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Many of the codes and conventions of contents page have been subverted to create a mode of address suitable for

the intended demographic by use of the mise en scene however; it is still easily navigable for the intended audience, well ordered whilst following the elements of its brand identity Vibe. The pages brand identity is consistent with the Vibe front page due to the colour scheme of black, grey and white being used along with a similar typography to convey to the audience that the contents page is part of the magazine due to the codified mode of address. All three of the colours connote elegance, femininity, and somewhat mystery which represent the artist Ciara who features on the page.
The grey gradient colouring of the background draws the demographics attention to the main image of the music artist Ciara, whilst connoting sophistication and therefore representing the model, Ciara as sophisticated yet with an edge. The typography and layout of the title is very unconventional as it hoes across three lines with the wording broken into sections, which makes it looking entertaining and quirky. The typography of the contents page is bold and capitalised

Traditionally, a contents page would consists of more than one image followed by anchoring to develop the mise en scene and meaning to the intended demographic. However, this contents page only has one main image of the artist Ciara with her legs mirroring the symbol V above her. By this composition is draws the intended demographic to look at her legs, as the intended demographic is clearly males. She is positioned in a way which objectifies her and the concept of the male gaze would state that she is in a position of vulnerability as she is lying down and therefore makes the audience appear to be on top and therefore dominant in comparison, which reinforces the dominant ideology that women are submissive to men which is seen in the hegemonic values of society.

The contents page consists of headings and subheadings which are similar to that of the front page or may use puns and buzz words to attract the intended audience. This enables in the terms of the uses and gratification theory that the audience gain information whilst being entertained which will ensure its success. Each article heading and subheading has been laid out in chronological order according to the nature of the content and therefore presenting an organised layout. The page number of where you can find the article is aligned very straight and accompanying the headline so that the audience can easily navigate the magazine.

Social theorist Jean Baudrillaed explained that the advances in media technology have changed the representations of reality, particularly in the way females are photographed, creating a simulation of idealised reality, rather than the reality itself. As the image of Ciara has been in some way airbrushed to make her eyes whiter, body curvier and skin all one colour free from blemishes in order to create a hyper real image which will appeal to the intended audience of males.

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