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Armored Core 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by Vesperas Version: 6.

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What isn't in this guide? -Controls -Over view of the game itself -Advanced tactics section -Perfect English, although I only speak it. NOTE! This guide is no where next to done yet! Armored Core 3 Silent Line Table of Contents (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) Don't worry, there is sub tables when you get there. -Intro -Walk Through -Arena -Extra Arena -Enemies -Shop/Checklist -Parts -Ending -Credits -Copyright Version history 6.0 Finished the FAQ.

4.1 Did the first half of the E ranks. 4.0 Added how to get OPI abilities. 3.0 Completed the shop/checklist 2.0 Did 13 missions... All 49 are done. 1.3 Did 3 missions... 36 are done in all. 1.2 Did 13 missions... 33 are done in all. 1.1 Did some missions, did 15 missions... 20 are done in all. 1.0 All parts are done intro and most of the shop/checklist. I also got 5 missions done, but will do much more. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####===###==####========####========####========####### ##########==#######====##==#######==#######==####==####==####==####### ##########==#######==#==#==#######==#######========####==####==####### ##########==#######==##====#######==#######==##==######==####==####### #######========####==###===#######==#######==###==#####========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Intro... This is a walkthrough for Armored Core 3: Silent Line. I will tell you how to beat missions, and find some parts (I'll try and find all of them...) I wrote this guide for mainly helping with the harder missions. If you need to know controls, open that thing called an instruction manual. S Rank Tips... Aww S ranks. S ranks in Armored Core 3 are there for nothing but bragging rights. But if you are having trouble with them, here are a couple little tips. Any ways, S ranks are gotten by being good. They are not that hard to get, if you do enough trail and error, but I will still point you in the right direction. S ranks are determined by a couple of things; 1 The amount of damage you take 2 The amount of money you gain (lowers if you get a lot of deductions) 3 The amount of time it takes you to complete the mission 4 The amount of enemies you killed 5 How many times you recharge your energy gauge 6 Accuracy 7 No consorts The main set up you can use for basic and easy missions is just a plain Karasawa design. (Many people hate this head and you should of beaten the game before you try and get all S ranks)

Head VEN Core NER Arms REX Legs ORC Booster FLEET FCS ROA Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R KARASAWA Arm Unit L MOONLIGHT Op Parts S-scr, E/scr, L/trn, Sp/e++, and any other one of your choice Also, even thought I don't mention it, Use Shields, Side shields, and more defense and cheaper parts. This will lower your repair bill and keep your AP high too. (As of now, I assume you can find part names without the "CWM" at the front of it) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##========##========##========##===###==# #========#####==#####==########==###########==#####==####==##====##==# #==#==#==#####==#####========##========#####==#####==####==##==#==#==# #==####==#####==###########==########==#####==#####==####==##==##====# #==####==##========##========##========##========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Walk Through... (Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) Read the Intro and the beginning of this part. --1st Layer: District 2 -Raven Test -Defend Testing Grounds -Secure Trene City -Defend the Arena -End Employee Standoff -End Employee Rebellion -Destroy Escaping MT -Escort Transport --3rd Layer: Industrial Research -Secure the Mine -Defend Personnel Convey -Destroy Kisaragi Forces -Defend Naire Bridge -Destroy Naire Bridge -Rescue the Survey Team -Investigate Water Swells -Safeguard Water Supply -Mt Training Exercise -Destroy Computer

--3rd Layer: District 1 -Eliminate Intruders -Safeguard Alloy Sample -Eliminate Infiltrators -Destroy the AC -Defend Monorail --1st Layer: Nature Area -Eliminate Bombers -Attack Mirage Forces -Destroy Massive MT -Defend Water Processors -Prevent Capsule Theft -Recover Ship Cargo -Defend Helicopter Crew -Destroy Massive Weapon --1st Layer: Special Research -Defend Ruglen Laboratory -Eradicate Life Forms -Destroy Germ Canisters -Protect Crest Convoy -Disable Radar Equipment -Destroy Gun Emplacements -Recover Data Capsules -Distract Union Defenses --2nd Layer: Waste Disposal -Bomb Disarmament -Disable Pulse Generators -Defend Crest HQ -Disable Security System -Assault Crest Facility --4th Layer: Energy Production -Defend Energy Reactor -Investigate Magna Ruins -Steal the Access Program -Infiltrate Rehito Lab --Layered Hub -Infiltrate Layered Hub [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] In this part I will tell you several things. First off, the mission briefings and rewards. Then I will tell you strait forward how to beat it. If it is a hard mission I will give you a set up for it. Then I will list the hidden parts for that mission and a set if needed for it. By the way, I will be making a lot of references to the other AC games for who played them (it helps sometimes...). One more important thing. You may notice I use VEN, REX, NER, and ORC a lot. Those are just my choices most of the time. If you are better with Quads, go for it. I mainly use Ven for the map and features, Rex for good blading (I love the swing and 120 energy supply), Ner since it's lightweight, and the Orc for a nice load/lazy leg. Oh yeah, if you can't get some of the parts I mention, just use crappier ones. I mainly put together AC sets ups for hidden parts, as the game isn't too too hard. Want some tips? -Always save before every mission. -Use energy weapons at first so you can get a lot of credits.

-Some missions have alt. Mission at the end of them. I would recommend you have a fully loaded AC before taking these. -Heat and heat weapons only really work in the arena. -Missiles are a great way to run your money into a hole. -Read my guide and get lots of sleep. -Even with a perfect setup, you still need to have some talent. -If you have trouble with regular enemies, look at the enemy section. -USE a laser blade for ALL mission your first time through. I assume you have the heaviest blade you can carry and that you have one in the first place. (Stars in dictate difficulty in levels and getting hidden parts. Parts that can be found by a pick up are rated as if you just looked blindly (FAQless) for them. {1-10}) I will list here the list of missions I took in order. These will be the easy ones most likely. This is the path I took. (Look at the walkthrough for that level) First I did the training mission, have fun. You should now check you mail and screw around with the painting options. Save too. Then Sell your legs and your entire arm + back units except for the laser blade. Now if you want good Credits, Buy the CLB-44-AKS Reverse joint legs and the MWG-KP/150 Pulse rifle for the right hand. I would then pick "End Employee Standoff" With no dodging skills at all; you SHOULD be able to get 15866, if not higher. Your total should be 20566. I sold my generator and boosters. Buy the CBT-01-UN$ boosters and the KGP-ZS4 Gen, this should help a lot. I then pick the mission "Secure the Mine." Even if you if you destroy tons of equipment and lost a hefty you should get at least 10575. You should have 15141. You should now try out new legs, arms, and what ever. But I'll stick with the RJs just for now. I didn't have enough cash to buy anything with the recommended cash, so head to the next mission. You are now stuck with Defend Arena, by now you should know how to play and conserve ammo. I will stop babying you and let you decide what to buy from now on. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~1st Layer: District 2 ~Raven Test ** Requester: Global Cortex Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 0 Briefing: "We here at GLOBAL CORTEX are responsible for testing AC pilots hoping to become Ravens." "The testing involves actual combat, and in this case, you must defeat a SMALL FORCE occupying positions in THE CITY." "What we're looking for, are pilots able to think on their feet and

adjust quickly to changing conditions. Good luck." Walkthrough: If this is the starting mission why did I give it two stars? Well this is the hardest raven test in my opinion. First off, you have your starting AC. Next you can leave the area, this is a killer. But you do get a consort for free, Apple Boy. You start off in the city and will remain there. All you have to do is kill 8 weak MTs. I would try out all 3 weapons on them. 3 blading, 3 for the rifle, and 2 for the missiles. If you go fast however, 3 back up bazooka MTs appear out of a transport. This is not part of the mission, as the instructor will tell you. These are still easy and will not hurt you too much. Why? Because you have to be good to get them to appear in the first place. So what can you do that's fun in the first mission? Kill apple boy :P Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Testing Grounds **** Requester: Global Cortex Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 18000 Briefing: "Recently, GLOBAL CORTEX has been the target of repeated attacks perpetrated by an unknown organization." "Their activities tapered off after several back-to-back failures, but have resumed again in earnest since acquiring a new source of financial support." "According to sources we will not disclose, they intend to infiltrate a STEALTH BOMBER into ADAN CITY and disrupt SCHEDULED TESET EXERCISES." "If the attacks succeeds, our reputation is ruined. Destroy the bomber before it reaches the testing grounds." Walkthrough: Remember the training mission? Well now you have to protect some one else's test. The first part is drawn out. All you have to do for a while is kill hovering rail gun MTs (which are easy since they get stuck on buildings) and helicopters, which will be annoying. After a little while a count down will start, 1 minute until the bomber is in range. At 20 seconds, a cut scene appears. Now the bomb will actually be in range. Once the bomber comes you need to kill it quick. You need to take a long-range weapon, or good boosters. Either way, it doesn't attack you back, so it shouldn't be too hard to kill. By the way, it IS big. You get 500 for each Heli and 1500 for each mobile MT.

Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Secure Trene City **** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 0 Briefing: "A contingent of armed units have violated our jurisdiction and entered TRENE CITY by FORCE. We're sending you there to root them out." "Your presence is required as Trene's normal defense detachment is away on joint training exercises with counterparts from Crest industry. The invaders obviously took advantage of this." "We speculate that the intruders are somehow tied to Crest industry, but lacks proof. No matter, they will be dealt with as we see fit." "We've assigned an AC to work with you on this mission and we'll compensate both of you based on the number of enemy units each destroys." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in a city. You automatically get Fanatic/Red Eye as your consort. These are two ways you can do this mission. You can actually work together, or you can turn on her. If you turn on her, you'll get credits for it and be able to kill more MTs. I would start hitting her at the end so you're fighting her alone. Any ways, this walkthrough is as if you don't attack her. The first part is just about 8 flying MTs. They are annoying but aren't hard if you know how to unload. Once they are all dead, 4 more will come along with 3 stealth MTs. You should just blade the stealth MTs but watch you don't hit Red Eye (Yet...). Once there is about one MT left, you should start attacking Red Eye if you want an easy 10000. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend the Arena ** Requester: Global Cortex Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 0 Briefing: "Information has come to light regarding a possible terrorist attack on GLOBAL CORTEX interests. The INSTIGATORS have yet to be revealed, but there is no mistaking their intentions." "As far as we know, they plan to disable one of out ARENA FACILITIES and force the cancellation of an upcoming match. Stand by on scene and make sure the attack does not succeed."

"An overwhelming show of force must be brought to beat so that our response isn't misinterpreted. Hostilities against Global Cortex are not tolerated and will be dealt with accordingly." "Due to our stance on this matter, your reward will be determined by the number of enemy units destroyed." Walkthrough: If you ever played in the arena stage in the arena... You would know what this level looks like. Equip radar for this one. You start in the middle and every so often MTs will come out of the little doors. When the larger ones come out, over boost toward them and blade them before they even get the chance to react. The small ones should just be shot. Half way through Gaidoz/Guernice comes out and tries to help. For the most part, he just steals your credits. You can kill him, but it gives no real bonus nor does he get taken out of the arena. This mission is very hard to lose at. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~End Employee Standoff * Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 11000 Briefing: "A group of employees, unhappy about our decision to shutdown the ZIDEN WEAPONS FACTORY, have taken over control." "They're modified the FACTORY'S MTS for combat and are using them to keep the demolition team at bay. Remove them from the premises immediately." "Closing the factory was a difficult decision, but had to be done in order to accommodate the need for more housing. Every day we are delayed is costing huge sums of money." "We're sending you in to end the standoff and get the project back on track. Eliminate all targets in the factory." Walkthrough: This is a basic eliminate mission. If you remember the VERY first mission from the VERY first Armored Core, this mission shouldn't be hard in any way. This mission is easy so you don't need a consort at all, as you'll get more money to play with in the end. You have to go against 7 MTs. This mission has two big rooms and is easily swept up. That is all. Hidden Parts:

None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~End Employee Rebellion ** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 15000 Briefing: "The FACTORY we had you clear out the other day has been reoccupied. Apparently, the REBELLION spread further than we thought." "Those holding it are threatening to release a deadly NERVE TOXIN if the factory's closure isn't halted. The deadline to meet their demands is soon approaching." "Their resolve leads us to believe that one of the other corporations is manipulating the situation. A peaceful resolution is probably out of the question." "Your objective is twofold: disable the nerve gas generators and eliminate all forces occupying the factory." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in the same place as the above mission. It is still easy. You have 3:30 to shut down all the gas containers. You'll probably take a cheap hit right from the beginning. Boost back behind the pole and get some air. Try and hide from the battle MT and kill the workers. Once done with the battle MT boost over to the container and it circle. (77.7%) Then in the next arena, kill the MTs and hit the container. (55.5%) You don't need to, but hit the switch and go down the elevator. Now take a ride down it and kill all the ceiling guns. (33.3%) This next area is almost the same has before, just mop up the rest of the MTs and hit two more containers. (00.0%) Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Escaping MT ** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 12000 Briefing: "We just discovered that someone infiltrated a mole into one of OUR RESEARCH LABS." "We allowed him to move about freely, hoping that he might reveal his true purpose, but he picked up the tail and made off in one of out MTS." "Our security force was sent out after him, but the MT's mobility, in addition to outside INTERFERENCE, have frustrated their efforts."

"If he makes it to the neighboring sector, pursuit will be all but impossible. Stop him before he escapes." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in a tunnel/highway. It is not hard, but you should take either a very light AC with fast boosters or the lightest over boost core you can buy. Ok, right when this mission starts, you can see the MT. Chase It down, but wait a while to kill it (Not TOO long, just in like 6 seconds after you catch up). Once killed, another MT will come out way ahead. The first one is a decoy. Just do the same to him as they are both the same MT. Killing those other battle MTs doesn't get any thing extra, so don't bother killing them. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Escort Transport ** Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 5000 Upon Success: 10000 Briefing: "A bomb has been planted on one of our TRANSPORT vehicles traveling the A-24 SUPERHIGHWAY." "The bomb is designed to explode if the transport decelerates, so we'll have to defuse it on the fly." "We're clearing the highway and redirecting the transport to a remote area, but a contingent of ENEMY UNITS has taken up positions along the route." "Please ensure that the transport reaches our BOMB DISPOSAL TEAM without incident. They'll take care of matters from there." "Be aware that if the transport comes into contact with anything, the bomb may explode." Walkthrough: Ever watch that movie Speed? Well this mission is just like it. You must watch a transport down a highway and kill everything in the way. Go a head of it and kill the MTs. Then shoot the derbies on the ground. It helps to use a shotgun or a machine gun. You can just run into the cars and buses. Don't run into the truck either... or run out of bounds. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

~3rd Layer: Industrial Research ~Secure the Mine * Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 11000 Briefing: "We'd like you to execute an attack on THE GRAN MINING FACILITY. Kisaragi has played a leading role in the mine's operation and just recently uncovered a rich vein of RARE METAL ORE." "Needless to say, the ore has considerable value and we're unwilling to allow Kisaragi to corner the market." "After consultation with other corporations, it was decided that the mine's resources are to be equally distributed and that we, Mirage, will take over its day-to-day operations." "However, although Kisaragi agreed to this, they continue to mine the ore and are in clear violation of the arrangement that was settled upon." "We want to avoid damage to the mine and its assets, but all Kisaragi personnel are to be removed from THE FACILITY." Walkthrough: This mission takes play in doors. There is 21 MTs, all of which are easy to kill. There is a catch; you can't break any equipment because it will cost you money. Get used to this mission, you come back two more times. You also don't need a consort. Start by opening the door. Kill the first three guard MTs then follow back to the end, three more are there behind a pipe. NEVER shoot across, rather down the tunnel so you don't break anything. (71.4%) Now take the left door and process. When you first enter this room there is two battle MTs. You should blade them to save equipment. Then just pick of the other ones by jumping and swaying back and forth from the pipe. (38.0%) Head back to the first room and go strait through the door on the other side. Blade the guard MT in inside the little hallway and head out. (33.3%) Now just do the same for this room, only with three guard MTs at the front of the door. (00.0%) Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Personnel Convey **** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 0 Briefing: "On account of your hard work, control of THR GRAN MINING FACILITY has been secured. Kisaragi is incensed by this and has forth a concerted effort by this and has put forth a concerted effort to interfere with our operations."

"They know the mine's layout better than our people, and as it stands, we are hard pressed to halt their disruptive activities." "Plans are underway for a structural refurbishing of the mine, which necessitates the removal of all personal. We believe Kisaragi intends to attack the convoy escorting workers out of the mine." "We'd like you to watch over THE CONVOY. You'll be compensated depending on the number of units that make it out safely. Please see that they do." Walkthrough: This mission just has a bunch of respawning MTs that will try and rape your Convoys. This mission starts off with a bunch of MTs already out. KILL THEM FAST! Once they are done, 2 MTs will come out at a time. They come out of the 2 doors farthest away from you. You can get by this mission with a lot of mistakes. If you do well in this mission, you can do a bonus mission "Destroy the AC" you can do it, It's really easy. Hidden Parts: RMR-ICICLE (Radiator) ******** You must beat this mission with out any of your guys chunking. Use a machine gun (1000, you can use the 500 if you KNOW how to blade), and strong blade, and the HUESO legs. Bum rush and kill the first set of MTs at all costs. Once they are done with and you have no enemies wait at the second door from the escape point. This way the respawn in the last two doors which are farther away from the convoys. Overboost once you see them appear on the Radar, then go in the hole and blade it. If one leaves the hole, machine gun it. You can use the KARASAWA in this mission and it will be even easier (One hit kills with the OP parts on). But that is after you beat the game. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Kisaragi Forces ******* Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 46000 Briefing: "It appears that the RENMANTS OF KISARAGI'S FORCES are gathering at the GRAN MINE FACILITY." "Having them all in one location is preferable to tracking them down individually. We must not let this opportunity pass us by." "Our only problem is assembling a force in time to deal a decisive blow." "So as not to miss this change, we've opted to employ a Raven. You will be accompanied by ANOTHER AC to insure that the mission is a success." Walkthrough: Ok this mission can go in two ways.

