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ASSIGNMENT 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) What are fact tables and dimension tables in OLAP? How can you increase SQL performance?

What is the difference between DELETE TABLE and TRUNCATE TABLE command ? What are the properties and different types of sub queries? Discuss the various datatypes in SQL Server. What is the difference between clustered and non-clustered index? What are joins? Discuss the various types of joins.


To create own database
create database demostart

To view the database details

sp_helpdb demostart

To open database
use demostart

To create table in the database

create table emp ( eno int, ename varchar(10), hiredate datetime, salary int )

To see the table information

sp_help emp

sp_help:It is System defined stored procedure which gives us the information about a table.

To insert data in a table

insert into emp values (100,king,10-may-09,5000) insert into emp values(200,dd,20-april-08,4300) insert into emp values (102,ee,getdate(),6700) default print date & time

To insert values in a particular column

insert into emp(eno,ename) values (300,xyx)

To see all the records

select *from emp

To delete table
drop table emp

To update ename with space where eno=100

update emp set ename= where eno=100

To add additional column (address and phno) in a table

alter table emp add address varchar(30),phno varchar(15)

To see all the records

select *from emp

To modify column size

alter table emp alter column address varchar(45)

To see the table information

sp_help emp

To modify column name(or rename)

sp_rename emp.eno,'empno (old name)-(new name)

To rename table
sp_rename emp,'employee

To rename of database name

sp_renamedb demostart,'demoversion

Drop table column

alter table employee drop column address,phno

To see all the records

select *from employee

To update ename with amir where salary is NULL

update employee set ename=amir where salary is NULL

To add value 1000 in salary field (adding temporarly)

select salary+1000, salary from employee where empno=100

To add value 1000 in salary field (adding permanent)

update employee set salary= salary+1000 where empno=100

operator in sql server 1)Arithmatic :


2)comparison :
=,<,>,<=,>=,<>,like,between,in, is null.

3)logical :

Comparison operator To see the list those employee whos empno is equal to 100
select *from employee where empno=100

To see the list those employee whos empno is not-equal to 100

select *from employee where empno<>100

To insert one more record

insert into employee values(101,anuj,01-jan-10,2500)

To see all the records

select *from employee

List of those employee whose salary is less than 6000

select *from employee where salary < 6000

in operator to show only 100 and 300 record not show in between
select *from employee where empno in(100,300) in :we can search for the data based upon the values that are specified in the brackets. the data will be retrieved if the employee number are 100 or 300)

between operator
The data is retrieved from the table based on a certain range of values starting from the lowerbound to the upperbound. select *from employee where empno between 100 and 200

like operator
used for pattern matching. Example:- names starting with a particular character or ending with a particular character. select *from employee where ename like %r r should be the last char. of ename select *from employee where ename like a% a should be the first char. of ename

pattern matching with exact no. of characters

use _ (underscore operator) one _ sign means exactly 1 character. select *from employee where ename like a___

Logical operators:To show the list of all employeea whose empno is not equal to 100 select *from employee where not empno=100

To show the list of all employees whose empno is 200 or ename equal to amir
select *from employee where empno=200 or ename=amir

To show the list of all employeea whose empno is 300 and ename equal to amir
select *from employee where empno=300 and ename=amir

Identity column
These are those column which are used for autogetneration of interger values in a particular sequence. Ex. we can use identity columns to autogenrate the IDs in the categoryid column of the category table. There can only be 1 identity column per table. create table categories ( catid int identity(1,1), first 1 : starting value catname varchar(20), 2nd 1 : increamenting value description varchar(20) )

To insert records
insert into categories values(beverages,'teas and coffees) insert into categories values(cold drinks,'fanta pepsi)

To see all the records

select *from categories

Insert randomly.
set identity_insert categories on when we identity_insert set is on then we cannot insert dublicate records in a table. set identity_insert categories off when we identity_insert set is off then we can insert dublicate records in a table.

To know how many datatypes

select *from systypes

To view the names of the user defined tables in a database

select name from sysobjects where xtype=u


These are the objects used to validate the data Entry in tables columns. Type of constraints :-

1) primary key :checks for dublicate and null values. primary key can be defined for single or composite columns. one primary per table.

2) unique keys :checks for dublicate values. one null value is allowed.

