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WaU-mounted gas boiler Instructions manual

Note! Please carefully read this instruction manual.


Forthe safe use of the warning label Caution before use Check before use Caution in use Check in use Water supply and initial lighting Operation and controls Before you cali forthe service Before installation The selection of the installation site The installation instructions The standard piping diagram Piping engineering Installation of host boiler Technical date and product guarantee Fault codes and warranty card Safety instructions

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Thank you for choosing an Olical boiler. Please retain this literature and all related documents so that they are available wheneverthey are required.


o r t h e safe u s e o f the warning label

The following information is intended to help you throughout the boilers entire instruction pack.




Riskof burns orscalding. Potentialiy dangerous situations for the product and environment. Useful information and instructions.

/ \


/ | \


no touch


no tire


this boiler must be earthed


Caution before use

installation and commission toconfirm',,, . .fl

This boiler must be installed and serviced by a competent person, Pisase checkthefollowingo

-The boiler has the commission label

- A s l g n e d commission checkiist by the commissioning person. Please retaln the signed commission checklisl and inslructions well. (It is recommended to retain for 5 years by law) Please follow the above mentloned points when the boiler is moved to a new place.

Electrical connections^^..
The boiler mus be connected to a permanent 220VAC, 50Hz suppiy. ppiy. Only Socket torboilers available.


Note! Do not touch the socket with wethand.

Follow strictly

., Gasconnection

Before connection, check the suppiy o( local gas, (LPGornaturalgas) Gas suppiy inconformity with the gas on the nameplate may cause incomplele burning or explosin, Check the gas class on the nameplate.

/ j \ Danger! Unspecified gas is forbidden, which may cause incomplete burning or explosin.

Gas valve checking

Please check it the gas valve isopen.

Follow strictly

Check before use"^

^ Dispenservalvechecking
Please check if the dispenser valves connecting the boiler and heating channels are open. Closing all the dispenser valves may cause burns by high temperature or pressure when starting the boiler. y


Water connections
Boiler can not be s t a r t e d for lack of water, t l i e n refill the heating sysfem with water. (exelude the auto water-make-up sysfem) Followstrictly

substances aroundT'

No combustibles around the boiler. Keep the flue system clean. J


! Flue terminaton
t Zl


Make sure the flue terminaton is well connected and air vents are clean, orthe waste gas (CO) may cause danger.


)f Safety instructions
Please read the safety instructions on the boiler.

t ^

Caution in use

IWfemionTo gasf^r^
Test the joints of the gas pipes wilh soap waler.


Please follow the instruction below if there is leakage

When you see bubbles or smell rol onion 1)Stop use boilerand cise the gas valve. 2}0pBn the window and have good air venlilation. 3)Call the the gas supply, distributor or our service center. Follow strlctly

Folow strictly

As any spark may cause explosin, you are forbade to do the followin



Airventiiatiora Make sure the air vents are clean. Burning will be damaged without smooth air flow and make Xhe service life shorter.
Please open the top and bottom air vens frequently. Open the window 2-3cm with a force-air-flow boiler.

Waste gas (CO) may cause danger, so cut off the air flow from the boiler room toother rooms.


Check in use

Caution! Antifreezing
b. _ . _ _ . _

Make sure that the boiler is connected to the elctrica! suppiy. Follow stricly Protect the pipes outside with insulation materials, especially the water pipe and hot water pipe. When the boiler does not work forheating system in winter, make sure the boiler is connected to eleclrical suppiy and the antifreezing system will work. Followstrictly

If lack of water, please reili water with electricity supplied and ail valves open. Follow strictly If the boiler does not work in winter, please clearall water in the pipes to avoid breakage.

iP''Caution! Buming
Do not touch flue termination or pipes when the boiler is in use.

Caution! Fire or explosin


oniy for heating system and hot water. No substances around the boiler. no combustibles around the boiler, which may cause fire or explosin.


water supply and initial lighting


Please follow the steps below for connection and water supply
1 )Qpen the water pump automated air vent and radiators' air Vent. 2)0pen the water supply valva and heating system valve, cise the hot water outlet. 3)When the pressure of heating system reaches 0.1 Mpa (1.0 bar), cise the boller's water supply valve. 4)Start the water pump for times to vacuum the pump. Cise the water pump when the air vent of raidators runs water.

