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#------------------------------------------------------------# Game Server Config #------------------------------------------------------------# IP on which gameserver binding, * - for all possible GameserverHostname = * GameserverPort = 7777 # This

is transmitted to the clients connecting from an external network, so it has to be a public IP or resolvable hostname ExternalHostname = * # This is transmitted to the client from the same network, so it has to be a loc al IP or resolvable hostname InternalHostname = # Address and Port for loginserver LoginPort = 9014 LoginHost = LoginUseCrypt = True # What is the ID request from loginserver RequestServerID = 1 # Permission to take a different id, if requested by busy AcceptAlternateID = True # Database connection Driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver URL = jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2god?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&autoR econnect=true Login = root Password = root # Maximum number of database connections MaximumDbConnections = 50 # How many seconds after the last activity will be zakryvatsya database connecti on, default 600 (10 minutes) # This parameter is important to coordinate with the settings in the mysql serve r parameter interactive_timeout (default 28800 (8:00)) MaxIdleConnectionTimeout = 600 # Check interval of inactive connections, default is 60 (1 minute) # Assuming a stable connection to the database and the correct Preset MaxIdleCon nectionTimeout, can be set -1 (not checked) IdleConnectionTestPeriod = 60 # Autosave char status Autosave = True # Setting name patterns # Name of a character CnameTemplate = ([0-9A-Za-z]{2,16})|([0-9\u0410-\u044f]{2,16}) # Name of a clan ClanNameTemplate = ([0-9A-Za-z]{3,16})|([0-9\u0410-\u044f]{3,16}) # Title of a clan ClanTitleTemplate = ([0-9A-Za-z \\p{Punct}]{1,16})|([0-9\u0410-\u044f \\p{Punct}

]{1,16}) # Name of an alliance AllyNameTemplate = ([0-9A-Za-z]{3,16})|([0-9\u0410-\u044f]{3,16}) # Display server mode # NORMAL;RELAX;TEST;NO_LABEL;RESTRICTED;EVENT;FREE ServerType=NORMAL # Limit Age ServerAgeLimit = 0 # Server only for game masters ServerGMOnly = false # Display the [] before the name server ServerBrackets = False # This is pvp server? PvPServer = False # Minimum and maximum client protocols to access the server MinProtocolRevision = 479 MaxProtocolRevision = 488 # The garbage collector server GarbageCollectorInterval = 30 #------------------------------------------------------------# Server Rates #------------------------------------------------------------# XP and SP rates RateXp = 1. RateSp = 1. # Rate for adena drop RateDropAdena = 1. # Rate for item drop RateDropItems = 1. # Rate for spoil RateDropSpoil = 1. # Rate quests reward RateQuestsReward = 1. # Rate drop items for raids RateRaidBoss = 1. # Rate drop quest items RateQuestsDrop = 1. # Siege guards item rate RateSiegeGuard = 1. # Fishing rate RateFishDropCount = 1. # Calculating rate a party when you use third-party services RatePartyMin = False # Rate accruals hellbound points RateHellboundConfidence = 1. # Rate clan's reputation RateClanRepScore = 1. # Rate Manor RateManor = 1 # These things do not rate'd NoRateItemIds = 6660,6662,6661,6659,6656,6658,8191,6657,10170,10314,16025,16026,

10296 # The prohibition rate value by the number of equipment NoRateEquipment = true # The prohibition rate value by the number of key materials NoRateKeyMaterial = true # A third party modifier for common items, RateDropItems also taken into account RateDropCommonItems = 1. # If the absolute value of reputation points in the calculation more than the pa rameter, it does not apply rates RateClanRepScoreMaxAffected = 2 # Rates spawn mobs RateMobSpawn = 1 # The minimum level for action RateMobSpawn RateMobMinLevel = 1 # The maximum level for action RateMobSpawn RateMobMaxLevel = 100 #------------------------------------------------------------# Raid Rates #------------------------------------------------------------# HP regeneration factor for raids RateRaidRegen = 1. # Modifiers defense / attack for raids (at the display settings are not affected ) RateRaidDefense = 1. RateRaidAttack = 1. RateEpicDefense = 1. RateEpicAttack = 1. # The maximum difference in levels between the attackers and the raid, as well a s his minions, in which the penalty does not apply RaidMaxLevelDiff = 8 # Paralyze characters if they try to beat the raid is too small for a level ParalizeOnRaidLevelDiff = True #------------------------------------------------------------# Chat settings #------------------------------------------------------------# Using global chat # Shout (!) GlobalShout = false # Trade (#) GlobalTradeChat = false # Range of white chat ChatRange = 1250 # Range of regions to chat: 0 - only the current, 1 - current and all neighborin g ShoutOffset = 0 # Can the owners of premium account to send messages in Hero chat PremiumHeroChat = True # Limitation of chat messages in length ChatMessageLimit = 1000 # Enable logging of chat messages LogChat = True # Enable the chat filter? ABUSEWORD_BANCHAT = False # PARTY (3) CLAN (4) ALLIANCE (9) SHOUT (1) TELL (2) GM (5) PETITION_PLAYER (6)