3) checks :The data must obey the rules of comparison opeators(=,<,>,<=,>=,in,between,like).

4) Rules :They are like the checks constraints but have certains differences.

Difference b/w check and Rules

Check constraints are applied with the column definitons. Rules are created separately and then can be attached with different columns of different tables. checks constraints check for existing data. Rules do not check for the existing data.

5) Not Null :we have to Enter the values on the columns where not null constraints is defined.

6) Foreign key :-

used for Referential integrity. if we insert a particular data in a table column, then matching data should be inserted in the column where the foreign key is defined. The foreign key will check for data by referencing the column where data is inserted. The Referenced column have primary key or unique key associated with it. constraints can be created using the create table or alter table clause.

To define Constraints :create table consdemo ( cno int primary key, cname varchar(10) unique, balance int check(balance >5000) )

insert records
insert consdemo values (100,abc,4000) cannot be accepted coz applied check i.e balance>5000. insert consdemo values (100,abc,6000) accepted insert consdemo values (101,abc,7000) not accepted coz cno is primary key and cname applied, unique (i.e dublicate value not allowed)

To view the names of constraints define on a table

sp_helpconstraint consdemo

To drop the Constraints

alter table consdemo drop constraint

insert records
insert consdemo values (102,xyz,54)

put check constraint

alter table consdemo add constraint chk check(balance>50)

use of foreign key

create table publishers ( pubid int primary key, pubname varchar(20) ) insert publishers values(1,book bazar) insert publishers values(2,wiley Eastern) select *from publishers create table author ( authid int primary key, pubid int references publishers(pubid), authorname varchar(20) ) insert author values(1,2,Bill Evjen) select *from publishers select *from author insert author values(2,2,Bill Evjen) insert author values(3,1,Bill Evjen)

creating constraints by giving user defined names :

create table consdd ( cno int constraint pk primary key, cname varchar(10) constraint uk unique, salary int constraint chk1 check(salary>5000) )

To view the names of constraints define on a table

sp_helpconstraint consdd

To drop the constraint chk in the table of consdd

alter table consdd drop constraint chk1

To view the names of constraints define on a table

sp_helpconstraint consdd

RULES: create & Apply RULE

create rule xyz as @a>5000 @a : It denotes a variable in sql server known as a.

To Apply the Rule

sp_bindrule xyz,consdd.salary Note : we assign a rule i.e(@a>5000), so we cannot insert salary<5000) select *from consdd insert consdd values(101,'opk1',6100)-- accepted insert consdd values(102,'opk2',100) --not accepted(not follow the cond. i.e @a>5000) sp_helpconstraint consdd

To unbind the rule

sp_unbindrule consdd.salary insert consdd values(102,opk2,100) after unbind the rule, then the query will be accepted.

To drop the Rule

drop rule xyz

To view the names of constraints define on a table

sp_helpconstraint consdd Another Example of create and applying Rule create rule adb as @a between a and d a and d is the ist char of cname. sp_bindrule adb, consdd.cname insert consdd values(400,edf,3000) not accepted coz starting char should a and d. insert consdd values(400,daf,3000) not accepted coz starting char should a and d. insert consdd values(500,aef,3000) accepted insert consdd values(300,adf,3000) accepted insert consdd values(600,brf,3000) accepted insert consdd values(700,cef,3000) accepted select *from consdd

To unbind the rule

sp_unbindrule consdd.cname insert consdd values(400,edf,3000)accepted (unbind rule)

To drop the Rule

drop rule adb

composite primary key

It checks that the particular row that contains a set of values (ex-> 100,abc)cannot be created again. create table comkey ( cno int, cname varchar(10), address varchar(40), constraint pkk primary key(cno,cname) )

To change the table name(i.e rename)

sp_rename comkey, compkey select *from compkey insert compkey values(100,abd,23/sds) insert compkey values(101,abd,45/df) select *from compkey insert compkey values(101,bd,45/df) insert compkey values(100,abd,45/df) Note: when we use composite key:- you cannot insert the same record at a time. ex. we put the record cno=100 and cname=abd at ist time it will be accepted but 2nd time cannot be accepted. but we put cno=100 and cname=xyz(i.e cname is different) it will be accepted, or we put cno=200 (i,e cno is diff. value) and cname is same i.e cname=abd it will be accepted.

