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Abon ayam Abon sapi Ada saja Ada-ada saja

Ada-ada saja, kamu Aduh, amit-amit Ah bising, sana pergi! Ah, lagian kamu sich Ah, mo tau aja lu Aih nyang bener Akal-akalan saja Aman Ambil langkah seribu Angin-anginan Angon sapi Antri Apa boleh buat, nasi sudah menjadi bubur Apa boleh buat, nasi telah menjadi bubur Apa kabar Apa yang akan terjadi, terjadilah kita akan siap mengadapinya Apapun nanti hasilnya Arisan

shredded chicken shredded beef there is always a way to solve the problem to expect the unexpected: there is always something new happening, no kidding, it is to be expected of you only you would do such a thing, thats just thats just like you! God forbid! go jump in a lake because of you, look what happened you ask too much get outta here to do tricks, it is a scam safe to run away from responsibility moody, temperamental a cow herder, a cowboy to queue up, to stand in line it is too late, there is nothing we can do now it is too late, the rice has turned into porridge, there is nothing we can do about it slang: what's up? Whazzup? come what may

whatever the results might be money pool (only for Indonesians)

Bagai pinang dibelah dua Bagaimana menyatakan rasa cinta Bagus, hebat, jempo Belagu amat sih lu! Belepotan Belum-belum Benar-benar, betul-betul Bengal, bandel Berbisik Berkenalan

an exact likeness, a spitting image I care a lot about you; I have fallen for you; I have feelings for you; You are the one neato! you talk too much to be smeared to be anxious of what is going to happen to be madly, truly, deeply stubborn, obstinate, hard headed to whisper to introduce yourself to someone; Hi, my name is John. Pleased to meet you. (shaking hands), hi, I am Memet. to imagine dating, going with someone, seeing someone to be idle to really put an effort to do something to sit cross legged on the floor to sneeze to surrender to put hands on waist let it be, leave it alone to say things openly/bluntly without restraint mute, speech impaired to say things openly/bluntly without restraint dum, stupid moron, imbecile (insults) to be bored you are annoying to go Dutch (everyone pays their own meal) lonely, needing a friend did you hear what I said? skin rash the end of a fasting day not to be polite or anything to kiss up (brown-noser) 100 in Chinese (in Indonesia)

Berkhayal, mengkhayalkan Berpacaran Berpangku tangan Bersemangat untuk Bersila Bersin Bertekuk lutut Bertolak pinggang Biarin Bicara ceplas-ceplos Bisu, tuna wicara Blak-blakan Bodoh Bodoh (umpatan) Bosen Brengsek lu BS - bayar sendirisendiri BT - bete - butuh teman Budek lu Budukan Buka puasa Bukan basa-basi Cari muka Cepek

Cespleng Cinta buta Cuci mata Cuek Curhat Dasar kamu nich Dasar laki-laki mata keranjang Dasar rese! Dengan siapa ia berbicara tentang hal itu? Dikitik-kitik Dilarang ada di sini tanpa tujuan Dilarang buang sampah di sini Diobok-obok Ditengarai Doyan Duduk jegang

to be effective (like medicine) love is blind sight seeing, window shopping does not care heart-to-heart talk it is no surprise, it is expected of you a womanizer it is so annoying! with whom did he talk about it?

to be tickled no loitering no littering to be disturbed to be considered as to like, to be fond of to sit cross-legged, one leg on the other knee, or, one knee up while sitting on a chair, to sit hugging the knees mascot whatever - I do not care economic slump expedition Muslim women dress norm

Dukun bola EGP - emangnye gua pikirin Ekonomi ngos-ngosan Ekspedisi Etika muslimah berpakaian Gadis impian, cewek idaman Gaptek (gape teknologi) Garing Genit Gertak sambal Giliran Gitu aja kok repot Gokil

imaginary diva to be up to date with technology dry flirtatious his bark is louder than his bite to take turns, next dont sweat the small stuff everything is small stuff, its a piece of cake, it's so easy, there is nothing to it crazy!

