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YOU by: Zvonimir Perkovic

Im writing this because of You, Because I know what You can achieve And I want You to know that too.

There is a way; it was always there but your eyes were looking to the darkness; didnt know where to go you were tapping on the same place. From the ancient times path was clear, mystics knew where to look, while others for centuries were struggling. They knew cause they had a map and the map showed them the way.

...take the Map and find your Fortune

Foreword Not so long ago I was in doubt what should I do in life, in which direction to go. After putting a lot of effort I finished college, my father died, family problems arose one after another. Even with the high degree and constant search I couldnt find a job, doors stayed closed and after several months of constant hardships anxiety knocked on my door. Some good things happened too, without planning or search I meet a girl and time we spend together was the best in my life but she had to go and our attempts to be together failed. I was feeling worse than before. Life was one big suffering, slowly I was sinking. Like every drowning man fighting for life I was struggling and from that struggling answers came. For years I was searching, like I was feeling harder times will come and I was confident in myself. I searched everywhere, on the east, in the teachings of the yoga, tantra and zen. On the west in the teachings of Christian mystics and business men, but now when things started to go seriously wrong I was unable to change my fortune. In a way I stop struggling. After one year of a constant search for job I quit with that nonsense. I didnt expect anything will happen but from deep anxiety I received a present. The gift came in the shape of a map and it was followed by a suggestion. Suggestion I discarded immediately but it gave me an idea, things already started happening! It was so plain and obvious all the time but I couldnt see it. I will need some time to prove myself the veracity of the map and to start believing in the idea. Both of them came from the last place I expected. There were a lot of things to do and find so I rolled up my sleeves and started. Results were astonishing. The Map was used since beginnings of civilization. It was a foundation of all great civilizations before us; Babylonians, Egyptians, Vedic, Mayan even Christian although everybody were silent about it. Today secret knowledge was more available than ever but degraded and only rare people were able to extract some juices from it and live happy and fulfilled life. I started to collect texts and evidence, delved deep into them. One thing drag me to another and soon I had all that was needed for creation of The Map and more important its interpretation.

I found the purpose, I found life mission. I saw where fortune and wealth are waiting for me and what I have to do to reach it. I became aware of the dangers which were already here and I received instructions on how to avoid them. What I was holding in my hands was The Fortune Map with all keys of my life. Lady luck smiled upon me and now she is going to smile upon you.

What is The Map?

The Map is a key for understanding your life and the whole Universe. When a star dies it dies with one magnificent death. Under the force we call gravity it starts collapsing in itself. The star uses all what it has struggling to stay alive and in the last attempt explodes creating the beautiful nebula. Although star is death, around place in the space where she died everything is full of life. The last moment was a moment of ultimate creativity. From that nebula new stars, planets and life will be created. All of us are made form stars. Once we were shining on the sky and now new mission is in front of us. Everything is connected. From the smallest atom to the stars in the universe everything is connected with the same force. Not just that it is connected it works in a perfect order. Principles of that order are the same in the whole universe. It governs the movements of the stars and planets on the same way as it governs us.

The Map brings light and reveals what is hidden. When we look at the history of our kind we can see how in all times there were a small groups of people who were making decisions for everybody else. Those people were called rulers and usually their sons replaced them. They made decisions with ease and they act accordingly. No confusion, just bumps on the road, they knew what needs to be done and how to do it. Their path was clear. They called themselves illuminated ones. Are you satisfied with your life and everything you achieved? Are you the one who is making decisions for yourself and are you in the position you want to be? Most of us are lead trough the life by others, sometimes everything happens how we want and sometimes it does not. How would

you react if I tell you that every single choice you made can lead to the right action which brings fortune? What would you say if I tell you that there is a tool which can make your every choice easy and you a winner? I call that tool The Fortune Map. When light is there you can see clearly where the fortune is hidden and when you see you know which way to go. Light is truth and truth brings you knowledge. Knowledge about yourself is the greatest of all. When you are doing something and the feeling is good, you are according with the Universe and your destiny. Force which leads and support everything, will support you too. The moment you start swimming against it life becomes difficult.

As on the Heaven so is on the Earth From Ancient times people were building Observatories and following celestial objects. Astronomy was born. Although there is tremendous beauty in following them, beauty is not the only reason they were doing it. Second reason was knowledge. With time people realized that there is synchronicity between events in their lives and movement of the celestial bodies. Astrology was born. That kind of knowledge became dangerous and groups of people took it for themselves. They were digging deeper and deeper and come to dangerous realization that everything is determinated, that everything is happening lead with invisible hand. They could foreseen the events which havent happened yet. With that knowledge they became gods on Earth, avoiding misfortune and moving to the areas where good fortune was placed. Free for a first time they came into possession of The Fortune Map. Using that knowledge wisely and keeping it as a secret for centuries their power and wealth grew. Money was loading their pockets but more importantly they started understanding that Fortune Map does not only shows how the sky looked like above the place of their birth when they were born but that One Map is actually two. Outer Map was just the reflection of the Inner Map, the map of their being. How is inside so it is outside, was written on the stone. Looking outside, gaining everything what life could give them they changed focus and started searching inner realm. Two questions occur, one about destiny and one about inner world.