Drop primary key

alter table compkey drop constraint pkk

on delete cascade clause

It is used on foreign keys when we are assigning the foreign key on a particular column. It automatically deletes the values from the foreign key cloumn if the primary key value is deleted. Ex. If 100 is there in primary key column and also there in the foreign key column, then if 100 is deleted on primary key column then 100 is automatically deleted from foreign key column. create table casededemo ( sno int constraint pkm primary key, sname varchar(10) ) create table cascdata ( sno int constraint fk foreign key references casededemo(sno) on delete cascade, sales int ) note: on delete used for automatically deleted. insert into casededemo values(200,fgh) insert into casededemo values(100,xyz) select *from casededemo insert into cascdata values(200,6000) insert into cascdata values(100,4000) select *from cascdata delete from casededemo where sno=100 Note : delete 100 from both table. select *from cascdata select *from casededemo

use of order by and group by clause

ORDER BY :- It is used to sort data either in ascending or descending order. select *from consdemo insert two records more in consdemo table insert into consdemo values(104,xxx,7000) insert into consdemo values(102,sss,8000) insert into consdemo values(103,bbb,7600) insert into consdemo values(101,ccc,7600)

insert into consdemo values(105,ddd,7600) insert into consdemo values(106,eee,7600) select *from consdemo

To apply ORDER BY in desc order.

select *from consdemo order by cno desc

It is used to display the data from the aggregate function as well as the data from the table.

To count total balance

select balance,count(balance) from consdemo group by balance To count total cno with own column name i.e count of cno select cno,count(cno) as count of cno from consdemo group by cno


select balance,count(balance)as result from consdemo group by balance having count(balance)>1

use the top keyword in sql queries

Top keyword is used to display the data either from the begining or from the end or from any given position in a table. Ex:- If we want to view the first 3 records or the last 3 records or the details of records in a given range. To print the details of employee who earn the three highest salaries,we can use Top keyword. select *from consdemo show top 2 records select top 2 *from consdemo show last 2 record select top 2 *from consdemo order by cno desc

Set operators in sql server

These are used to combine the result of 2 or more queries in a single output. Ex: If we want to view to the details of a column known as salary from first table and also from the 2nd table, we can use the set operators.

Two union operators:1) union :- All the union values are displayed in the result. 2) union All :- The different values (unique or non unique) are displayed in the result.

To use the set operators:1)Data type must be same for the columns mentioned in the query. 2)The number of columns mentioned in the query. create table salesdetails ( sno int, salary int ) insert salesdetails values(300,5000) select *from salesdetails Now create another table which is a copy of the salesdetails table. create table salesunion ( sno int, salary int ) insert salesunion values(200,1000) select * into sales_union from salesdetails select *from salesunion select *from salesdetails

To copy records from another table

select *into sales_details from salesdetails select *from sales_details To show salary of salesdetails and sno of salesunion select salary from salesdetails union select sno from salesunion

To show salary of salesdetails and cno of consdemo select salary from salesdetails union select cno from consdemo temporary tables create table #emp ( eno int, ename varchar(10) ) insert #emp values(100,abc) select *from #emp sp_help #emp

These are the sql statements which are Embedded inside another sql statements. Ex: 1) To find the details of the person who earn the maximum salary or 3rd highest salary we have to use the subqueries. subqueries always written in parenthesis. subqueries evaluate a particular data which can then be used as the input to the main query. subqueries evaluate first. subqueries can be nested 21 times. TYPES OF SUBQUERIES 1) Single row subqueries. 2) Multiple Row subqueries. 3) subqueries using the exist operator. only 1 row is returned by the subquery.


