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Solaris Certified Associate Questions

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Solaris Certified Associate Questions

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A user is creating an archive using the zip utility. The user executes the following sequence of commands. $ zip -rm /data/dir1 $ zip -rm /product/dir1 $ zip -rm /data/dir2 What will be the result of running this sequence of commands? A. An file will be created and the contents will be the three directories. B. An file will be created the contents will be /data/dir2 C. An file will be created the contents will be /data/dir1 D. The three directories will be removed from the

A. An file will be created and the contents will be the three directories.


A user named Frank issues the following command: % cal 9 1752 Choose the answer that best describes the number 9 as used in this command line. A. first argument B. second argument C. second option D. first option

A. first argument


Choose the answer that correctly describes the Java Archive tool. A. The jar tool creates archive compatible with the tar command. B. The jar tool use the zip command syntax to create archive files. C. The jar tool creates compressed archive files. D. The jar tool create archives compatible with the compress command.

C. The jar tool creates compressed archive files.


Choose the answer that describes a process that runs in the background and provides a service. A. user process B. system daemon C. rouge process D. defunct process E. shell process

B. system daemon


Choose the command that is used to display a process and all the parent processes. A. pgrep B. ptree C. pmap D. kstat

B. ptree


Choose the command that will display a list of process signals. A. signal -l B. ps -s C. psig D. kill -l

D. kill -l


Consider the following command: $ cal 9 1752 The cal command is followed by which one of the following choices? A. arguments B. options C. variables D. preferences

A. arguments


Consider the following command: $ find . -name "*.txt" -print Choose the answer that best describes -name A. an argument B. an option C. a variable D. a preference

B. an option


Dave has a compressed tar archive named pics.tar.Z Dave needs to uncompress and extract the data from this file. Which command will extract and uncompress the file? A. uncompress pics.tar.Z;tar xvf pics.tar B. zcat -c pics.tar.Z | tar xvf C. bunzip2 pics.tar.Z;tar xvf pics.tar D. bzcat pics.tar.Z | tar xvf -

A. uncompress pics.tar.Z;tar xvf pics.tar


Frank executes the following single command line: $In /export/home/frank/audio_books/enders_game /export/home/frank/bookdata Choose the files that would result from executing this command. A. -rw-r--r-- 2 frank frank 1699 Oct 29 00:51 enders_game B. lrwxrwxrwx 1 frank frank 27 May 17 00:54 /export/home/frank/audio_books/enders_game -> /export/home/frank/bookdata C. -rw-r--r-- 2 frank frank 1699 Oct 29 00:51 bookdata D. lrwxrwxrwx 1 frank frank 42 May 17 00:54 /export/home/frank/bookdata -> /export/home/frank/audio_books/enders_game

C. -rw-r--r-- 2 frank frank 1699 Oct 29 00:51 bookdata


Frank has a archive named data-1-4.tar and he needs to recover the contents of the archive. Which command will restore the contents of the archive to disk? A. tar xvf data-1-4.tar B. tar uvf data-1-4.tar C. tar cvf data-1-4.tar D. tar rvf data-1-4.tar E. tar tvf data-1-4.tar

A. tar xvf data-1-4.tar


Frank has an archive named data-1-4.tar and he needs to examine the content of the archive. Which command will display the contents of the archive for Frank? A. tar xvf data-1-4.tar B. tar uvf data-1-4.tar C. tar cvf data-1-4.tar D. tar rvf data-1-4.tar E. tar tvf data-1-4.tar

E. tar tvf data-1-4.tar


Frank has been sent a file named Interns.jar. He would like to examine the contents of the file without extracting the file. Choose the command that will allow him to examine the file. A. tar xvf ./Interns.jar B. jar tvf ./Interns.jar C. cat ./Interns.jar D. ./Interns.jar >> jar cvf E. unzip ./Interns.jar

B. jar tvf ./Interns.jar


Frank has issued the following command: $ rcp -r ~/products eternium:/var/tmp/stor Choose the answer that best describes the result of Frank's command. A. The contents of /var/tmp/stor from host eternium is copied to ~/products B. The remote file system ~/products is copied to /var/tmp/stor on host eternium C. The file ~/products is moved to /var/tmp/stor on host eternium D. The directory ~/products is copied to /var/tmp/stor on host eternium E. The contents of the directory ~/products is copied to /var/tmp/stor on eternium

