to Chain programmers 4. Avoid captive user interfaces. 5. Configuration data stored in text.

Linux Directory Structure

/home /bin /usr/bin /sbin /usr/local/bin /etc /boot /root /mnt /dev /srv /sys /lib /proc /tmp /var /opt Users home (all users folders) Commands (user executable & Scripts) Commands (user executable & Scripts) root privileged command commands which we make for our use. System Configuration files Linux Kernel & Bootable files root (Admin) Data for mounting any external devices devices (hdd, CD-Rom, Pen Drive) Server data System Information Library files stored virtual file system Temporary files Variable file (database,logs) Add on Application software

Linux Basic Commands

Directory commands: 1. # mkdir - For creating directory. 2. # cd - change directory. 3. # cd .. - to come out from working directory.


Networking Notes by jeet: RHCE NOTES

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4. # rmdir - to remove directory File Commands: 1. # touch <filename> - creates a blank file. 2. # cat > filename - creates a file and for saving this file (ctrl + D) 3. # cat - to see the content of the file. 4. # cat file1 >> file2 - to move file1 matter in file2 5. # cat -n filename - to see how many lines are written in that file. Commands for deleting: 1. # rm filename - deletes a file. 2. # rm -i - deletes file/folder in interactive mode (asking mode) 3. # rm -r - deletes directory. 4. # rm -f - deletes files/folders forcefully. Help Commands: 1. # whatis <command> These all are the help commands. Prints all related tags 2. # man <command> about that command. 3. # info <command> 4. # <command> --help 5. # which <command> 6. # cd /usr/share/doc Rename & Move: 1. # mv <oldfile> <newfile> (Rename) 2. # mv <filename> <where we have to move the file> (Move) Listing Commands: 1. # ls - listing files/folders 2. # ls -l (ll) - long listing of files/folders with whole information 3. # ls -a - lists all files/folders (hidden also) 4. # ls ??? - all files/folders named with 3 characters 5. # ls m* - files & directories started with letter m. Copy: 1. # cp <source> <destination> - copies files from source to destination 2. # cp -i <source> <destination> - copies files from source to destination in asking mode 3. # cp -i * <destination> - copies current working directory all data to destination. 4. # cp -r <directory name> <destination> - copies directory from source to destination Editors in linux: 1. nano 2. vi These editors are used in console mode. 3. vim 4. gvim 5. gedit These editors are used in graphical mode. 6. Emacs VI editor/ VIM editor: There are three modes in vi editors 1. ex mode (default mode, by pressing escape key, this mode is used for saving and exit ) 2. Insert mode (by pressing insert or I key, this mode is used for editing) 3. Replace mode (this mode is used for replacing text written, by again pressing insert or r key) For saving document- come on esc mode and write :wq For setting line numbers in document come on esc mode and write : se nu For coming on any specific line press line no. and then G (ex- 102 then G) or :line no (enter) For going at the end of page press G For going at the top of page press gg For searching any text in the file /text For undo u and for redo ctrl+r Vim editor is not installed default when you install linux, you have to install vim


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editor. It is the enhanced version of vi editor. # vim/vi filename Press v to come to visual mode, here we can select the matter which we want to copy , press yy to copy (y stands for yank). Press p to paste that matter. Press dd to delete a particular line where cursor is. Nano Editor: Nano is a command based editor, earlier used when advanced editors were not came into being. When you open a a file with this editor, you will find all related help of this command. SOME BASIC COMMANDS 1. # poweroff -f 2. # halt -n -p - These commands are used to turn off computer. 3. # init 0 4. # init 6 - These commands are used to Restart computer. 5. # reboot 6. # startx - Switch from command to graphic. 7. # init 5 - Restarts system from command mode to graphic mode. 8. # history - To see history of recent commands. 9. # history -c - To clear the history of recent commands 10. # cat > /etc/issue - To create logoff scripts. 11. # cat > /etc/motd - To create logon scripts. 12. # cal yyyy or mm yyyy - To see the calendar of that month & year. 13. # bc - Starts basic calculator. 14. # whoiam or # w - To know by which user we logged on 15. # adduser <username> - To create user 16. # passwd <username> - To give password to user. 17. # userdel <username> - To delete user. 18. # usermod -L <username> - To lock a user account. 19. # usermod -U <username> - To unlock a user account. 20. # passwd -d <username> - To remove password for a user. 21. # cd ~ - Switch directly to users home directory with. 22. # head <filename> - To see the top ten lines of a file. 23. # head -n 16 <filename> - To see top 16 lines of a file. 24. # tail <filename> - To see the bottom ten lines of a file. 25. # tail -n 16 <filename> - To see bottom 16 lines of a file. 26. # evince <filename.pdf> - To open a pdf file (only on graphical terminal) 27. # sort <filename> - Sort file in a-z format. 28. # sort -d <filename> - Sort file in dictionary format. 29. # sort -r <filename> - Sort file in z-a format. 30. # sort -t : -k 3 n/r/u <filename>- Sort the file according to given delimiter (n=numeric, r= decending, u=removes duplication)


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