Destiny At the beginning while observing the night sky, noticing similarities and anticipating the events in ones lives, idea about destiny appeared. Time passed by and, intentionally or unintentionally simple idea, idea about purpose in life, changed its meaning. People became convinced that

everything what is happening in their lives is happening because of the Gods, because of the will of somebody else who is different than them, the spirit, the unknown force. Not knowingly they gave their power to other. Some other priests were saying: Destiny is written in the stars, what was basically the same thing. Power is somewhere outside you. During all that historical turmoil, people of knowledge knew one simple truth. Where are you there is your fortune, is that one eternal truth. It is not in the sky, not in the gods, not in the priests. You are already holding it within yourself but you are not aware of it. You live in the darkness thinking that you are this and that, while your fortune is sitting there inside of you waiting to be discovered and the only thing what its ruler has to do is to go there and find her. They started an inner journey using the knowledge of the stars and their movement. Stars will show you the path and guide you safely to the port, became a new saying.

It shows inner potentials, strengths and weaknesses. You are born to be one great individual. You are born to leave mark on this world. That is your only true destiny. The one who lives his dreams, who lives one fulfilled life. Staying remembered by your deeds is your destiny. Remember, inner and outer are the same. They reflect one another. The reason why you dont have everything you want is because you are not using what is already there. You are not aware of the greatness in stored inside. You are going away from yourself and expecting that something miraculous will happen. When you are using positive or negative thoughts, where are you going? When you are doing something and thinking about something else, where are you? All the time you are somewhere else and the Power is right here! Living that kind of life result can only be misfortune and lack of satisfaction. Following or listening to others what can you expect? Only becoming desperate and nave, and that will be visible in the outer world. So lets put ourselves in order, cause when we put ourselves in order the world will be in order too. First we have to do is accept every single thing about us. All our flaws and virtues. Done? Great! Now are ready for the first step towards our riches. Finding your potentials and strengths youll know exactly what should you do and you will do it with ease. When you do something with ease, enjoying it, results will follow your deeds. If you have to put a lot of effort and receive minimal gain that is a clear sing you are not doing what you should be doing. That is not how things work. Except on the beginning, the more effort you have to put in something, so it becomes struggle, further away you are from home.

Natural is easy. Life is easy. When you are strong and doing what is natural to you results will come immediately and in abundance. That is the right way. Life will be joyful and the door will show where there were just walls. The Treasure Map will show you where the treasure is hidden and only thing youll have to do is take some light, go there and dig it. Give attention to yourself.

Definition of The Map Looking outside you can see inside. If you can look inside directly do it. If you can connect yourself with God directly your life will be full of joy. But if you cant youll have to search for answers in the outer world. Creation is there for you, its just reflection of God. Looking to It is so naturally. Using It is so naturally. Creation is not a dead matter, It is full of light and It can show you the way to yourself and when you find yourself the outer circumstances will start changing immediately. When you are in harmony with yourself you are in harmony with the Universe and the Universe will clear you the way. The Fortune Map is the inner map of your being.

How it works? One is divided into many, but still everything is connected by the same force. When child is born it is an empty board but not completely. It brings impressions with itself. Those impressions are also responsible why is somebody born in a certain place, in a certain family and under those impressions child will react on the world which surrounds it. Those are basic programs which are installed in us, roughly speaking. Those impressions are triggers of Law of attraction. There is no free will, at least at the beginning. Free will is an option which exist for those who can control that basic software, and later other programs such as thoughts, emotions, actions and habits. We can say it on a different way; we will be free if we take control over our destiny. Since we are talking about forces incomparably stronger than ourselves; basic programs trough which all natural laws are applied, needs to be understood that literary gain control over them is not possible. The best thing we can do is to connect ourselves directly to the Source. If you cant do that, second best thing is to synchronize yourself with them. If for whatever reason, religious,

philosophical etc you dont want to synchronize yourself with them, you still can try to use natural laws, such as law of attraction, growth etc in your favor. Everything is connected and because of that you can change the world.

When child is born planets and stars are born within it. In different ratios they are occupying its being and ruling its destiny. Explorers of the inner found that there are 7 rulers or mystical forces which are ruling our lives and 2 shadow ones. Therefore you have number 7 repeating itself over and over in all traditions in the world. There is no difference between stars on the sky and those within us. The same rulers are ruling both. Same natural principles determine orbits of the planets and the course of human life. Going further, looking deeper, we will be able to see that One which rules all. Jeremiah 10:23 I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. > Shouldnt be forgotten.

The inner journey

Houses of your kingdom Inner realm is made of 12 houses. Your fortune is hidden in those houses of The Fortune Map. Every of those houses hold its secrets and in order to get what you want you will have to know where to look. Different keys are opening doors of those houses depending about the ruler who is placed in it. Or other way around, youll have to deal with ruler first in order to get wealth of that house. There are many keys you can use, some of them are universal, most of them are made for specific ruler. First youll have to know what treasure single house holds.

First house Everything starts with a beginning, therefore it is of the uttermost importance. We are entering the first house, the most important house of your kingdom. Trough this house entire kingdom can be seen and all its treasures found. This is the house of Self. Ruler of this house and its guests will determine who you really are and how you project yourself to the world. The throne of the king is placed here and your main task will be to study and understand him. From the first house of The Fortune Map you can see your character, personality and the energy which drives you. When you approach to this house you are approaching to yourself. If the some of the ruling principles are negative you will understand and change them. When you do it you will be able to unlock the doors of other houses. What ever you find here you will use later when we come to the interpretations, good or bad it is totally the same. We will turn weaknesses into strengths.