D. The directory ~/products is copied to /var/tmp/stor on host eternium


Frank is going to add four files to a tar archive. The files are called data1, data2, etc. These files will be stored in a new archive called data-1 4.tar Which command will correctly create this archive? A. tar xvf data-1-4.tar data1 data2 data3 data4 B. tar uvf data-1-4.tar data1 data2 data3 data4 C. tar cvf data-1-4.tar data1 data2 data3 data4 D. tar rvf data-1-4.tar data1 data2 data3 data4 E. tar tvf data-1-4.tar data1 data2 data3 data4

C. tar cvf data-1-4.tar data1 data2 data3 data4


Frank is the administrator of the site where you work. You notice Frank issues the following command: # kill -HUP `cat /usr/local/apache2/logs/` Choose the answer that best describes what this command will do. A. Terminate the httpd process and all the child processes. B. Restart the httpd process and all child processes. C. Force the httpd process to reread it's configuration file. D. Terminate the httpd process but not the children.

C. Force the httpd process to reread it's configuration file.


Frank is trying to remove all files from a directory. The result of the rm command is shown: $ rm * rm: remove new_car_data (yes/no)? Choose the command that might allow Frank to use the rm command without being prompted for each file. A. unalias rm B. rm -i C. clear rm D. rm -a 'rm -i'

A. unalias rm


Frank is writing a ksh script. How does he indicate the beginning and end of a block of statements in a case statement? A. case and esac B. do and done C. case and done D. [[ and ]]

A. case and esac


Frank is writing a ksh script. How does he indicate the beginning and end of a block of statements in a while loop? A. Using { and } B. Using [ and ] C. Using do and done D. Using if and fi

C. Using do and done


Frank wants to examine the file car-data but not edit the file. He only needs to scroll through the file and search for data. Choose the command that would open the file cardata for reading only. A. vi -r car-data B. vi -R car-data C. vi -ro car-data D. ex car-data

B. vi -R car-data


Frank wants to login to a remote system named proteus and edit multiple files. The remote host proteus has been configured with a .rhosts file in Frank's home directory. Choose the command that will allow Frank to login without entering a password. A. telnet B. ftp C. rcp D. dtlogin E. rlogin

E. rlogin


Jane executes the following command: $ alais search='grep -i >The > is defined by setting which shell variable? A. PS1 B. PS2 C. PS3 D. PS4

B. PS2


Jane has stored files in a compressed tar archive. She extracts the data with the following command: $ zcat keyfiles.tar.Z | tar tvf Examine the command line, what is the function of the zcat command? A. The zcat command uncompresses the file and directs the output to the pipe. B. The zcat command uncompresses the file and outputs to a file called C. The zcat command uncompresses the file and write the output to disk. D. The zcat command uncompresses the data from the tar commands output.

A. The zcat command uncompresses the file and directs the output to the pipe.


Jane has stored files in a compressed tar archive. She extracts the data with the following command: $ zcat keyfiles.tar.Z | tar tvf Examine the command line. What is the purpose of the - option passed to the tar command? A. The - disables the tar commands output. B. The - reads the file argument to the tar command from stdin. C. The - tells the tar command to uncompress the input. D. The - causes the tar command output to be sent to disk.

B. The - reads the file argument to the tar command from stdin.


Jane has two text files, file1 and file2. She wants to append the contents of file2 to the existing contents of file1. Choose the command that will achieve this goal. A. cat file1 >> file2 B. cat file1 file2 > file1 C. echo file2 >> file1 D. file1 << file2 E. >file2 >> file1 F. cat file2 | file1 G. cat file2 >> file1

G. cat file2 >> file1


Jane is about to edit a file with the vi editor. She executes the following command: $ vi ./customer_sat.txt Choose the vi editor mode that Jane will be using when the file is opened. A. command mode B. edit mode C. last line mode D. ex mode