If you wait: If you wait for Street Enemy got in, you'll have to fight a bunch of Combat MTs. This is the easier way if you have A LOT of strong weapons with high ammo. The second part is empty. If you take this route, then you'll walk in on a fight. If you go: If you go ahead, you'll be in inside and have to fight a bit more MTs. There is two rooms full of New Battle MTs and suicide Bombs. They aren't that hard, and this part is easier if you have rapid-fire weapons. I would blade all the MTs in here and shoot all the missiles. If you choose this route, you'll start the next fight and get back up. Either way you choose you'll have to fight Claizen/Insomnia. He has MORE AP than he does in the arena. What out for the cheap mid rocket after cut scenes. His machine gun is strong so don't think you can beat him in a damage race with average weapons. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Naire Bridge ** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 13000 Briefing: "NAIRE BRIDGE, a work in progress, has been seized by forces threatening to destroy it unless construction ceases immediately." "The project is one of great importance, literally bridging the gap that has impeded trade between the two neighboring districts." "Those holding the bridge are thought to be part of a smuggling ring that has benefited from the situation." "The smugglers disguised themselves as bridge workers and commandeered THEIR MTS. The bridge's construction must not be delayed, eliminate those holding it." Walkthrough: Open the door and immediately kill the worker MT and power suits. (62.5%) Now either fly or walk on the beam. Any ways take the right one and be prepared to kill two crane MTs. (Make sure you don't stick around if you land on the left side). (37.5%) Now jump to the other side and kill the other crane. You can kill this Crane by waiting a while and touching the broken part of the bridge and letting it fall. (25.0%) If you are still using a pulse rifle, you can just kill the last two MTs from far away to finish the mission. (00.0%) Hidden Parts: CHD-04-YIV (Head) ** Before crossing the bridge, look under where you came out of the door. Right where the door way is you can spot a flat looking whitish part. Now go to the gap and fly to it, this will take a good gen and eff. boost. Now fly back and finish the mission. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Naire Bridge **

Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 11000 Briefing: "The target of the operation is NAIRE BRIDGE." "Mirage's rapid completion of the project earned it the gratitude of local residents. We want the bridge destroyed in such a way that Mirage is blamed and their reputation ruined." "Set the DEMOLITION CHARGES at the specified locations. Be quick about it, as we want people to suspect negligence on Mirage's part, not an act of sabotage." "Also, if civilian casualties can be incorporated into the plan, so much the better. We'll pay extra for destroying the MONORAILS that traverse the bridge." Walkthrough: This mission takes place on the bridge again. You should just ignore all the enemies as you only have 2 minutes and 20 seconds to do this. This mission is pretty easy. Killing a monorail earns you 6000 extra credits. Hidden Parts: KWG-HZL30 (Left arm spread howitzer) *** You must destroy the two monorails that travel during the mission. I would suggest taking small rockets or something else strong. I would suggest placing all the charges on one side then jumping to the other side and placing one more charge. Then kill the train as it comes out. After that work your way done and kill the other train. You get this part in the mail [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Rescue the Survey Team *** Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 14000 Briefing: "The SURVEY TEAM we infiltrated into MIRAGE's research facility was discovered and is currently trapped." "They're doing what they can to hold out, but the odds aren't in their favor. Enter the facility and help them escape." "MIRAGE'S FORCES will do their best to destroy the survey team, make sure they fail." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in a sewer. This mission is a very easy protect mission. First off run ALL the way down the hallway to the right. Kill all the Hovering MTs on the way. There should be about 6. Now hit the switch. Once you hit the door, overboost in there if you have an OB core. Then

kill the hovering MT and one battle MT. Then over boost back to the powersuit. Along the way, kill the hovering MTs, but they shouldn't be a big threat. Stay with them because 3 doors open up along the way and each have to battle MTs. These should be bladed. Don't forget about the last suit, and there is two hovering MTs at the end. Hidden Parts: MEBT-OX/MB (Booster extension) ****** While going down the first hallway for the first time. Look at the left and inside the LAST drain hole. You should find the part far back in it. It's little and blue. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Investigate Water Swells ******* Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 45000 Briefing: "Our sensors are registering unusual swells in the SEWAGE SYSTEM's water levels. As far as can be determined. It's not the result of rival corporate activity." "We can only assume then that a system malfunction is to blame. Nothing like this has ever happened before." "In any case, we've lost contact with the RESEARCH TEAM sent to investigate. We need to know what is happening as soon as possible." "Find out what's going on and report back. You have permission to eliminate any who attempt to INTERFERE." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in a sewer. Take a Bio Sensor and the HECTO rockets. The enemies in this stage are spiders. They aren't little either. They keep coming too, so you shouldn't really bother killing them. So over boost down the sewer and turn up. Hit the switch and head back down the other door switch. Once you are inside a HUGE spider will be there. It is on the ceiling and can take a lot of damage. But it is big and can be killed with rockets easily. There is just one hard part. This is actually very strong and can stun you very easily with its electrical beams. It takes 12 HECTO large rockets to kill it. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Safeguard Water Supply **** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 20000 Briefing:

"BARREL DAM has been seized. The perpetrators insist that we comply with their demand to reduce our weapons production output if we want them to relinquish control." "In an attempt to force our hand, they're threatening to release a canister of DEADLY POISON INTO THE WATER SUPPLY." "The forces holding the dam are composed of HELICOPTERS and SMALL MTS. Neither pose a threat in limited numbers, but there are enough of each to be cause for concern." "They're executed the plan quite cleverly, but there is no way we can meet their demand. This is where you come in." "While we play for time, you must enter the dam and disable the canister before our deception is revealed. Do not fail us, Raven." Walkthrough: This mission takes place on the dam. First off, don't bother killing the helicopters, they are unlimited in number. You can't fall off the dam either. First, from right where you begin, drop down into the foot hole. Follow the hallway and kill the two small MTs. Hit the switch and then leave. If you land on the second one, you'll notice the locked door is open. You still can't fully go in however so move on to the 4th platform. You should ignore the 3rd one. Once inside, kill the two small MTs and two guns. Then hit the switch. Once that is done return to the second ledge. Once there, kill the gun right when you land. Follow the hallway to the right and hit the switch, all the while killing two more little MTs. Then follow back and enter the new area with the drained water. The MT is the last one here. In the big room there is two guns, but you can just skip them. Go in the little hole and come back out and kill the two next guns. Once done with that, fly up to the top and hit circle on the target. Hidden Parts: MWR-M/45 ** Go east on the dam and look at the think protruding in the middle. Behind it (from looking at the front of the dam) is the hidden part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Mt Training Exercise * Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 0 Briefing: "We'd like you to participate in a training exercise with OUR TROOPS. Their MTs have been outfitted with new missile launchers that need to be tested in a live fire situation." "You'll play the role of a target for their attacks, avoid as many of the missiles launchers as possible. A bonus is available depending upon your performance"

"Equip your AC however you feel appropriate, but under no circumstance are you to return fire. Destroying any of the MTs will reflect negativity on your income report." Walkthrough: Easy to beat... You can't really die... Unless you jump out of bounce... Or fail because you killed all five of them... If you want the strat for this mission... Look to the hidden part down below. Hidden Parts: KWM-AD-50 (Dual extra ammo) ********** You have to get through this mission without getting hit once. So do you want the skill-less way? Equip the 15 shot EMC pods (inside), The CROW stealth, and dual 40 add on ammo packs. The STO core helps too. First, pop up your stealth. Then look up. LOOK AT THE CLOCK! The stealth isn't necessary but helps. Now just launch out an ECM pod above you're head every 8 seconds. That is all. NOTE! It helps to side step a little too launch another one. Why? One to prepare it faster. Two, to not hit your on ECM pod with another one. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Computer *** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 42000 Briefing: "We'd like you to execute an attack on one of CREST'S ASSEMBLY PLANTS." "The one we have in mind is fully automated and controlled by a COMPUTER housed deep within. If the computer is destroyed, the plant ceases to function." "Due to recent UNION upheavals, Crest's defenses are widely dispersed, making this a perfect opportunity to catch them off guard." "Once the computer is destroyed, vacate the plant immediately, as it's quite possible they could react quickly enough to trap you inside." "Again, your objective is to bring the plant to a grinding halt, but we will also reward you for any damage inflicted on the facility. You have free rein." Walkthrough: This is one of my favorite missions. You can destroy ANYTHING you want, and get money for it. This mission isn't hard; you just need to destroy the computer at the end. However you get points for destroying a bunch of things. Gun Battery: 500 Guard Mt: 500 (The ones that fly) Guard MT: 300 Container: 500 Fuel Tank: 800 Assembler: 1500 Supply Truck: 1000

Tank: 1500 Any ways, you start off going down an elevator. You can kill a bunch of weak enemies in this part. The belts have nice trucks to be killed, destroy everything you want then move on. The next room has three gun batteries, kill them and blade all the boxes. Head on. This next room as a bunch of respawning MTs. You can kill all of them, but it takes awhile (I think they stop when you complete the main objective). Destroy all you please in this room (including the boxes) and head out. In the next hallway, take out the gun and go in the next room, destroy the boxes again and kill 3 easy MTs. Another hallway to go down with 4 guns lined up. If you choose, an overboost will be a good idea. Another production room is up ahead, do the same has before. In this next hallway, the left leads to just another way to get more money. But if you are just going for time, ignore it. Go down the next hallway and see 4 more guns. In this part, there is another belt, now with tanks. I would kill the computer (just a head) and come back here and just unload on everything. Any ways keep going. The computer is in a door, just blade it once. This will tell you to go back, so do that. By the way, it makes a nice red glow everywhere. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~3rd Layer: District 1 ~Eliminate Intruders **** Requester: Crest Advanced: 5000 Upon Success: 17000 Briefing: "Raven, we need your help to carry out a classified mission in Sector 513." "MANY PORTIONS OF THIS AREA were damaged in a series of EARTHQUAKES a few years back. It has been deserted since and access is strictly prohibited, even now." "However, someone seems to be ignoring this fact as there are signs of activity everywhere. We donft (Yes that's there typo) know what might be going on, but whatever it is, it stops now." "The INTRUDERS are in Sector 513 as we speak, get over there as quickly as possible and make sure none of them leave." "You're being permitted access to the area for this mission only. Good luck." Walkthrough: You first start this mission in an in-closed building area. Right from the start, there are two tanks and a power suit. Kill them. (75.0%) Then turn in and kill another power suit. When you get to the fork, take the left (North). (66.6%) Now you should be in a larger section after you follow the path. Kill

two more power suits. (50.0%) Now once you turn in again there should be a cut scene with an AC coming down and more enemies. The Ac is Doral/Crossback and will get taken out of the arena when you kill him. Any ways finish up those enemies. (27.7%) Now follow into the gap and kill the rest of the normal enemies. (05.5%) Now just kill this AC. He uses one of the weakest weapons in the game and he also gets stuck on the walls a lot. He isn't that hard to kill with just a blade either. He also used recoil with his machine gun and can't hit for piss. (00.0%) Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Safeguard Alloy Sample *** Requester: Crest Advanced: 10000 Upon Success: 20000 Briefing: "We're looking for an escort to accompany one of OUR TRANSPORTS through SECTOR 517." "The transport is carrying a sample of a NEW ALLOY. The material is a breakthrough for weapons related development and should generate enormous profits once it goes into mass production." "Which is just as will, since the development costs were prohibitive. The alloy sample must not be intercepted on its way to out lab." "Defend the transport at all costs and make sure the sample reaches the lab." Walkthrough: You must protect the truck at all cost. You can cheese this mission and kill the truck yourself and just bring the sample right to the building. But that makes you lose out of a part and will make you lose 4000 Credits. Take a light AC and don't step on too many cars. DO NOT KILL ANY MONORAILS. Ok, first follow the path, and go ahead of the transport. Kill the four bazooka MTs with your blade. (66.6%) You should be good for a while now. Once you see the big door, there is one more bazooka MT, kill it however you prefer. (58.3%) Then the truck will get to the door. Go in and wait for the other one to open. Once through the door, Shadow Age/Grinder will over boost down a big highway and start a fight with you. At this point take a left and kill all the bazooka MTs from here to the end. (08.3%) It is your choice if you want to kill Grinder or not. Well he's not that hard at all, so why not try? (00.0%) Once done with him the truck should arrive at the target and the mission will be over. Hidden Parts: CEBT-HEX *** All you have to do, is let the part make to the main building in the

truck. So, -Don't travel too far ahead, the truck will die automatically -Blading the bazooka MTs is the way to go -Don't care about your AP -I'm sure Grinder doesn't even attack the truck, so leave him be. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eliminate Infiltrators * Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 15000 Briefing: "We've just encountered a security breach involving the computer system at OUR WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT FACILITY. The hackers involved got away before they could be apprehended." "They're using MTS to make their escape and are currently holed up in the D-1 block of the PARKING STRUCTURE." "We're employing MULTIPLE RAVENS for this mission. Any information the hackers were able to get their hands on must be intercepted. Make sure none of them escape." Walkthrough: This mission is in a parking lot, the same low roof one that is in the arena. The faster you go the better time bonus you get. You start in a little side hallway, go down it and enter the door. There are two types of MTs in this room. Guard and Ceiling MTs. If you kill all the ceiling MTS you can go on ahead. Any ways, these enemies are both weak and easy to kill. If you shoot those electrical beams, the power will go out. Once you're kill all the MTs head out (81.8%) The next room is the same, just more MTs. (50.0%) The room after that is the same, with even more. (22.7%) The next is different. Your consort comes out. He can clean this room by himself. You should help him though. Avoiding his friendly fire is harder than the enemies are. (00.0%) Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy the AC *** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 32000 Briefing: "One of our research labs has been attacked. While preoccupied with fending off the assault, an AC infiltrate the lab and made off with A PROTOTYPE CHIPSET. Their plan worked flawlessly." "Once we realized our error, a team was dispatched to intercept the AC.

They're engaged in combat with IT now, but probably aren't capable of taking it down." "Catch up to them as quickly as you can. There's no need to recover the chipset, just make sure that both it and the AC are destroyed. Good luck." Walkthrough: This mission is taken place in a tunnel. It originally is opened up from a bonus mission in "Defend Personal Convoy." This is the easiest VS AC mission. You can even kill this guy in one hit... (Tank + Strong blade) Any ways follow the path until you can see yourself going out of the area. Once there, turn in and you'll see the AC in a little room. He is Chain Impact/Valiant from the arena. IF you are having trouble killing him, try and get him stuck in that little hallway. On the way there, every AC you kill earns you a bonus on your credit slab. DO NOT KILL any monorails, they don't like that. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Monorail ** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 15000 Briefing: "AN ATTACK has been launched on our research lab. Thankfully, security forces detected the breach early and were able to get all key employees aboard the monorail and out of harms way." "But for some reason, power to the monorail has been cut and IT'S just sitting on THE TRACKS. The employees onboard are integral to our research efforts and must be protected." "The security team is focused on restoring power and safeguarding the lab. Protect the monorail until the power is brought back online." Walkthrough: This gets my vote as the games lamest mission protect mission. All you have to do it save the monorail from a few slow ass MTs. This mission takes place in a tunnel. It's funny... you can have a consort. 3 start off in the north. After that, 3 will be south. The next wave will have 2 on each side. Then it'll finish off with 1 on each side. Hidden Parts: None

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~1st Layer: Nature Area ~Eliminate Bombers *** Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 28000 Briefing: "Early warning sensors have detected TWO CREST BOMBERS closing on one of our research labs." "Unfortunately, weather conditions around AVALON HILL delayed their acquisition. We must act immediately if we hope to intercept them." "A SQUADRON OF FIGHTER PLANES are flying escort, these are secondary targets, concentrate on the bombers." Walkthrough: This mission is bonus mission in the first place. It takes in the desert. Ok, start off by killing the first set of 3 planes. Once they are dead, the bomber should appear in the Southwest. Kill it then await the next bomber. The next bomber should appear in the southeast (I'm sure of it) These bombers easy and in the wide open. Ignore the planes. Hidden Parts: KES-ES/MIRROR (Left arm shield) *** Do the mission "Defend Water Processors" and do this as a bonus mission. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Attack Mirage Forces ***** Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 25000 Briefing: "A long-term campaign aimed at manipulating MIRAGE is about to payoff. They're sending forces directly into the trap we've laid for them at AVALON HILL." "The terrain around Avalon Hill is wide open and offers little cover. A maneuverable AC capable of enduring prolonged combat is required." "This is a prime opportunity to catch Mirage unaware and deal a decisive blow." "Given the number of units they've dispatched to the area, a SUPPLY VEHICLE will be on hand to restock your weapon stored as needed." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in the middle of a desert. I would suggest taking something with high ammo.