Note! For the initial w/ater supply, soft water or water softener are prefered.


The initial lighting should be done by a competent p e r s o n . Check the following before lighting
1 .Installation should be in according with the "nstallation guide" 2.Make sure the system is full of water. ( pressure 1.0 bar) the valve for heaing system 4.check the gas class on the nameplate and open the gas valve 5.the system has no leakage of water or gas e.make sure the boiler's safety valve is not locked 7.make sure the flue termination and air inlet are qualified and clean. S.make sure boiler is connected to a 230v ac, 50Hz supply and earthed. 9.turn on the electricity. If the boiler is not in use for a long time, c h e c k t h e cycling water pump as below: 1 )unscrew the water pump faucet 2)revolve in two directions 3)screw the faucet

Operaion and controls


Regular heating m o d e Summer mode Daily d o c k calling for heating mode Economic heating mode WeeKIy heating m o d e Heating s y s t e m

This icn a p p e a r s w h e n winter m o d e is a c t i v a t e d . This m o d e is not affected by the d o c k calling for heating T h i s icn a p p e a r s w h e n s u m m e r m o d e i s a c t i v a t e d . T h e h e a t i n g s y s t e m d o e s not w o r k

This mode c a n control t h e heating period in 2 4 h o u r s by setting This con appears when the economic heating is activated. This mode controls 24tifferent heating modes in 24 hours with differenttemperalures Tfiis icn appears wlien the iweekly tieating mode is activated. This mode canbeselforone week and work together with dock caijingor heating lor 24 hoiirs This icen appears when heating m o d e is activated a n d disappears w h e n the s u m m e r s y s t e m is a c t i v a t e d This icn a p p e a r s w h e n hot w a t e r f l o w r s t e s t e d This icn a p p e a r s w h e n the r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e is a d j u s t e d by remote control or other control T h i s icn a p p e a r s w h e n the boiler is t u r n e d off a n d a u t o m a t i c a l l y c o m e s on In frost protection T h i s con a p p e a r s w h e n t h e r e i s a c a l i f o r h 6 a t n g o r h o t w a t e r , and the fan s operating

Hot water icn Room t e m p e r a t u r e adjustment Frost protection

Fan s y m b o l

Operation and controls Icn descriptions'

Water pumpsymbol Faultdisplay Set key Fame symbol Temperature symbol Time symbol

This icn appears when the water pump is operating

Displays anylaultcodeif they shouldoccur This icn appears when the parameters are set

Indicates t h e b u r n e r i s o n Displays the operating temperature, set temperature, fault code and frosl protection temperature Displays the time

Clock symbol

Displays the time setting for 24 hours

Control panel operating and setting ^,

1. Power key. Turning the boiler on and o. 2. Mode key. Switching to different modes wiih the boiler on or otf. 3. Set key. Pressing the key over 2,5 seconds and entering the setting mode. 4. A key. Toincrease the heating temperature and move rp jn setting mode. 5. T Key. To decrease the heating temperature and move down in setting mode.



Press "set" key for 3 seconds when the boiler is on/off.

Set key for 3 secondsheating temperature settingspress set keyhot water ssttingspress set keytimesettings.

Press set keytime settingspress set keyclock settingspress set key for weekly settingspress mode key for weekly settings.

Operation and controls

o; m


Press mode keyon/off switchpress power key (go back to the dock settings) press set key for economic heating setfngs.

I . p i c t u r e l , when the boiler son oroff, press the "set" key for 2.5 seconds and thesystem enters the setting ( pjcture 2) for heating system temperature. 2.pcture 2, heating system temperature: the con appears with the temperature for heating system temperature setting (picture 3). S.picture 3, hot water temperature: fhe icn appears with temperature for hot water flashing, press to set the flashing, press to set

, then press "set " key again to enter the hot water

,then press "set" key again to enter the time setting (picture 4). fiashing, press ranging

4.picture 4, time (minute) setting: the icn appears with

from 0-59, then press "set" key again and enterthe time (hour) setting. (picture 5). S.picture 5, time (hour) setting: the icn appears with flashing, press ranging from