A. command mode


Jane is trying to configure the swat utility. The software and man pages are located in the /usr/sfw directory. When Jane attempts to use the man command the following message appears: $ man swat No manual entry for swat. Choose the command that Jane can execute to display the man page. A. man /usr/sfw/swat B. man -f /usr/sfw/swat C. man -M /usr/sfw/man swat D. man -s 1M swat

C. man -M /usr/sfw/man swat


Jane is writing a shell script. While testing the script, she finds that the script is in a infinite loop. She issues the following command: $ kill `pgrep` Which signal does this command send to the process? A. SIGHUP B. SIGKILL C. SIGINT D. SIGTERM



Jane likes using the Korn shell, because one of the metacharacter's used by this shell will change directory to the previous directory. Choose the metacharacter that is designed to change the user's location in the file system to the previous directory. A. ~ B. * C. ? D. -

D. -


Jane needs to list a directory on a remote system named entropy. The system has been configured with a . rhosts file in Jane's home directory. Choose the command that will display the contents of a directory without Jane having to login to the remote system. A. rsh entropy ls /export/home/jane/scripts/* B. rcp entropy ls /export/home/jane/scripts/* C. ls -r entropy /export/home/jane/scripts/* D. rlogin entropy ls /export/home/jane/scripts/**

A. rsh entropy ls /export/home/jane/scripts/*


Jim has a compressed text file named He used the following command to create the file: zip -r saved plants adding: plants (deflated 94%) Jim wants to list the contents of the plants file, but not extract it. Which command will NOT list the contents of the file plants? A. gunzip -c B. gzcat C. unzip -c D. unzip -l

D. unzip -l


Jim has moved around the file system. He wants to return to his home directory. Which command short cut will take Jim back to his home directory? A. cd . B. cd C. cd D. cd HOME

B. cd


Jim is considering using a different shell. One of the shell features that Jim would like to use is he tilde (~) metacharacter, used to move to the user's home directory. Choose the shell that does NOT support the tilde (~) metacharacter. A. Korn Shell (ksh) B. TC Shell (tcsh) C. C Shell (csh) D. Z shell (zsh) E. Bourne Shell (sh)

E. Bourne Shell (sh)


Jim wants to alias the grep command to the string search. Choose the command that Jim should add to his . kshrc file to accomplish this alias. A. alias search = 'grep -i' B. alias search='grep -i' C. alias search ='grep -i' D. alias search=`grep -i`

B. alias search='grep -i'


The mt command is used to control a tape device. Which operation is NOT supported by the mt command? A. Move to a specific record location on a tape. B. Write a configuration file to the device. C. Display the current status of a tape device. D. Erase the entire contents of a tape.

B. Write a configuration file to the device.


The vi editor can be configured interactively during use. As an option the editor can use a configuration file which users can configure specific to their needs when using vi. What is the name of the file used to configure the vi editor by a user? A. .netrc B. .virc C. .edrc D. .exrc

D. .exrc


Tina has executed the following command: $ >/dev/null 2>1 Choose the statement that is true concerning this command. A. stdin is redirected /dev/null, stderr is sent to the screen. B. stderr is redirected to /dev/null, stdout is sent to the screen. C. stdout is redirected to /dev/null, stderr is redirect to /dev/null D. stdin, stderr and stdout are sent to /dev/null

C. stdout is redirected to /dev/null, stderr is redirect to /dev/null


Tina has executed the following command: $ 2>>/var/log/worklog Choose the statement that is true concerning this command. A. stdin is redirected to a file. B. stderr is redirected to a file. C. stdout is redirected to a file. D. all output from the script is redirected to a file.