Any ways, all you have to do is keep killing enemies. Simple? It actually is, if you know how to fight well. Tanks will get hit a lot of times... There is only up to 8 MTs on the screen at once. They also kill each other. If you run out of ammo, go to the truck and hit circle. I *think* it is better to kill the little MTs first, as they take less ammo to dispatch. I kill 30 enemies in my go. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Massive MT ********** Requester: Union Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 100000 Briefing: "Our long-range scanners have acquired a MASSIVE TARGET moving through Sector 720. Given its current heading, we believe that a nearby ENERGY REACTOR is in imminent danger." "Unleashing something of this magnitude can only be the work if The Controller. Whatever its intentions, the situation looks grim." "Regardless, we can't just give in. Destroy the target at all costs!" Walkthrough: Get ready. This is a mission were you fight the biggest single thing in the whole AC series. This mission takes place in a desert you probably seen a million times over. Take Royal Mist if you are killing both parts. Take Scylla or Regina is you just want it dead. PLEASE NOTE! You WILL miss out on a VERY good part if you use a consort. The Massive Mt: This is a HUGE MT. The biggest MT EVER! IT is also a high speed hover MT too. It is big, so its speed shouldn't matter. You don't even need a FCS to kill it. Why? It is that big. Any of these weapons work good (Equip the longest range FCS, you shouldn't miss at all up close with a Narrow & Deep any ways): Sniper rifles, Rockets (HECTOS!), Any type of heavy cannon, Machine gun arms (on ALT), bazooka arms (On ALT) and BLADES! (Too bad you can't get the Moonlight before this mission). 19 Hectos is the best way to kill it, but there are only 18 in a pack. But don't forget you must also be aware of its attacks. Pod Missiles: Its most common attack. Other than dodging, THE only things that can protect you are the Crow (Stealth) and Decoys. You SHOULD fear this attack, it's only 20 missiles per launch, at mid range. Plasma Cannon: This is VERY accurate and rarely misses. It shoots two pink lasers from its "eyes" and does a lot of damage. Dual Titans: These are it large missiles. Touch these and DIE! No joke, you'll take anywhere from 500-6000 damage from these. But he CAN kill him self with these. You should try and keep him behind the downed ship. This way you can attack him without fear. You should try your hardest to keep it past 600 range (Look at the sight lock). Once it is damaged a tad, it will

split in two... The Massive Dingy: This looks like a 20X bigger version of what a hovering set of un-setup'd grenade launchers. Guess what it only uses? GRENADES! This thing fires VERY accurate grenades. Not only that it can do it at very long range. You do not need to kill this you first time through, but you need to for an OP-Intensify ability. The DM24/1 + R/24 will kill it out right (Dual missiles + X2 relation missiles). The LQ/35 works good too, just wait for a double lock. Make sure you don't follow it out of bounds and aim at the very tip of it. ALWAYS now where this MT is! This is what makes this mission hard, and annoying. This MT can kill the Big one, and visa versa. Figure out and match up some of those parts you like and then try it out. If you want cannons, use a tank with an over boost core. Hidden Parts: MLB-MOONLIGHT (Left arm laser blade) * Complete the mission with out the use of a consort. Once you know how to kill the massive MT, This should be easy. CBT-FLEET (Boosters) ********** Turn north west right from the start. Once you turn that way, boost over the hill and into the crescent. Once inside of it, you should be out of the area, if not that's where the part is. It is REALLY little. If you still need help, hit select and look at the ground that way. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Water Processors ***** Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 24000 Briefing: "Someone is systematically destroying our WATER PROCESSING FACILITIES in Sector 714." "A number of individual processing plants have already sustained heavy damage." "We've deployed units to protect those that remain intact, but it still isn't enough. We need a Raven to intervene immediately." "Take up position at the facility and make sure that no more of the processing plants are damaged." "That is all Raven, good luck." Walkthrough: First off, this is a water mission, so equip hovering legs. If you tried this mission before and you died, take a consort. As you start, you must kill couple of Helicopters. Once you kill about five of them, Aster/Megalo comes out. He is a hover too and will be annoying. He doesn't attack the targets, only you. It's your choice if you want to kill him or not. After he comes out, more helicopters and under water MTs will come out.

Worry about the copters first, has the water MTs will stay underwater... If you go fast and kill Megelo, you'll get offered a bonus mission. This will bring you to "Eliminate Bombers" This choice is up to you. Hidden Parts: MWI-DD/20 (Inside decoys) ** Turn right about 90 degrees from the start and look at the pipeline. Jump/hover over it and turn south, you'll see the part lying there. KES-ES/MIRROR (Left arm shield) *** Accept the bonus mission and complete it. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Prevent Capsule Theft **** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 32000 Briefing: "One of our transports helicopters was seized along with cargo onboard. Attempted were made to force it down, but we ended up having to shoot it out of the sky." "Some of the helicopter's PAYLOAD fell undamaged into the AVIA GULF. The recovery team sent to retrieve the capsules still hasn't located them." "They did report sighting OTHER UNITS in the vicinity though. These are most likely associates of the hijackers trying to secure whatever they can." "Please head to the Avia Gulf and keep the capsules from falling into the wrong hands." Walkthrough: First off, take hover legs, so you can float on the water. Once you're are in that water, you only have to kill the aqua MTs. They "swim" to the defensive targets and carry off with them. This mission should hardly scratch you. Don't kill the fighter jets either, there's no point in that. If a capsule gets grabbed, just kill the MT. If you do well in this mission, you can have a stab at "Defend Helicopter Crew" as a bonus mission. It's not a hard mission, but if you need the credits, go for it. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Recover Ship Cargo **** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 31000

Briefing: "Our Arctic research vessel, OSTRICA, experienced fatal hull failure after an onboard mishap. The ice floes are crushing the vessel and she is slowly sinking into the depths." "The ship's crew evacuated, but there wasn't enough time to offload all the cargo. The most important of which, A CAPSULE, remains onboard." "We sent a recovery team to retrieve it, but the ship's predicament and the fact that THE SECURITY SYSTEM is still going operational, thwarted their efforts." "It's not clear how long the ship will remain afloat, but an attempt must be made to retrieve the capsule." "We'll also pay additional fees for destroying any of the less important CARGO still onboard. It's unlikely any of it will ever fall into the wrong hands, but we don't like taking chances." Walkthrough: I would suggest taking a light weight AC with a good mapping head (Hueso + Ven). Any ways, this mission takes place in a large ship. Once in the mission for a bit, water starts to pure out and a time starts, so you must not fool around. I would use the 002 boosters for this mission, if you suck at flying. Start by dropping down the shaft (you must shoot the lock.). Once down, go through the hallway and fall down again. Once there, to the east lie a couple of boxes to destroy if you want more money. But go west, kill the two hovering security MT. (80.0%) Now fall down again and look down. You can see two more security MTs. Kill them and go east. (59.9%) Fall down another shaft and kill two more MTs one is in the shaft themselves. (40.0%) Now fall down another shaft. Ignore the first hole, as it is a recess to get up again. Go in the second one, the bottom just leads to more boxes. Once in there, kill two more MTs. (20.0%) Head forward and kill two more MTs in the next big room. (00.0%). Maintain the same height when going through this room and enter the hole in the walk right across from it. OK, this is the half way point. Once you fall down, follow the path and open the door. You should stop killing enemies in this next part, has there is too many. Any ways keep following doors until you get to a bigger room. :::::Go in the left door and follow it to the end. Keep going, once in the big room, enter another hallway. In the next room, look in all the corners for the hidden part::::: Now go back to the bigger room. Turn to the left and go in there (go strait if you choose to ignore the hidden part). You'll come to a room with a wall right in front of you, ignore the enemies and dash to the left a tad. You'll see the door. Go in it. Follow this LONG hallway all the way to the end. Once you open this door, hit circle on the target. Now just follow the same way, and exit. If you have a mapping head this should be easy. Or, just take a peak at the maps. On your way out, there is a one of a kind security MTs that will appear. Top map: Side view (A wall is see through) -- < -Start

[] [] [] [] [][][][][] [] [] [] W<---[] [] [] [] ============ [] ==HHHHHHHH== [][][][][][][][]==HHHHHHHH== < -Just [] ==HHHHHHHH== for [] ============ boxes [] ================== ================== ================== ============= ============= ================== ================== ================== [] [] [] [][][][][][][] [] [] [][] [] [] ============== [] ==HHHHHHHHHH== [] ==HHHHHHHHHH== [] [][][][]==HHHHHHHHHH==[][][][][][][][][][][][] [] ==HHHHHHHHHH== [] [] ==HHHHHHHHHH== ========== [] [] ============== ==HHHHHH==[][] [][] ==HHHHHH== [] ========== < -Just for boxes [] [] () < -Drop point, this connects to the other map Bottom Map: Sky view (The ceiling is see through) [][][][][][][][][][][] [] [] ================--================ [] ================================== [] ==#############====#############== [] ==#############====#############== [] ==#############====#############== [] ================================== [] ====================--============ [] | [] [] | [] [] | [] []

=====--===== [] ============ [] ============ [] =====##===== [] =====##===== [] [][][][][][][][][][]|====##===== [] [] ============ =--= =========--== ============ ==== ============= =====--===== ==== ======== [] =%%= < -Cargo ======== [] ============= [][][][][][][] =========--== ================ [] [] ================ [] [][][][]|=############== [] ==############== =--= Hidden part ==############== ==== Is in here- > ================ ==== ================ ==== =--= [] [] [] Drop point, this connects to the other map- >()

| V N

Hidden Parts: MWG-SBZ/24 (Right arm spread bazooka) *** Follow the part emoted by the ":::::::::::" to get to the right spot. Or take a look at the map. The part is in one of the corners of that room. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defend Helicopter Crew **** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 40000 Briefing: "The helicopter that we dispatched to recover the capsules came under fire and went down nearby." "The CREW survived, but they're planned down on a MARINE PLATFORM. It's only a matter of time before they're overrun." "Protect the crew until backup arrives." Walkthrough: This mission takes place on a marine base. You could use hover legs but they are not needed. This is a bonus mission for "Prevent Capsule Theft." You also have to out last a 2:43 time limit. All this mission is, is that you protect the PowerSuits from aqua MTs and helicopters. It is that hard and I never failed this mission. Just don't fall in due to all the falling beams. Every little thing you pick up will give you 1000 bucks. There is about 11 of them around, but don't forget that protecting is the main point.

Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Massive Weapon ******** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 80000 Briefing: "A MASSIVE WEAPON believed to be under the influence of The Controller made an unexpected appearance today. We've never seen anything like it." "It's a single unit that is neither AC not MT, but obviously something of great power. The best our forces have managed is to keep it contained and away from THE CITY." "The target is currently sealed off in SECTION 732, an abandoned city district submerged when an earthquake shattered its retaining bulkhead. Take care around the water." Walkthrough: VERY HARD MISSION! Make sure you saved. Make sure you take a hover design as well. Hire Joker if you need hell. This Weapon is Big and can dive. Here are all of its attacks. Grenades: It uses these above water only, it will use 4 mid damaging grenades and stun you. Orbits: It will use this right when it goes under water. For these, you should just take the hits if you are risking you life exposing yourself. Vertical missiles: He uses them when he is under water as well, hover under the thing you start on to block all of these. This thing doesn't have very high AP, but it's more than any other MT you've seen so far. You can only hit it when it is above water. Rockets work VERY well against it. Use the starting platform protection (while hovering under it) all the time. DO NOT dash out of control, you might go out of bounds. Use this AC if you have trouble with this mission. Head VEN (Or your choice) Core NER (Ditto) Arms SOL (Not sure why, they just felt right) Legs QUAIL (For not falling in {You can use any Hover}) Booster --FCS (The lowest weight/drain one you can get) Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 (Or your choice) Inside --Extension --Back Unit R TM/60 (Incase you suck at aiming) Back Unit L HECTO (This will kill it alone) Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts SCREENS and anything you want.

Hidden Parts: KWB-MARS (Right arm parrying blade) ******** Go forward. Fall into the water, then hover back toward the platform. You'll see it on a beam. You don't need to hover but it is easy. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~1st Layer: Special Research ~Defend Ruglen Laboratory ****** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 34000 Briefing: "Raven! RUGLEN LABORATORIES is being overrun by MIRAGE FORCES. We need immediate assistance." "Their attack seems to be focused on lab sector A. We've sent the BULK OF OUR SECURITY FORCE and a Raven to reinforce the area, but they're being overpowered." "We need you to buy us time while key research materials are moved out of harm's way. The invaders needn't be destroyed, but you must keep them occupied." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in a lab. First off... You have two people on your side. You should try and keep them alive. Any ways, you start in a hallway. Got through all the doors until you get to the room with enemies. There is 4 ball MTs. To kill them, wait till they open up. Then shoot to kill and save ammo. (20.0%) Now in the next room... You must fight a Controller AC. You got two choices. Run or fight. If you choose to fight, he's not that hard of an AC. Small grenade launcher and exceed orbits are what he uses. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Eradicate Life Forms ** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 26000 Briefing: "RUGLEN LAB is under attack by LIFE FORMS OF UNKNOWN ORIGIN. Immediate backup is requested." "We've tried to clear them out ourselves, but our weapons haven't had any noticeable effect."

"All means of access are sealed, so their numbers shouldn't increase. Now we just have to figure out a way to deal with the ones already inside." "Our researchers are analyzing them for any weaknesses, we'll notify you once we know." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in the same Ruglen lab. This time you must kill biological weapons. Now these things may look small and cute, but they pack a little pulse rifle and have TONS OF DEFENSE! By the way, I wasn't joking, a single one of these things as about as much AP as you do. So you can try and have fun killing them or you can chill out till they find a weakness. Then they tell you to blow up acid containers. This will make them weak as all hell. If you destroy all of them, not only does the air turn pretty colors, but also the weakest machine gun bullet will kill one of them. IF you are doing this mission this way, you'll have to go to the end, blowing up containers then back track and mop up things. Hidden Parts: CEEC-01-XSP2 (Extension radiator) *** To get this part, you must kill all of the bio weapons with out using any acid. How do you do this? Well first here is two set-ups. One is if you haven't beaten the game and the other is if you have. The first one is of course the worse one. Head VEN (For the bio sensor) Core GRP (For the EO) Arms REE (For the E supply) Legs TRIDENT (For the E DEF and blade poke) Booster --FCS (The cheapest one) Generator (The cheapest one) Radiator (The cheapest one) Inside --Extension --Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L 2551 Op Parts E/scr, This should be enough. Note, you can use any part you really want for the "the cheapest one" but you might not have the cash, so be thrifty. This next one should make this mission a lot easier. Head VEN Core GRP Arms REE Legs TRIDENT Booster --FCS WS-1 Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R ---

Back Unit L --Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L MOONLIGHT Op Parts E/SCR E-LAP These is no really skill involved. Just sit there and hit circle. Hold in left or right to blade again quicker. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Germ Canisters *** Requester: Kisaragi Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 36000 Briefing: "Your services are required to resolve a problem concerning CREST'S BIOENGINEERING LAB. The facility is actually a cover for their ongoing research into germ warfare." "From what we've uncovered, the toxin in question is at an early stage of development and can only survive when sealed in PROTECTIVECANISTERS." "However, once fully developed, the toxin will be virtually indestructible. We must act now while it's vulnerable. Destroy all germ toxin canisters within the facility." "We'd also like to cripple the LAB'S OPERATING CAPABILITIES. Destroy whatever you can, but remember that the germ canisters take priority." "Once the alarm is triggered, the canisters retract into protective housing and all lab doors are sealed. You must act quickly." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in that same old lab. You must destroy 6 tubes in each room and then exit. The doors close, so don't fool around. Rockets will get this mission done fast but you won't get a bunch of extra credits. NOTE: Just because the time is not at zero, does not mean the doors cannot close. Any ways, Walk into the first room, the timer will start at 5 minutes. Kill all the tubes. It's your choice if you want to kill the EMC MT first; no lock ons will actually help you. Destroy all you want and head out. (82.6%) Now the next room is the same theme only harder enemies. You can snipe the EMC MT before you even get effected. (65.2%) Do the same in the next room. (43.3%) This next room is the same still... Only there is a MT in the hallway to the next room. (21.7%) This next room is the last, there is 3 combat MTs in here too. Once done head out to the exit. (00.0%) Hidden Parts: KWX-OC-22 (Dual back orbit cannon) **** Simply just kill all the enemies. If you need help just follow the % from up top. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Protect Crest Convoy ***** Requester: Crest

Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 42000 Briefing: "MIRAGE forces have launched a full blown assault on Crest's MAIN INTELLIGENCE HUB." "The facility serves as a vital resource pool and archive for our most closely guarded secrets." "Due to the attack, all facility resources are being relocated until the situation can be brought under control." "Your mission is to guard the CONVOY moving materials out of the facility. Their safe passage through the battle is of the utmost importance." Walkthrough: This mission would have been sooo much harder if you needed to protect all of the convoys... But you can win with just one left. This mission takes place in a snowy valley. IF you want a consort, take Breman/Multi Box. This mission is strait forward, don't leave them by themselves. DO NOT let a MT sit down, their linear cannon will rip through those convoys. Watch your radar and make sure you take out the sitting ones first. Take lots of ammo so you don't have to be picky with your blade and end up missing. Once you kill a couple of MTs, fighter jets come. These aren't that effective since the convoys are in a ditch. Don't worry, they don't have to travel far either. Hidden Parts: MRL-SS/SPHERE (Back unit radar) ********** Fly up to the top part to the east. Once there look for dish. The part is sitting up between the dish and the building. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Disable Radar Equipment ***** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 31000 Briefing: "Our software engineers have been hard at work putting the finishing touches on a computer program designed to provide us with direct access to The Controller." "However, CREST found out about the project and attacked the facility housing equipment required to run the program." "Fortunately the attack was foiled and the program secured, but our facility was damaged beyond repair. We need access to an alternate location." "CREST OPERATES A SIMILAR FACILITY and we intend, with your help, to capture it for out purposes. Head to the site and disable all RADAR equipment in the surrounding area."