0-23, then press "set" key again and enter the ciock setting for 24 hours. ( picture 6). e.picture 6, ciock setting f o r 2 4 hours: the icn appears showing on oroff. Press

ranging from 0-23, choose one period and press " mode" key to switch from on or off. On shows the boiler working during the period, off the opposite. Then press "set" key again to enter the weeklysetting. (Picture?). 7.Picture 7, weekly setting: The icn appears and flashes, press ranging from

1 - 7 , press "mode" key again to confirm the weeK day and enter the day time setting. (picture 8). 8.Picture 8, day time setting perweek. The icn appears and flashes, press

ranging from 1-7, press "mode" keylo enter hour setting ranging from 0-23, choose one period and press mode key to switch from on or off ( picture 9 ) . On shows the boiler working dunng the period, otf the opposite. Press "power" key to go back to the flashing icn and press to set for the next week. Then press "set" ( picture 10)

key to go back to economic

heating setting. (picture 11).

Operation and controla

g.picture 11, economic heating setting: The con LAJappears with the period "O" flashing. press " A T " toset the heatingtemperature, press the "mode" key lo enter the next period and repeat. lO.quicksetting. 10.1 when the boilerisoff. press key toexit, 10.2 When the boilerison, press "set" key over2.5secondsand enters thesetting undercurrect mode. "set" key over 2.5 seconds and entersetting. Press "power"



power off

regular heating mode

dajly dock calling for heating

weekly dock calling for heating

economic heating mode

firsl-rate water pump frost-protectio

aecond-rate heating frost-protectton

tieating systerm

summer system

efore you cali for the service

Please check the below points bafore you cali for Olical's service. A l l adjustment and conversin operations must be carriad oul by qualitiad personnel such as the Olical Technical Service. O l i c a l declines any responsibility for damage or physical injury causad by unqualifiad a n d unauthorized persons tamparing with the devica. Please confirm t h e s e r v i c e c o s t a n d changad sparepartsafterservicing, signon theservicing record and ratain the copy well. Troubleshooting Solutions cise the gas valve, open all the Windows and contactthegassupply center Smell of gas ; N o e l e c t r i c i t y o r s p a r k s Test the gas p i p e i o i n t s with soap water frequently Waste gas ( co) may cause danger smellofwastegas Fiueitoff? Flue isblocked? The tiue terminal end plece ducts must be fres of obstructions

Flue inlet, outlel porl is blocked? Is trozen? Confjrmed that inlet, outlet porl of the smooih Is there regular supply of electricity and gas? Fail to light Is the conlroller's sei lemperature too low? I s l h e r e a i r i n the pipes? Is the valve connecfing the heating water pipes closed? The set temperature should be higher than the heating temperature Discharge the air in the pipes Open the valve Reinstall the boiler on the wall firmly and cali for service it the noise stillexists Switch to the winler mode Adjust the water temperature Open the valve Adjust the valve Clean thefilter Discharge the air in the pipes Open the water supply Clean thefilter Supply the boiler wllh electricity and open the gas valve

Noise in operating

Is the boiler inslalled well on the wall?

Is t in summer rnode? Is the set temperaiure for controller too low? Is the ispenser valve closed? Heating probiem Is the dispensar valve adjijsted to the room sizs? Is the filter blocked? Is Ihe air disoharged? Is the water tap open? Hot water problsm Is the water fitter blocked?

lfl|u*^lli,li^L. ii-:'-'' i".,l'.ii !

' Before installation

Please read the instructions carefully before you install the boiler. Followstrictiy T h l s boiler must be installed andserviced byacompetent person.


Check the gas and electrical suppiy.


natural gas


The socket must be earthed.

A C 2 2 0 V Clean the water pipes before installation.


Fluefixed ring

Define the position for installing the flue, ensure that the external pipe protrudes from the wall with 5 degrees downwards.

FIN the pipes with clean water.


Before installation

Caution! Please follow the points strictly as below

Hale llammable substances

No combustibles around the boiler.

Install the boiler in dry place.

It's too stuffy

Seprate the boiler from other burning equipments or keep the distance over 1m.

Installation site.