subqueriesin a single row select *from salesdetails where salary=(select max(salary) from salesdetails) subqueriesin a multiple row select *from salesdetails where salary in(select salary from sales_details) insert sales_details values(300,3000) select *from sales_details subquery using exits operator select *from salesdetails where exists(select salary from salesunion where sno=100) select *from salesdetails where not exists(select salary from salesunion where sno=1600)


create table table1 ( sno int, salary int ) insert table1 values(100,2000) insert table1 values(200,4000) insert table1 values(300,5000) insert table1 values(400,6000) insert table1 values(500,7000) select *from table1 create table table2 ( sno int, salary int ) insert table2 values(600,7000) insert table2 values(100,2000) insert table2 values(200,4000) insert table2 values(300,5000) select *from table2 CROSS JOIN select *from table1 cross join table2 INNER JOIN select s.sno,s.salary,t.sno,t.salary from table1 s inner join table2 t on s.sno=t.sno outer join select s.sno,s.salary,t.sno,t.salary from table1 s left outer join table1 t on s.sno=t.sno right outer join select s.sno,s.salary,t.sno,t.salary from table1 s right outer join table2 t on s.sno=t.sno full outer join select s.sno,s.salary,t.sno,t.salary from table1 s full outer join table2 t on s.sno=t.sno self join alter table table1 add sname varchar(10) update table2 set salary=300 where salary=2000 update table1 set sname=ddy where salary=300 select *from table1 select *from table2

query of self join select s.sno,t.salary,s.sname from table1 s inner join table2 t on s.sno=t.salary

select *from salesdetails alter table salesdetails add sname varchar(10) insert salesdetails values(456,800,ffg) update salesdetails set sname=ddy where sno=300 create view vm as select *from salesdetails where sno=100 select *from vm insert vm values(456,800,ffg) not allowed to add record in salesdetails alter view vm as select *from salesdetails where sno=100 with check option insert vm values(456,800,ffg) sp_helptext vm drop view vm PARTITION VIEWS create view vm as select sno,salary from salesdetails union all select *from salesunion select *from vm READONLY VIEW create view vwd as select count(*) as countfrom salesdetails select *from vwd insert vwd values (23) cant be insert coz its read only show all database views select *from sysobjects where xtype=v to show view in one table sp_depends salesdetails

1) create procedure proce as select *from emp proce 2) create procedure demo(@a int,@b int) as

declare @c int set @c=@a+@b print sum=+ convert(varchar(10), @c) demo 2,3 drop procedure demo 3) create procedure ques1(@a int ,@b int) as declare @c int set @c=@a+@b print @c ques1 2 ,3 sp_helptext demo 4) create procedure ques2(@a varchar(10)) as declare @b varchar(10) set @b=@a print b= +@b ques2 hello pro 5)area of circle create procedure ques3(@pi float ,@r float ) as declare @area float set @area=@pi*@r*@r print area of cir=+convert(varchar(10),@area) ques3 3.14,2 6)area of triangle create procedure ques4(@b int ,@h int) as declare @area int set @area=(@b*@h)/2 print area of tri=+convert(varchar(10),@area) ques4 3,5

drop procedure ques4 sp_helptext ques4

1)w.a.proc to find the greatest b/w two nos. create procedure ques5(@a int,@b int) as if @a>@b print convert(varchar(5),@a)+ a is greater else print convert(varchar(5),@b)+ b is greater ques5 3,5 2)w.a.proc to find the greatest b/w three nos. create procedure ques6(@a int ,@b int ,@c int) as if @a>@b if @a>@c print a is g else print c is g else if @b>@c print b is g else print c is g ques6 2,4,3 3)extracting to database create procedure ques7(@a int) as declare @nm varchar(10) select @nm= ename from emp where eno=@a print @nm ques7 101 select *from emp drop procedure ques7 4)extracting to database create procedure ques8(@a varchar(10))

as declare @nm varchar(10) select @nm= ename from emp where ename=@a if @nm=@a printfound else printnot found ques8 radhika

1)while loop create procedure whloop (@a int) as while @a<20 begin set @a=@a+1 print @a end whloop 10 --2)print rev order create procedure whloop1(@no int) as declare @rev int,@rem int set @rev=0 while @no>0 begin set @rem=@no%10 set @rev=@rev*10+@rem set @no=@no/10 end print @rev whloop1 1234 drop procedure whloop1 3)NESTED PROCEDURE create procedure first as print first procedure create procedure second as

print 2nd procedure exec first second FREE TEXT SEARCHING create table ftextsearch ( fno int primary key, ename varchar(20), address varchar(40) ) select *from ftextsearch insert ftextsearch values(50,xx,0-2LN) select *from ftextsearch where contains (address,0-2LN) select address from ftextsearch where address=0-2LN sp_help ftextsearch drop table ftextsearch

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