Gombal - rayuan gombal Gosong (memasak) Gotong-royong GR Gregetan Hakim anggota Hal itu kiranya tidak pada tempatnya Hanyut Harkat, martabat, derajat Hidung belang Hidung meler Hitam manis Hutang budi Hutang emas Ih, nggemesin banget sich! Ingin sekali Lancang Lari seperti dikejar setan Laris Lengang Lenggang-lenggok Lesehan Lesung pipit Lintah darat Lu ada acara malam ini, nggak?

baloney burnt (a burnt toast) cooperation to have self esteem to show strong emotion a member of a judge in a panel of judges, appointed for special occasion it is not proper to drown, drowning honor womanizer runny, drippy nose a good looking dark skinned person an indebtedness, this cannot be repaid to borrow materials, this can be repaid aw, so cute (I want to crush you to pieces and eat you up!) usually said with much excitement to long for something to step out of line to run as if chased by a ghost to sell briskly, everyone is buying quiet and deserted to sashay across the cat walk to have a meal on a mat on the floor dimple (on cheek), cleft (on chin on men) loan shark are you free tonight? (between close friends, otherwise, it may be too impolite; better to say when could you be with us? - and let them decide when) to have a drinking party (alcohol) to intern, an intern a match maker Thursday evening

Mabuk-mabukan, minumminum Magang Mak comblang Malam Jumat

Malu-malu kucing Malu-maluin Mandi madu Manyun Mata duitan Mata keranjang Mau datang ke rumah hari Jumat? Mau menang sendiri Mau tau aja lu Melahirkan Melempem Meleng Membatasi Memble Membuat janji, janjian Memelet cowok, atau cewek Mempan Mencurigakan Mendamprat Mengecil Menggigil Menggondol Menguap Menjampi-jampi Mensosialisasikan peraturan perusahaan kepada karyawan Merecoki Mereka bisa, kenapa saya tidak bisa? Merinding karena angker

to be shy to bring shame to have a honey bath (spa) disappointed, and pouting to love money roving eyes would you like to come over on Friday? to be controlling, to feel always right why are you so curious? what is it to you? to give birth to not crunchy or crispy anymore, unproductive not paying attention on the road, to look sideways to be inattentive to curb having a bad mood, or needing a friend, or an old broken machine to make an appointment to attract a guy or girl through magic spells vulnerable a kind of sketchy part of town; a kind of sketchy guy to scold to shrink to shiver due to cold weather to go away with the price to yawn to use magic spells to practice company regulations to fit local workers' condition such as cuti haid or leave for women who have their periods to fuss over, to bother if they can do it, why cannot I?

to be scared because of a ghost, a scary sound or apparition in a haunted to be spooked up Merusak suasana a fly in the ointment Mimpi kali yee! only in your dreams, dream on, it Minggir dong watch out; move over!; excuse me! Minta geser sedikit could you move over a little Minta maaf atas kesalahan please forgive me for a big mistake

yang lumayan fatal Mo tau aja, lu Mobil ini punya siapa? Mohon diri, mohon pamit Naksir Nasi rames you are just too curious Whose car is this? to say goodbye

Ngacir Ngalor-ngidul Ngambek Ngeres Ngeres Nggak gaptek Nggak juga sih Nggak suka Ngiler Nglilir Ngos-ngosan Niat Nirlaba Nongkrong Norak Nungging

to have a crush on someone steamed white rice with appropriate dishes: sayur lodeh, ayam goreng, pepes ikan, bergedel, krupuk udang,sambel bajak, sayur kare, emping mlinjo, semur ayam, acar campur to leave abruptly without saying goodbye to be in disarray and no organization no consensus to sulk very sad a very sad, sob story, wrenching tale unwilling to embrace new technology or move forwards, being backwards not so much not my cup of tea to drool or to want something real bad to stir up from sleep to be out of breath (from running) a strong determination to fast, strong will non profit organization to hang out, to sit around doing nothing against the common norms to bend down, backside up

Obat ini mempan sekali, this medicine is very effective manjur Oleh-oleh items brought over from a trip, or from a farm harvest Onde-onde fried sesame ball Ongkang-ongkang to relax, to sit back and do nothing Otak udang stupid, small brains Pamali Pandai bergaul Pantesan Parno abis taboo good communication skills oh, no wonder very terrified (maybe a duplicate)