Your personality will determine the way you look onto reality, and the way you look on reality will determine your life! All forces or subconscious programs which are having some influence over this house will determine your strengths and weaknesses on physical body and together with the body on your personality. They will determine the way of how are you experiencing the life and its events. Idea of this book is to find your fortune. Fortune map is always perfect, not bad or good. If there is some negativity in any of the houses that only means you will have to dig a bit deeper to find a treasure, and as the same as it is in the life, the greatest treasure is deeply hidden beneath layers of dirt. Use whatever you have and convert it to your advantage.

Second house Wealth and prosperity are something we all search of all our life. Usually in some distant places, occupations different than what we are doing now, thinking as far away we go the bigger wealth we will find. What a mistake. Wealth is something right next to us and in the Fortune map it lays right in the second house. Other way of saying it is: the closest house to ourselves is the house of wealth. Now when we understood what we are and how we create our reality we can enter to the second house. Here we can see our potential for wealth accumulation and from where it will come or what we should we do in order to accumulate wealth. Since family is the biggest wealth you can have this is also the house of family and all precious and valuable things. This house together with 11th house is the reason why most of you started to read this book. The ruler and its guests will decide from who/where the wealth will come. Now this is not the matter of quantity because you will do your best to approach those persons, places and actions. Also it is important in which house the ruler sits, if it doesnt sit in this house. Always remember that 1st house with all its connections represents you and that all houses are interpreted trough the first one. Because of that when you come to this house, although it is close to you, it is not you, it just shows you your own interest which will materialize trough your life.

Third house

When you have wealth and good financial situation what becomes important? Third house is the house of your own expression and ambition. As such it shows your potential related with expression and communication. It is related with arts, music and media. What will be the best way for you to express yourself and at the same time if there are some obstacles in this area of life. If the ruler of this house is strong and guests are feeling good here your potential to be a actor, musician, writer etc is huge; use it! If not look here what is a problem and by knowing you will be able to fix it easily. In this house you can also meet younger brothers or sisters, close friends and short trips and your relationship with them. Knowing the programs which are influencing your behavior you can lift all those relationships on a higher level.

Forth house From the outer world we are descend to the inner. Forth house represents underground, what is hidden beneath. Bringing light into this house or basement in a way will allow you to look directly to your inner life. Your hidden emotions, inner the most intimate feelings. From all houses of the Fortune map this one is the best for getting in touch with your inner, very subtile self. This is the house of love and your wellbeing. From where does it come from and what is your own attitude towards it? Are you in contact with your emotions or separated? Under which influence is your mental peace and how to gain it again if lost? Some of the deep personal issues and complex can be solved here. Treasures which this house holds are inner peace, unconditional love and inner happiness. This house also represents mother, home, lower education and your possessions. Your relationship with mother, the way you are approaching her and your feelings towards her. What kind of feelings your home evokes in you and your attitude towards possessions and education on a lower level. Bringing light and searching for treasures here can give you a lot more than it seems at first because raising your relationship with mother on one higher level and getting in touch with your deep emotions will give you the balance and stability necessary for any life venture.

Fifth house From the deep parts of your being, getting in touch with your emotions you have found love and from there you are ready to take step into a fifth house house creativity and children which is basically the same. In this house you can see your talents and blessings deserved in the past; if you are not aware of them already. If there is some artistic or writing potential youll found it here. Potentials for wisdom, education and learning and what kind of knowledge you will be attracted to can also be seen here; together with type of college and the best (the fastest) way of acquisition of knowledge. On the more material level, here sports, games and gambling or investment potentials are hidden. Last but not least your love relationships and good luck are waiting here. In the previous house you brought some light and found what love is. Coming into this house you can actually see how the love works, how you fall in love and what kind of love and love relationship will suit you the best. What are you searching for and what is waiting for you (what are you attracting) in this areas of life will depend about the ruler and the guests who are residing here. It is considered as a positive part of the Map so anybody who is placed here should show you the way to happiness.

Sixth house After creative expressions, learning and playing games we are steeping in one of the negative parts of the Fortune map. Negative or evil as some would say because standing here you can see just the difficulties, diseases and enemies in front of you. Fun or growth cannot be found here but since you are actually getting a heads up of everything which is in stored for you this is not a bad place at all.

Knowledge and understanding of the situation of this house can make you a perfect winner. The one who wins without even engaging into fight. This place with everything what it holds could be one of the greatest treasures of the Map, important for your material life and prosperity because here you can see ways of defeating your enemies, avoiding diseases and ways of overcoming obstacles. Placement of this ruler shows you more difficult areas of life, areas where some obstacles will occur. On the other hand, here you can see where some steady effort, constant work and servitude should be done in order of achieving greatest benefits. The prettiest flower grows from the deepest mud. This is the house which will make you stronger if you accept its gifts.