"Once the radar dishes are taken out, our main attack force can enter the facility undetected. Good luck." Walkthrough: This mission is taken place in a snowy area. You should not bother with ANY enemies at all. They keep coming back and slow you down. Kill the 3 up top and the last two at bottom, it's not really hard. Once you kill them all, you should head inside. This next part is the hard part. You must fight Back Breaker/Castor and Flare-Up/Dynamo. -Blade Castor (The tank) but watch out for his. -ALWAYS pay attention to Dynamo's missiles. -Go up top if you need a breather. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Destroy Gun Emplacements **** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 35000 Briefing: "After much interrogation, the UNION operative that we detained gave us the location of their HEADQUARTERS. It's in Sector 614." "Union is the group responsible for plans to overthrow The Controller and other account recent acts of subversion. Their activities cannot continue unchecked." "Sector 614 is a conservation area lush with VEGETATION. According to our scouts, Union uses this cover to conceal a number of LARGE GUN EMPLACEMENTS." "A massive frontal assault would be suicide, while a small, mobile force stands a good chance of entering undetected and taking out the gun emplacements." "This will be a dangerous mission, take care." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in a dense forest. All you have to do is kill 5 guns. They are actually strong. Take something long range and this mission will be cake. Start of by killing the most eastern gun (don't cross the river) once that one is done, cross the river and kill the 3 on that side. Then go back across the river to the west and kill the last. Those stealth MTs will piss you off no doubt. By the way, getting hit by a grenade will tell you where the guns are. If you go quickly, you can excess a bonus mission, which will lead you to "Distract Union Defenses" I would take a consort if going for the bonus mission.

Hidden Parts: MWG-KARASAWA (Right arm laser rifle) ****** You must complete the bonus mission. I would strongly suggest using a tank and a consort. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Recover Data Capsules **** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 32000 Briefing: "One of our advanced teams attacked and destroyed a UNION TRANSPORT HELICOPTER during a scouting mission is Sector 615." "While searching the wreckage they discovered a DATA CAPSULE containing intriguing information relating to Union activities." "The scout team only recovered the one capsule, but claim there are still others scattered about. Head to the area and find the rest before Union does." "So you know, Sector 615 is OVERGROWN WITH THICK VEGETATION and visibility there is poor, even under the best conditions." "Keep a sharp lookout, Raven." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in a jungle. Once you land (and see a great view of your AC) start moving. If you have a head with map and area, hit select to find the right way. Overboost to the capsules if necessary. Once you are next to them, hit circle. The enemies don't need to be killed, but kill all the guns you see, as they don't respawn like the other MT. Once you have all four of them, your pick up will radio in. He will tell you that he can't find you just yet. Wait a little bit and kill all the MTs that are close to you. The mission is automatically over once the transport comes down. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Distract Union Defenses ****** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 45000 Briefing: "We've located a UNION stronghold in the ALBA MOOR. Preparations are underway to wipe it out." "We'll begin the assault with a BARRAGE OF LONG-RANGE MISSILES, followed by a massive ground offensive."

"In order to succeed, the launch vehicles need time to get into position and unleash their payload." "Keep the STRONGHOLD'S DEFENSES occupied until the launch vehicles are ready to strike, once they do, our ground forces will take over." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in a forest and is the bonus mission for "Destroy Gun Emplacements" This mission requires either good dodging and fast killing or high defense. If you don't care about S ranking this mission take a consort. You have to wait 5 minutes with fighter jets and mobile MTs. Any ways, if you use this strategy, you won't need a consort. You can use a mid weight too. Use the XCB/75 laser rifle with a 550+ FCS and all the E++ OP part. But yourself in the southwest corner and wait till all the planes come to you. You should not get hit at all or run out of ammo. The little MTs should only be seen once or twice, but they take two hits to kill. Don't worry if a plane passes you, they usually won't hit you from behind the out of bounds line. Just focus when you se a purple blip on your radar (If you are using the VEN head you don't need an OP part). Once the time is use, the rescue point should be right were you are then the mission is done. Hidden Parts: MWG-KARASAWA (Right arm laser rifle) ****** You must complete this as a bonus mission. I would strongly suggest using a tank and a consort. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~2nd Layer: Waste Disposal ~Bomb Disarmament ** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 30000 Briefing: "Irrefutable evidence, uncovered by one of our spies, points to UNION as the group behind recent uprisings. They've even gone so far as to claim that The Controller is malfunctioning." "It has also come to our attention that Kisaragi is secretly backing these efforts. Clearly they hoped that Union's activities would unbalanced us to the point where they could stop in and take control." " Union's next move involves a plot to disrupt the WASTE DISPOSAL NETWORK beneath the city through an extensive BOMBING campaign." "We're deploying our force to guard likely targets. Your responsibility is the removal of any bombs placed in and around the smelting facility." "Take down any who get in the way. Good luck." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in a blast furnace basically. EQUIP HOVERS! This way you can't fall into the fire. There is a time limit in this mission too, so don't fool around. A good radiator will help, too.

There is two ways to do this mission. Easy way: Just disarm all the bombs. Two are at the ends of conveyer belts. The other to is above. One is on the wall; another is on a pillar. Ignore everything and go fast. Easy S rank, too. Hard Way: Kill all the enemies with disarming the bombs. After you kill two hovering MTs, Strasbourg/Volcano will come out. He uses hover legs, so the fire won't kill him. He's not that hard nor uses full auto on his machine gun. It may take a while to kill him however. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Disable Pulse Generators ***** Requester: Mirage Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 51000 Briefing: "After some investigation, it appears CREST is responsible for the placement of numerous ELECTROMAGNETIC PULSE GENERATORS in nearby VENTILATION DUCTS." "Ever since they began operating, one of our facilities adjacent to the ducts has experienced repeated system outages." "The devices were supposedly put in place to deter Controller FORCES for entering the ducts, However we have doubts as to how effective they might be in accomplishing this." "Enter the ducts and disable all devices. The electromagnetic pulses they release are harmful, so move quickly." Walkthrough: First I would drop down to the bottom and hit circle on the first Generator. Kill things is you please. Then fly in the next highest door. Go down the shaft and look up. Shoot the 4 vents then hit the generator. You're done with the top. If you didn't kill the enemies out there you can shoot 4 more vents to get out of the higher door. Once out, you can overboost right to the next door across the duct. Once you shut down the last gen, Twinhead-B/Patriot will come out of the bottom. Follow this path down and you'll be in a new shaft. I would snipe some enemies first. Then drop down and kill Twinhead, and shut down the generator. She isn't hard, but a lot harder than in the arena itself. Now if you have a mapping head, hit select to see where the final target is. Fly up there and shoot the 4 vents leading up again. Then boost forward and the mission will be over. Hidden Parts: MEST-MX/CROW (Extension stealth) *** Before hitting the final Generator, boost up the hole in the ceiling. Take a left to see it lying down. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

~Defend Crest HQ ***** Requester: Crest Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 56000 Briefing: "CONTROLLER FORCES have commenced an attack on Sector 422. Our headquarters is based in the area and must be protected at all cost." "They're advancing in groups or two or three, which is hampering our efforts to drive them back." "Our biggest concern is the VENTILATION DUCT, enemy units are bypassing the defenses there with surprising ease." "Please head to the ventilation duct and hold them off. Don't let a single unit get by, or all is lost." Walkthrough: This is a very frustrating mission. You should use a lightweight, low drain AC with no energy weapons. Fly up to the top and wait a little bit. Then fly toward a pack of three until they start firing. Once they open, then hit them. They should die a lot faster. This mission is over if a single one touches the top. Toward the end, 9 will be coming at you (3 and 3 and 3). All your energy is brought back after a cut scene. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Disable Security System *** Requester: Union Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 51000 Briefing: "Plans are underway to enter CREST'S CENTRAL DATA STORAGE FACILITY and hack into the computers there. Unfortunately, the facility boasts a formidable SECURITY SYSTEM." "The mission's success depends entirely on whether or not this system can be disabled. Make you way to THE HEART OF THE FACILITY and shut it down." "Once accomplished, the hackers and their escorts will take care of the rest." "Be careful moving about, one false step and it could be your lazy. Good luck." Walkthrough: This mission takes place indoors. It has a bunch of scattered red beams all over. If you touch one, guns will pop out and shoot at you. They hurt, but COULD be killed. A mobile AC is needed. I will break these up in rooms.

Start by entering the first room. Land on the conveyer belt and shoot out the MT and the bar in the middle of the air. Then fly all the way across. (90.1%) In S-04, hold in the boost button WITH OUT touching the directional pad. Then fly to the end. Then wait till the next bar goes up. Do the same and reach the end of the room. (78.4%) In S-10, First kill the MT and then try and boost lightly through the hole. This one is hard to do. (70.5%) In the hallway after S-10, wait till all the beams are at the wall, but overboost both they actually get there. (68.6%) In S-17, start off by killing all the MTs. Then run between the two beams on the ground and boost up to the belt. Make sure you are in the middle and fall down in the narrow part. The rest is easy; just do what you would usually do. (45.0%) In the next hallway, run along the left side and wait for the beams to cross over. Make a break for it once they stop. Then just hold in the boost button and carefully fly over the lower beam. (35.2%) In S-31, Kill all the MTs, then try and squeeze between the two beams that are farthest apart. Once in the middle you can almost jump through the next one. (13.7%) The next hallway is a joke; you don't need my help for this one. (09.8%) In S-00, kill the MT then just boost in and hit circle on the target. (00.0%) Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Assault Crest Facility ** Requester: Union Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 51000 Briefing: "Preparations are underway for a full-scale assault on CREST'S DATA STORAGE FACILITY." "The facility is WELL GUARDED against intruders and we expect to encounter heavy resistance in the form of both fixed and mobile security measures." "Our goal is to neutralize both and safeguard the facility for a follow-up investigation." "Your object is twofold: Destroy THE GENERATORS that power the security system, and eliminate all MT patrols." "We've employed multiple Ravens and plan to attack on two fronts."

"This mission will be a joint effort between Union and Mirage forces. We expect all participants to carry out their orders as instructed. That is all." Walkthrough: This mission is easy, because you can do very little and still complete it. There is actually a lot of Ravens in this mission and will complete it for you. You'll lose out on money at the end though. I well mention the name of the room you are in all the time. I would take at least the 003 blade with me... Start off by going strait through the door [E-30]. Follow the path and go in the door [E-31]. Kill the two multi purpose MTs and the security MT. (89.6%) Now go in the newly opened door. In this hallway kill two gun batteries. (82.7%) Now go in the next door. Kill 1 multi MT, 2 hovering ones, and 4 guns [E-33]. (58.6%) Now head back to that hall way and go the other way. In the next room, kill a close range MT [N40]. (55.1%) Now head down to the next door. Go in side to see Flying Fix/Flag getting raped by some MTs [N-41]. Kill two guns and two close range MTs. (41.3%) If I were me, I would kill Fix, to take her out of the arena :). Now head down another hallway and open the door [W-07]. This room is almost the same as E-33. (31.0%) Now head down a ramp and kill two more MTs. (24.1%) Then go through the next empty room [S-30]. In the next hallway, kill a close range MT. (20.6%). In the next room, Twinhead-W/Animal should die [S-31]. I never once saved him. Kill two more MTs and two hovering ones. (06.8%) Now in the next hallway, kill the rest of the enemies. (00.0%) The generators are in the next room [C-00]. Destroy them to finish the mission. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~4th Layer: Energy Production ~Defend Energy Reactor ******** Requester: Union Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 67000 Briefing: "Raven, CONTROLLER FORCES have succeeded in occupying the ENERGY REACTOR." "Their objective is unclear, but if the reactor is destroyed it will set off a chain reaction causing extension damage throughout the city." "To make matters worse, the facility's security system has been activated. In order to reach the core, you'll have to bypass both GUN EMPLACEMENTS and ENERGY SHIELDS." "We're running out of time. Good luck." Walkthrough: This mission looks like it takes place in the cannon of a big gun and is similar to the "Justice" mission all the way back in AC1. Bring the HECTO large rockets and your favorite AC killing weapon. You are in little sections. You'll be stopped by gates. Once the gate

is down, move up and hide in the little crack... why? Because a HUGE plasma chunk is coming your way. Once you are out, little guns will be shooting at you. If you brought the HECTOS like I said, it might take as little as two of them from the second gate. Aim up just a tad so you hit it in the middle. No matter where you are when you destroy the middle thing, you'll enter the core. On the other side of the core is a Controller quad AC. It has plasma cannon arms, a pulse rifle on the back, and the mid sized EO core. Don't get close, try and keep him on the other side. If you brought a strong right arm weapon (or back cannon if you are using a quad/tank) play peek-a-boo with it. Just don't hit the reactor too much. You might kind of end the game... Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Investigate Magna Ruins ********* Requester: Mirage Advanced: 55000 Upon Success: 0 Briefing: "Disruptions caused by THE CONTROLLER forces are on the rise. If they continue, we may have no choice but to launch an attack on The Controller itself." "Unsubstantiated rumors indicate the existence of a passage, somewhere in THE HEART OF MAGNA RUINS, that leads directly to The Controller." "An advance team already searched the area, but uncovered nothing. We'd like you to take another look. If the passage exists, it may be just what we need." "Also, we've hired an escort to provide BACK UP. Please work together." Walkthrough: This mission takes place in the ruins level. You get Huntress/Rouge as a consort. KILL HER! She turns on you. Any ways this mission isn't that hard strategy wise. Kill a couple stealth MTs and then Fanfare/Intrepid will show up. Just kill him like you would in the arena. If you didn't kill Huntress, she's turn on you now. A grenade launcher on tank legs can help you with Fanfare. Take lots of ammo too. Another way to beat Fanfare is to run him out of ammo. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Steal the Access Program ** Requester: Crest

Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 49000 Briefing: "Raven, we want you to break into REHITO LABORATORY and steal the access program Mirage is developing there." "Their reckless attempts to manipulate The Controller will not be tolerated." "Extensive security measures are in place throughout the lab, so advance with care." Walkthrough: This is an indoor mission. So don't take missiles... Any ways, this mission is really easy for when it is offered. Boost to the first door, you should notice that your FCS is having trouble. This is because of the annoying little POD MTs. You should take them out first. The first room should immediately greet you with MTs, kill them all, they don't hurt. (87.8%) The next big room should have 3 MTs in it; you can have fun blading them all. (78.7%) The next hallway has a fork in it, you can go left or right. Right heads to a useless room, but I went there just to kill the MTs. Then go left, and go down the right side of this next hallway. POD MTs like hide in little niches. This hallway is big and you'll kill a lot of guard MTs (12.1%) Down the ramp open the door, kill the 4 guns on the ceiling and hit the switch. Once you do that back up MTs should arrive. Now all you have to do is leave. (09.0%) Go back to the beginning and kill what you want to. One more thing, lasers have appeared. If you took an over boost core, this shouldn't be a problem. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Infiltrate Rehito Lab ******** Requester: Union Advanced: 0 Upon Success: 52000 Briefing: "Both Crest and Mirage continue to believe that The CONTROLLER'S FUNCTIONS should be preserved. They refuse to see the warning signs." "Our resources are stretched to the limit as it stands, but someone needs to take action. The only avenue left to us is rending The Controller inoperative." "The location of The Controller's core is stored on a mainframe in Mirage's Rehito Laboratory. Past attempts to retrieve this information have all ended in failure." "In order to gain access to the mainframe, you must retrieve THREE CODE KEYS and then enter them into their RESPECTIVE TERMINALS." "Failure is not an option. You must procure information detailing the

core's location." Walkthrough: This is an indoor mission. I would take an OB core and back rockets. You start in a hallway, move forward. In this room kill the two quad MTs, if you think you might have a bad time in this mission you can skip most enemies. (92.0%) Now just follow the path and until you get to lasers. (56.0%) You should overboost to the middle left. This should take about 200 AP off you if done right. Go down the ramp and kill the two MTs in the next room. (47.9%) Just ahead is the first control panel. Hitting this will turn off the lasers as well. Once done, return to the area right before the lasers and go in the door. Once down KILL these two MTs. (40.0%) Once in, wait in the hallway to kill a MT or two. (31.9%) Hit the switch and move on to the next door. Run door the ramp and blade all the Guard MTs. (20.0%) The next room is guarded by a single combat MT, kill it and hit the switch. (15.9%) Head back to the middle room again and go strait. Kill the MT and enter all the key codes. (11.9%) Now go in the newly unlocked door to the west. Kill the MTs and hit the final switch. (3.9%) Once you step back into the next room Nocture/Zine steps out, you must kill him. DO NOT GO CLOSE. He has a shotgun and a MOONLIGHT. IF you have trouble with him, practice on him on the arena. Once done, head out from where you began. Kill things if they get in your way. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Layered Hub ~Infiltrate Layered Hub ******* Requester: Union Advanced: 150000 Upon Success: 0 Briefing: "Analysis of the data acquired form Mirage is complete, it revealed the location of The CONTROLLER'S CORE. We're sending you in to destroy it." "Have we made the right decision? We don't know. We can't say why The Controller malfunctioned in the first place." "All we can do now is hope." "Good luck to you Raven." Walkthrough: This is an easy final mission so don't sweat it. You do need something with half good boosting and some firepower. You CAN just drop all your weapons and skip the whole part, but I would have fun. Start by opening the door. There is 4 ball MTs, do what you want with them. If you took a middleweight's arm (SOL) and a midweight leg; you can kill these MTs when closed with one swipe of the moonlight. Then once in the next door, you'll be in a room very similar to the final mission in AC1. You have to boost all the way up it, but the pillars will shoot back at you. You can destroy these even though they don't show up on the radar. I would just drop all my weapons and fly up to

the top. Once there follow the hallway to the door and start an Overboost. Right when the down is open, fly to the most left door. In this little hallway, recharge your energy. In the next room are more pillars. Overboost right through the whole thing. In the next part, go through the door and touch the elevator. Then fly back and watch it go down. If you take it with you, you'll have to fight ball MTs. Once it is at the bottom, prepare for a fight. There is a two on two AC fight in this next room. They both have weak boosters, and crappy turn skip. Almost anything works; they aren't hard at all. Just don't blade the big one, then get repelled by his shield then take a grenade in the mouth. Any ways, they will jump and fall right back in front of you. Once done with these, enter the big door. Oh my god, there it is! Gawk at it for a while. Then fly up to where it says target, kill it (blading works the best). Land in the little area it makes then blade it again if you have one. There you beat the game. Hidden Parts: None [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####========####========####===###==####========####### #######==####==####==####==####==##########====##==####==####==####### #######========####========####======######==#==#==####========####### #######==####==####==##==######==##########==##====####==####==####### #######==####==####==###==#####========####==###===####==####==####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena --Adieu/Sky Dancer --Wake Up/Echo Head --Strasbourg/Volcano --Twinhead-B/Patriot --Snakewood/Gateway --Cascade/Signal --Gaidoz/Guernica --Vice/Firefly --Twinhead-W/Animal -Arena Break 1 --Pylon/Tower of Wind --Back Breaker/Castor --Fixer/Einhander --Chain Impact/Valiant --Aster/Megalo --Yellow Boat/Apathy --Suburban King/Ghast --Doral/Crossback --Flare-Up/Dynamo --Hard Edge/Revival --Fragile/Night Flyer --Sweet Sweeper/Varna --Bison/Gauntlet --Claizen/Insomnia