The location chosen for the boiler m u s t p e r m i t t h e p r o v i s i n of a satisfactoryflue terminal. The location must also provide adequate space for servicing and air circulation around the boiler.

Make sure the wall againstthe boiler should be fame resistant orfireproof shield with 3mm or above thickness.

The selection of the installation site

Caution! Please fotlow the ponts strictly as below

l . T h e b o i l e r i s design to be installedonasolid wall.The wallfixing muslensureastable and effective supporl for the appliance. s- Please checkthe technical datafor boiler's weight, 2. The boiler can not be installed on the wall where there is a flue duct In winter the freezing water can erode the fixed screws and cause the boiler tall off.

The wall should tiave sutficientlensile slrenglh

Up ^ i i r h biealliliig

Down Uoirth biaaUlng Up M4)jth braaDiIng

Down Mouih breeming

Plug in rronlDIesIructure siound IhBDpgnirkgs

There must be space 100-300mm or above on the left and right for normal maintenance work.


There must be space 600mm in the tront for normal maintenance work.

There must be space 300mm or above for instaliing flue ducl.

With the local gas supply, please make sure you ctieck the gas meter volume and gas pressure. Any inadequate supply of gas or short in gas meter volume may cause burn fault anddanger.


Tha incitallation instructions

Caution! Pleasefollow the points strictly as below

Make sure there is no cracks on the air inlet and flue outlet. Fix the tiue duct's inlet and outlet with the boiler's inlet and outlet correctly and tightly. Fix the bent pipe and externa! pipe tightly. - Make sure there is no cracks on the bent pipe or external pipe(lessthan3m). Incorrect connection with the flue duct may cause waste gas leakage and thus danger.

2 3

The inlet and outlet flue duct should be 5 degrees downwards to keep out the rain.

If the boiler is intalled indoors, it must be Forcedventilation boiler.

Note: the bedroom and bathroom can not be installed the boiler and sliould be isolatedfrom the boiler.


Please do not install the boiler at the place where people often pass by (sidestep ,emergency exit and so on ) or near any strong cold/hot source .

le standard piping diagram Boilernstallation and innerstructure

fan unit

wird pressure switch Hermostat


heat exctianger concentricflue Seal Firebox BurnerGas valve Front casing pressure meter Ignition needles Water Flow Sensor water pump maln c o n t r o l l e r

Control Pan el



Filters gas pipe water pipe system outiei

P i s a s e e n s u r e t h a l the p i p e has no Jeakage. Please put insulatlon around the pipes to avoid heat loss a n d f r e e z e .

Dispensar specification. under 5:DN above 3 2 m m . under 6:DN a b o v e 4 0 m m . dispenser Material.

Please u s e a s p a n n e r t o h o l d theconnector w h e n y o u c o n n e c t the p i p e s to the boiler. GasType. natural gas.

-Material should be Corrosion-resistant. -Please do not use corrosive materials such as aluminum, carbn stee[, cast iron and so on.

Piping enginering
Plumbing instruclions
1 .Lase use pressure valve to reduce the water pressure to 3kgf/cm2 {294kpa) if it is 5kgf/cm2 {490kpa). 2.Forgoodoperationand long lifeof the boler,ttie plumbing system mustbeweil proportioned and always complete with all those accessories that guarantee regular operation and running, room tliermostat and automatic bypass. S.PIease put insulation around all exposed pipes to avoid freezing. 4.Before installation, oareully flush all the pipes of the heating system to remove residues or impuritlesthatcould affectthe unit'sgood working. S.PIease use olean water (tap water or puritied water) for heating system. Groundwater, limewater or antifreeze is prohibited. e.When plumbing is completed, please do leakage test for the pipes with olean water, and do not use groundwater, limewater or antifreeze. If you have to use groundwater for test, make sure to discharge the groundwater in the pipe and flush the pipe with olean water.

N o t e : Pleaseconfirm the water make-up valve isclosedafter manual water make-upisfinished. Please contacttheservicingpeople assoon as possible if the water meter still goesup. The over-pressure water may cause safety valve open or not closed tightly, then leakage or water flooding the room,

connection to the gas system

The complete installation of the connection to the gas system mus be performed by the Local gas supplier or by a Local gas supplier contractor. This boiler requires the pipe size G1/2"or G3/4".

