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Code No: R5220204


II B.Tech II Semester(R05) Supplementary Examinations, December 2010 POWER SYSTEMS-I (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) What is a steam power station? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages? (b) What is the function of a condenser in a thermal power plant? Explain any one types of condenser commonly used in power plants. [8+8] 2. (a) Discuss about the fuel materials of nuclear reactors. (b) Explain the moderators in nuclear plants. [6+10]

3. (a) Prove that the voltage drop of two wire DC distributor fed at one end is equal to the sum of moment of load currents about the feeding point. (b) Find out the voltage drop at a distance of 300m of a 400m long distribution which is uniformly loaded at the rate of 0.8 A/m i. When it is fed from one end at 220V and ii. When it is fed from both ends at 220V. The resistances of each conductor for both go and return per metre is 0.0002. Also calculated the power loss in the above cases. [8+8] 4. A single phase line (ABC) of length 2 Km having resistance and reactance (go and return) as 0.06 and 0.1 ohms / Km. A is the feeding point, B is the mid point of the line taking a load of 100A at 0.9 p.f. leads and C is the far end taking a load of 120 A at UPF. The voltage at the C is 230V. Find the voltage at the sending end and the phase angle dierence between the voltages of two ends. If (a) power factors of the loads are with reference to far end voltage (b) Power factors of the loads are with reference to the voltages at the load points. 5. (a) Explain key diagram of a substation with suitable diagram. (b) Distinguish between single bus system with and with out sectionalization. 6. (a) What factors determine the economical limit of p.f. correction? Show that the economical limit to which the p.f. of a lagging p.f. load can be raised is independent of the original value of the p.f. if the tari consists of a xed charge per KVA of maximum demand plus a at rate per KWh. (b) Calculate the value of the new p.f. when the tari is Rs. 1,350 per KVA of maximum demand plus a at late paise 80 per kWh. Assume additional cost of condensers etc. at Rs. 1,050 per KVA of such plant. Rate of interest and depreciation together is taken as 10%. [8+8] 7. (a) Dene the load curve and illustrate it with dierent demands. (b) A generating station supplies 4 feeders with the maximum demand (in MW) of 16 MW, 12 MW and 7 MW. The overall maximum demand on the station is 20MW and the annual load factor is 45%. Calculate the diversity factor and the number of units generated annually. [8+8] 8. (a) What is tari? Discuss and compare various taris used in practice. Also, explain the reasons why power factor tari is imposed. (b) A generating station has the following data: Installed capacity =300 MW, capacity factor =50%, Annual load factor =60%. Annual cost of fuel, oil etc. = Rs. 9 107 , capital cost = Rs. 109 , annual interest and depreciation 10%. Calculate i. the minimum reserve capacity of the station and [8+8] ii. the cost per KWh generated.







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