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Optimization of Euclid Traffic Signals

A Project Proposal
SamKaminski 4/18/2013

ThecurrenttrafficsignaltimingsystemonEuclidAvenuefromCornellRoadtoChesterAvenueis inefficientandcauseslargeamountsoftraffictoformduringrushhour.Inthisprojectproposal,I proposeaprojecttostudythetrafficflowandcreatenew,moreefficienttraffictiming.Thisproposal includesthedeficienciesofthecurrenttrafficsystem,aswellasthemethodsIintendtousetofixthe problem.ItismyhopethatthecityofClevelandwillgrantmepermissiontousetheirresourcestofix thetrafficissuesonEuclidAvenue.

ENGL 398Project ProposalSam Kaminski

Introduction..3 Project Description...3 Literature Review.3 Background..3 Current Inefficiencies...3 Modeling Traffic Flow.4 Safety Benefit...5 Summary..5 Project Details..6 Research Plan...6 Stage 1..6 Stage 2..6 Stage 3..7 Budget..7 Qualification7 Relevance to the city of Cleveland..8 Bibliography9

ENGL 398Project ProposalSam Kaminski

Project Description
The proposed project is to develop a new system for timing of the traffic lights on Euclid Avenue from Cornell Road to Chester Avenue. The current timing system is inefficient, which causes traffic on this section of Euclid to be large. With the proper knowledge of the way the traffic flows, a new, more efficient, system could be developed and implemented. A new system for the traffic lights would produce several benefits. The most obvious is the amount of time a new system would save drivers. A new system would also improve traffic safety and reduce environmental damage produced by running cars stuck in traffic. The only necessary resource for this project is access to the traffic monitoring cameras currently installed at every intersection on Euclid. This report explains the need for this project; as well as, how the project will be undertaken.

Literature Review
Background In order to provide a motive for the development of a new traffic system on Euclid Avenue near Case Western Reserve University, the following work reviews relevant available literature to provide a basis for how the project will be conducted. Improving upon the current traffic system will lead to faster travel times and safer roadways for both vehicle and pedestrian traffic. The purpose of this literature review is to explain why the current system needs replacing, and to provide a basis for solving this problem, by determining how to optimize the timing of the traffic lights to limit the amount of time spent waiting for lights to change.

Current Inefficiencies Every day from about four to six p.m. traffic on Euclid Avenue, between Cornell Road and Chester Avenue, comes to almost a complete stop. One of the reasons for this situation is the lack of proper communication between traffic signals. There are five traffic signals along this stretch of road, and each signal acts independently of the others. This means that while two of the lights are green there are three red lights. Cars get stuck at the red lights, and only a few cars

ENGL 398Project ProposalSam Kaminski make it through the green light, due to the fact that they are stuck at an intersection a few hundred feet behind the green light. When the red lights finally change to green lights the previously green lights have now changed to red lights, and the cycle repeats itself. Since there are so many cars trying to make it through this section of road the traffic builds upon itself, exponentially increasing the time it takes to drive half of a mile. In order to improve upon these inefficiencies we will have to know what the exact numerical issues are with this section of road. This means determining how many cars are getting stuck, where they are getting stuck, and how long they are getting stuck for. Dzeroski et al. have developed a method for studying the flow of traffic using sensors placed along the roads, and computers to interpret the data (1998). Using inductive logic programming (ILP) the computers can determine when traffic problems occur; as well as the extent of said traffic problems (Dzeroski et al., 1998). We can use this method to determine where and when Euclid traffic is the most inefficient, and from that information we will be able to determine how we can begin to improve road conditions.

Modeling Traffic Flow Siebel and Mauser created a differential equation model which uses the density and velocity of traffic to describe the flow of traffic (2006). This model only accounts for one lane of traffic and does not account for lane switching or turning at intersections (Siebel & Mauser, 2006). Using basic differential equation techniques with the assistance of computers we could create a complex model that would account for multiple lanes, traffic lights, pedestrian traffic, and turning at intersections. Computers will have to be used to model the complex patterns that appear on Euclid as a result of multiple lanes and bus traffic. Another mathematical model created by Nagel, Wagner, and Woesler has much more detail on the flow characteristics of a traffic jam(2003). This model does not contain enough of the necessary variables, but it shows a simple way to account for more variables, which will be helpful when it is time to account for changing circumstances (Nagel, Wagner & Woesler, 2003). A very important aspect of traffic flow is the interaction between cars, which was modeled by Gerlough, D. L. and M. J. Huber (1975). This model describes the distance a car will follow the

ENGL 398Project ProposalSam Kaminski car in front of it under changing circumstances, as well as the amount of time it takes for traffic to start moving from a stop (Gerlough, D. L. & M. J. Huber, 1975). We will be able to use these models as a strong base for the creation of a differential equation model that is specifically tailored to the traffic on Euclid Avenue between Cornell Road and Chester Avenue.

