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Curriculum Vitae Riccardo Antoniucci

OCCUPAZIONE ATTUALE Studente presso cole Normale Suprieure de Paris, rue dUlm e cole des Hautes tudes en Sciences Sociales (Master 2 Philosophie contemporaine) SKILLS Journalist and essay stile writing Research attitudes Textual criticism and poetry analysis Group contexts understanding and participation TITOLI E CERTIFICAZIONI
Laurea triennale in Filosofia voto 110/110 cum laude Corso Giornalismo e Scrittura Narrativa Storie All Write, Leconte Editore Conoscenza lingua inglese: Livello 7/12 (Trinity College School) PET (Cambridge school) Conoscenza lingua francese: Livello C2 TCF (Test Connaissaince du Franais) Livello C2 DALF (Diplme avanc de connaissance de la Langue Franaise) [in corso]

Italiano (madrelingua) Francese (eccellente) Inglese (buono) Spagnolo (base)



Dates (from - to) Name and type of organisation providing education and training

October 2008 February 2011 University of Naples Federico II

1Principal subjects covered



RANKIN G (among 150 students )


SCORE The minimum mark is 18 and the maximum is 30.

Advanced biochemistry Biophysical Chemistry Molecular immunology Advanced genetics Molecular microbiology Applied biochemistry and protein engineering Human molecular genetics Cell differentiation and molecular evolution Stage (without score) Molecular biology II and bioinformatics

University of Naples Federico II _ _ _ _ _

Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 10 % Best 5 % Best 10 %

15/01/2009 26/02/2009 03/03/2009 30/06/2009 23/07/2009 22/10/2009

30 30 30 27 30 27

University of Naples Federico II _

Best 5 %

25/02/2010 07/10/2010

30 28

Best 5 % _ _ Best 5 % 25/10/2010 30/11/2010 Passed 28

Overall score: 29 out of 30.

Title of qualification awarded Level in national classification

Molecular biologist Masters degree. Qualification: 110/110 cum laude An experimental dissertation entitled Polyglutamine diseases : towards a common pathogenetic trait Polyglutamine diseases are neurodegenerative disorders arising from the expansion of an unstable CAG repeat in the CDS, translated in glutamine residues in the protein. To find a common pathogenetic trait induced by polyQ-expanded proteins, we used a conditional expression system in PC12 cells to tune the expression of these proteins and analyze the consequences. We found that 3 h of expression of polyQexpanded protein stimulates cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels and significantly reduces the mitochondrial electrochemical gradient. 36 h later, ROS induce DNA damage and activation of the checkpoint kinase, ATM. Transcription of neural genes is down-regulated in these cells. Looking for the source of ROS, we found that polyQ-expanded proteins, including Ataxin-2 and Huntingtin, are sequestered in the lipid raft membrane compartment and interact with gp91, the membrane NADPH-oxidase subunit. Selective inhibition of NADPH oxidase eliminates DNA damage and restores the mitochondrial gradient. We suggest that polyQ-expanded proteins activate membrane NADPH oxidase. This triggers a ROS wave that targets different subcellular compartments. This mechanism may represent the common pathogenetic signature of all polyQ-expanded proteins, independently of the specific context of the wild type protein.

Dates (from - to)

October 2005 September 2008



RANKIN G (among 200 students )


SCORE The minimum mark is 18 and the maximum is 30.

Mathematics and Statistics

Principal subjects covered

Cytology and Histology Inorganic Chemistry Plant Biology Organic Chemistry Animal biology Biological Chemistry and cellular signaling Microscopy and cell culture techniques Physics Physiology Molecular Biology and bioinformatics Genetics and genetic engineering Intensive course of Spanish language (Erasmus programm, E.P.) Animal embryology (E.P) Vegetal Physiology (E.P) Ecology (E.P.) Microbiology (E.P.) Molecular immunology Parasitology and epidemiology Preparatory thesis activities Thesis English test (short exam without score) Informatics (short exam without score)

