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The article Emerging Organizational Forms: Work and Organization in the 21st Century describes about the never

ending process of coping with the different external and internal changes that propel the organizations. The changes are so much inevitable that the organizations need to adapt to these factors in order not to get swayed by the wave they generate. The article describes the beginning of one such wave where the organizations were not only fearful of the external market conditions, but also the wave of Information Technology engulfing the organizational markets. The targets for the organizations were not only the value adds that they had to deliver to the customers in order to increase their presence in the market, but also to deal with the emerging changes in the field of Information Technology and the aids that IT was providing to their competition. The effect had started and was much broader and bigger in size and much sharper in intensity than anyone would have perceived. In the coming segments, we would see how this organization change-wave because of IT has enriched the organizations on one side and led to the extinction and disaster for some on the other side. In the past and more so now, organizations have been affected by the changes or so called turbulences across virtually the entire gamut of the external environment or the ecosystem they belong to namely the economic, social, political and technical dimensions. Technical dimension, though a part of the entire ecosystem, has made an impact on virtually every other dimension in a manner that no other dimension is complete without technology providing the complementary half. Information, as rightly said, being the lifeblood of the organization, makes the use of technology all the more impactful. There are four major dimensions to information: Completeness Making complete information available has been the trend. The completeness not only encompasses just the information but also the business intelligence (BI) part. Effectiveness The effectiveness of the information relies on the fact that the right information is supplied to the right individual so that proper decisions are taken. Timely The information not supplied timely is half information. The use of the information that is not supplied at the right time is of no use. Rational Information based on or in accordance with reason or logic. The information with some weird assumptions/calculations is not the information sought for.

Looking at the dimensions of the information (stated above), we can quite rightly conclude that no dimension of information has remained untouched with technology, be it the effectiveness or the timeliness of the information.

Nature of Work
Information Technology in its forceful avatar has been the change that organizations had to cope with recently. The change has affected organizations globally across various industries and various segments of the industries. The change has not only affected the organizations directly but also indirectly through its customers. The needs of the customers have prompted organizations to remodel their business processes, and restructure their organizations in a way that maximum value is provided not only to the customers but also the organization itself. Many organizations over the last decade or so have been able to drive this change to their advantage. Not only has the technology increased the effectiveness of their work, but it also has influenced the kind and nature of work the organizations have dealt in and also the type of structure that the organizations have followed.

Google as Information Trend-Setter Google comes to mind as the best example of using information and technology to their potential limits. Started in 1995 by two graduates, the organization has revolutionized the way people perceive information. Google, to its credit has applications ranging from Google Earth (a satellite imagery-based mapping service combining 3D buildings and terrain with mapping capabilities and Google search) to a domain called (a new one-stop shop for all U.S. elections news, trends and online tools). Google maintains a sea of information and still urges for more. Not only the information and the software part, Google has used the hardware dimension of IT to redefine the limits. Google uses about 900,000 servers; estimate based on information the company shared with Stanford professor Jonathan Koomey. Google has also been into smart products. Google Android is a popular operating system for mobile phones and tablet devices apart from the smart phones it has developed using touch sensitive screens and other smart features. Not only the information and the technology part, Google has reinvented the social dimension of an organization i.e. the people and the culture they promote. Google maintains the open culture often associated with startups, in which everyone is a hands-on contributor and feels comfortable sharing ideas and opinions. In weekly all-hands (TGIF) meetings Googlers ask questions directly to Larry, Sergey and other execs about any number of company issues. Google is one of the organizations of modern era where offices and cafes are designed to encourage interactions between the workforce within and across teams.

The emergence of big IT organizations like Google has substantiated the fact that information is an asset which when used with the appropriate technology has made the change a mere phenomenon rather than a huge devil to look out for.

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