--Comeback/Joker -Arena Break 2 --Thunder House/Battlefield --Barchetta/Karma --Ox/Parthenon --Shadow Age/Grinder --Bad Brain/Pincer --Milky Way/Niche --Trafalgar/D. Trigger --Hostile/Atomic Pod --Trooper/Viper --Street Enemy/Static Man --Midas/Semilat --Fanatic/Red Eye --Bremen/Multi Box --Impulse/Stallion --Faust/Magnus -Arena Break 3 --Cypress/Shade --Flying Fix/Flag --Nocturne/Zine --Valkyrie/Swift --Caller/Harlequin --Intrepid/Fanfare --Grand Chief/Hammer -Arena Break 4 --Royal Mist/Kaiser --BB/Tyrant --Ace/Arcadia -Arena Break 5 --Brass/Cool Head --Bilbo/Green Witch --Paranoia/Ice Walls --Paradox/Zak --Pass Ahead/Progenitor --Ducks/Ingot --Endymion/Sympathy --Apple Boy/Esperanza --Regina/Echidna --Cold Heart/The Sun --Huntress/Rouge --Scylla/Delta --Spartan/Tempest --Castdown/Browser --Sandoval/Bataille --Hozumi/Eysen --Tsukuyo/Sarashina --Kalchas/Coral Sky --Asylum/Gigantes --Vector/Hypnos --Terra/Spectrum --Exile/Painkiller The arena is a place were you can fight in to get money, and most importantly, parts. This is been in AC1PP to today (excluding AC2aa) and is a one on one fight to the... death, sort of. Although I am giving you really easy ways to kill these Acs, I would rather you experiment with different weapons. ****VERY IMPORTANT**** M= Must kill, O= Optional

Killing Acs in missions add your %. If you see an AC in a mission, kill it. If you need help on them, practice on them in here. Strasbourg/Volcano is in the mission "Bomb Disarmament" O Twinhead-B/Patriot is in the mission "Disable Pulse Generators" O Twinhead-W/Animal is in the mission "Assault Crest Facility" O Back Breaker/Castor is in the mission "Disable Radar Equipment" O Chain Impact/Valiant is in the mission "Destroy the AC" M Aster/Megalo is in the mission "Defend Water Processors" O Doral/Crossback is in the mission "Eliminate Intruders" M Flare-Up/Dynamo is in the mission "Disable Radar Equipment" O Claizen/Insomnia is in the mission "Destroy Kisaragi Forces" M Shadow Age/Grinder is in the mission "Safeguard Alloy Sample" O Fanatic/Red Eye is in the mission "Secure Trene City" O Flying Fix/Flag is in the mission "Assault Crest Facility" O Nocturne/Zine is in the mission "Infiltrate Rehito Lab" M Intrepid/Fanfare is in the mission "Investigate Magna Ruins" M Huntress/Rouge is in the mission "Investigate Magna Ruins" M Here are some tips for overall fighting in the arena. -Don't be afraid to get close and out turn your enemy -If you use top strat too much, don't be afraid to run and dodge -Heat and heat weapons are only effective in the arena -There is no use cost in the arena, so use all those costly parts -If one arena doesn't work, try another (I assume you are in the arena) -Again, stars mean difficulty (Based on letter rank) -If one of my set ups don't work, make one up! -If you destroy an AC in a mission, he or she gets taken out -Taken out Acs come back after you beat the game and arena -Once an AC gets taken out, a new one will join -Read all the arena breaks -Don't just play in the arena, if you follow my way exactly, you will have a lot less parts to use so go out and rise your rank! -You should try new weapons; machine guns are just cheap in the beginning so I tend to love them For an easier time with Armored Core 3, you should play through the arena as much as possible for money and parts. So you start with the basic AC. Immediately sell off all of your weapons except for the blade (By pressing square in the shop.) You should have 40700 credits. Go to the shop and buy the 500 shot machine gun. You should have about 11700 credits left. Go into the arena and fight the first guy. PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mention using a Machine gun through this whole guide, but seriously try out other weapons. I just use machine guns for a simple sake. Just don't change weapons TOO much. (I prefer shotguns...) As of now, your AC should look like this. Head ATE Core STO Arms XB Legs EDF Booster UNI FCS ST-2 Generator ROV6 Radiator CR10 Inside ---

Extension --Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R MG-500 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Adieu/Sky Dancer (E-9) * He has little experience, and it is painfully evident in every respect. His AC is poorly equipped, and would stand almost no chance at the Arena's higher levels. He's garnered a small fan base given his willingness to try, but harsh lessons await. Head ATE Core STO Arms XB Legs SRVT Booster UNI FCS ST-1 Generator ROV6 Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R --Back Unit L AD-10 Arm Unit R RF-200 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts ? To beat him, just shoot him! Really he is that easy. You can seriously just stand there and shoot him and you'll win in a damage race. Try out your blade as well. You win 1500 credits from this fight and two back weapon missile launchers (Check your mail!). Sell those, your boosters, and your generator. Buy the OX/002 boosters and the ROZ generator. You should have 3700 Credits left. As of now, your AC should look like this. Head ATE Core STO Arms XB Legs EDF Booster 002 FCS ST-2 Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R MG-500 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts --[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Wake Up/Echo Head (E-8) * An Arena pilot of great skill once, he's had nothing but losses ever

since a certain traumatic event. He claims to have put it behind him, but there is no doubt that he still struggles with the aftereffects. Most wonder if he can bounce back. Head OVE Core NER Arms REX Legs ROG Booster UNI FCS ST-1 Generator Z54 Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R S40-1 Back Unit L 009 Arm Unit R HG/100 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts ? This guy is that should doesn't aim walk around also very easy. He'll get about one weak missile off, but be any trouble. Then his hand gun. It is very weak and he right. Not only that, he doesn't boost at all. You can just him, but you should practice how to dodge.

You get 2000 Credits for winning. This is just enough to buy just about nothing. You should have 5700 in total. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Strasbourg/Volcano (E-7) ** A true hothead, all he can think about once an opponent is in his sights, is to engage. He sometimes gets so caught up in the action, he will actually stop in place and fire blind. He has no respect for those afraid to take a little beating. Head 004 Core ORCA Arms SOL Legs QUAIL Booster --FCS ST-12 Generator ROZ Radiator ICICLE Inside --Extension --Back Unit R DM24/1 Back Unit L A102 Arm Unit R MG/1000 Arm Unit L LS-2551 Op Parts ? Funny, his text says he's a hothead, yet he uses recoil with his machine gun. He also can't hit for crap with his 3 round bursts. I never seen him use his blade and I seen him his missiles once. He's also a big target, so have fun. This AC is also in the mission "Bomb Disarmament" and adds to your percent. You get 2500 for winning, that's 8200 total.

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Twinhead-B/Patriot (E-6) ** Twinhead-W's older sister. She usually fights alongside her brother in the role of main attack element, and in doing so, diverts attention away from his presence. Their difference in rank has ruffled her feathers a bit. Head ATE Core ORCA Arms ALS Legs EDGE Booster 002 FCS ST-1 Generator VE905 Radiator SA77 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R S42/6 Back Unit L RE/111 Arm Unit R KP/150 Arm Unit L SOL Op Parts ? She may seem hard at first, and will be harder at long range. But once in close, she'll start totally missing you with her projectile blade/wave. She is in the mission "Disable Pulse Generators" killing her adds to your percent. You get 3000 more credits, you have 11200 in total, you can buy something new is you want. But I'm sticking to the same AC. (PS, try new weapons.) [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Snakewood/Gateway (E-5) **** He avoids being pulled into the more risky close-range battles, and for the most part only engages when a comfortable buffer exists between him and his opponent. Since his AC lacks offensive strength, his fights can be long-drain-out affairs. Head YIV Core GRP Arms SOL Legs FLUID Booster 002 FCS ST-1 Generator VE905 Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension SILENT Back Unit R --Back Unit L AD/20 Arm Unit R HM-60 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts ? This is the first guy that will most likely kill you if you screw

around and don't like to boost. His missiles are weak and are easy to avoid (he does have a lot of them however). But the killer thing is his EO. This will do about 1000 damage for a complete hit (2X500=1000) Any ways, engage him at longer range if you have trouble dodging. If you are still having trouble, go to the structure stage. You get 3500 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Cascade/Signal (E-4) ****** A former street racer, he savors the rush experienced when he turns on his AC's over boost functions. Rarely stationary at any point during combat, he constantly jets to and fro around the Arena. He is quick to abandon battles where he feels outmatched. Head CRUST Core IKS Arms ALS Legs 066 Booster MARE FCS ST-1 Generator ROV6 Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension Back Unit R S50 Back Unit L A10 Arm Unit R RF/220 Arm Unit L HZL50 Op Parts ? This guy has very high armor for his speed. He also uses very cheap weapons, but doesn't abuse the howitzer. Either way, this guy is hard to take down if you still didn't learn how to boost and side step yet. Too bad his generator sucks... You get 4000 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Gaidoz/Guernica (E-3) ***** He relies heavily on his AC's weapon arms to carry him to victory. A bit over the top, he is flashy and popular. Many feel that his limited repertoire is best suited for combat with members of the Arena's lower echelon and wouldn't cut it higher up. Head VEN Core 002 Arms FIN Legs SOLID Booster E9 FCS ST-1 Generator ROZ Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R S60-10 Back Unit L SPHERE Arm Unit R ---

Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? This AC is hard, only if you don't know how to tell what weapons he has on. If he's using his spread lasers, boost away. If he is using his missiles, dash in close to him at an angle. This AC is in the mission "Defend the Arena" but killing him in there doesn't even contribute to taking him out of the arena, let alone a n increase in percent. Your get 4500. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Vice/Firefly (E-2) *** While he has no defining traits in either his AC setup or combat style, he pilots a well rounded unit and adapts easily to various battlefield conditions. His fights are usually uneventful, but every once in awhile he puts on a good show/ Head TIE Core STO Arms XBI Legs MSGR Booster MARE FCS ST-1 Generator VE905 Radiator SA77 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R S60-10 Back Unit L A102 Arm Unit R GS-72 Arm Unit L LS/003 Op Parts ? This AC is a heavy weight with a shotgun, that's not that bright... Any ways, he doesn't have any clue on what the word "effective range" is. This means he will snipe you this is shotgun and miss a lot. His missiles are the same as the above guy. You get 5000 Credits for winning this fight. You also get some happy mail from Royal Mist. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Twinhead-W/Animal (E-1) *** Younger brother of Twinhead-B, he is most often accompanied by his sister when participating in missions. His role in this deadly duo is as a closer, stepping in at the last possible moment to finish the job. He enjoys combat and show a lot of potential. Head 005 Core 002 Arms REX Legs KNOT Booster MARE FCS ST-1 Generator VE905 Radiator CR11

Inside --Extension MB Back Unit R DM-32-1 Back Unit L DM-32-1 Arm Unit R KP/100 Arm Unit L ES/001 Op Parts ? He could have been hard, but he doesn't use his back missile launchers a lot at all. Thus he is stuck with his weak ass KP. Just stay close and have fun. He is in the mission "Assault Crest Facility" he is on your side. He usually dies by himself and gets taken out of the arena. I'm not sure if this adds percent. You get 5500 credits from winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Break 1 To get to fight more people in the arena, you have to do more missions. I will tell you the best missions to do and assume you got some of my reward. (I'm sure getting S ranks in missions helps either way I'll list what I got) Oh yeah, if you want to go out and buy more weapons for your back, go right a head. A radar would be nice as well. My AC looks like this for S ranking missions. Head ATE Core STO Arms XB Legs EDF Booster 002 FCS ST-1 Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R KP/150 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts --Do "End Employee Standoff" speed is important in this S rank. Do "Secure the Mine" accuracy is a big factor. Do "Defend the Arena" don't take too much damage. This should give you a D rank. I assume you now know the basics of the game if this is your first time playing. You should know how to... -Dodge some shoots

-Boost and shoot at the same time -Look up and down -How range effects targeting I'm not going to baby you any more and tell you mostly what to buy, you should be on your feet now. I am still going to use machine guns and other things. I would seriously recommend buying new arms, head, and maybe legs. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Pylon/Tower of Wind (D-15) *** A rather unusual character, this Raven is afraid of heights, and it is only when he's piloting an AC that the fear is suppressed. Once strapped in, he takes to the skies and is a skilled aerial combatant. Piloting technique makes up for his AC's shortcomings. Head ATE Core NER Arms REX Legs AKS Booster DRAKE FCS EMA Generator ZSV Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension MB Back Unit R TM/60 Back Unit L RE/111 Arm Unit R XCW/90 Arm Unit L LS-2551 Op Parts ? If you are in the arena stage, you should see three rockets heading your way right from the get go. Other than that, he likes to jump around a lot and miss with his laser rifle. He doesn't even abuse his boosters, which let you fly for a long time. You get 6000 credits, mail from Fixer, and a new crappy generator. Sell the gen, the ROZ is better. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Breaker/Castor (D-14) * A prudent pilot, his goal in each battle is to get behind his foe thereby gaining the upper hand. Unfortunately, this tactic requires mobility and conflicts with his preference for tread-based leg parts. Unwilling to change, he struggles to advanced. Head 008 Core ORCA Arms REE Legs MLKS Booster --FCS ST-6 Generator ROZ Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension XSP2 Back Unit R XP/80

Back Unit L XP/80 Arm Unit R RF-160 Arm Unit L LS/003 Op Parts ? This AC pilot is stupid. He could have been better if he only have on pulse cannon... Any ways, stay close to him and try and out run him/turn him. He is a very weak tank and you should miss. He is in the mission "Disable Radar Equipment" killing him will add you your percent and take him out of the arena. You get 6500 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Fixer/Einhander (D-13) ******** His innate understanding of AC warfare tactics and strategies surpasses that of any other pilot, but his own record is surprisingly inconsistent. Were he to apply himself, most believe the Arena's best. Head 004 Core GRP Arms EAS Legs ORC Booster 002 FCS ND-2 Generator VE905 Radiator ICICLE Inside --Extension --Back Unit R GM14-1 Back Unit L MM16-1 Arm Unit R HG-80 Arm Unit L MOONLIGHT Op Parts ? If you remember AC2, this guy is the Werehound. He is hard, ONLY if you can't dodge well. His multi missiles will wear you down. His Hand gun will stun you if you don't boost. But if you have any dodging skills, he is using a Small lock box with a hand gun... He does have a high DEF too. Other than that, he doesn't use his Moonlight at all nor his Eos. You get 7000 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Chain Impact/Valiant (D-12) ****** A stickler in his ways, he equips only high-speed, solid shell weapons. There is nothing fancy with regard to his combat style, but if he is able to draw and hold a bead on an opponent, they're in trouble. Head RACHIS Core NER Arms 0204 Legs SEV Booster MARE FCS ROA Generator ZS4 Radiator CR11 Inside ---

Extension --Back Unit R CNG-300 Back Unit L CNG-300 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? This guy is hard if you don't boost. You can even just side step his machine guns. His chain guns WILL hurt you. If you boost they will not bother you too much, as he will bounce up and have to re aim every once and a while. He also as low DEF and low AP. Even still, don't go for a damage race with him, or stand still. This AC is in the mission "Destroy the AC" and will add to your percent. You get 7500 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Aster/Megalo (D-11) *** Excels at both close and midrange battles, taking advantage of his AC's nobility to keep opponents off balance. The Sniper rifle he equips was chosen for its speed, not range. He uses it only when a target is locked and the hit assured. Head YIV Core OCRA Arms GALE Legs MAK Booster --FCS ROA Generator VE905 Radiator CR10 Inside NM-40 Extension OX/EB Back Unit R TM/60 Back Unit L S50 Arm Unit R SRF/60 Arm Unit L LS-2551 Op Parts ? This guy isn't a real big challenge. All of his rockets should be easy to avoid. He rarely uses his laser blade. He isn't half bad with the sniper rifle either, he just doesn't fly with it. He is in the mission "Defend Water Processors" and killing him will take him out and add to your percent. You get 8000 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Yellow Boat/Apathy (D-10) **** An optimist, her combat strategy incorporates very little in the way of proven tactics and she relies almost solely on luck to best the competition. Her AC is designed for looks and the random part layout makes it hard to anticipate her moves. Head OVE Core STO Arms REX

Legs ORC Booster 002 FCS ST-6 Generator ROZ Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension AS40 Back Unit R A10 Back Unit L LQ/35 Arm Unit R BZ-50 Arm Unit L MOONLIGHT Op Parts ? She can be hard or easy. The reason she sucks is because she as to kneel for her back cannon. If not, DO NOT GET CLOSE. Unless you know what you are doing. A bazooka to the face with the how's your mamma moonlight slash will do a lot of damage. So don't get close. She is in the mission "Assault Crest Facility" but doesn't die, nor do you even see her. Your get 8500 Credits and some mail from Crest. You get the FCS VREXWS-1. You should use this if you are using a machine gun still. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Suburban King/Ghast (D-9) **** Quick on his feet, this pilot takes full advantage of the speed and handling provided by his AC's hovering ability to set an exhausting battle tempo. His short-range shotgun produces damage far greater than most expect. Head CRUST Core NER Arms MARTE Legs QUAIL Booster --FCS WS-3 Generator VE905 Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension AS40 Back Unit R S42/6 Back Unit L VM36-4 Arm Unit R GS/54 Arm Unit L HZL50 Op Parts ? The only thing you really have to worry about is his energy shotgun. Just don't get close to him. He is a big target like most hovers so gunning him down at long range shouldn't hurt. You get 9000 credits from winning this fight. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Doral/Crossback (D-8) ** He whittles down opponents using his AC's wide array of weapons in combination with effective hit-and-run tactics, included among his AC's arsenal is a mine dispenser for setting traps and a machine gun to keep the pressure on.