1. Please install the gas pipes with qualified metal pipes or qualified Pipes specialiied for gas. 2.Make sure there will be no leakage of gas. Please do leakage test with soap water after the installation is completed. 3.An isolating gas valve isprovided and should befitted onthenearby boiler gas inlet. 4.Do not use rubber pipes or pipes with diametersmallerthan lOmm.

Installation of host Boiler Insallation of Boiler

Please follow the direction below to connect the boiler wih the flue termination. I.Theboilermust be installed In the specified place orsuitable room referred in the Boiler Installation Regulation. 2.Theforced-ventJlation boiler does nottake in thecombustion-supportingairfrom the Installing spot. 3.Using different kinds of accessories, the boiler can be connected with a concentric flue system or seprate flue pipes system. ensure thatthe external pipe protrudesfrom the wall. 4.Please following the instructions of "combined downcast-uptake ventilation system" after the site for installation is defined. S.There must bespace 150mm for normal maintenance work. e.The boiler is design to be installed on a solid wall.

Please follow the direction below:

(l)Define the site for installation the boiler Andmark the spots forfixing before Drilling.(Keeping it vertical totheground). (2)Fix the hanging-bolt firmiy. (3)Prepare the connection parts of tiie water flow system. (4)Connect the boiler with the water flow system.

combined downcas-uptake veniiation system

The connection of smoke tube with the chimmeyor flue must follow the direction below. 1.The flue must be sealed. The material of the flue sfiould have theresistibility of normal mechanical deformatlon, heat, cold andinflammation. The temperatura ofanypartof the flue must beHigher tban the exposed-point temperatura. 2.The connection of the flue must be sealed by any material iieat -resistant and antirust. 3.ln arder to prevent leakage from the flue, the flue must be fixed in the visible and easily removable place. 4.The horizontal flue must be 5 degrees downwards. 5.The bend more tban 90 should be less than 2 (Including the chimney and the jointof flue outlet. The bend must be usedfor the turning point of the flue. 6.AII fixed flue must be hlgher than the connection o flue outlet.

A-Kaalmg WBlar C Domeatlc hol Watar G.Gac ejilry F.WataranlrB R.HBalmg Backvj^lor

1 LSbe^lDE gaakel 2 5(iH^tsi))ni crfinB 3r9\y SralnleasSleslElbon 4 alummum lat| Dpei 5,3iahrLleu sraai flue

Concentric flue


I.Themax. length allowed i s 3 m (Every bend 90 adds I m t o the total length). The flue which prorudes the wall should be 5 degrees downwards. 2,The boieris equipped with a flue 0.8m. Please contactwith the supplier if you have special demand.

Technical Data and Product Guarantee Technical Data

Please confirm the model
Irput power kW TheiTnal eHiciercy % Energy elliciency grade Electricity supply V/Hz/W Defence grade Gas presajre Pa GasConsumptior M' reerence healing rea M' waleroulleitemneialureorheatiiig'C waleroulleltempealuretorhonvaleit; tiot water capabilily Umin Mirumum waterflow Umin hot water proper piessure Bat Heating syslem proper presaure Bar Heang systsm sa9 pressure Bar .,, Piiitip lifim pIpeconnectionG" Weigntkg Dimensiori/mrn flue mm 'aHHBl Flue diameler (coaxial) 'flB


Product Guaranlee
Please complete the service card and give it to our after-sales worker. Your Information will be r e c o r d e d in our Computer for better service. OThe boiler must have Inspection at least once per year. We assume no iiabiiity for any damage caused by non-inspection per year. I n o r d e r t o avoid accldents, key parts of boiler must have one inspection annually, or there is possibility of accldent. Please pay tor the spare parts according to the price list from our servicing people.

Yoii can ask lor maintenance and service for ree in 24 monlhs since the purchase date in the condjtion that the boiler is used correctly, except followinQ Situations. 1. exceedingtheguarantee periodforfree. 2. damage caused by incorrect operation. 3. damage caused by forc majeure. 4. non-observance of the instructions or Lose the Warranty card. S.The installation or removal is not performed by qualified personnel. >The boiler must be installed by qualified personnel or privileged company.