Seventh house Opposite of You is the seventh house. It represents the other. The serious relationships can be seen here. What are you looking in others and what kind of persons you are attracted to in a long term. This is the house of marriage and it describes what your marriage could look like and your needs from your partner/s. Placement of the ruler of this house will show you where you can expect or where you should look for your life partner. Standing here you should watch carefully because, all complaining about others is coming from this place. This place is nothing more than what are you constantly seeking in the others. What you seek you will get. Lack of understanding of this area of your subconscious will lead you from one to another disastrous relationship. Treasure which is hidden here are stable long-lasting relationships. Remember whoever is residing here and whoever rules this house can be turned into your friend, its energies can serve you and when you know their nature youll know how to approach and handle them. You will know to create stable partnerships and how to maintain them.

Eight house

The house of death but also the house of longevity. This is a place where bad deeds from the past can be seen and as such represents difficulties on the material side of life. It represents sex and everything connected with it. Because of that this is a place of the great strength in the Fortune map. Depending on the individual it can be the strongest and the most important part of the map. Because of your sexuality and its importance in your life this can easily be the most important house for you. Ancient seers came to the conclusion that this is the place where your destiny will we determinate. Energies of this house can take you down or carry you up no matter which planets are placed here. Here you can see where you sexual energy will go and you can use it for your best fortune. This is the place where transformation or final fall will happen. Whoever is ruler of this house or placed inside will show you what should you do in order to transform yourself. Transformation will bring you all the fortunes you can imagine and very soon cause the next house is the house of good fortune. Unwillingness for transformation will keep you at place, it will bring you difficulties, losses, all kinds of suffering and fears. Take this place with utmost sensitivity cause this place will determine how far you will go. Like other difficult houses of your Fortune map this one wont bring you material gains but here you will make foundations on which your future fortune will be build.

Ninth house Deep problems of the eight house transformed us and without weight on our shoulders we entered the ninth house, the main house of fortune. We feel relieved and out of that feeling fortune arises. The reason why difficulties in life are occurring is transformation. Suffering and fear are there to bring us back to our real selves, that is their only purpose. How do they work? They are trying to break the shell of your ego and false identifications. They are trying to destroy you; the false you. They are not eternal but some peoples lives are constant suffering. Why? The reason lies in t he unwillingness to change, in struggle to keep your small, vulnerable self. Then trying to protect current way of life you are falling into the stream of negative thoughts and emotions and since how is inside so is the outside your inner life reflect itself on the outer world.

Although with wisdom and light you can find fortune in any house of the Fortune map this is the real house of fortune and the most auspicious houses of all. The ruler and its guest will tell you about ways of getting it. This house is all about fortune, where you should search for it and what should you do. This is a house of your life mission, the path you should follow four your own best benefit, spirituality and everything connected with it and the interest in spreading knowledge. We can say it on a different way; this place shows you how you should live your life in order to get what you want from it. Consciously following what is in stored for you here you will undoubtedly succeed in life, whatever you are going to do. Right action is a keyword. The path is drawn. The thing is when you are trying to succeed in some other area, different than one you should be doing, you will found impediments. Follow the stream. Let the stream carry you., are words which masters of all times repeated. Why? Because every single person is here with hers life mission, the task that person should fulfill in order to feel satisfied and achieve hers potentials. There will be only minor bumps on the road when you start following your own destiny, and that bumps are called lack of faith or disbelief in thyself. Universe will give you the right feeling from the very moment you start following your mission and not just that, it will give you clear sings that it supports you. Only thing you have to do is go forward and kill your binding mind with faith in yourself and your purpose.

Tenth house Tenth house is extension of ninth. It shows what should you do in order to achieve your life mission/s. It represents actions, the main areas you should put your energy into and the ways to do it. All your success and failure, natural vocation and talents, recognition in life and honor are visible here. Bring some light with you when you enter this house cause this is the best place to look if you cant figure out what should you do in life. All planets placed here will show the specific fondness and the ruler will determine how it will be expressed. In a way this is also house of the personal mission but unlike the ninth this one is connected with work, the ways of getting there while the ninth is more connected with the fortune itself. If you find the house empty that is a good sign too. In a way it is good if this place of the Map is not too crowded, youll find your talents easier, you wont be as much confused a s somebody with a lots of guests. Like in our lives, people are not feeling great if they have to live in a crowded

buildings. Focus on the ruler, he will show you the ways how you should express yourself for the greatest benefit. Guest will show you specific areas. This is also the place in the Fortune map which should be the easiest to understand because it is lit by the Sun more than any other. In the outer world it represents middle of the day, the time of day when the Sun is directly above us. Therefore shouldnt be any doubts here. Look at your potential and start working on it, start expressing it and it will take you to eleventh house; house of gains.

Eleventh house Using your talents and following your life mission with a good fortune in your back, without stress, with an ease in your heart you came to the house of gains. So far you could understand that everything in the Fortune map is connected and if you follow what universe is in stored for you, you will always win, even when the odds are against. Key is to accept everything, then current of life is helping us. This map will bring you understanding which is nothing more than light. In the last two houses you werent focused on the gains at all. You were focused on what should you do to feel happy and fulfilled. You found an inner treasure, many of them if you take your time and dig deep. Action came out of it, almost on its own accord, because when you know what you should do action happen. You feel like there isnt any effort and you are right; there is no place for effort when the life mission is followed. Result of such focus followed with a right action is gain. That is the way the Universe works. First you must give, than you shall receive. Giving will be impossible if you think there isnt anything you can give, and so it will be gain. As it is inside so is the outside. The one who has will have even more. In a way you already received what you wanted, you feel an inner bliss which is expanding outside of you. You are feeling good with yourself, you are a giver, doing what should be done, the one who is not expecting anything in return. You are following your life mission and suddenly you start receiving. All time we reflect our reality, in good days and bad ones. Now its time for Universe to give you a prise. Gains will start flowing into your pockets. Everything you desired now is coming to you.

