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California Bearing Ratio (CBR)

Mr (resilient modulus) of sub-grade is required to design flexible pavement. It can be calculated directly from triaxial test, but conventionally we calculate Mr from an empirical equation by using CBR value. The basic CBR test

It consists of causing a plunger of standard area to penetrate a soil sample, (this can be in the laboratory or on site). The force (load) required to cause the penetration is plotted against measured penetration, the readings noted at regular time intervals. This information is plotted on a standard graph, and the plot of the test data will establish the CBR result of the soil tested. The test is fully covered in:BS 1377: Soils for civil engineering purposes: Part 4, Compaction related tests.

It sounds complicated, but the basis behind it is quite simple. We are determining the resistance of the sub grade, (i.e. the layer of naturally occurring material upon which the road is built), to deformation under the load from vehicle wheels. Even more simply put, ''How strong is the ground upon which we are going to build the road''. The CBR test is a way of putting a figure on this inherent strength, the test is done in a standard manner so we are able to compare the strengths of different sub grade materials, and we are able to use these figures as a means of designing the road pavement required for a particular strength of sub grade. The stronger the sub grade (the higher the CBR reading) the less thick it is necessary to design and construct the road pavement, this gives a considerable cost saving. Conversely if CBR testing indicates the sub grade is weak (a low CBR reading) we must construct a suitable thicker road pavement to spread the wheel load over a greater area of the weak sub grade in order that the weak sub grade material is not deformed, causing the road pavement to fail. TABLE OF CBR's FOR COMMONLY FOUND SUB-GRADE CONDITIONS

CBR VALUE 3% and less 3% - 5%


COMMENTS " Capping is required Widely encountered CBR range capping considered according to road category "Capping" normally unnecessary except on very heavily trafficked roads.

5% - 15%


CBR VALUES IN RELATION TO SITE CONDITIONS AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION CBR values "on site" may not bear any relationship to the CBR values employed in the road design, due to softening from wet weather and trafficking from site vehicles. This is of course true for any design method you employ if the soil conditions at the time of construction are different to the soil conditions upon which you based your design. It could be some time before the properties of the soil revert back to their original engineering condition and by this time failure could have occurred. "Capping layers" have been introduced to help solve the problem of sub-grades wetting up and losing strength during construction by protecting the sub grade from the worst of the damage caused by site traffic. The opposite is also true, if CBR values are taken on site after the sub-grade has been exposed and dry weather has caused the moisture content of the soil to decrease, increasing soil stiffness, the CBR value will be higher than natural moisture content, this is an incorrect value for design purposes and if accepted will cause a serious under design of the road pavement. Natural soil moisture content, after drainage, is the correct moisture content for determining CBR values for highway design purposes because in the course of time natural soil moisture conditions will be re-established. Good drainage is an essential part of road construction to allow the optimum strength/CBR to be obtained, and maintained, from the soil foundation, whether it be in-situ soil or imported fill. It of course follows that the drainage must be kept operating efficiently during the life of the road prevent the strength/CBR decreasing through weakening of the foundation by a rising water table.

If water is able to enter the road pavement, for whatever reason, the design of the road pavement should be such that the water has a way out; this is usually through a sub-base layer that is drained to an installed drainage system or road side ditch. If water cannot find a path out the road pavement failure of the highway will be premature and swift, as the wheel loads will no longer be correctly, and directly, transferred downwards through the road pavement to the underlying sub grade.

TOP-Down Fatigue Cracking

In thick pavements, the cracks most likely initiate from the top in areas of high localized tensile stresses resulting from tire-pavement interaction and asphalt binder aging (top-down cracking). Possible Causes Inadequate structural support, which can be caused by a myriad of things. A few of the more common ones are listed here: Decrease in pavement load supporting characteristics Loss of base, sub base or sub grade support (e.g., poor drainage or spring thaw resulting in a less stiff base). Stripping on the bottom of the HMA layer (the stripped portion contributes little to pavement strength so the effective HMA thickness decreases) Increase in loading (e.g., more or heavier loads than anticipated in design) Inadequate structural design Poor construction (e.g., inadequate compaction)