B. stderr is redirected to a file.


Tina is using a Korn shell, and she wishes to set her prompt to the output of the host name on the system. Choose the command that Tina will use to change the prompt. A. set prompt=`uname -n`$ B. export PS1='`uname -n`$ ' C. export PROMPT=`uname -n`$ D. export PS1=`uname -n`$ E. prompt '`uname -n`$ '

D. export PS1=`uname n`$


Val has gathered information about the data stored in her home directory using the following command line. $ du -sk * | sort -n | tail > file2 Which answer correctly describes what happens when the command is invoked? A. The tail command redirects stdin to file2 B. The sort command redirects stdout to the du command C. The stdout from the du command is sent to the sort command D. The stderr from the tail command will be sent to file2

C. The stdout from the du command is sent to the sort command


Val has invoked the following command, to gather information about the data stored in her home directory. $ du -sk * | sort -n | tail > file2 Which answer is correct concerning this command line? A. The sort filter takes stdin from the tail filter. B. The file called file2 must exist for the command to work. C. The sort filter uses stdout from the du command. D. The stdout from the tail filter will be appended to file2.

C. The sort filter uses stdout from the du command.


Val is copying files named daily.rpt from a directory called reports into her home directory on host users1 over to /var/tmp/val on host datastor. Choose the command that Val might use to copy the files. A. ftp user1:~val/reports/daily.rpt datastor:/var/tmp/val B. rcp cp user1:~val/reports/daily.rpt datastor:/var/tmp/val/daily.rpt C. rcp user1:~val/reports/daily.rpt datastor:/var/tmp/val/daily.rpt D. rcp datastor:/var/tmp/val/daily.rpt user1:~val/reports/daily.rpt E. rsh user1:~val/reports/daily.rpt datastor:/var/tmp/val/daily.rpt

C. rcp user1:~val/reports/daily.rpt datastor:/var/tmp/val/daily.rpt


Val is searching through a file using the following egrep command: $ egrep '3+' ./customer-data Choose the answer that best describes what the result of this search will be. A. Find all lines with '3+' in the line. B. Find all lines with one or more '+' characters. C. Find all lines with three '+' characters. D. Find all lines with one or more 3's. E. Find all lines with more than three 3's.

D. Find all lines with one or more 3's.


Val is using the du command to gather information about data stored in her home directory. $ du -sk * | sort -n | tail > file2 Which answer correctly describes the output of this command line? A. The 10 largest files will be listed by size and written to file2 B. The 10 smallest files will be listed by size and written to file2 C. The oldest 10 files will be listed by date and written to file2 D. The 10 most recent files will be listed by date and written to file2

A. The 10 largest files will be listed by size and written to file2


Val needs to transfer multiple files from a remote system to her local system. She has established an ftp session with the remote system. When multiple files are transferred with ftp the system will prompt you to determine if you want each file transferred. Choose the ftp command that will disable this ftp prompt when transferring multiple files. A. mget B. mput C. prompt D. noprompt E. recv

C. prompt


Val wants to backup her home directory to a tape device. Choose the command she might use to create the backup. A. tape B. mt C. compress D. tar

D. tar


Val wants to change the permissions on a file to remove access for all user that are not in the file's group. She also wants the group permissions to allow the file to have read and write access. Val can currently read and write he file. Which octal mode with the chmod command will set those permissions? A. chmod 664 ./data B. chmod 660 ./data C. chmod 775 ./data D. chmod 550 ./data

B. chmod 660 ./data


Wally created a new file named coursebook. The umask was set to the Solaris 10 default when the file was created. Wally used the following command to change the files permissions: $ chmod g+w ./coursebook Which octal mode with the chmod command can Wally use to set these same permissions? A. chmod 662 ./coursebook B. chmod 660 ./coursebook C. chmod 664 ./coursebook D. chmod 442 ./coursebook

C. chmod 664 ./coursebook


Wally created the following aliases. printall='pr * | lpr' pa=printall Choose the answer that best describes what the result will be when Wally uses the pa alias. A. The string printall will be displayed. B. The command not found error message will be displayed. C. The value of the printall alias will be displayed. D. The printall alias will execute.

