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Jason Kalami 11202967 Concept Rationale While working for my internship and reading the required books for

the internship, I have noticed there are many problems in maintaining social order in the workplace. One solution that has definitely caught my eye was the efficiency in selling leases at the grove apartments. Adam Smith said, First, the improvement of the dexterity of the workman necessarily increases the quantity of the work he can perform; and the division of labour, by reducing every mans business to some one simple operation, and by making this operation the sole employment of his life, necessarily increases very much the dexterity of the workman (Smith 201, 1776). While having different positions in the workplace, the efficiency of the workers doing their sole job improves performance and labor. Secondly, the advantage which is gained by saving time commonly lost in passing from one sort of work to another is much greater than we should at first view be apt to imagine it (Smith 202, 1776). If we had to do everything that the GM or the SM did, or vice versa, efficiency would drop and nothing would get done correctly. Thirdly, and lastly, everybody must be sensible how much labour is facilitated and abridged by the application of proper machinery (Smith 202, 1776). With the innovation of Ipads, when the LAs go prospecting, it is much easier to input data which is sent straight to the companys website as supposed to paper and pen. Also computers are great for saving information of every client that could be looked up in an instant, as supposed to multiple files that one would have to look up one by one. Another topic that had really stood out was that of Goffmans sociological perspective is wrong in todays modern world. Goffman states, In all societies, initial sex-class placement stands at the beginning of a sustained sorting process whereby members of the two classes are subject to differential socialization. From the start, persons who are sorted into the male class and persons who are sorted into the other are given different treatment, acquire different experience, enjoy and suffer different expectations (Goffman 1977, 212). Women lacked the superiority that men had acclaimed to them. Without obtaining an equivalent education as their husbands or role in society for that matter, women were expected to stay home and do the dirty work, while men went out to work to earn the money in order to provide for their families. Times have since changed, women have reclaimed their rights and opportunities in the working field, more and more we are seeing women in management positions over men, I too am interning for women and it honestly is an inspiring change in pace that I see in the workplace today versus even 20 years ago. Women are seen more as equals as time keeps going on. Equality is expected everywhere which helps to make sure the same position obtained by man or woman is equally paid. I have specifically chosen this topic because I have noticed that women at the workplace actually strive and accomplish more than men while working at the grove apartments. Another topic that was a real problem was that of Ernest Gellners Trust, Cohesion, and Social Order. He put forth a real emphasis on the cohesion of a social group and having loyalty to all members in the group. He describes a good point saying; This method is to gang up in a group, which in effect hangs up a notice saying: anyone who commits an act of aggression against any one of us must expect retaliation from us all, and not only will the aggressor himself be likely to suffer retaliation, but his entire group and all its members will be equally liable

(Gellner 1987, 301). This goes on to the saying, You are only as strong as your weakest link. In the internship, if one of us portrays the business bad to others, they will all assume that we handle our business in a bad manner. We all have to keep everyone accountable for their mistakes, because if one-person does not work up to par it will ultimately reflect on the whole team. In the office, we have tried to keep everyone on the same high working standards as our managers. If one person starts falling being and not doing their job as they are supposed to, a team member will let them know to do their work or reinforce help. Since we all have the common goal of selling leases, we all want to achieve being sold out before May. If one person on the team does not work to par as everyone else, the other team members will have to catch up the slack that the other person is not doing. The whole Grove team has also agreed to share a group punishment, if we do not meet expectations on certain months. Citations Gellner, Ernest. 1987. Trust, Cohesion, and the Social Order. In Theories of Social Order a Reader 2nd Edition. Edited by Michael Hechter and Christine Horne. Stanford University Press. Stanford, CA. Goffman, Erving. 1977. The Arrangement Between The Sexes. In Theories of Social Order a Reader 2nd Edition. Stanford, CA. Stanford University Press. Smith, Adam. 1776. The Division or Labor. In Theories of Social Order a Reader 2nd Edition. Editors Michael Hechter and Christine Horne. Stanford, CA. Stanford University Press.

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