In a way this is a dangerous house although The house of Gains sounds very appealing. If in the material wealth which can be found here you forget about yourself results can be disappointing. This is the house of decision, what will be. And the result of your decision can be found in the next and the last house.

Twelfth house House of losses and enlightenment. What this house will represent depends entirely about the influence of the house you left behind. If after 11th house you continued following your mission in life finding your fortune there instead in material gains result of this house will be detachments from material and eternal happiness. In the opposite case, in this house losses, seclusion, mental problems and addictions are hidden for you. Although all houses are dual and can bring you both, good or bad results, depending how you will approach them, here it is visible the most. Planets in this house can show what should you do in order to get to liberation from your small self and in the other hand are showing what should you watch out for. The main word which describes the world we are living in is duality. Same things or people can bring us good and bad together. Our focus will be the main force which will determine our reality. Take a good look on what is hidden here and use it for final transformation. Energies here are ideal for realizing the truth about yourself and mighty as they are can also destroy you. What it will be depends entirely up to you.

Lords of your Universe

Nine rulers are ruling your inner being. They are invisible forces which are shaping your character and on that way determine your destiny. When you are born they are born within you. Also they are in everything which surrounds you. They are planets in the Solar system as much as blade of grass in the meadow. They are instruments of God and as such in everything what is created. Understanding them you can understand world which surrounds you and more important yourself and your destiny.

Your personality will determine the way you look onto reality; and the way you look on reality will determine your life. Each Lord carries certain characteristics and those characteristics are mixed in different ratios in all of us. Influence they have on you can be positive or negative and it is based on your understanding of that natural principle. If you can understand and apply what all of them are representing, all of them will have positive influence on you and your actions will be successful. For example: if you are inpatient or undisciplined that shows lack of the understanding of Saturns principle. Then you can expect all other characteristics of Saturn to be against you. Since Saturn, among other things, brings postponement, lack of patience will bring even more postponement that would actually happened. Understanding is the key to success. Rulers or our Universe are: Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, they are followed with two demons Rahu and Ketu who do not have planetary bodies but they have enormous strength. In the west Uranus and Neptune are also considered as Gods set rulers. All of them can be found in the Fortune map, with a different strength and in a different position, different from person to person. Every one of them is ruler of certain constellation and as such they are ruling all parts of the map. Depending where they are placed their influence can be positive or negative but if you keep an open mind and fill your mind and heart with all what is good, you can make a friend out any of them. It is only a matter of approach and your flexibility. At this place we will stop talking about them and their characteristics. We are going to be bold and dive right in the Fortune map, searching for treasure which waits for us.

Approaching the Lords If your want to discover the fortune in your map you will have to understand the rulers of your destiny and their impact of your life. Remember their influence can be positive as much as

negative. Using your mind you can transform the negative influence into positive and vice versa, dont use your mind, be reckless and positive influence will become negative over night.

Sun ~ I am Understand who you really are. Not who you want to be, not how the people react on you. Dont look on the reflections, reflection on the mirror is just a reflection, it is not you. For getting in tuned with yourself youll have to close your eyes and look inside. Over and over again. Willingness and bravery are needed. Like the Sun is alone on the sky same you should be. Inside when everybody have left, when you are alone, without thoughts, without thinking, moving, deep down; can you see who you are? Only the ones who persist shall prevail. Getting in tuned with Sun inside of your will make you a king. The one who rules himself rules his actions and his actions are creating his destiny. He is constantly aware, watchful. Until you return what belongs to you; throne of your kingdom, all efforts will be futile.

Moon ~ I feel Moon represents emotions. Emotions are one of your great powers; or weaknesses, depending do you know to use them. You can rule over them or they can dominate you, there is no other way. As long feelings are ruling you, you will be weak. When you start putting them into action they will become source of great strength. Are you in touch with that part of your being or you cut it out, thinking your will be better without it? Know that you cant cut it from yourself, they will just start flowing deeper in your subconscious, destroying you; and it will be impossible to stop them, cause there they are invisible. Always remember, everything which is inside you can be source of great power! When fear occurs accept it, give it a chance so serve you, and in return it will give you the motivation and drive. When you are in the bad mood, whatsoever the reason is, be in that bad mood, embrace that feeling. Let is becomes pure energy. Our body is alchemical furnace, we can turn the steel into gold but, rejecting is not the way. Accept with whole your being any emotion which comes, welcome them as you would your best friend. Give them a space to be, and with enough space inside, they will start moving out. At that moment only thing what you need is keep control and direct them to your goal.

You can even choose them by creating certain states inside you. Remember what is inside so is the outside. If you constantly choose the state of happiness as your normal state, the same happiness will start surrounding you from the outer world. Usually opposite in the life happens. Be the one who is controlling your emotions and use them as a tool of creating better life for yourself and the others.