# PETITION_GM (7) TRADE (8) COMMANDCHANNEL_ALL (15) COMMANDCHANNEL_COMMANDER (16 ) # HERO_VOICE (17) (by default = 0 (only the global)) # Channels to test ABUSEWORD_BAN_CHANNEL = 0 # Invoked on chat for a mate ABUSEWORD_UNBAN_TIMER = 5 # No ban for a mate but simply block messages if True is ignored MAT_BANCHAT ABUSEWORD_REPLACE = False # Line, which is replaced by a message that contains profanity ABUSEWORD_REPLACE_STRING = [censored] # Ad to run the command nochannel BANCHAT_ANNOUNCE = True # Declare to the world or to the current region (True = whole world) BANCHAT_ANNOUNCE_FOR_ALL_WORLD = True # Show nickname moderator in ad BANCHAT_ANNOUNCE_NICK = True # Maximum level, after which the filter does not include limiting the use of ins tant messaging ChatFilterMinLevel = 0 # Types chats comma, which is checked ChatFilterChannels = 1,8 # Mode of the filter: 1 - redirect to the normal chat, 2 - to display messages a bout the unavailability of the chat feature ChatFilterWorkType = 1 # Minimum and maximum variable in seconds for npc animation delay. # You must keep MinNPCAnimation <= MaxNPCAnimation. # "0" is default value. MinNPCAnimation = 30 MaxNPCAnimation = 90 # You can use the name and / or title of the NPC set via the database server ins tead of client ServerSideNpcName = False ServerSideNpcTitle = False # Write the mob lvl in title ServerSideNpcTitleEtc = False #=============================================================== # Pool Size #=============================================================== # The size of the thread pool to execute scheduled tasks, the recommended value: CPU x 3 ScheduledThreadPoolSize = 12 # Thread pool size for the immediate implementation of tasks, the recommended va lue: CPU x 2 ExecutorThreadPoolSize = 8 # The size of the thread pool for the movement, the recommended value: CPU x 2 ThreadPoolSizeMove = 8 # The size of the thread pool, to find a way, the recommended value: CPU x 1 ThreadPoolSizePathfind = 4 # The size of the thread pool for the AI NPC, the recommended value: CPU x 2 NpcAiMaxThread = 8 # The size of the thread pool for the AI players, the recommended value: CPU x 5 PlayerAiMaxThread = 20 # Statistics collection launches, create and run-time problems. Reset the file t o the server or on telnet command.

EnableRunnableStats = False # Idle time processing of the main stream of compounds of read / write SelectorSleepTime = 3 # Delay before installation of the Desirable InterestDelay = 30 # Maximum number of packets to be sent in a single pass MaxSendPerPass = 32 # Buffer size for reading ReadBufferSize = 65536 # The size of the buffer to write WriteBufferSize = 131072 # The pool size for temporary buffer read / write BufferPoolSize = 64 # The number of managers to work with the effects of EffectTaskManagers = 1 #------------------------------------------------------------# Language Settings #------------------------------------------------------------# The following values can be changed by users of the game team. Lang, the default value # Language dialog default options en DefaultLang = en # Timer to remove chars, 0 removed immediately DeleteCharAfterDays = 7 # Data Directory DatapackRoot = . #------------------------------------------------------------# Configuration server reboot #------------------------------------------------------------# Daily auto restart on schedule. At restart the cron format. # If the field is empty, the daily Auto-Restart is disabled by default 05:00 AutoRestartAt = 0 5 * * * # Hide the status of artists in the game / gmlist and Community Board HideGMStatus = True # Announce the entrance of game masters in game if he is not in invize ShowGMLogin = False # Keep a game-masters of the effects of silence, gmspeed, invul, etc. SaveGMEffects = False #------------------------------------------------------------# Region setting of the game world #------------------------------------------------------------# The world is divided into regions, the size of the region is the size of the c lient card, namely 32768x32768, Z range from -32768 to 32767, the identification card in the client is given XX_YY. # For more convenient work with the objects on the server, the world is divided