Surface depression in the wheel path. Pavement uplift (shearing) may occur along the sides of the rut. Ruts are particularly evident after a rain when they are filled with water. There are two basic types of rutting: mix rutting and sub grade rutting. Mix rutting occurs when the sub grade does not rut yet the pavement surface exhibits wheel path depressions as a result of compaction/mix design problems. Sub grade rutting occurs when the sub grade exhibits wheel path depressions due to loading. In this case, the pavement settles into the sub grade ruts causing surface depressions in the wheel path. Possible Causes Permanent deformation in any of a pavements layers or sub grade usually caused by consolidation or lateral movement of the materials due to traffic loading. Specific causes of rutting can be: Insufficient compaction of HMA layers during construction. If it is not compacted enough initially, HMA pavement may continue to densify under traffic loads. Sub grade rutting (e.g., as a result of inadequate pavement structure) Improper mix design or manufacture (e.g., excessively high asphalt content, excessive mineral filler, insufficient amount of angular aggregate particles) Ruts caused by studded tire wear present the same problem as the ruts described here, but they are actually a result of mechanical dislodging due to wear and not pavement deformation. Roughness Pavement roughness is generally defined as an expression of irregularities in the pavement surface that adversely affect the ride quality of a vehicle (and thus the user). Roughness is an important pavement characteristic because it affects not only ride quality but also vehicle delay costs, fuel consumption and maintenance costs. The World Bank found road roughness to be a primary factor in the analyses and trade-offs involving road quality vs. user cost. Roughness is also referred to as smoothness although both terms refer to the same pavement qualities. Methods to find roughness index Dipstick Profiler Profilographs Response Type Road Roughness Meters (RTRRMs)

Correlations Between PSR and IRI Various correlations have been developed between PSR and IRI. Two are presented here. One was reported in 1986 by Paterson: Another correlation was reported in a 1992 Illinois funded study performed by Al-Omari and Darter (1992)

Fig : Present serviceability rating form

PSR(PSI & TSI) used in ASSHTO Empirical design equation to design pavement thickness, in both rigid and flexible pavement.

FWD (Falling Weight Deflectometer)

Deflection Pavement surface deflection measurements are the primary means of evaluating a flexible pavement structure and rigid pavement load transfer. Although other measurements can be made that reflect (to some degree) a pavements structural condition, surface deflection is an important pavement evaluation method because the magnitude and shape of pavement deflection is a function of traffic (type and volume), pavement structural section, temperature affecting the pavement structure and moisture affecting the pavement structure. Deflection measurements can be used in back calculation methods to determine pavement structural layer stiffness and the sub grade resilient modulus. Thus, many characteristics of a flexible pavement can be determined by measuring its deflection in response to load. Furthermore, pavement deflection measurements are nondestructive.

Impact (Impulse) Load Response All impact load devices deliver a transient impulse load to the pavement surface. The subsequent pavement response (deflection basin) is measured by a series of sensors. The most common type of equipment is the falling weight deflectometer (FWD) (Figures 9 through 26). The FWD can either be mounted in a vehicle or on a trailer and is equipped with a weight and several velocity transducer sensors. To perform a test, the vehicle is stopped and the loading plate (weight) is positioned over the desired location. The sensors are then lowered to the pavement surface and the weight is dropped. Multiple tests can be performed on the same location using different weight drop heights (ASTM, 2000[2]). The advantage of an impact load response measuring device over a steady state deflection measuring device is that it is quicker, the impact load can be easily varied and it more accurately simulates the transient loading of traffic. Results from FWD tests are often communicated using the FWD AREA Parameter.

Figure 9. FWD impulse loading mechanism (Foreground) and sensors (background).

Figure 10. Dynatest 8000 FWD

Figure 11. KUAB FWD.

Figure 12: JILS FWD.

The standard impact load response test method is: ASTM D 4694: Standard Test Method for Deflections with a Falling Weight Type Impulse Load Device Correlations between Deflection Measuring Equipment In general, correlations between deflection devices should be used with caution. Too often, a correlation is developed for a specific set of conditions that may not be present for those using the correlation. It appears that the best approach is to obtain pavement parameters (such as layer moduli) from the specific device being used. However, that said, a few of many such correlations that have been developed follow. Benkelman Beam to FWD Based on unpublished data collected by the Washington State DOT Materials Laboratory in 1982-1983[3]

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