Parno abis deh Patah hati PD - percaya diri PD abis PDKT - pendekatan Pedagang asongan Pedagang kaki lima Pemakaian kata who, whom dan whose, contoh-contohnya Peminta-minta Pendiam Pengamen Pengejawantahan Pengemis Penggaruk Pengin muntah Pengin sekali menang Penyelundupan Peribahasa Perjaka ting-ting Perlengkapan bayi Perpeloncoan Perut keroncongan Pesantren Plesetan Plin-plan Polisi tidur Psikiater Puisi, syair, pantun Pulang kampung, mudik Ragu-ragu Randa kempling Rasa kikuk, janggal Rasain Rem itu pakem (makan) Rese Rindu

very terrified, petrified with fear or worry broken hearted self confidence strong self confidence saying nice things to someone like 'you look nice today' to get to know someone better street peddler >street vendor The man, whom I love and respect, is my father; Di sini 'who' bisa juga dipakai.; The woman, whose son is named Ali, is actually our neighbor. a beggar an introvert street musician the appearance of a pan handler a scraper, a rake, a scratcher to feel sick a killer instinct to win smuggling proverb: the longest ourney begins with a single step a virgin male baby layette hazing growling stomach due to hunger an Islamic school and dormitory word games, a play on words, pun wishy-washy street humps to prevent speeding cars a shrink, a psychiatrist poem, poetry, verse to go home to one's hometown to hesitate, to be in doubt a young widow like a fish out of the water serves you right, you deserve it very responsive brakes very annoying to miss someone


to feel uncomforta hot pepper sauce various kinds of hot pepper sauces please give my regards to I do not feel like talking to you right now to have very high expectations

Sambal Sambal-sambalan Sampaikan salam saya kepada Saya lagi nggak mood ngomong sama kamu Sebagai seekor burung pungguk yang merindukan bulan Sebel Sehidup-semati Selamat Hari Raya Idulfitri Selamatkan Selamatkan bumi kita Semau gue Sensasi Senyuman maut Serak-serak basah Serigala berbulu domba Setengah mati Sewot Siapa yang bisa saya ajak bicara? Siapa yang ketinggalan dompet di kelas? Simpan uang ini Sinting Sok Sok jagoan, ugal-ugalan Sok kenal sok dekat (SKSD) Sok tahu Sop buntut Suara serak-serak basah Sudah banyak makan asam garam Sujud Sumpah mati Sunatan

not nice till death do us part Idulfitri mubarak, Happy Idulfitri to save save our planet I will do as I please, whatever I like sensation, sensational a killer smile throaty, hoarse, husky voice wolf in sheep's clothing lingering between life and death or a very hard struggle angry, to be cross, to be grouchy with whom can I talk about it? who left a wallet in the class room? please save this money crazy, nutty person arrogance a hotshot someone who is too friendly after just being introduced smart alleck, mr. know-it-all oxtail soup husky, throaty, hoarse voice an experienced person to show respect and honor to the elders I swear to God, cross my heart and hope to die a circumcision

Syukur, untunglah Tabrak lari Tabu Tak tunggu ngantek cengklungen Tangan kiri Tanggal muda Tanggal tua Tedeng aling-aling Tega-teganya Telur mata sapi Teman saya dan saya Terapi Tergila-gila Termakan isu Terpojok dalam keadaan bahaya Tersendat-sendat Terseok-seok Tertawa terpingkalpingkal Tetek bengek Tidak apa-apa Tidak mempan Tidur-tiduran Titip Tongpes (kantong kempes) Tumben

thank goodness hit and run taboo to wait for a very long time left hand just got paid, pay day to be broke camouflage, pretense so inhumane, heartless fried egg, sunny side up my friend and I therapy to be crazy over someone or something to be swayed by an issue, to be strongly influenced by an issue jeopardized, to be in jeopardy inconsistent, unstable, changeable to struggle when walking to laugh that evil laugh, to cackle a variety of items no big deal, it is okay, it is alright invulnerable lying around - to lounge around to ask someone to do you a favor such as to bring a letter from you to someone else to be flat broke surprisingly;it is surprising that you come, that you called, that you contact us (something which has not been happening for a while) intercrop planting system saffron rice served for special occasion to run as fast as you can, like a bat out of hell, run for your life; rough and tumble, haphazard interest (payment) hot money, illegal money mischievous; very uncouth, no manner a killer exam

Tumpang sari Tumpeng Tunggang-langgang

Uang anakan Uang panas Ugal-ugalan Ujian sulit

Ukuran Urunan wira-wiri Ya ampun Zakat

size to chip in, to contribute some money to and fro oh my goodness alms (religious), tithe, offering

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