Safety Benefits Successful implementation of a new more efficient system could also lead to a decrease in traffic accidents. According to Leonard Evans improving the flow of traffic leads to safer roadways, this is due to the fact that less risks are taken when drivers and pedestrians are being directed more efficiently (2003). This is a logical conclusion that can be observed at any intersection. The reason that most traffic lights exist, in place of cheaper stop signs, is that they improve the speed of traffic; as well as making the intersection safer for traffic to cross. If replacing a stop sign with a traffic light improves safety, then improving the quality of said traffic light should yield similar results. Hauer, Ng & Lovell have shown that different flow patterns at intersections are safer than others (1988). We can use this knowledge to cause a flow pattern that would lead to the safest possible intersection. In addition to the benefits of lowered traffic accidents, improved efficiency would lead to a healthier and safer environment. Goodwin, Dargay, and Hanly showed that when drivers are in traffic they use considerably higher amounts of gas which leads to more fuel emissions (2003). This has a very negative affect on the environment. Improving the speed of travel through this area would lower some of those emissions and would be of great benefit to the future health of the community around Euclid Avenue.

Summary There are numerous benefits to be gained from replacing the current traffic system on Euclid Avenue. There are several achievable goals that could be easily reached by implementing a new system. The technology and mathematical knowledge are well within the range needed to successfully complete this project. In addition to expediting travel time on Euclid; this project would increase both the immediate and long term health and safety of the area.

ENGL 398Project ProposalSam Kaminski

Project Details
Research Plan
The project will follow the ten week schedule portrayed in Figure 1. Stages 1 and 3 are undertaken by automated traffic cameras, and as such do not require any form of labor during those steps.

Weeks18:CollectdatafromEuclidtraffic Stage1 camerastomodeltrafficflow. Weeks910:Processdataandcreatenew Stage2 timingsystem. Weeks1112:Collectnewdatafromtraffic Stage3 camerastodetermineprojectsuccessfulness.

Figure 1

Stage 1
Stage 1 of the research plan will take 8 weeks. During this time we will be using the traffic cameras that are currently installed at every traffic light on the section of road being studied. We will use the traffic cameras to monitor the current traffic flow. The cameras will be used to track several variables, such as the number of vehicles, the average velocity of vehicles, and the density of the traffic, at different times of the day. The cameras can be programmed to automatically record this data, so there will be no need for labor during this stage of the project.

Stage 2

ENGL 398Project ProposalSam Kaminski Stage 2 of the research process will require two weeks to complete. During this step we will take the data gathered in stage 1 and use it to properly model the traffic flow at each intersection. We will use the equations mentioned in the literature review as a base for creating our own model. In addition to the gathered data we will have to account for some other factors, including pedestrian traffic and the frequent stops made by the Healthline buses. Once the flow has been modeled we can begin to develop a new timing system. Using the flow models in conjunction with Matlab we will use basic differential equation techniques to determine the most efficient timing for the traffic lights. The new system can then be easily implemented by changing the timing of each set of lights to our calculated times.

Stage 3
Stage 3 will take two weeks, and will be used to evaluate the success of the new system. We will use the same traffic cameras as before, and have them record the same data. We will then be able to determine how effective the new system is.

This project will not require any financial backing. The traffic lights are already installed on Euclid, so I would only need access to them. The only labor required is my own, and I do not require payment.

My qualifications for this project come from the numerous engineering classes I have taken involving the use of differential equations in real world models. The principles of this project require only a basic understanding of the complex principles I have learned. Throughout my classes we have performed more difficult evaluations of complex systems, so I am easily qualified to perform the work required to develop the new system.

ENGL 398Project ProposalSam Kaminski

Relevance to the city of Cleveland

This project would be beneficial to Cleveland for numerous reasons, such as saving time, increasing safety, and reducing damage done to the environment. In order to perform this project I only require access to the citys installed traffic cameras and permission to change the traffic signal timing. If the project is unsuccessful the old system can be easily implemented again. This project can only benefit the city of Cleveland.

ENGL 398Project ProposalSam Kaminski

Dzeroski, S., Jacobs, N., Molina, M., Moure, C., Muggleton, S., & Van Laer, W. (1998). Detecting traffic problems with ilp. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1446, 281-290. Retrieved from Gerlough, D. L. and M. J. Huber (1975). Traffic Flow Theory: a Monograph. Special Report 165, Transportation Research Board (Washington DC: National Research Council). Goodwin, P., Dargay, J., & Hanly, M. (2003). Elasticities of road traffic and fuel consumption with respect to price and income: A review. Transport Reviews: A Transnational Transdisciplinary Journal, 24(3), 275-292. Retrieved from Hauer, E., Ng, J., & Lovell, J. (1988). Estimation of safety at signalized intersections (with discussion and closure). Washington, D.C.: Transportation Research Board. Retrieved from Leonard, E. (2004). Traffic safety. Bloomfield Hills: Science Serving Society. Nagel, K., Wagner, P., & Woesler, R. (2003). Still flowing: Approaches to traffic flow and traffic jam modeling.Operations Research, 51(5), 681-710. Retrieved from etic&list=hide&searchUri=/action/doBasicSearch?Query=kinetic+traffic&acc=on&wc=o n&fc=off&prevSearch=&item=2&ttl=2234&returnArticleService=showFullText Siebel, F., & Mauser, W. (2006). On the fundamental diagram of traffic flow. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 66(4), 1150-1162. Retrieved from etic&list=hide&searchUri=/action/doBasicSearch?Query=kinetic+traffic&acc=on&wc=o n&fc=off&prevSearch=&item=5&ttl=2234&returnArticleService=showFullText

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