Mars ~ I act Mars is a pure energy, it needs purpose and goal. What the goal will be you should decide, otherwise if you let your energy to rule you it will probably bring you a lot of troubles. In his best behavior Mars is you when without looking back heading towards your goal. In his worst behavior Mars is unfocused loss of energy in all directions. Its energy is opposite of thinking, actually strong Mars hates thinking so in order to bring it in balance thinking before acting will be necessary. One of the best ways of strengthening Mars physical exercise, especially work out with weights. Since he is natural competitor one of the way of keeping him under control is some sort of heavy intensity non competitive sport. Other way are activities which demand high focus such as archery. When Mars is strong, anger and aggressiveness are something what can occur. Transformation of those forces into creative action is the main challenge for such person. Remember they are not bad by their nature, bad can only be the way you are using them, if you are using them at all. Usually what happens is that they are using people as tools for making violence. How that can be done? We should ask ourselves what is important for Mars? For him having a task which must be fulfilled is everything. If you notice bursts of anger in yourself, goal to reach is something you need. If you can do this step you are going to transform yourself into one successful individual. Dont let your nature ruin your life. Mars can be controlled. That is the next question; who/how can Mars be controlled? Sun/Awareness is natural leader and warrior leader. You must come back to yourself first. From here and now you can work and bring decisions. Your own presence must determine the goal. Awareness or your presence is the key for control of the energy you dispose.

Mercury ~ I think Mercury/the mind is planet which discriminate good from bad.

Based on that one is experiencing its reality and that determines ones life. How one react on the events of his life; constantly complaining or coping with it? There are people over there without any special abilities holding positions and living successful life. Of course it might be because some other case but usually the way they perceive reality is different. They think different! Some would say, do not think, just do! There is some true in it, Mercury is the opposite of Mars and in his bad behavior he tends to over thinking. How for the Mars some thinking is good, so for the Mercury determination and action. Balance is the key! Mercury is your intellect together with your thoughts. In everybodys Fortune map Mercury is strong, which is another way of saying how hard is to have thinking under control. Negative Mercury tends to negative thinking, positive Mercury to positive thinking. Remember, everything what is inside will attract the same things from the outside. That rule applies for all planets. All planets are having both positive and negative side, your approach to them is what will determine your destiny. Give your best to have positive attitude, interpretate everything in your favor. Since it represents rational side or the mind, Mercury is one of the planets easiest to understand but still hardest to control. All of us are indentified with it and there is where the problem lies. Mercury is out of control in todays world and similar like all other energies he is a good servant but bad master. Negative thinking First thing one can do is discrimination. Mercury is appearing as a positive or as a negative thinking. Trough mind we perceive the reality and mind is the one who appoints all that surrounds us. If we could see without giving names, with a empty mind, we could perceive reality as it is and we would have power of mind under control. If one cannot do it, choosing positive way of thinking/looking at things is remedial measure which will help us to attract fortune. Pay attention to the verbal and mental activity. Every time it takes control over you, for example when you speak with yourself and others in your thoughts, Mercury took control and the you loose freedom. Try to remember that he cannot be destroyed or kept under control. In astrology Mercury and Mars are great enemies and one would like to have power over other. Since all natural forces are equal that is not possible. Also it is not possible to keep mind under control by force. On the other hand, Mercurys really good friend and one who he respects is Sun. Sun represents awareness and here one of two secret keys for control over mind lies. When you start to over intellectualize or when some gibberish takes You over, only thing You should do is pay attention. Observe what is happening, do not attack. Sun considers Mercury as neutral and so should you do.

Do not judge, just be aware of the thoughts in your head, with your awareness they will stop and you will be the master again. Astrological game here is quite interesting. As I sad, Mercury is friendly towards Sun, and Sun is neutral towards Mercury. When you start being neutral towards intellect your intellect will become Your friend. As on sky so on the Earth! The best friend of Mercury is Venus and so is the otherwise. They are best friends on the firmament. What does that say to us? It says that the best use of mind is creative thinking. There is nothing better than that. With awareness You can calm unsatisfied Mercury but with creative thinking one can use its full potential. Since it works in both ways, You will in tuned yoursel f with that move with both life forces. Use your intellect for creativity and let your creativity be guided and showed trough your intellect. Indecision Along with negative thinking one of the visible signs of debilitated Mercury is changing decisions. Be aware of this influence! Once you made a decision do not, and I repeat, do not, change it until the task is done. This negative influence is even worse than negative thinking because it creates a loser. Negative thinking just creates one unhappy person who will attract negative events but that person will become stronger and possibly will learn a lot from them but thinking Should I? Should I not? or changing decisions every once a while will stop you from doing anything. No matter what kind decision is about, and no matter how bad things are going, finish it at all cost! Indecision comes out from over-intellectualization. Here we can ask ourselves one simple question. Why are not all teachers and professors wealthy? Answer lies in too much intellect. As much no intellect is bad, to much of it is bad also. Keep your intellect busy but under control. Aloofness and amorality When Mercury in ones Fortune map is great enemy or debilitated, aloofness and amorality can occur in the personality of a person. Those diseases are also occurring out of intelligence. There is very small chance they will occur in person with poor intelligence, so in those persons Mercury is strong but probably debilitated. Cures are the same as for other Mercurian problems; somewhere in the realm of Sun and Venus, or Mercury itself but that answer would be harder to find since he is the source of the problem. Debilitated Mercury Mercury finds himself debilitated in Pisces. What is symbolism behind that? Pisces are sing represented as two fishes swimming in circle. It is a mute sing since fish are not producing any sounds. Mercury on the other hand is natural speaker. Result of that combination is some sort of muteness. Person with debilitated Mercury maybe does not feel need for speaking or it might have

