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PRACTICAL 1 CLOUDS AND WEATHER Aim: To explain the atmospheric conditions based on different types of clouds which are

are formed. To observe the shapes of various types of clouds. To observe the clouds and the pattern of weather in two weeks (14 days).

Introduction: In this first practical, I will observe three types of clouds based on their altitudes. The first types are high cloud which is from 5 to 13 kilometers in the sky. Examples of this cloud are cirrus, cirrocumulus and cirrostratus. Second types of clouds are middle cloud which is from 2 to 7 kilometers in the sky. Examples of these types of clouds are altocumulus, altostratus and nimbostratus. The last types of clouds are low clouds which are from 0 to 2 kilometers in the sky. Examples of these clouds are stratocumulus, stratus, cumulus and cumulonimbus. In this practical, I choose to observe the clouds from the hostel. I started my observation on 6th February 2009 until 19th February 2009 which is within 2 weeks. The time that I choose to observe the sky is fixed everyday which is at 4.00 p.m in the evening. I will make an observation based on the picture that taken by the camera and recorded the data in the data sheet. Instruments/Materials: Camera, thermometer, data sheet Procedures: 1. A suitable location to observe the clouds was chosen. 2. A time to observe the clouds are fixed. 3. A camera was used to take the picture of the clouds in the observation. 4. A thermometer was used to measure the temperature.

5. The observation was recorded in the data sheet. 6. A prediction was made based on the observation that get. 7. Procedures 3 to 5 were repeated in two weeks (14 days).




Name of Clouds/ Characteristics/Height

Temperature (C)


1st Day 6th February 2009 (Friday)

Altocumulus Composed of globular masses(have high density and larger) 2000 to 6000 meters in the sky (Middle clouds) 29 C This cloud gives rain at the evening because they had high density. So the probability to have rain is higher.

Cirrocumulus Consists of fluffy masses Thin and white in colour Made up of ice crystal Above 6000 meters in the sky (High clouds) 32 C

This cloud is not considered to give rain. It is because of the low temperatures and small quantities of water vapour present in it which is in high attitude. So the weather is good and no rain.

2nd Day 7th February 2009 (Saturday)

3rd Day

Nimbostratus Chief precipitation producers(gives rain) Form in association This cloud is known as the chief precipitation

Discussion When you look above, up in the sky what actually you see? All of us will say that we can see clouds. And we also can see the clouds in various type of shape. What is cloud? Actually cloud is formed from the condensation. Condensation described as a water vapour in air which becomes saturated due to the adiabatic cooling. Condensation also occurs when water vapour in the air changes to a liquid. These will resulted the clouds that we seen in the sky. Clouds can be classified on the basis of their shape (form) and height. There are three basic forms of cloud that we can recognize which are cirrus, cumulus and stratus. Cirrus clouds are high and have the thin shape. It also has white in colour. They can occur as patches composed of small cells. They also can occur as delicate veil-like sheets or extended wispy fibers that often have feathery appearance. While cumulus clouds consist of globular individual cloud masses. Normally they exhibit a flat base and have the appearance of rising domes or towers. These clouds are frequently described as having a cauliflower structure. For the status clouds, they are best described as sheets or layers that cover much or all of the sky. While there may be minor breaks, there are no distinct individual cloud units. Clouds also can be differentiating based on their high from the ground. There are three types of clouds based on their high. First are high-level clouds which is form above 6,000 meters and since the temperatures are so cold at such high elevations, these clouds are primarily composed of ice crystals. High-level clouds are typically thin and white in appearance, but can appear in a magnificent array of colors when the sun is low on the horizon. An example of these clouds is cirrus cloud. The second types are the middle clouds which are bases of mid-level clouds and typically appear between 2,000 to 6,000 meters. Because of their lower altitudes, they are composed primarily of water droplets. However, they can also be composed of ice crystals when temperatures are cold enough. And lastly, low

clouds are of mostly composed of water droplets since their bases generally lie below 2,000 meters. However, when temperatures are cold enough, these clouds may also contain ice particles and snow. Examples of these clouds are nimbostratus clouds. In this practical, I had observed these three different types of clouds based on their height. On the first day, the altocumulus clouds are occurring. So the intensity to give rain is a bit higher. When it move to the second day, the weather is fine as we can see the cirrocumulus cloud. But as we started to move to the next day until the seventh day, as we can see in the results, there are more Middle Clouds which is nimbostratus cloud occurs in the sky and the whole of five days are raining. Then on the next day, altostratus cloud is form and there are no rain produced but it little bit cloudy on that day. But rain is produced on the next day and no picture can be taken. Then tomorrow, a sunny day was occurring and only cirrus cloud on the sky. On the next day, it is started to rain again until the last day of my observation. The nimbostratus clouds are on the sky over the whole four days. So more of the observation, we can see nimbostratus clouds which are the one of cloud that can give a rain or precipitation. And it is related to the nowadays weather which are always raining. The implication of this finding to daily life is now when I see the clouds, I can predict the weather on that day based on my observation that I had do in this practical. Conclusion Many shape of clouds was observed and the weather can be predicted based on the cloud occur.

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