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Text & Photos 2012 ShaunieL

Quest-ions For The Moon

What secrets are you holding, dear Moon How many a dark mystery was resolved Whilst gazing down from the starry realms How many lost loves go as yet unabsolved? Do you watch with bemused compassion Those small beings ghosted in your pale lights As they flicker in amorphous realms Of passionate hauntings and grim gargoyle heights? Sweet Sashi know you of fated truths Beyond my death and before my painful birth

Into this insidious constraint Of costume mask and shield we must wear on Earth? Lucine do tell now of lunatics Driven inane by temporal tenets of shame Mad dogmas from those lost to their hearts Who seek only to suppress their sacred flame? Or might you sing to me, fair Selene Of scintillating moments dressed more tender Graceful garments aswirl with delight To celebrate joy with intimate splendor? Will you dream with me lovely Luna And be the silver midwife to our rebirth Into an age of love most golden For the all and the one of our Mother Earth? Serene insights grow clear within me Reflected inspirations borne in your sight Alas, to end this discourse must come Oh Moon how I bless thee for this lovely night!

*Notes on Questions For The Moon* I find it interesting that you can break the word question down into two words, quest and ion. Ions are electrically charged particles, either negative or positive, and what does asking a question do? It sends us charging off on a quest for answers and sometimes those answers are positive, sometimes negative, sometimes a poignant mix of both. It is not about knowing all the answers, it is about asking the right questions. As human beings created in the image of the absolute, we are naturally curious and asking sets that process of discovery and resultant experiences of evolution into motion. Ask and you shall receive is one of the foundations of our existence. Something else that is a foundational truth is that we always receive answers to our askings - it just might not be in a form we recognize or desire. Often we do not truly understand what we were asking nor how we were asking. We ask with every word, every thought and every action. We are creators cast in the image of the absolute and we cannot stop creating. We are always creating cause and effect - whether we are aware of it or not. The key is to become conscious creators of cause and effect, learn to control by not controlling, by allowing and surrendering to the responsibility of the moment, by allowing what needs to be in the moment. What does responsibility mean: the ability to respond. Through responding to the moment appropriately in alignment with the Absolute, we become conscious cause and effect rather than unconscious cause and effect. And so, now you know... why the peculiar title: Quest-ions For The Moon

*I used a meter of 9 syllables, then 11 syllables in each alternating line and a rhyming scheme of abcb. The names in the poem are all words that mean Moon in different cultures.

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