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The Design Process

1.0 Introduction A problem arises from the desire to achieve a transformation from one state of affairs to another. An engineering problem to which there is only one possible solution is rare. The generic steps for solving engineering problem were discussed in section 1.0ff. This process embraces the activities and events that transpired between the recognition of a problem and the specification of a functional, economical and satisfactory solution to that problem.

Formulate the
problem Recognize a problem

Analyze the

Search for
alternative solution

Completely specify the solution

Make a decision Specify the solution


Problem-solving steps


Problem formulation The primary objectives of problem formulation are to decide in general terms what the problem is, to determine whether it warrants attention and to get a broad view of that problem when it is best and easiest to do so. As an engineer, you must determine for yourself what the problem is. A problem formulation is a point of view- the manner in which you perceive the problem. It may not be more than some thoughts or some

scribbled notes. It is not irrevocable. As a result, it is your prerogative to formulate your problem broadly. 2.2 Problem Analysis The next step after formulating the problem is to analyze it in details. Relevant and irrelevant information and opinions will surface at this stage and all of them need to be tinkered with before arriving at a detailed definition of the problem in terms of specifications, restriction, criteria and so on.

Your formulation of the problem

Other relevant facts and opinions

Irrelevant information and opinions

Problem analysis

Detailed definition of the problem in terms of specifications, restrictions, criteria and so on.


Overview of problem analysis

In all engineering problems, there is an originating state of affairs called state A and also a state of affairs the engineer seek a means of achieving, called state B. For example:

State A

State B

Sinusoidal waveform Astable multivibrator

square waveform electronic organ

The dynamic characteristics of states A and B are called input variables and output variables. In addition, there are often limit on the degree to which input and output variables can fluctuate. For example, the bias voltage of TTL integrated circuits cannot exceed 5.25V this statement is called input constraint. The equivalent for state B is called output constraint. Other dynamic characteristics are restriction, criteria as illustrated in fig.2.3.

Problem analysis

Input variables Restrictions


Output variables

Fig. 2.3

Characteristics of problem analysis


Restriction A restriction is a solution characteristic previously fixed by decision, nature, law or any other source the engineer must honour. The size of a car, voltage level of an electronic system and costs are restrictions.

2.2.2 Criteria Criteria are the selling points that give your solution the appeal and acceptability. Such criteria are ease of operation, safety to users, reliability, ease of maintenance and repairs, weight and size. 2.2.3 Solution variables The ways in which solution to problems differ are called solution variables. Solutions can differ in shape, size, types of components used in design and mode of operation. The final solution to a problem consists of a specified value for each of these variables i.e. a certain size, shape or components etc. 2.2.4 Exploring alternative solutions As said earlier, there are many solutions to any engineering problem. As you put your problem in perspective, you begin to search for solutions in your mind, literatures and the world around you.
An analysis of the Problem

Fig 2.4 The search Phase

Search Phase

A multitude of Solutions and partial solutions

Mans vast accumulation of knowledge has provided ready-made solutions to many of the engineering problems you may encounter. However, a major source of solution-your own idea, the fruit of your mental process is called invention. Your inventiveness is the number of worthwhile solutions you are capable of conceiving. And this depends largely on your attitude, effort you put, your knowledge and the method you employ in seeking out ideas. 2.5 A Sampler: Application of the design process to electronics design task So far we have generalized the design process and the mind structure an engineer must possessed to achieve his goal. It was also mentioned in chapter one that the sequence or steps in any design process is not universal. It depends on the engineering discipline and specialization and the knowledge bank of the designer.

Problem statement

Develop specifications

Initial design approach

Develop block diagram

Performance simulation

Design of each block

Prototype construction

Prototype testing

Final design and construction

Working system

Fig.2.5 Electronic design cycle

In this section, we are narrowing the design process to electronics system design. A flowchart of a general electronic design process is given in fig.2.5. A set of specifications is developed for each electronic system and then each system is subdivided into many simpler circuits. Initial design approaches are considered and a circuit configuration is proposed, based on experience and creativity of the design engineer. This is where experience in the analysis of many different types of electronic circuits becomes important. Knowledge of particular characteristics such as input impedance, signal waveforms and how components works are used to choose a particular circuit configuration.

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