some speaking disorder, result is the same. In Pisces Mercury can never feel good. What to do then? Become aware that communication is a problem and that You are not communicating as you should. Then change it. Become more communicative in your everyday life in simple situations which are occurring during the day. Maybe you will start thinking: I dont want to speak with that person, or What can I hear from her? but at that point you must know that kind of thinking is just a result of debilitated Mercury which became a part of your personality. Take some time and exchange few sentences with everyone you meet. That is the ideal way of improving not just communication abilities but also a way of changing your destiny. So those were dangers and opportunities coming form Mercury. Now lets be even more concrete. What does it mean when he shows in one of the houses, what does that implies? That obviously implies a fortune or a danger lies there, depending about his dignity; but what kind of fortune? For example lets say we found Mercury is occupying 8th house. First we are starting from the meaning of the house. Between everything else eight house stands for death, bankruptcy, inheritance and all sudden things. Since Mercury is a gambler risky undertakings may be fruitful to you. Also he is a business man so some death related business may be profitable. Since this house represents deaths and accidents you can expect them on the places like sports grounds, airports or parks and put a bit more attention when spending your time there. Mercury is also a artisan and if we connect artisans and death, making caskets may be profitable also. It is important to evaluate every house by itself and then all of them together, then you will know where to search. Keep in mind that how the Mercury will reflect itself will depend about the ruler of the house where he is placed. So if the ruler of the 8th house if Saturn you can be sure that some death relater business will be a good way to start your search for wealth. Now lets put him in 11th house. House of gains, income, friends. Explanation is quite simple. Mercury who is a friend is in a house of friends, so fortune will definitely come trough friends and social circle. We can go in details and say it will come trough society of writers since Mercury stands for writing. Combinations are endless, use logic and form current situation move accordingly. Jupiter ~ I believe Jupiter is principle of growth inside you. With faith everything grows. First what you need is fate in yourself. That is a standing point from where you can go to the world. Second, you have to have faith in the Universe or God, that no matter what happens it is in your favor, and third, faith in other people. Im not saying be nave and believe in everything you hear. Im saying, all people are tools from who God works and you must have faith in that work.

Imagine the next situation: you know yourself, you are constantly aware. You know what is your destiny, what you want to achieve. Out of it pleasant feeling of ease arises. Energy is accumulating and you start moving towards your goal just cause you can. You put your mind to it, new ideas and ways are occurring. Universe is sending you Its response in the shape s of people and situations and inside of you faith arises. All that process from You to faith, form Sun to Jupiter doesnt need to be that long, with a proper understanding how things work, you can have faith at the very beginning; and speed things up. Negative Jupiter can bring you belief in wrong ideas instead in yourself. Wrong ideas will lead to wrong actions and wrong actions will lead to misery. It can also be manifested as a bigotry toward everything what is deferent than your own beliefs.

Venus ~ I love Should be the first one but in reality it is not happening. This sequence of planets is natural to man, everywhere wisible. First you start form yourself. The Sun represents your ego but looking deeper you will meet your real self. Usually real love is hard reachable because it is suddenly transformed into hatred, possessives, jealousy or attachment on the very beginning. Those are characteristics of negative Venus. What can be done? To be in love but not to be attached, that is the right way. Do not cling to other, give them freedom. Respect individuality of all things and connection at the same time. Come back to yourself and think about those ideas. At the end one must be sad. The best remedy for Venus is pure love which expressions as creativity. All people in love are creative. If you start loving you will become a creator too. In that space between perfect stillness and thoughts creation happens. That is Venus realm. You are in the world but not depending on it. For creation all other principles are needed. Keeping your purity and using all other natural principles there is no boundaries of what you can do.

Saturn ~ I achieve Saturn comes at the end. It is the planet which gives you persistence to persevere. It leads you to your destiny cause it doesnt know for the word quitting. Now is the time to give something back to the society. Selfless serving is what describe him the best. For ones who are not following their destinies, Saturn represents limitations, restrictions, losses, lack of fortune or simply sad: bad karma. Saturn is sending a message, message in which areas

there is a lesson to be learned. Although it shows where problems will occur, also that is a place where long-lasting success should be found. That principle of life is slow it is responsible for destruction of this from whos ruins something new and better will grow. He is a carrier of bad karma. When there is some misfortune in your life and you cant determine the source it is most likely that Saturn is the cause. Pay attention when and where it causes suffering and you will found where long and steady effort should be put. If you endure riches will be waiting for you. Saturn is the principle responsible for success in every area of life. He represents persistence, longterm effort, rightful action, order, discipline and seriousness about things. Becoming aware them in yourself can take you to achieving anything you want achieve. Making Saturn's energies active you will have all those powers at your disposal, so pay attention on yourself and where are you standing when compared with those virtues. If Saturn is your enemy then he will have opposite effect on you. Instead of discipline and endurance you will be a quitter, instead of organized person you'll be one who is dysfunctional, instead doing what is right you will always doing what is wrong and your actions wont bring you anything good. That force also brings delay in the area of the life where is placed in the Map. If something what you would like is not happening in your life, reason for it is probably Saturn. Look where he is placed in your Fortune map. Understand that he is a carrier of life lesions which have to be learned trough experience and accept that delay trying to learn something out of it. The fastest you learn the quicker it will pass. Saturn is not one of the planets which can be defeated with Mercury or other way of saying it, with positive thinking. Mars or focused action can defeat him but still he will bring you troubles. So look where Saturn is placed in your chart and which houses he holds. Those are the places where huge treasure is hidden for you but you will have to pass the lesion he prepared for you. When you succeed treasure is all and it will probably follow you all days of your life.