Head 005 Core ORCA Arms EAS Legs EDGE Booster E9 FCS ST-12 Generator VE905 Radiator SA44 Inside MD/40 Extension AM40 Back Unit R S50 Back Unit L A10 Arm Unit R MG/350 Arm Unit L ES-0101 Op Parts ? This AC is only intimidating. He makes way to many sacrifices for those inside mines that blow. His machine gun will do very little. He actually uses his EO, but that can be sidestepped or boosted away from. He has low armor and is slow. You can also make him kill himself with mines. He is in the mission "Eliminate Intruders" this will add to your percent on take him out of the arena. You get 9500 Credits for winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Flare-Up/Dynamo (D-7) **** His combat style is rather simple and integrates basic, reliable strategies with a single weapon type. He prefers to equip his AC with weapon arms and is quite adept at forcing opponents to follow that pace he sets. His tactics are predictable, but sound. Head VEN Core IKS Arms DHM68/04 Legs NMU Booster MARE FCS ST-1 Generator ZS4 Radiator SA44 Inside FM-30 Extension R20 Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R AD-50 Arm Unit L AD-50 Op Parts ? Although this AC is hard for a new comer, he only has one real weapon (His mines are ass). His missiles are strong if you don't know how to deal with them by now. Just know how to dodge them, sway one way, then at the last second, go the opposite way. If you need help, use a anti missile extension or decoys. He is also in the mission "Disable Radar Equipment" the with Backbreaker. You get 10000 Credits for winning.

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hard Edge/Revival (D-6) *** A pilot with exceptional skill, but very much in need of a few lucky breaks. The handful of fights he's won aren't enough to pay for upgrades, but the tough losses are only making him a better pilot. He'll do fine once his luck turns. Head TIE Core STO Arms SOL Legs REM Booster --FCS ST-1 Generator ZS4 Radiator CR11 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R S42/6 Back Unit L S42/6 Arm Unit R MG/350 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts ? This AC is weak and will actually charge quiet often. His missiles are weak and aren't that scary. His machine gun is weak too. You get 11000 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Fragile/Night Flyer (D-5) **** This AC unit is designed to be as light and maneuverable as possible. The pilot takes great pride in his ability to keep opponents off balance. Regrettably, the AC has serious part conflicts and as a result, it suffers energy consumption problems. Head SKYEYE Core ORCA Arms REX Legs 005 Booster DRAKE FCS ROA Generator ROZ Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R XP/75 Back Unit L XP/75 Arm Unit R RF-160 Arm Unit L LS/003 Op Parts ? You need to know how to dodge to beat him. His rifle will usually stun the hell out of you. This will get annoying, but you can just over boost out of it. His back weapons are rapid fire, so they can hurt if you don't move fast. He is in the mission "Defend Ruglen Laboratory" but is on your side. He will get taken out of the arena but I don't think you get a increase in

percent. You get 12000 for winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Sweet Sweeper/Varna (D-4) ****** Relies on fancy footwork and precision fire to get things done. Meshing his combat style with a lightweight AC was a no-brainer, but its lack of armor plating has cost him many battles. He trains constantly to compensate for this. Head OVE Core NER Arms POWER Legs HUESO Booster OX/E9 FCS WS-1 GeneratorVE905 Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension OX/MB Back Unit R S40-1 Back Unit L S40-1 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? This AC is strong! Those arms he has can kill tons. His design would have been better with better boosters... Any ways, he is easy if you know how to dodge, as he can only use one thing at a time and boost really slow for a lightweight. You get 13000 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Bison/Gauntlet (D-3) ** Known fir his spectacular over boost charges, which are accompanied by constant volleys from both arm weapons. The pursuit missiles mounted on the back of his AC serve him well and though some claim he is just lucky, his actions prove otherwise. Head SKYEYE Core IKS Arms CASK Legs DETA Booster --FCS ROA Generator ROZ Radiator KD99 Inside --Extension Aegis Back Unit R LANZER Back Unit L LANZER Arm Unit R MG/350 Arm Unit L HZL30 Op Parts ? This AC has about the highest DEF in the Arena. To bad he also has VERY

weak weapons and a back weapon that doesn't need to be on a tank in the first place. Other than that, when he uses a pursuit missile, over boost away from them. You get 14000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Claizen/Insomnia (D-2) ***** Born in the working class slums, he recently lost everything after his city sector was deemed unfit for habitation and closed. He typifies the average, blue-collar citizen trying to eke out a living under corporate oppression. Head 003 Core STO Arms SOL Legs NMU Booster MARE FCS WS-1 Generator ROZ Radiator KD99 Inside FM-30 Extension OX/EB Back Unit R RE/111 Back Unit L M/45 Arm Unit R MG-500 Arm Unit L SOL Op Parts ? This guy has a lot of weapons. But his machine gun should be your only problem. There is nothing fancy you need to know about this fight, just kill him. He is also in the mission "Destroy Kisaragi Forces" you must kill him in there. You get 14500 credits from this fight. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Comeback/Joker (D-1) ** A slow starter, it's not often that he finds his rhythm before the tide turns against him. Every now and then though, something clicks and he's able to regain lost ground. He's earned a loyal following by keeping spectators on edge. Head RACHIS Core NER Arms EAS Legs MAK Booster --FCS WS-3 Generator ROZ Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R TM/60 Back Unit L M24/2 Arm Unit R HR-66 Arm Unit L LS-2551

Op Parts ? This AC is a sad excuse for the top of the D ranks. He is 2/4 rockets. His missiles aren't much of a problem either. PS low DEF and Ap too. You get 15000 Credits from this fight. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Break 2 To get to fight more people in the arena, you have to do more missions. I will tell you the best missions to do and assume you got some of my reward. Buy your favorite energy weapons. This time add in optional parts, since you can afford them now. Again, I'm S ranking these missions. Do "Escort Transport" this one is easy to S rank. Do "Defend Naire Bridge" they and get the secret part too. This will bring you to the C rank. From -You -You -You -You -You this point on I assume can accurately aim, with machine guns and howitzers alike know how to manage your energy well know how to avoid hard landing can avidly sidestep/dash/hop/shoot/lookup or down at the same time know how to use decoys

Also I I'm not going to tell you what to buy from now on before a fight. Rather, I give you a set up if you have trouble. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Thunder House/Battlefield (C-15) *** He takes great pleasure in using his AC's linear cannon to demolish those that challenge him. When Unleashed, the weapon rains down damage and peals of thunder echo across the Arena. He's made rapid advances, but many still question his skill. Head VEN Core NER Arms GALE Legs EDGE Booster 002 FCS ROA Generator VE905 Radiator CR11 Inside --Extension AS40 Back Unit R LIC-10 Back Unit L LIC-10 Arm Unit R RF/220 Arm Unit L LS/003 Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY At first he will use his strong linear cannon. Dodge these at all

costs. Once he uses about 4 or 5, he'll switch to his rifle. Then you shouldn't worry too much about dodging. He has low DEF and AP. He is also the first opponent that uses OPI. You get 16000 Credits for killing him and a 12 shot right arm grenade launcher. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Barchetta/Karma (C-14) *** The polish and grace of his combat style make him wildly popular with the Arena's female fans. He and Midas were close once, but grew apart after her Arena career took off. Whenever her name is mentioned, he ruminates about days gone by. Head 004 Core IKS Arms DC-03 Legs SHUT Booster --FCS ND-2 Generator ZSV Radiator KD99 Inside --Extension AM40 Back Unit R GNL-15 Back Unit L GNL-15 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? He is a noob killer... You can engage him in two ways. At long range: At long range you can dodge his grenades like cake. He'll shoot them at max distance too. At close range: Since he is a tank, you can fight him at close range and easily out turn him. He does over boost very often, but that should only make over heating him easier. Blading him should be fun. You get 17000 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ox/Parthenon (C-13) ** An itchy trigger finger, limited ammo reserves, and target acquisition issues leave most wondering how this pilot ever got as far as he has. He's made improvements to his AC's ammunition stores, but the underlying problems remain. Head ATE Core GRP Arms DBZ-48 Legs ROG Booster MARE FCS ND-8 Generator ND-8 Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension ---

Back Unit R AD-50 Back Unit L AD-50 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? This AC is way too easy for it to be here. He has NO AMMO... Just stand back and dodge him for a while, nothing too hard. You get 19000 for winning this fight. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shadow Age/Grinder (C-12) * A close-range combatant who disregards all damage inflicted on his AC as he blind rushes the enemy. More often that not, his opponents falter just long enough, that their fate is sealed then and there. Most pilots go out of their way to avoid Grinder. Head CRUST Core STO Arms SOL Legs SRVT Booster MARE FCS WS-3 Generator ZSV Radiator ICICLE Inside --Extension --Back Unit R S80 Back Unit L S80 Arm Unit R SBROX Arm Unit L ES-0001 Op Parts ? This guy is easy as all hell. With no locks at all and a parrying blade. If you got this far, you should wonder how he did. This AC is in the mission "Safeguard Alloy Sample" killing him will take him out of the arena and add to your percent. You get 21000 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Bad Brain/Pincer (C-11) ** Prefers using weapons like flame throwers and napalm to ravage an opponent's AC. One of his favorite ploys is to full unsuspecting pilots into believing he's made a fatal error, only to realize too late that they've been setup. Head 004 Core ORCA Arms MARTE Legs 004 Booster 002 FCS ROA Generator VE905 Radiator SA44 Inside NM-40 Extension AEGIS

Back Unit R S40-1 Back Unit L VM36-4 Arm Unit R XCG/20 Arm Unit L FTL450 Op Parts ? This AC has a lot of weapons on it. Once it has his Verts out, boost close to his left side. Other than that, his plasma cannon is strong. You get 23000 credits for winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Milky Way/Niche (C-10) ** Striking good looks and phenomenal combat skill have earned her a fan base rivaling that of any other Arena pilot. She values their encouragement, and repays them with memorable performances every time she steps into the Arena. Head TIE Core ORCA Arms MARTE Legs SS/1001 Booster 002 FCS ST-6 Generator VE903 Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension R/24 Back Unit R S42/6 Back Unit L S42/6 Arm Unit R HG/100 Arm Unit L LS/003 Op Parts ? This AC is easy. If you really have trouble, use something with any missiles DEF. Other than that, her hand gun isn't going to kill you. You get 25000 Credits for winning the battle. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Trafalgar/D. Trigger (C-9) *** He joined the Arena with a single purpose, locate the Raven who betrayed him and mete out his own brand of justice. The plan was set in motion shortly after learning that his quarry retreated to the sanctuary of the Arena, complete with a new identity. Head 003 Core ORCA Arms 10-XB Legs VOLAR Booster MARE FCS WS-1 Generator ZSV Radiator KD99 Inside --Extension A/50 Back Unit R TM/60 Back Unit L RE/111

Arm Unit R GS-72 Arm Unit L HZL30 Op Parts ? Another slow shotgun user... just engage him at long range and then attack. Simple as that. You get 27000 Credits for winning this fight. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hostile/Atomic Pod (C-8) *** Short-tempered and headstrong, Hostile rushes into battle with weapons blazing in the hopes of claiming quick, decisive victories. This lack of restraint carries over to all aspects of his life and he is usually trying to escape one predicament after another. Head TIE Core NER Arms DS48-01 Legs REM Booster --FCS WS-1 Generator VE905 Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension R/20 Back Unit R M/45 Back Unit L M/45 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? This AC is furious in the beginning with his relations and all, but once after they are gone, he becomes easy. This AC has very low AP and DEF. You get 30000 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Trooper/Viper (C-7) **** Utilizing his AC's mobility to great effect, he runs rings around opponents, patiently waiting for an opportunity to strike. He worries constantly about the well-being of his daughter, who ran away hoping to become a mercenary herself. Head ATE Core STO Arms EAS Legs ILC Booster MARE FCS WS-1 Generator VE905 Radiator SA77 Inside RC/30 Extension AS40 Back Unit R MM/009 Back Unit L GNS-15 Arm Unit R KP/150

Arm Unit L TLS/SOL Op Parts ? His grenade launcher should be the only thing that matters in this fight. His crap ass KP is weak, it's almost sad that he got this far with that POS. Any ways, nothing special needed to win this time. You get 30000 Credits for victory. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Street Enemy/Static Man (C-6) ** Discontent with his impoverished upbringing, this pilot immersed himself in the criminal underworld, eventually rising to a position of wealth. He accepts missions based solely on their monetary value and greed rules his every waking hour. Head SKYEYE Core NER Arms REE Legs ORDER Booster 002 FCS ST-1 Generator VE905 Radiator CR14 Inside Extension OX/EB Back Unit R S50 Back Unit L M24/2 Arm Unit R RF-160 Arm Unit L LS-2551 Op Parts ? Sure he can actually dodge a little bit, but he has no kill power. If you got this far, this is just a speed bump. You get 33000 for winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Midas/Semilat (C-5) ** Named after a legendary king who turned everything that he touched into gold, the pilot refers to her AC's close-range cannons as the King's right hand. In this case, what they touch turns to scrap, not gold. She and Barchetta were close once. Head RACHIS Core GRP Arms ALS Legs TRIDENT Booster --FCS WS-1 Generator ZSV Radiator KD99 Inside --Extension MALUM Back Unit R XP/75 Back Unit L IR./20 Arm Unit R GR-12 Arm Unit L ES/MIRROR

Op Parts ? Hmm, slow tank + EO core? Well it sucks to tell you the truth. Any ways, just try and stay behind this AC, you don't even need to boost if you use a light weight. You get 35000 and the OP-E-LAI OP part for winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Fanatic/Red Eye (C-4) **** With her icy one-eyed stare and distinct red eye patch, this AC's pilot makes quite a first impression. She never works alone when taking on mission assignments and while not a superb pilot, her skill level can safely be rated as above average. Head YIV Core 002 Arms MARTE Legs ROG Booster FLEET FCS WS-1 Generator VE905 Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension SS/1441 Back Unit R SLU-64 Back Unit L MM/009 Arm Unit R MG-500 Arm Unit L ES/001 Op Parts ? Don't go up close to this AC, you'll get hit hard with her slug gun. Take this fight to long range, she won't keep up with you... She uses high drain parts, the highest drain booster, and dual energy shields... Every time she uses her long reload time slug gun, try and strike her with your blade. She is also in the mission "Secure Trene City" I'm not sure if killing her gives you percent, but it does take her out of the arena and give you extra money, so you should kill her any ways. You get 38000 for beating her. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Bremen/Multi Box (C-3) ******* Decked out in a full complement of missile launchers, this AC was built specifically for long-range combat. The pilot hates close contact, and prefers to strike from a distance. Most consider him a coward and he is known to have heavy trigger finger. Head VEN Core ORCA Arms DVG36-01 Legs 004 Booster MARE FCS ND-2 Generator VE905 Radiator SA44 Inside ---

Extension R/24 Back Unit R VM36-4 Back Unit L MM16/1 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? Before starting this fight, take Decoys or any other missile Defense. This AC just uses missiles. Multi missiles are hard to dodge, but don't do too much damage in the first place. Verts should be easier to dodge at close range. His arms should warrant you to use decoys. After he is out of both his arms and relations he is a lot easier. If you need help, stay in the arena so his torps can ground out or in the parking lot to limit most of his array. (Going to the parking lot is creap) You get 41000 credits for winning this fight. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Impulse/Stallion (C-2) ** A young pilot often referred to as Arena's Breeze. His most cherished possession is a white-gold belt buckle that belonged to his father, also a Raven. His close-in combat style emulates his father's and he his liked by the spectators. Head 008 Core STO Arms SOL Legs MSGR Booster FLLET FCS ST-1 Generator ROZ Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension TB-UNS Back Unit R HECTO Back Unit L MM16/1 Arm Unit R MARS Arm Unit L HZL50 Op Parts ? If you get killed by this AC, you need to go back and practice playing on Adieu. Other than his multi missiles, nothing on this AC should hit you that much, especially his parrying blade. He does over boost a lot but he is still an easy kill. You get 44000 for winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Faust/Magnus (C-1) ***** Nicknamed, The Sorcerer, he has an unsetting habit of disappearing into thin air after combat. He prefers to launch attacks while airborne and though his AC may look delicate, opponents underestimate it at their own peril. Head Core Arms Legs 003 NER REX SOLID