University of Naples Federico II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ University of Granada _ _ _ _ University of Naples Federico II _ _ _ _ _

Best 10 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 10 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 %

31/01/06 02/02/06 24/02/06 27/06/06 30/06/06 18/07/06 5/02/07 09/02/07 28/03/07 20/06/07 18/07/07 27/09/07 17/12/07

27 30 30 30 cum laude 30 30 30 30 27 30 30 30 29

Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 % Best 5 %

10/06/08 27/06/08 30/06/08 04/07/08 02/10/08 16/10/08

30 cum laude 30 cum laude 30 28 30 30

Passed Passed

Overall score: 29,526 out of 30

Level in national classification

Bachelors degree. Qualification: 110/110 cum laude A dissertation entitled Effects of maslinic acid on the metabolism of Sparus aurata October 2000 July 2005 Liceo classico Francesco Durante, Frattamaggiore (Naples) High School Diploma. Qualification: 100/100

Dates (from - to) Name and type of organisation providing education and training Level in national classification



Dates (from - to) Name and address of employer Type of business Main activities and responsibilities

04/2008-07/2008 Universidad de Granada (Spain), Department of Biochemistry, Laboratory headed by the prof. Jos Antonio Lupiaez Cara. Internship for the Bachelors degree thesis (Erasmus program Sept 2007June 2008). Mantainance of mammalian cell cultures, Western Blotting, Enzymatic assays, etc...


Dates (from Name and address of employer Type of business Main activities and responsibilities Dates (from Name and address of employer Type of business

09/2009-02/2011 Universit degli studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy), Department of Molecular Pathology, Laboratory headed by the prof. E.Vittorio Avvedimento Internship for the Masters degree thesis. Mammalian cell cultures, Real time PCR, RNA and DNA extraction, Western Blot, Eukaryotic cell transfections, bacterial transformations, ChIP, Pull down assays, Immunofluorescence, Flow Citofluorometry Analysis etc 06/2011-09/2011 Universidad de Granada (Spain), Neuroscience campus and Department of Biochemistry (in collaboration), Laboratory headed by prof. Jos Antonio Lupiaez Cara. Internship for the Training around national program for graduated students


Project Main activities and responsibilities Dates (from Name and address of employer Type of business

Study focused on the research for a neuroprotective role of 3 natural compounds (maslinic acid, hydroxitirosol, resveratrol) in Alzheimers disease. Mantainance of mammalian cell cultures, Enzymatic assays, Basics of live cell imaging, Flow Citofluorometry Analysis etc


10/2011- Until 05/2012 Institute Curie (Paris), Department of developmental biology, Laboratory headed by Filippo Del Bene Internship under the Leonardo project European program for graduated students. Position 13 achieved among 501 applicants. We center our research on the investigation of neuronal microcircuits that operate in the zebrafish larval optic tectum. During the last months we have been analyzing the expression patterns of the Calcium Binding Proteins family during the zebrafish neuronal development. Confocal microscopy, sectioning, PCRs, etc.. Microinjection, In-situ hybridization, Sample


Main activities and responsibilities LANGUAGE SKILLS MOTHER LONGUE


Ascolto C 2 B 2 A 2
Title of qualification awarded

OTHER LANGUAGES Reading skills Writing skills Verbal skills

Utente avanzato Utente autonomo Utente base

C 2 B 2 A 2

(*) Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue - IELTS International English Language Testing System. ACADEMIC TRAINING (Exam date 10/12/2011) . Score 7,5 out of 9. Level C1 of The Common European Framework of the Council of Europe accredited

Title of qualification awarded

- DELE Diploma de Espaol como Lengua Extranjera Level B2 of The Common European Framework of the Council of Europe Score 95 out of 100 (Exam date 20/05/2011)


Di Donato V*, Thomas A*, Duroure K, Restrepo CE, Del Bene F. Expression analysis of Calcium binding proteins during zebrafish embryonic and larval development. Manuscript in preparation.

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