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Making a Commitment to Satan

Had I as many souls as there be stars, I'd give them all for Mephistopheles!" -Dr. Faustus

*Please read t he Frequent ly Asked Quest ions at t he bot t om of t he page.

What happens when I make a formal commitment to Satan?

Sat an looks out for his own. Sat an gives us an inner st rengt h and we become very st rong in spirit . Unlike right hand pat h religions, where adherent s are forever praying and searching for t heir god, Sat an comes t o us on his own. Many t imes, we can feel him. He comes t o guide us when we get down, worried, or are experiencing problems. He snaps us int o line and direct s us as t o what we need t o do t o be focused and happy. The foundat ion of Spirit ual Sat anism is in our finishing Sat an's work upon humanit y. This is t he goal of t he godhead, and is accomplished t hrough power medit at ion. Humanit y is current ly at a very low level spirit ually. When we begin t o medit at e, we experience profound posit ive changes wit hin our lives. Sat an and his Demons (The Original Gods) prot ect us and look out for us as we t ransform and achieve personal power. Wit h Sat an, we have prot ect ion t hat out siders do not have. We can advance

in t he powers of t he mind and soul as far as we wish. For out siders, t his can prove dangerous. Sat an also gives us knowledge. "I lead to the straight path without a book." As we t ransform and grow, our lives change for t he bet t er and we are much happier. We learn t hrough Sat an how t o t ake cont rol of our own lives and dest iny inst ead of being at t he mercy of fat e. We learn t o heal ourselves, and t o fulfill our own desires, using t he powers of our mind and soul. In making a commit ment , we engage a formal rit ual. This is done out of free will. We are making a choice, as opposed t o being dragged off t o some Christ ian church, and recit ing canned prayers (st olen and corrupt ed from East ern mant ras) in front of a bunch of idiot s. Wit h knowledge and research, we can prove beyond all doubt t hat t he nazarene, "jehova" and ilk are all fict it ious charact ers, st olen from and corrupt ed concept s t o remove all spirit ual knowledge so t hat a "chosen" few can rule t he world using powers of t he mind and soul. For furt her informat ion, please visit www.exposingchrist ianit Because so many have been forcefully indoct rinat ed wit h t hese charact ers, and what t hey st and for (Enemies of Sat an), we renounce t hem permanent ly in t he dedicat ion rit ual. This proves t o be psychologically healt hy and liberat ing. The init iat ion rit ual is very personal, unless you decide t o have friends part icipat e, or are doing it as part of a group. You will need: 1 or more black, blue or red candles (as many as you like) A st erilized needle or razor A piece of clean paper, large enough t o writ e t he prayer below

A dry pen, where you sign your name in blood (dip t he t ip of t he pen in your blood) Writ e t he following prayer: Before the almighty and ineffable God Satan/Lucifer and in the presence of all Demons of Hell, who are the True and the Original gods, I, (state your full name) renounce any and all past allegiances. I renounce the false Judeo/Christian god Jehova, I renounce his vile and worthless son Jesus Christ, I renounce his foul, odious, and rotten holy spirit. I proclaim Satan Lucifer as my one and only God. I promise to recognize and honor him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return, his manifold assistance in the successful completion of my endeavors. It is import ant t o bat he before any rit uals you perform, t his is done out of respect . When you are ready, you can light t he candle. Take t he needle, prick t he index finger of your left hand, squeeze some blood out . Sign your name in blood. Recit e t he prayer eit her aloud or in your head Fold t he paper and let it burn in t he fire of t he candle. Many of us have st ayed and medit at ed unt il t he candle had burned it self out . At t he end of t he rit ual, close wit h t he words "So mot e it be." And a Big "HAIL SATAN!!"

Frequent ly Asked Quest ions/concerns: Quest ion: Can I perform t he rit ual more t han once? Answer: NO! Sat anic rit uals are real and binding. The rit ual should only be done ONE TIME! Quest ion: I performed t he rit ual. I could barely get any blood on t he paper, is t he rit ual st ill valid? Answer: YES!! The amount of blood does not mat t er, t his is only a formalit y. What is in our heart s and what our int ent ions are, are much more import ant t han t he amount of blood in our signat ure. Quest ion: Can I reverse t he rit ual at a lat er dat e? Answer: Sat anic rit uals, unlike t he rit uals in ot her religions, are real and permanent . I received a very small number of let t ers from people who were confused and harassed by Christ ians. One person performed a reverse rit ual and Sat an left him. Tot ally. Sat an does not push himself on anyone. Christ ians are deceived. They believe t heir "God" t o be "loving" and "forgiving." In t rut h, t his monst er is a spit eful, hat eful at t acker of human beings. When one is wit h Sat an, one is always under his prot ect ion. He looks out for us and we ent er a new life where we no longer have t he worries t hat ot hers endure. Things are not perfect , but t hey are always much bet t er. Sat an does not punish people who reject him, he simply leaves and one is left all alone t o endure t he t orment s of t he enemy. These people wrot e t o me because aft er several mont hs, t hey were begging for

Sat an t o t ake t hem back. The enemy did absolut ely not hing for t hem. All were ext remely regret ful t hey ever left and very desperat e t o come back. Quest ion: I am under-age and my parent s would cause me serious problems if t hey ever caught me doing a Sat anic rit ual. Answer: If t here is absolut ely no way you can perform t he rit ual wit hout placing yourself in danger, you can perform it in your ast ral t emple. You can do t he above rit ual when you are older. Performing t he dedicat ion on t he ast ral is every bit as valid as doing it physically. Sat an is very underst anding concerning t eens who are forced int o accept ing Christ ianit y while living at home and being underage. Quest ion: I am underage, living in a Christ ian home and my parent s force me t o go t o church and part icipat e in Christ ian sacrament s. Can I st ill do t he dedicat ion? Will Sat an be angry wit h me? Answer: Yes, you can st ill perform t he rit ual. Sat an underst ands. As long as you are loyal t o him in your heart , he will not be angry wit h you. Those of you under 18 are not free. There is no need t o reveal your allegiance t o Sat an t o anyone. What is in your heart is more import ant t han anyt hing else. Sat an advises us in t he Al-Jilwah not t o reveal our religion t o out siders if it will cause us harm in any way, t his is especially import ant for t eens. Just renounce t he Christ ian "God" in your mind if you are forced t o part icipat e in any of his garbage. Sat an underst ands it can be downright dangerous, and in some cases even life-t hreat ening for t eens living in Christ ian homes t o reveal t heir allegiance t o him.

Copyright 2002, Joy of Sat an Minist ries; Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

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