D. The printall alias will execute.


Wally has a file with data about various coffee plants, the data is stored in a file named plants, the file is in the coffee directory of Wally's home directory. He wants to find the number of entries that are NOT the plant "Gallienii" or "gallienii". Choose the command that Wally might use to extract the information from the file. A. grep -v Gallienii ./coffee/plants | wc -l B. grep -nv Gallienii ./coffee/plants| wc -l C. find ./coffee/plants ( !G -o !g ) | wc -l D. grep -ivn Gallienii ./coffee/plants| wc -l E. grep -vc Gallienii ./coffee/plants | wc -l

D. grep -ivn Gallienii ./coffee/plants| wc l


Wally has just edited a file with the vi editor, he saves the new file with the name newdata. The following is a listing of that file: -rw-r----- 1 wally other 111286 May 27 19:10 newdata Based on the information provided, what is the value of the umask setting? A. 0620 B. 0025 C. 0027 D. 0022

C. 0027


Wally has two files with data about dark and light coffee beans. The data is stored in the files named dark_beans and light_beans. The files are in the coffee directory of Wally's home directory. Wally would like to display a sorted list of all of the words from both lists that start with the letter "g" or "G". The files contain mixed case names. Which command line can Wally use to display the data? A. sort ./coffee/dark_beans ./coffee/light_beans | grep ^[Gg] B. cat ./coffee/dark_beans ./coffee/light_beans | grep -i G | sort C. sort -f ./coffee/dark_beans ./coffee/light_beans | grep g D. sort ./coffee/dark_beans ./coffee/light_beans | grep -i g

A. sort ./coffee/dark_beans ./coffee/light_beans | grep ^[Gg]


Wally is configuring a host named system1. He is attempting to allow user Frank to login from the host system2 without the need to enter a password. Which file will Wally need to configure to allow Frank to login to system1 without entering a password? A. /etc/.rhost B. ~frank/.rhosts C. /.rhosts D. ~wally/.rhosts

B. ~frank/.rhosts


Wally is logged into a system and is searching in a file using the following command. $ grep i "$LOGNAME" weekly-reports.txt What is Wally searching for in this file? A. The string wally, upper or lower case. B. The string LOGNAME, upper or lower case. C. The string LOGNAME at the end of a line, upper or lower case. D. The string $LOGNAME upper or lower case.

A. The string wally, upper or lower case.


Wally is searching for the PID of the syslog process on his system. He uses the following command: $ pgrep syslogd Choose the answer that describes the outcome of this command. A. The PIDs of all syslogd processes are displayed. B. The PID and full path of the first syslogd process is displayed. C. The PIDs and name of each syslogd process is displayed. D. The PIDs and full path of all syslogd processes is displayed.

A. The PIDs of all syslogd processes are displayed.


Wally is trying to execute commands from his host trisol on a remote host called urbank A. Urbanka has been configured with a .rhosts file. Choose the command that will NOT use the .rhost authentication. A. rcp B. rlogin C. telnet D. rsh

C. telnet


Wally is using a Korn shell. He uses the escape key followed by the backslash key for file name completion in this shell. Which of the following commands did Wally use to configure file name completion? A. set filec B. set -o emacs C. set -o vi D. fc -l

C. set -o vi


Wally notices that the system seems to be running slower, and he wants to run a command to determine which process might be using the most system resources. Choose the command he might use for this purpose. A. pstack B. ps C. prstat D. prun

C. prstat


Wally wants to list all files in his current directory. Choose the command that will list all the files only in Wally's current directory. A. echo * B. strings. C. ls -a D. ls -l E. ls -R

C. ls -a


Wally wants to quickly create a file that stores some information about a upcoming meeting. ally is on the phone with his customer and doesn't want to interrupt the conversation to find a pen or pencil. Choose the command sequence that Wally might use on his system to store this information. A. cat < meeting.txt <return>Monday, the 23 rd , 10:00 AM <return><crtl + d> B. cat > meeting.txt <return>Monday, the 23 rd , 10:00 AM <return><crtl + c> C. cat < meeting.txt <return>Monday, the 23 rd , 10:00 AM <return><crtl + c> D. cat > meeting.txt <return>Monday, the 23 rd , 10:00 AM <return><crtl + d>

D. cat > meeting.txt <return>Monday, the 23 rd , 10:00 AM <return><crtl + d>


What are the minimum number of characters that a regular user must use when creating a password? A. 0 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6 E. 8

D. 6


When a non-root user changes their password which of the following is true? A. The new password must contain all alphanumeric characters. B. The new password can NOT contain numbers. C. The password can contain spaces. D. The password can be the reverse of the users name.