into regions, both horizontally and vertically. The size of the region and its c losest neighbors is equal to the scope of the player. # These can be remembered: the smaller the size of the region, the less strain o n the CPU, the less scope player, the less outgoing traffic, but the more memory consumption # This parameter determines the size of the region, horizontal: 1 << n, with a v alue of n = 15 - complies with the customer's card size, a value of 12 size is 4 096, 11 - 2048 HShift = 12 # This parameter determines the height of the region vertically, at a value of 1 0 - height is 1024 VShift = 11 # Coordinate height restriction for the world, because The world does not use th e full range of -32768 to 32767, it can be reduced to -16 384 .. 16383, thereby saving memory MapMinZ = -32768 MapMaxZ = 32767 # The size of the sector area. Default - 32. LinearTerritoryCellSize = 32 # Receive damage from falling DamageFromFalling = False # Host to connect to L2J-GeoEditor GeoEditorHost = #------------------------------------------------------------# Settings cursed weapon #------------------------------------------------------------# Are they (the default True) AllowCursedWeapons = True # Drops to the ground at gun disconnects \ kicked from the server DropCursedWeaponsOnKick = False #------------------------------------------------------------# Setting wedding #------------------------------------------------------------# Enable wedding system? AllowWedding = False # Adena price for wedding WeddingPrice = 500000 # Punish Infidelity WeddingPunishInfidelity = True # Allow wedding teleport WeddingTeleport = True # Price teleport WeddingTeleportPrice = 500 # Teleport time in ms. WeddingTeleportInterval = 120 # Only allow marriages of different sexes WeddingAllowSameSex = True # Do I need a formal wedding wear WeddingFormalWear = True # The cost of a divorce in % WeddingDivorceCosts = 20 #------------------------------------------------------------# Developer #-------------------------------------------------------------

# Do not load the spawn and quests on server startup StartWithoutSpawn = False StartWithoutQuest = False # Maximum number of Reflect MaxReflectionsCount = 300 # Check gameserver ping, response time is in seconds PingServer = True WaitPingTime = 5 # Call frequency purge bypass, in seconds PurgeTaskFrequency = 60 # The delay in re-use packets of movement and attack MovePacketDelay = 100 AttackPacketDelay = 500 # Maximum number of players on the server MaximumOnlineUsers = 3000 # Autodelete lying on the ground of things, in seconds, 0 - do not remove, we re commend that 600 (10 minutes) AutoDestroyDroppedItemAfter = 600 # Separate setting for the ejected player or fallen from a PC AutoDestroyPlayerDroppedItemAfter = 7200 # Include warehouse AllowWarehouse = True # Enable mail AllowMail = True # Time display try on things WearDelay = 10 # Can the players to throw things on the ground AllowDiscardItem = True # Is the water (if the GEODATA necessarily included) AllowWater = True # All enter players = admins :) EverybodyHasAdminRights = False # Additional authorization when choosing character SecondAuth = False # Number of password attempts SecondAuthMaxEnter = 5 # Block time in minutes after entry SecondAuthMaxEnter bad password SecondAuthBanTime = 480 #------------------------------------------------------------# 2 - All htmls are loaded at server start # 1 - All htmls are loaded when needed # 0 - cache is disabled (for testing) HtmCacheMode=0 # Skip bad, unknown packets (Include only for test and Dev)

AllowPacketFail = False # --------------------------------------------------------------------------# Emulation OFF Core # --------------------------------------------------------------------------RemoteWhoLog = True RemoteWhoSendTrash = True RemoteWhoMaxOnline = 329 RemoteOnlineIncrement = 50 RemoteWhoForceInc = 50 RemotePrivStoreFactor = 12

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