Fault codes and Warranty card

Fault diagnosis described in the instructions

LCD troublesliooting El* E2 E3* E4* E5 E6' E7* Fault Fame absence after ignition phase Overheating fault Flue wind pressure fault Pipe valve fault Gas valve pressure fault Flow NTC fault ReturnNTC fault Possible cause Fame detected before started, fame absence after ignition N T C > 9 5 ? < 1 0 0 ? , overload relay not connected fan fault pipe valve fault / Water pump fault Gas valve assmbly defect, electronic control system defect NTC detective, short circuit NTC detective, short circuit

I Warranty Card

Production code Standard BSEN483:2000

Mode No Purchase Date

Please n o t e - to avoid incurring unnecessary e x p e n s e , in the event of a bollar s h u t d o w n , c h e c k t h i s in not c a u s e d by l a c k o f e l e c t r i c i t y supply, gas supply or lov^ water pressure before calling for our Customer Service. Please retain the warranty card well and s h o w i t w h e n y o u cali for our service.

Safety Instructions
1. Makesurethelocafgassupply is in conformity with thegas on the nameplate, orhere will be serous danger and loss. 2. Thelocationchosenforthe boiler mus permit the provisin ot asatisfactory flue termination. \ Thekjcation must alsoprovideadequatespace forservicing and air circulation around the boiler-TTie boiler ssuggested to be installed in the kitchen.not outdoors. 3. Uake sure the socket is earthed before installation. 4. Read the instructions thoroughiy. They provide important information for safe installation, use and maintenance.Boiler installation must only be performed by qualified personnel, in accordance with all the instructions given in this instruction and technical manual, the provisons of current law. Incorrecf installation can cause damage or physical Injury. 5- Users must read the instructions thoroughiy, or there will be damage to the boiler, physical injury and big loss. e.The boiler must be installed and servicad by qualified personnel. 7.The safety valva outlet must be connected to a pipe to allow system water out on to the ground in the evenf of over-pressure in the heating circuil. If this is not done, and the drain valve trips and floods the room,the boiler manufacturer is not to be held responsible. 8. M a k e s u r e t h e v a i v e i s c l o s e d after water make up, o r there may be unstable temperature and water leakage. 9. Taka care of the hot water. 10.ln Winter, make sure there is constant electricity supply with gas valve open, so that the frost-protection system works. 11 .Discharge all the water in the system if the boiler will not work for a long time. 12.D0 n o t d r i n k t h e hot water. Weassume no liability for any damage caused by non-observance of these instructions. ( B ) Fault diagnosis described in the instructions
LCDlroLibleshooting EO E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E7 E8 E9 EB EE EP Fault ame Hot water temperature sensor fault ignition failurefailure Accident Misfiring Hot dry fault Hot water temperature sensor overtemperature fault Air pressure/fan failure Gas valve failure Heating temperature sensorfaul! Heating temperature sensor overtemperature fault Residual tire boot failure Controllerfailure Water/pipeline/pump failure Fault Description Temperature sensor open, short, or less tlian minus 20 degrees Fame absence after ignition phase After the fire extinction Open bi-melallic pieces NTCs95t; Fan, air pressure switch damaged orflue blockage Shon-crcuittlie mam solenoid valve switcti Temperature sensor open, short, or less than minus 20 degrees NTCs95'C Boot before a fire or fame detector test Circuit damage EEPROM damaged or incorrect data pipe valve fault/Water pump fault


InacGordancewith Euiopeansafetustandards requlrementsjhecompanyadvised usersto. 1.Pleasereadtlieinstructions manual beforeyouinstallthe gas boiler. Z.TtiIs gas boiler mus be insialled and serviced by a compelent person. S.Thls gas boiler must accordlng tD tbe speciflcatoii requires me use ,the relevan! prouislonsoferrant manual installailonanduse.aninslallationusedlmprDperiy, ibe resulling problems tbat occur.or tbe consequences o tbe Company does not assume any resDonsibility.

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BnentiDnlaenuirDnmenlalprDtBctjon, DanotthrowwaslB.

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