C. The password can contain spaces.


Which answer describes the access control lists used with the Solaris 10 file system? A. Access Control Matrix B. Mandatory Access Control C. NFSv4 Access Control List D. POSIX Access Control Lists

D. POSIX Access Control Lists


Which command can NOT use the ~/.rhost for authentication? A. ftp B. rcp C. rlogin D. rsh E. rdist

A. ftp


Which command is used at the beginning of each terminal session to identify oneself to the system? This command is invoked by the system when a connection is first established, after the previous user has terminated the login shell by issuing the exit command. A. login B. init C. pam D. start E. startX

A. login


Which grep program is used to search for literal strings and does not interrupt regular expressions? A. grep B. lgrep C. egrep D. fgrep

D. fgrep


Which permission bit is required on a directory in order to list the files and directories that reside in the directory? A. execute bit B. read bit C. write bit D. read and write bit

B. read bit


Which positional parameter holds the value of the number of positional parameters? A. $0 B. $* C. $# D. $@

C. $#


While working in his home directory Jim lists the directory contents with the following result: $ ls -F affiliates daily-report fixes today appointment expenses/ phone-list@ windfil> year-report| From this list of files, which file is executable? A. affiliates B. fixes C. expenses D. phone-list E. windfil F. yearly-report

A. affiliates


While working in his home directory, Jim lists the contents of the directory with the following result: $ ls -F affiliates daily-report fixes today appointment expenses/ phone-list@ windfil> year-report| This directory listing indicates that the phone-list file is what type of file? A. directory B. block special file C. executable file D. hard link E. symbolic link F. ordinary file

E. symbolic link


You are using the Korn shell, and would like to change the number of commands displayed by the history command. Choose which variable you will need to set. A. HISTFILE B. HISTFILESIZE C. HISTSIZE D. HISTLIMIT



You attempt to login using the Solaris Login Graphical User Interface (GUI), however an error message is displayed. After closing the error message you are returned to the Login Screen. How would you login to read the log files that were indicated in the error message. Which of the following describes how you can login to read these log files? A. At the Login Screen select the Options, then Sessions, then Fail Safe Session and login. B. Reboot the system, login to the CDE Desktop session with your user name and password. C. From a different system at the login screen select Options, Remote Login and select your system, login to the session with your user name and password. D. At the Login Screen select the Options, select Reset Login Screen, login to the session with your user name and password.

A. At the Login Screen select the Options, then Sessions, then Fail Safe Session and login.


You have a compressed file named meeting agenda.gz. You would like to examine the content of this compressed file. Choose the command that will display the files content to the screen. A. unzip -c meeting-agenda.gz B. gzip -c meeting-agenda.gz C. zcat meeting-agenda.gz D. gzcat meeting-agenda,gz

D. gzcat meeting-agenda,gz


You have a default install of Solaris 10 on your desktop system. You are user tim. Examine the following command and output. $ ls -l project465.odt -rw-r--r-- 1 tim tim 394 Apr 9 15:29 project465.odt You need to allow another user access to write the file. You do not have access to the root account. Which command can be used to grant write access to the file? A. chown command B. chgrp command C. setfacl command D. nischown command

C. setfacl command


You have a directory named images, this directory contains various digital images of various file format types. You need to list all of the .gif and .jpg files. You decide to use a find command to gather this information. Choose the command that will display these files correctly. A. find ./images -type f \( -name \.gif -o -name \.jpg \) '{}' B. find ./images -type f \( -name '.gif' -a -name '.jpg' \) -print C. find ./images -type f \( -name \.gif -o -name \.jpg \) D. find ./images -type f -name ".gif" -name ".jpg" -print E. grep ash userdata ; grep ksh userdata

C. find ./images -type f \( name \.gif -o -name \.jpg \)


You have a directory that contains more than 30 files. You need to remove a number of these files, but each of the files you need to remove is uniquely named. Choose the command that right best help you to remove these dissimilar files. A. rm -? * B. rm -? C. rm -i D. rm -i * E. rm * F. rm -r *

D. rm -i *


You have a directory that contains only text files. You wish to compress all of these files. Which command can be used to compress these text files? A. ls * | compress B. echo * > compress C. compress * D. compress < echo *