All of us are made of stars. Planets are inside of us doing their job and until we become aware of them. Be aware that those forces can be used in our own benefit. Sometimes it will be hard, like when the planet is debilitated, but still we can make negative forces neutral. Planets described above are constantly moving on the inner and outer sky, they are visible forces but they are not only forces which are out there. Two more forces we still have to meet. Demons which blur our mind and reason pushing us to make decisions which usually we never would. They do not have physical bodies which makes them hard to be aware. Names of those demons are Rahu and Ketu.

2 invisible masters

Last two keys with which You can dig up treasures of your map are Rahu and Ketu. Similarly to Saturn, usually they are bringing problems in people's lives, making us deluded and drawing the worst out of us. With proper understanding you can use their power and live one blessed life. Looking where they are placed you'll come to the better understanding of yourself, what is hidden and hard to reach with reason and awareness. Rahu Is your desire and at the same time something what you are afraid of, subconscious, deepruted fear. For us, at this point it is important to know that Rahu shows material, worldly comforts. He shows you where you should search for worldly things and realization of your desires. On that way maim obstacle will be mastering your fear. If fear can be defeated, material gains will be in your hands. How to defeat deep fear which Rahu will bring? With acceptance. Rahu brings delusions of all kinds, he is the master of material realm, he wants material things, he is attracted by them but they are not eternal, they disappear with time and on the language of the ancient they are called maya. If material is maya - illusion, then fear is maya too. Accepting that fear is the way, giving it attention you will be able to see it's true unreal nature. Rahu is obsession and as such it needs special care. Are you choosing Your obsessions or they are leading you trough life, leaving you that feeling of emptiness whenever they are fulfilled? So although demon, Rahu has two faces like any other planet, one is fear, second is material comforts. One is illusion, second is seeing things as they are. You have freedom of choice which one will prevail. Ketu Is transformation. It shows where spiritual enlightenment should be searched. Placement of Ketu in the constellation and house shows to what kind of bad habits person is prone and where renunciation should be developed. Also it can show you what could be the reason of poverty in Your life. Between everything else It's gifts are desire for knowledge, deep thinking, magical powers and knowledge about mystic. Knowing the placement you will know where to find them.

Secret of success Put all forces represented with planets even to the smallest act. That is the secret which will bring you success! In every single thing you do your whole being must be one. You must be one with thyself cause when you are one with yourself you are one with the Universe. So far we understood that besides of physical body are made of nine forces which shapes your every move. Those forces are: Sun awareness/ego, Moon emotions/melancholy, Mars energy/anger, Mercury thinking/anxiousness, detachment/dissatisfaction. Properties of planets are endless and so they influences are. Here are listed only the most important ones, the ones we will use for creation of success. Jupiter faith/over indulgence, Venus love/possessiveness, Saturn persistence/depression, Rahu desires/fear and Ketu

Morning ritual Its early morning, You are sitting at the table drinking your first cup of coffee. You wanted it and now enjoying in it. You are there and there is a cup, nobody else. You are aware of yourself all

the time, Your body, Your breathing. Action is completely directed towards the cup, it is an interaction between the two of you. Your eyes are on the cup and hand slowly reaches it. There is only one goal, and that goal is all there is. No need for thinking in this ritual, theres no need for it. When time comes youll use it, for now you are leaving it aside. Your mind and body are one in this action, separation is far away. Separations in the outer world are occurring only because You are separated from yourself. Feelings of satisfaction and gratefulness are there. Sitting few moments quietly You are putting the empty cup aside and continuing with a day. This is example of event where all what should be included was included and in a right ratio. Who needs Mercury when drinking cup of coffee alone? If Your friends were there for example then it would be a different story. Also Your energy was focused. There were no need to do several things at once. We can make the same example but in a wrong way, using bad planetary influences.

How to know which way to go?

After You studied yourself trough positions of singular planets on your Fortune map time has come to look at the bigger picture. Individual planets are different parts of your personality and guidelines trough your Map. In the most cases from one single planet you cant read the whole Map. First look at Your ascendant sing, it will show how You look onto reality, it will show Your character. Who is the ruler, who is placed there and who is aspecting it (all planets are aspecting seventh house from themselves), so basicly planets placed in the seventh house of map will have direct aspect on the first house. Or other way saying, your wife/husband and important partners will have strong influence on you.

So, are you looking at the world trough eyes of a soldier (Mars), or artist (Venus). Maybe your viewpoint is one of the business man (Mercury) and you look everything trough money. Same is applicable for other planets. When the situation of a first house is clear, one should search for clusters of planets! Wherever gathering of planets can be found there is your fortune! Is it in the first house; focus on self expression. Second house; focus on family and speaking. Third house; entertainment business. Forth house; real estates. Fifth house; creativity or even gambling.

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