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Classification of Numbers: Odd Numbers: Numbers which are not divisible by 2 Ex: 1, 3, 5, 7, . Even Numbers: Numbers which are divisible by 2 Ex: 2, 4, 6, 8, .. Natural Numbers: All counting numbers Ex: N = {1, 2, 3, ..}

Sum of first n natural numbers is

Sum of squares of first n natural numbers is

Sum of cubes of first n natural numbers is Whole Numbers: 0 and all natural numbers Ex: W = { 0, 1, 2, 3, .}

Integers: Natural numbers, zero and negative of natural numbers Ex: I = { , -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, ..} Rational Numbers: These are of the form of , where q 0

Ex: Irrational Numbers: Cant be written in p/q form, where q 0 Ex: Composite Numbers: Numbers having more than two factors. Prime Numbers: Numbers divisible by one and the number itself or numbers having only two factors. Ex: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, etc Some points about prime numbers All prime numbers end with 1, 3, 7 or 9 except 2 and 5 2 is the only even prime number 1 is neither a prime or composite number. It is a unitary. There are 25 prime numbers upto 100.

Prime numbers upto 100

2 11

3 13 23

7 17 19 29 37

31 41 43 53 61 71 73 83

47 59 67 79 89 97

Twin prime numbers: The difference between two prime numbers is 2 Ex: 3 5, 5 7, 11 13 etc Co prime numbers: Numbers not having any common factors Ex: 3, 5 and 8 are co primes to each other.

Some important Identities:

To solve the equations based on numbers, the number is written in algebraic form. For example let the number be x. The numerator of a fraction is written in the following form

Three consecutive odd numbers are x, (x+2) and (x+4), or x-2, x and (x+2), where x is an odd number. Similarly, Three consecutive even numbers are x, (x+2) and (x+4) or x-2, x and (x+2) where x is an even number. If a number a is multiplied by itself for n times, the product is called n th power of a. This is written as an. In an, a is called base and n is called index or exponent or power.
Laws of Indices

EXAMPLES Example 1. The difference between the middle number of three consecutive odd numbers and the middle number of three consecutive even numbers is 7. What will be the difference between the total of these odd numbers and the total of those three even numbers? Sol: Let three consecutive odd numbers be x, x + 2 and x + 4 and let three consecutive even numbers be y, y+2 and y+ 4 (x + 2) - (y + 2) = 7 xy=7 Sum of three consecutive odd numbers = x + x + 2 + x + 4 = 3x + 6 And sum of three consecutive even numbers = y + y + 2 + y + 4 = 3y + 6 Required difference = (3x + 6) (3y + 6) = 3x 3y = 3 (x - y) =37 = 21

Short-cut Method: Let three consecutive odd numbers be y 2, y and y + 2 respectively Total of these odd numbers = 3y Let three consecutive even numbers be x 2, x and x + 2 respectively Total of these even numbers = 3x xy=7 3x 3y = 21

Example 2. When 40% of first number is added to the added to the second number the second number becomes 1.2 times of itself. What is the ratio between the first and second numbers?

Sol: Let the first and second number be x and y

Example 3. The difference of two numbers of two digit each is 24 while the sum of these two numbers is 102. What is the large number?

Example 4 The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 28 more than the average of these three numbers. What is the smaller number? Sol: Let the three consecutive even numbers be x, (x+2) and (x+4)

Example 5. The product of two numbers is 24 times the difference of these two numbers. f the sum of these numbers is 14, what is the larger number?

Sol: Let the largest number be x and the smaller be y

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