C. compress *


You have a file named customer1 and you need to examine the file in read only mode using the vi editor. Which two commands will open the file in the vi editor as read only? (Choose two.) A. view customer1 B. vi -ro customer1 C. vi -RO customer1 D. view -ro customer1 E. vi -R customer1 F. vi -r customer1

A. view customer1 F. vi -r customer1


You have a file that contains a list of parts in a single column. You need to append the text string .ex2009 to each entry. You will use the vi editor and the last line mode to append this text to each entry. Which command will add the text correctly? A. :%s/*/.ex2009/ B. :%s/.$/.ex2009/ C. :%s/$/.ex2009/ D. :%s/*$/.ex2009/

C. :%s/$/.ex2009/


You have a file that contains confidential customer data called customer489.dat. You need to make this file available to the sales group but protect the data from other users. You are not a member of the sales group and you do not have root access. -rw-r--r-- 1 tbussart staff 465394 Apr 1 15:20 customer489.dat $ getent group sales sales::1034:tom,dick,harry Which command will configure the file for the described access? A. chgrp sales /export/home/tbussart/customer489.dat B. groupadd sales /export/home/tbussart/customer489.dat C. setfacl -m g:sales:rw-,m:rw- /export/home/tbussart/customer489.dat D. chmod +w /export/home/tbussart/customer489.dat

C. setfacl -m g:sales:rw-,m:rw/export/home/tbussart/customer489.dat


You have a parts list, and you need to search it for all parts that contain the string V1 or the string R3. You decide to use a grep utility to search the file. Which grep command will you use? A. grep -F 'V1|R3' ./parts_list B. fgrep 'V1|R3' ./parts_list C. egrep 'V1|R3' ./parts_list D. grep 'V1|R3' ./parts_list

C. egrep 'V1|R3' ./parts_list


You have created a tar archive of a source code directory. You now want to compress the file using the gzip utility. Choose the command that you could use to compress the file. A. gzip -c source_code.tar B. gzip -d source_code.tar C. gzip source_code.tar D. gzip -cvf source_code.tar.gz source_code.tar

C. gzip source_code.tar


You have received a file called data.tar.Z Which command will cause the file to be uncompressed and the tar file extracted, while keeping the original file unchanged? A. uncompress data.tar.Z;tar xvf data.tar 1 B. gunzip data.tar.Z;tar xvf data.tar C. unzip -c data.tar.Z | tar xvf D. uncompress -c data.tar.Z | tar xvf -

D. uncompress -c data.tar.Z | tar xvf -


You need to find all files in your home directory hierarchy that contain the string sample in the file name. You want a relative path to each file so you can easily retrieve it. Choose the command that will find these files. A. ls -l * | grep -v sample B. find . -print | grep sample C. ls -Rl | grep -i sample D. grep sample < find . -print

B. find . -print | grep sample


You own a file that is part of a web development project. This file is shared by the group permission among the members of the web development group called webdev. The world permissions for the file are set to read only for ecurity reasons. You wish to give write access in the file for a contractor not in the webdev group. You do not have root access. Which method describes how you can grant write permissions to the contractor's user ID? A. Edit the /etc/group file and add the contractor's user ID to the group. B. Create a owner ACL for the contractor's user ID. C. Add a mandatory access control for the contractor's user ID. D. The world or group permissions must be modified by root.

B. Create a owner ACL for the contractor's user ID.


You own a file that is part of a web development project. This file is shared by the group permission among the members of the web development group called webdev. The world permissions for the file are set to read only for security reasons. You wish to deny write access to the file for two members of the webdev group, but allow write access for the rest of the webdev group. You do not have root access. Which method can be used to configure this access? A. chgrp command B. chown command C. chmod command D. setfacl command

D. setfacl command


Your logging into the system as user Val, you are notified upon login that you must change your user password on the system. Your current password is 2co0lu! Choose the password that meets the requirements for a user changing the password on a Solaris 10 system. A. 2co0l4u B. valiscol C. 2C00L4u2 D. 321 123!

C. 2C00L4u2

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