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STORM Name of the system can be one of: Usui Reiki, Taokan Karuna, Taokan Seichim, Fusion Reiki, Spectrum Reiki, Advanced Spectrum Reiki Degree can be: First degree, Second degree, Master degree, Master-Teacher degree {NAME OF THE SYSTEM} {DEGREE} Attunement Process {YOUR NAME}: You have requested attunement to {DEGREE} {NAME OF THE SYSTEM}. I have created an "Eternal Moment Attunement that can be perpetually and univerally accessed. Via these techniques, I have created a permanent energy construct that will allow you to connect with the energy band for attunement and transmission purposes right now. To empower you to receive it all that's necessary is to authorize you, specifically, to receive this transmission, but only for the greatest good of all concerned and with harm to none. ***PLEASE BE CAUTIONED*** These are so far beyond traditional attunement harmonics you will very likely have a very INTENSE clearing period following this attunement. This energy is so far beyond the typical Reiki Band that it can cause some very intense side effects and clearing. If you are willing to proceed, then read on... I, Osgaldor Jason Storm, hereby authorize and empower you, {YOUR NAME}, to fully and powerfully receive the attunement to {DEGREE} {NAME OF THE SYSTEM}, via the Eternal Moment, as you have professed that you are ready to receive this attunement and have committed to the path as it leads onward. And now to satisfy the final requirement of attunement, you must verbally consent to receive this attunement. Do you wish to receive this attunement? (please answer aloud) Ok, then if you are ready, move on. To receive this attunement to {DEGREE} {NAME OF THE SYSTEM} simply prepare as you do for any other relaxing experience. Allow yourself to be relaxed, perhaps by meditating gently for a few minutes. When you're ready to begin receiving simply say the following aloud:

"I accept attunement to {DEGREE} {NAME OF THE SYSTEM} from Dr. Storm,that I might be completely empowered and attuned to this level of energy, for the greatest good of all concerned and with harm to none. Let the transmission begin ***NOW***!!!" Then simply receive the attunement, taking as much time as you need, *paying careful attention* to bodily sensation, and any growing sense of intense relaxation setting in as this is a sign of intense energy harmonics at work. When the energy slows to a stop, you should find yourself very comfortable, relaxed, and mentally alert (after a few seconds anyway:-). You will notice, as you progress through the levels, that the attunement method I use is exactly identical at each step. This is because this method is the simplest, most effective method I have discovered in my years of study and practice for passing powerful attunements quickly, consistently, and remotely. REMEMBER: In {NAME OF THE SYSTEM} we know that the three requirements to pass an attunement are: Access to the energy to be transmitted. Intent to transmit the attunement. Intent to receive the transmitted attunement. Osgaldor J. Storm, B.C.H., Ph.D. Creator and Webmaster

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