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The whole Gun-Control Debate is absolutely ridiculous.

Liberals claim they want to ban assault weapons because they are too dangerous but say that handguns are fine. Have they looked at the statistics? FBI Murder Victims report shows a breakdown of murders from 2007-2011. Total firearm victims: 46,313. Of those 33,034, an average of 6607, were from HANDGUNS! Only 1,874, an average of 375/year, were from Rifles (and of that it doesn't state how many were assault rifles vs. hunting rifles). Look at the freaking percentages. The percentage of people murdered by handguns was 71.3% compared to the 5.7% by rifle. Fact check me at Its simple to open an excel sheet at work the percentages and averages for yourself. I don't think that the issue that the liberals are trying to push is to make us safer from criminals, but to weaken the fundamental unit of the United States of America: We the People. If We The People are no longer able to defend ourselves from bad government then we have already lost our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The issue for the liberals isn't about safety through gun control, its about power. That's what they are pushing for and that is what they will have if we don't stop them. Absolute, complete, totalitarian power. No Free Man shall ever be de-barred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is as a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government...those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.. -Thomas Jefferson Let us all commit to move forward into a new age of action. Our generation has been taught to sit idle, procrastinate, and when problems come we expect others to solve them for us. It's time to start a new trend and protect our liberty or we truly will be spending our sunset years telling our grandchildren what it used to be like to live in America, the land of the free. I don't know about you, and maybe I am wrong, I frequently am, but I would rather die on my feet fighting for freedom and liberty and what I believe to be right than live on my knees in servitude to those who are destroying our life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

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