Booster 002 FCS WS-3 Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension HEX Back Unit R VM36-4 Back Unit L RE/111 Arm Unit R BZ-50 Arm Unit L TLS/SOL Op Parts ? His bazooka is the only thing on him that should worry you. To counter this, just don't get close. You get 47000 credits for winning this fight. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Break 3 Do "End Employee Rebellion" This one is easy. Do "Rescue the Survey Team" This one is also easy find the secret part. Do "Destroy Escaping MT" This is also easy. Do "Safeguard Water Supply" Get the hidden part (This ones harder to S) Do "Eliminate Infiltrators" This one is easy, kill all the enemies. This should being you to B rank. Ok I'm going to start back up with the arena. I'll assume you know how to build a good AC by yourself. ALL the arena opponents from here on use OP-I with ALL the OP parts also on. Yes it is cheating. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Cypress/Shade (B-7) ******** Steadfast in his belief that The Controller must be preserved, he pays his respects prior to every match. His AC is composed of an amalgamation of Crest equipment, making it well-balanced and suited to a variety of combat styles. Head SKYEYE Core STO Arms SOL Legs MAK Booster --FCS WS-1 Generator ROZ Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension AM40 Back Unit R CNG-300 Back Unit L CNG-300 Arm Unit R HG-80 Arm Unit L LS-2551 Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY

This is the ultimate noob killer. If you don't know how to dodge, you will die. Chain guns are just that cheap with OPI. But if you are on a light weight, you can dodge them easily. There is nothing else that can really help you with this AC. He does have the games biggest spoiler and appears in the expansion, so you better fight him, and prefect this fighting style against him. You get 50000 Credits for beating him. You also get a 64 shot slug gun in the mail. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Flying Fix/Flag (B-6) *** Having spent a number of years working as an AC mechanic, she finally decided that the time had come to pilot one of her own. Al too familiar with the danger of Arena combat, she operates a heavily armored AC and prefers to fight from mid-range. Head YIV Core IKS Arms ALS Legs D3TA Booster --FCS ST-12 Generator ROZ Radiator KD99 Inside DD/20 Extension TB-UNS Back Unit R SLU-64 Back Unit L SLU-64 Arm Unit R SBZ/24 Arm Unit L FTL450 Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY This tank is all close range. It is not that great. Any ways, she likes to use her decoys in 4-6 round burst :) She is in the mission "Assault Crest Facility" Killing her doesn't add to your Percent, but it takes her out of the arena. You get 60000 for winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Nocturne/Zine (B-5) ***** He prefers close range combat and is adept with the blade. A favorite tactic makes use of his core's over boost function to gain ground on an opponent, whereupon his fury is unleashed. He is quick to anger, especially if stuck by another's blade. Head 008 Core NER Arms EAS Legs 066 Booster FLEET FCS WS-1 Generator VE905 Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension AS40

Back Unit R TM/60 Back Unit L TM/60 Arm Unit R GS-56 Arm Unit L MOONLIGHT Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY This AC would have been harder if he actually used his shotgun at close range. Other than that, you should know how to dodge triple rockets buy now. Oh yeah, don't get close to him. He also appears in the mission "Infiltrate Rehito Lab" you need to kill him and do the mission any ways. You get 80000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Valkyrie/Swift (B-4) ******* A highly skilled sniper with rock steady aim, once she's acquired her target it's rare that they escape her withering attacks. Outside of the Arena she's known for her pleasant and friendly demeanor, but once a match starts, it's down to business. Head OVE Core ORCA Arms EAS Legs FKST Booster MARE FCS WS-1 Generator VE905 Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension CROW Back Unit R S50 Back Unit L S50 Arm Unit R SRF-80 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY This AC uses stealth. Once she uses it, run away from her, since you can't lock on to her. She is weak however, so she can't really abuse the hell out of stealth. Either way, get used to either aiming up high or flying, she likes to fly up high. Her rockets are nothing, but her sniper rifles are hard to avoid. If you still need help, pick the AB factory and lock on to her so she uses her stealth first behind the wall. Your get 100000 credits and a comment from her for winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Caller/Harlequin (B-3) *** He thrives on delivering a dramatic coup de grace at the end of each match and views AC combat as an intricate and deadly art form. He is most content when both opponents fight at 100% and the battle takes on a life of its own. Head TIE Core NER Arms 0204

Legs KNOT Booster FLEET FCS WS-1 Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension AS40 Back Unit R LQ/35 Back Unit L LQ/35 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY This AC is way too easy for the B ranks. I think you can manage this one on your own. You get 150000 credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Intrepid/Fanfare (B-2) *** Perfectly happy to wait out his take whatever they can dish out panicking and waiting until the for the kill. The tactic serves Head VEN Core IKS Arms SOL Legs STIFF Booster FLEET FCS WS-1 Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension TB-UNS Back Unit R HECTO Back Unit L GM-14-1 Arm Unit R HR-66 Arm Unit L HZL30 Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY Another AC that uses rockets a lot. This AC is easy, but has high DEF. Just fight at longer range and dodge everything. His ground missiles will kill you a little, but not the whole way, so don't worry about decoys too much. He is also in the mission "Investigate Magna Ruins" you must kill him. You get 300000 Credits for killing him. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Grand Chief/Hammer (B-1) ******** This Raven is a firm believer in a well-armored AC equipped with heavy weaponry. His unit is able to withstand a great deal of punishment and meshes well with his combat style, which is to bring a daunting amount of firepower to bear as fast as possible. Head CRUST Core IKS opponents, Fanfare's AC is built to and them some. He wins matches by never other pilots slips up before moving in him well.

Arms DHM68/04 Legs MLKS Booster --FCS ND-8 Generator ROZ Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension TERRIER Back Unit R TITAN Back Unit L MM16/1 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY This AC is hard, but has a very big weakness, he only uses missiles. Decoys and more missile DEF will rape this AC. Make sure you avoid the big slow missiles by all chances. If you need more help, try the Parking garage, he is crippled in there. IF you are in the arena, a machine gun is good to knock his slow flying ass out of the air. You get 400000 Credits for winning. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Break 4 Do "Destroy Naire Bridge" try and get the part. Do "Eliminate Intruders" this will take out Doral and add another. Do "Defend Personal Convoy" Don't take the extra mission and don't bother with the part if you miss it. Do "Attack Mirage Forces" Don't too many hits. Do "MT Training Exercise" ... Do "Defend Ruglen Laboratory" Don't worry about your consorts. Do "Eradicate Life Forms" This will get you to Rank A. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Royal Mist/Kaiser (A-3) ********* A rare mission participant, his efforts are directed solely toward improving his standing in the Arena. The AC he pilots is designed to adapt to changing battle conditions, and does so effectively. His rivals are never given a moments pause. Head RACHIS Core GRP Arms SOL Legs VOLAR Booster FLEET FCS ND-8 Generator ROZ Radiator KD99 Inside ---

Extension R20 Back Unit R DM-32-1 Back Unit L DM-32-1 Arm Unit R GS-56 Arm Unit L HZL30 Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY This is a heavy weight AC. Take decoys if you doubt your missile dodging skills. Once he is out of missiles, ground boost away from him. His shotgun is strong, but he doesn't use it at close range. His EO is also very strong, so watch out for that. If you need help with weapon choices, try a bazooka, they will stun him and shouldn't be hard to hit him with, as he boosts right toward you like an idiot. You get 500000 credits and the MAK hover legs for winning. You also get hate mail from Royal Mist. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~BB/Tyrant (A-2) * Even among the A ranked aggressive. He believes the get go, in order to victory. He's not above Head YIV Core NER Arms REX Legs NMU Booster FLEET FCS WS-1 Generator VE905 Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension AS40 Back Unit R TM/60 Back Unit L GNL-15 Arm Unit R SBZ/24 Arm Unit L LS-2551 Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY This AC sucks and is even overweight. If you die now, I don't know what to tell you. He doesn't even use is grenade launcher too much. Yes I did kill him before with the HUESO + MG500 without even boosting. (Got hit once) You get 700000 credits and mail from Ace. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ace/Arcadia (A-1) ********** He earned the top position after defeating BB, who was long considered the Arena' best. He strives for perfection and never lost a single match during his rise through the ranks. For now, he trains rigorously and awaits the next challenger. Head Core Arms Legs SKYEYE NER SOL SNSK Ravens he's known for being extremely in taking the fight to a high pitch right from bring his opponents to their knees and ensure cheating to accomplish this.

Booster FLEET FCS WS-1 Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension SILENT Back Unit R CNG-300 Back Unit L GNS-15 Arm Unit R SRF/60 Arm Unit L MOONLIGHT Op Parts OP-INTENSIFY First off, he is hard. In the beginning in the match, he'll use 2-5 grenades, try your hardest to dodge them. Once that is over, he'll switch to his chain gun. Avoid these, and don't stop. If you remember Cypress, this should just be a little bit harder than him. But once he starts with his sniper rifle, you should start fighting back. You should learn the rhythm of reload speed of his rifle, then jump right when it comes out. As with Valk, learn to hit flying targets. You get 1200000 credits for winning this fight, grenade launcher arms, and you in the top rank. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arena Break 5 Now all you have to do is beat the game, once you do that, you will get mail informing you to kill Exile and then more Acs will be added to the Arena roster. Most of these enemies are sadly easy, especially for when you fight them. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Brass/Cool Head (E-11) * An exceptional pilot, he's well versed in ground combat tactics and it shows. He puts his AC's mobility to good use, always presenting a difficult target, and is more than happy to trade fire with his opponents while on the move. Head CRUST Core NER Arms EAS Legs KNOT Booster 002 FCS ROA Generator ROZ Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R A10 Back Unit L SLU-64 Arm Unit R MG/1000 Arm Unit L FTL450 Op Parts ? He would have been two stars, but he uses recoil...

You win 1500 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Bilbo/Green Witch (E-12) * A Raven with a green thumb, as well as a real love for nature. She donates most of her winnings to the underground botany project in support of her favorite cause. Her AC design equips energy weapons to the exclusion of all others. Head 005 Core ORCA Arms SOL Legs EGA Booster --FCS ROA Generator VE905 Radiator SA77 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R A102 Back Unit L IR./20 Arm Unit R KP/100 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts ? With weak weapons and the ability to fire back weapons without moving, she sucks. Win: 5000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Paranoia/Ice Walls (E-13) ** A former street actor, he's taken the show on the road and now performs only for his Arena fans. Winning isn't important to him, it's the spectacle of it. He views Paradox, who has a similar background, as a rival. Head VEN Core 002 Arms POWER Legs ORC Booster OX/E9 FCS EMA Generator ROZ Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension SILENT Back Unit R OC-22 Back Unit L OC-22 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? Another AC you can beat without boosting... Win: 6000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

~Paradox/Zak (E-14) * A former street magician, he's taken the show on the road and now performs only for his Arena fans. Winning isn't important to him, it's the spectacle of it. He views Paranoia, who has a similar background, as a rival. Head VEN Core STO Arms FIN Legs SRVT Booster 002 FCS EMA Generator ROZ Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension MALUM Back Unit R STRING Back Unit L STRING Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? His back weapons look sexy, but he still has to kneel. Easy fight. You'll often find him just boosting around. Win: 7000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Pass Ahead/Progenitor (E-15) * He loves new toys, as any who have seen his AC can tell. To him, performance and compatibility are secondary issues and this stance has been his downfall more than once, Other Ravens watch him closely to find out which parts hold promise. Head RACHIS Core GRP Arms SOL Legs 004 Booster 002 FCS ST-12 Generator ZS4 Radiator ICICLE Inside RC/30 Extension HEX Back Unit R GM14-1 Back Unit L OC/15 Arm Unit R SBRO1 Arm Unit L HZL30 Op Parts ? He sucks, too many weapons that don't have any purpose alone either. Win: 8000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ducks/Ingot (E-16) ** This pilot changes occupations like some people change their socks.

He's always on the lookout for more money and accepts missions based only on their reward. He refuses to use shell weapons which, as we all know, cost money. Head TIE Core ORCA Arms MARTE Legs 004 Booster 002 FCS EMA Generator ROZ Radiator KD99 Inside --Extension MALUM Back Unit R XP/80 Back Unit L XP/80 Arm Unit R XCG/20 Arm Unit L SOL Op Parts ? Another idiot AC that knows how to kneel. Win: 9000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Endymion/Sympathy (E-17) ** He's the descendant of a noble knight, but all proof that could corroborate this claim has long since been lost. His mother labors tirelessly to restore the family name and Endymion became a Raven to help bankroll he efforts. Head OVE Core NER Arms MARTE Legs HUESO Booster 002 FCS WS-1 Generator VE905 Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension OX/MB Back Unit R S40-1 Back Unit L A10 Arm Unit R SRF-80 Arm Unit L LS-1551 Op Parts ? Weak light weight, nothing hard. Win: 10000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Apple Boy/Esperanza (E-18) *** New to the Raven fold, his AC sports a very rudimentary setup. He prefers head-to-head battle with as little fooling around as possible. He's an honest man, but his abilities remain in doubt. Becoming a Raven has been a lifelong ambition.

Head ATE Core STO Arms MHL Legs SNSK Booster 002 FCS ST-6 Generator VE905 Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension TERRIER Back Unit R VM36-1 Back Unit L RE/111 Arm Unit R RF/220 Arm Unit L LS/003 Op Parts ? Every one loves Apple Boy... Too bad he's not that great in the Arena. Win: 11000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Regina/Echidna (E-19) *** An aggressive combatant who pilots an AC with a variety of high power weaponry. She likes to put on showy battles, but her AC's limited ammunition stores mean that they have to be concluded quickly. Her father is also a Raven. Head TIE Core ORCA Arms EAS Legs ORC Booster 002 FCS ND-8 Generator ZS4 Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension TB-UNS Back Unit R TM/60 Back Unit L TM/60 Arm Unit R GR-12 Arm Unit L LS-2551 Op Parts ? She could have been good, but the pilot has no idea what she's doing. Win: 12000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Cold Heart/The Sun (E-20) * Formerly an MT pilot working for Crest, his journey to becomes a Raven has been both long and arduous. He is still getting accustomed to piloting an AC, and instincts are top-notch. He is expected to do well. Head YIV Core NER Arms DBZ-48 Legs SOLID Booster 002

FCS ANA Generator VE905 Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension OX/EB Back Unit R HECTO Back Unit L A10 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? Very low ammo. Common sense to how to beat him. Win: 20000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Huntress/Rouge (E-21) * She hasn't been a Raven for long, but her mission success rate is impeccable and she's in high demand because of this. The grateful recipient of many corporate sponsored gifts, she takes to new equipment with a fervor. Head 008 Core ORCA Arms GALE Legs 066 Booster 002 FCS ANA Generator VE905 Radiator CR14 Inside --Extension A/50 Back Unit R SPHERE Back Unit L OC/15 Arm Unit R XCW/90 Arm Unit L LS/003 Op Parts ? She know nothing about AC piloting either. Try the RF/220 on her and watch her dance :) She is also in the mission "Investigate Magna Ruins" you must kill her any ways. Win: 21000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Scylla/Delta (E-22) ** At first glance, he appears to be just another trigger happy, machine gun newbie, but his decision to go with shell-based weapons was deliberate in order to offset the energy consumption of his AC's leg selection. He's calm under pressure and assertive. Head 004 Core STO Arms 0204 Legs ROG Booster MARE FCS WS-3

Generator ROZ Radiator KD99 Inside --Extension AEGIS Back Unit R CNG-300 Back Unit L CNG-300 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? Look at the section for chain impact. There, done. Win: 22000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Spartan/Tempest (E-23) *** The pursuit missiles mounted on his AC's shoulders are more for show than anything else and his opponent's time is better spent worrying about what he intends to do with the machine gun. His AC is heavily armored and therefore slow. Head RACHIS Core IKS Arms NIX Legs SHUT Booster --FCS WS-1 Generator ZSV Radiator KD99 Inside --Extension AEGIS Back Unit R LANZER Back Unit L LANZER Arm Unit R MG-500 Arm Unit L HZL30 Op Parts ? Look at Bison's section, this guy it just slightly harder. Win: 23000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Castdown/Browser (E-24) ***** As an ex-fighter pilot, old habits are hard to break, and he still prefers taking to the air and filling the sky with swarms of missiles. But like all fighter jocks, he's brash, which usually gets him in trouble when cornered. Head 004 Core 004 Arms XB Legs STIFF Booster 002 FCS ST-6 Generator VE905 Radiator ICICLE Inside --Extension R20

Back Unit R VM20/1 Back Unit L VM20/1 Arm Unit R SBZ/24 Arm Unit L ES-0101 Op Parts ? Think of him as a weaker Royal Mist and BB hybrid without the OPI. Win: 24000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Sandoval/Bataille (E-25) *** A tank nut, he's truly saddened that more pilots don't take advantage of what he considers to be the best leg parts available. He became a Raven in order to prove that a tread-based AC can hold hold its own as well as any other. Head SKYEYE Core GRP Arms DBZ-48 Legs SHUT Booster --FCS ST-12 Generator ZSV Radiator KD99 Inside --Extension MALUM Back Unit R LQ/35 Back Unit L IR./20 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? This isn't even a real tank nut, he uses weapon arms... He doesn't use an OB so just get behind him and shoot/blade him. Another AC you can kill without boosting. Win: 26000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hozumi/Eysen (E-26) * The teamwork between he and his disciple, Tsukuyo, is the stuff of legend. There isn't a single Raven who looks forward to going up against both, no matter who they're partnered with, Hozumi retired, but returned to the Arena to guide Tsukuyo. Head YIV Core NER Arms GALE Legs PETAL Booster --FCS WS-3 Generator VE905 Radiator SA77 Inside --Extension TB-UNS Back Unit R S50 Back Unit L A102

Arm Unit R SBROX Arm Unit L HZL30 Op Parts ? Ha hahahhahahah hahahah, the stuff of legend? This is turn the arena's fastest AC with no locks possible, it's sad, really. Win: 28000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Tsukuyo/Sarashina (E-27) The amazing teamwork between Tsukuyo and his mentor, Hozumi, is wellknow and they remain undefeated in multi-AC combat. Tsukuyo joined the Arena at Hozumi's request, to keep his skills honed and up-to-date. So far the practice is paying off. Head OVE Core IKS Arms CASK Legs D3TA Booster --FCS ROA Generator ZSV Radiator KD99 Inside FM-30 Extension R/24 Back Unit R GNL-15 Back Unit L VM36-4 Arm Unit R HR-66 Arm Unit L HZL30 Op Parts ? Almost hard, but he doesn't take full advantage of his tank. He'll often use verts at the absolute wrong-est time possible. Same goes for the hand rockets. It's funny how it says they unbeatable even though they are cake in the extra arena and aren't in rank 1... Win: 30000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Kalchas/Coral Sky (E-28) * A rare bread, Kalchas attacks almost exclusively with blade weapons. Because of this, his victory rate isn't high, but his unit does boast one of the most impressive flight duration of any AC in the Arena. He's a loner and keeps to himself. Head 008 Core NER Arms REX Legs FKST Booster DRAKE FCS WS-1 Generator VE905 Radiator SA44 Inside EM/10 Extension TB-UNS Back Unit R A10 Back Unit L A10

Arm Unit R MARS Arm Unit L MOONLIGHT Op Parts INTENSIFY I love the arena lies, many of the top ranked Acs can stay in the air forever too. This AC's pilot is good, his AC is just crap. Dual radars, why? They don't fool me for wings. He just uses blades, have fun. Win: 60000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Asylum/Gigantes (E-29) ***** His AC is a product of the school of thought that the best defense is a good offense. He likes to get in close and unleash a flurry of attacks on his opponents. Anyone familiar with his strategy usually hopes not to experience it a second time. Head CRUST Core GRP Arms DC-03 Legs SS/RS Booster 002 FCS ST-12 Generator ZSV Radiator KD99 Inside --Extension R20 Back Unit R DM-32-1 Back Unit L DM-32-1 Arm Unit R --Arm Unit L --Op Parts ? Another weaker Royal Mist. He doesn't know how to shoot up close. Win: 80000 Credits. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Vector/Hypnos (E-30) * When effectively combined with his AC's other weapons, the large missiles mounted on the shoulders are capable of wreaking absolute havoc. He definitely has a flashy side, but his AC design is all about taking down the competition. Head 004 Core NER Arms EAS Legs NMU Booster 002 FCS ND-2 Generator Z54 Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R TITAN Back Unit L TITAN Arm Unit R HG-80 Arm Unit L HZL50

Op Parts ? This AC is a joke. He's overweight too. You don't need my help on this one if you have gotten this far. Win: 100000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Terra/Spectrum (E-31) ********** His accuracy is something to behold, and the AC he pilots is designed to maximize his use of right-hand weapons. The tactics he employs are exceedingly simple in their nature, but are devastating when executed with such fine precision and skill. Head VEN Core NER Arms EAS Legs ORC Booster FLEET FCS WS-3 Generator ROZ Radiator SA44 Inside --Extension AS40 Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R KARASAWA Arm Unit L LS-2551 Op Parts INTENSIFY In my opinion, the hardest AC in the game. His weapon, if you never heard of it before, is the Karasawa. It is strong and powerful. There is a way to beat him with little work at all. Head 003 Core IKS Arms RE/GG Legs ORC Booster 002 OR FLEET FCS WS-3 Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R Your favorite arm weapon. (RF/220) Arm Unit L Ditto Op Parts E/SCR, STAB, BRK, TRN, and any other one you want. With this way, you only have to dodge about 20 shots. Only focus on dodging until he runs out of ammo. Use this way only if you really need help. Win: 500000 Credits [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

~Exile/Painkiller (E-32) ******** He's fought on many battle-fields and destroyed countless Ravens. Stories of him cracking open opponent's ACs in mere seconds are used to frighten new pilots. No one know his background, but most claim he is even better than Ace. Head 003 Core ORCA Arms EAS Legs PETAL Booster --FCS WS-1 Generator ZS4 Radiator CR10 Inside --Extension CROW Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R MG/1000 Arm Unit L MOONLIGHT Op Parts INTENSIFY This Ac is suppose to be the hardest in the game. He has TOO many flaws to be the best. First off, his whole strategy is based around his stealth. By just waiting it out, he is simple. He AC also is very weak in DEF and his machine gun can be easily dodge. He is hard if you don't see his moonlight coming. Use this AC if you need help, but he really isn't that hard. Head CRUST Core IKS Arms CASK Legs SS/RS Booster 002 OR FLEET FCS WS-3 Generator ROZ Radiator CR10 OR KD99 Inside --Extension --Back Unit R --Back Unit L --Arm Unit R Your favorite arm weapon. (RF/220) Arm Unit L Ditto Op Parts S-SCR, E/SCR. STAB, BRK, TRN, and any other one you want. Just boost away and don't got close, you should be able to beat him with over 5000 AP with ease. A D3ta tank would get ripped by his Blade... Win: 1500000 Credits. Now go buy out the shop! [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ####==####==###========###========###========###===###==###========### #####==##==####==####==###==####==###==#########====##==###==####==### ######====#####========###========###======#####==#==#==###========### #####==##==####==####==###==##==#####==#########==##====###==####==### ####==####==###==####==###==###==####========###==###===###==####==### ######################################################################

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Extra Arena... The extra arena is a 2 on 2 arena. This is not that hard, and can be a lot easier if you know what to do. Since this is mainly everything you done so far, I will only give a couple tips. -To end the match fast, just go for the team leader. -You may not want to use a light weight. -Royal Mist is your friend. -If you want cheese, go in the abandoned (cheese) factory. -In the AF, try and cut one off. -The leader is listed first. I will list the two Acs and why they are paired up that way. I will tell you the rewards. Rank 24 Adieu/Sky Dancer Apple Boy/Esperanza Win: 2500 Why: They are both crappy and use mostly the starting parts. Rank 23 Strasbourg/Volcano Wake Up/Echo Head Win: 3500 Why: Both are low rank. Rank 22 Twinhead-W/Animal Twinhead-B/Patriot Win: 4000 Why: Both are siblings. Rank 21 Chain Impact/Valiant Bilbo/Green Witch Win: 5500 Why: Both use totally different weapon types... Rank 20 Paranoia/Ice Walls Paradox/Zak Win: 7000 Why: Rivals, plus there emblems match up. Rank 19 Suburban King/Ghast Cascade/Signal Win: 9000 Why: I'm not sure why. Rank 18 Flare-Up/Dynamo Back Breaker/Castor Win: 10500

Why: They are in that mission together. Rank Hard Pass Win: Why: 17 Edge/Revival Ahead/Progenitor 12000 I'm not sure why.

Rank 16 Fragile/Night Flyer Cold Heart/The Sun Win: 14000 Why: They are in that mission together. Rank 15 Bison/ Gauntlet Spartan/Tempest Win: 16000 Why: They both are tanks and look alike. Rank 14 Shadow Age/Grinder Kalchas/Coral Sky Win: 19000 Why: They are both bladers. Rank 13 Bad Brain/Pincer Thunder House/Battlefield Win: 23000 Why: They both use a strong energy weapon. Rank 12 Trooper /Viper Regina/Echidna Win: 27000 Why: They are father and daughter. Rank 11 Street Enemy/Static Man Claizen/Insomnia Win: 32000 Why: They are both in that mission together. Rank 10 Midas/Semilat Barchetta/Karma Win: 40000 Why: They were close once (boy + girl) Rank 9 Fanatic/Red Eye Milky Way/Niche Win: 50000 Why: Both are female I suppose... Rank 8 Hozumi/Eysen Tsukuyo/Sarashina Win: 60000

Why: Teacher and student. Rank 7 Faust/Magnus Fixer/Einhander Win: 80000 Why: I'm not sure why. Rank 6 Cypress /Shade Huntress/Rouge Win: 150000 Why: Both work for the controller. Rank 5 Caller/Harlequin Comeback/Joker Win: 400000 Why: Both are jesters. Rank 4 Intrepid/Fanfare Trafalgar/D. Trigger Win: 500000 Why: Both are close range heavies. Rank 3 Grand Chief/Hammer Flying Fix/Flag Win: 600000 Why: Both are high ranking tanks. Rank 2 Royal Mist/Kaiser Valkyrie/Swift Win: 800000 Why: Both are high rank. Rank 1 Ace/Arcadia BB/Tyrant Win: 1500000 Why: They are the two highest ranked Acs. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##===##===##========##========##========# #==########====##==##==########========#####==#####==########==####### #======####==#==#==##======####==#==#==#####==#####======####========# #==########==##====##==########==####==#####==#####==##############==# #========##==###===##========##==####==##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Enemies... This section will review all the enemies I seen in the game and how to deal with them. Please note I will sometimes make up names for them. I will also try and list all the missions I see them in. Stars denote

difficulty, threat, and the average problem factor, remember these are on a MT scale... (1- 10) --Battle MT ** These are sort of a weak reverse joint MTs. All they have are a weak rifle. These are also not fast, so they are very easy to blade. They die in one hit with the starting blade. Found in... Raven Test Secure the Mine Destroy Escaping MT --Heavy Bazooka MT **** These are larger MTs. They have a bazooka, that is annoying as it stuns you. But these things are slow and can hardly move at all. What makes them different you say? They have a solid shield. To counter this, just hit them from anywhere else. Round in... Raven Test Attack Mirage Forces Safeguard Alloy Sample Defend Monorail --Worker MT ** These have low AP, slow speed, and a weak easy to avoid rocket. These look like that thing from Aliens (TM? or a C?). Any ways, these are easy. These are originally from AC1 Found in... End Employee Standoff Defend Naire Bridge End Employee Rebellion --Crane MT ** Another easy enemy returning from AC1. These are actually cranes with modified with lasers. These are also weak. They turn slow and are very easy to blade. Found in... End Employee Standoff Defend Naire Bridge --Guard MT * Seen in a couple of missions, these are, without a doubt, the easiest MTs in the game. They are little and cute (yes, cute!) and are bound to the ground. They just have a weak little machine gun to boot and can take little damage. Everything from handguns and laser blades work on these things. Found in... Secure the Mine Destroy Computer Eliminate Infiltrators Steal the Access Program Infiltrate Rehito Lab --Assault MT *** These MTs are mid sized and armed. At long range they shoot two missiles. At close range they have two weak chain guns. Although the chain gun is weak, it is hard to blade without taking damage. Found in... Defend the Arena End Employee Rebellion

Escort Transport Rescue the Survey Team Destroy Naire Bridge Assault Crest Facility --Mini Car MT ** These are about one of the smallest MTs. They are VERY low to the ground thus hard to blade. All they have is a rocket and they are easy to kill as they are really weak. Found in... Defend the Arena Safeguard Water Supply --Power suits ** An another odd enemy. These are groups of 3 very little MTs that fly together. They are slow, have low AP, and are weak. At long range they shot missiles. At close they just do a pink pulse rifle ordeal. Found in... Defend Naire Bridge Rescue the Survey Team Eliminate Intruders Defend Helicopter Crew --Gun Battery ** Probably the most expected and most common and unchanged enemy in the whole series. They can be on walls, ceilings, and on turrets. They range from machine guns to laser cannons. Just shot them with any hard hitting weapon, and they die! Found in... End Employee Rebellion Safeguard Water Supply Recover Ship Cargo Assault Crest Facility Destroy Computer Destroy Gun Emplacements Disable Pulse Generators Disable Radar Equipment Defend Crest HQ Defend Energy Reactor Infiltrate Layered Hub Recover Data Capsules Disable Security System Steal the Access Program --Helicopter *** A very slow moving heli. What to know the sad part? Stronger models appear in real life. These are really easy to take out as they go slow and fly right toward you. They can use rockets but aren't really a threat. Also when very close, they have a weak machine gun. Found in... Defend Testing Grounds Safeguard Water Supply Defend Water Processors Defend Helicopter Crew Disable Radar Equipment --Mobile MT ****** VERY ANNOYING! These are also fast and powerful. In my opinion, these are the strongest MT for its size. How to kill it though? Simply just shoot it :) They have low AP.

Found in... Defend Testing Grounds Recover Data Capsules Distract Union Defenses --Bomber ** This is TONED DOWN SO MUCH since Ac2aa! In AC2aa, the bomber was just about the hardest non boss enemy. In this game, all it does is fly. If you have a good AC with boosters you can chase it. If you have a sniper rifle or a long range weapon, this will also be cake. Found in... Defend Testing Grounds Eliminate Bombers --Quad Missile MT *** These are just sliding MTs with missiles, nothing you never seen before. Found in... Defend Personnel Convey --Hover MT ** This is a hovering and small MT with a fan on the top. This looks just like a "Cypher" from MGS2 (Copyright of Konami). They have a weak pulse rifle and can take little damage, they also hardly move. Found in... Escort Transport Rescue the Survey Team --Back boost Hovering MT **** These are rare enemies that are about the same height as an AC. They have weak pulse rifles and weak armor. So what makes them different than the other hovering MTs? Well they actually move, dash, and change height. Vertical missiles are launched at mid range too. They also look like certain boss from Armored Core Master of Arena. They also look like they have the WAKE back boosters on... (You'll know what I meant if you played the expansion) Found in... Destroy Escaping MT Destroy Naire Bridge Bomb Disarmament --Tank ** Hmm, why is FROM still bringing back these tanks? I prefer to use a light weight's arm/leg's blade to kill them. All they do is shoot rockets at you. Found in... Eliminate Intruders Destroy Computer --Ceiling MT ** They act like a mobile gun turret. With a weak laser rifle and, as always, low AP. They do control gate locks though. Found in... Eliminate Infiltrators --Fighter Jet *** These are fighter planes that exist even today. They just shoot missiles and take very little to knock down. Only shoot the jet if flying toward, away, or " || " to you. Found in...

Prevent Capsule Theft Eliminate Bombers Protect Crest Convoy Distract Union Defenses --Boat MT ** What's harder than a weak MT on land? One on the sea. These are easy to kill and only shoot one weak missile. They do, however, steal. Found in... Prevent Capsule Theft --High Speed MT *** Very annoying MT indeed. All they do is roam around shooting their lasers. They also like to miss and hit themselves. Found in... Attack Mirage Forces --Ball MT *** Small hovering ball shaped MTs. They have TONS of DEF when not attacking. So attack them when they open. When they open you'll deal a lot more damage. They shoot a weak laser. Found in... Defend Ruglen Laboratory Defend Crest HQ Infiltrate Layered Hub --Biological Weapon *** These are cute little life forms. They have six legs Other than there pulse rifle, they don't do anything VERY high DEF. You can low this by using acid in the these things in. Without the acid, a need blade on a the job done. Found in... Eradicate Life Forms and crawl slow. else. They do have level you fight tank should get

--Spider *** These are eight legged organisms. They can take a fair amount of damage and use a weak but accurate laser rifle. Found in... Investigate Water Swells --Hovering security MT *** This is almost the same has the other hovering MT. Only this one has a laser rifle and moves faster. At long range, they have a bazooka type weapon. Found in... Recover Ship Cargo Destroy Computer Destroy Germ Canisters Disable Security System --Pod/mine Dispensing MT **** These have to be the funniest MTs in the whole game. Too bad they are only in like one mission... Any ways, they are like a single power suit, but they keep popping out floating mines (Very unrealistic). They only take about one hit to kill but their mines come in a lot of numbers and hurt. Found in... Recover Ship Cargo

--Hovering Security MT *** They are like before... Only different looking. Found in... Destroy the AC Assault Crest Facility Disable Pulse Generators --Combat MT ********** Very veritable MT. They have a strong shotgun and a laser blade. They also have missiles. Not only that, they boost, jump, and fly. These are very hard to kill with out getting hit. Found in... Assault Crest Facility Destroy Germ Canisters Destroy Kisaragi Forces Infiltrate Rehito Lab --Pod/EMC MT * This thing doesn't attack and dies in about one hit from anything. It does however just screw up your lock on ability. Found in... Destroy Germ Canisters Steal the Access Program --Aqua MT **** This MT will actually dive underwater. While under water it will launcher dual vertical missiles and cannot be damaged at all. When above water, it will shoot rockets. Found in... Defend Water Processors Defend Helicopter Crew --Stealth MT ***** This is a very unique MT. It will disappear and you'll not be able to lock on to it at all. You can kill see it, but not as well. Other wise, they are just a beefier version of the assault MT. Found in... Destroy Gun Emplacements Secure Trene City Eliminate Infiltrators Investigate Magna Ruins --High Mobile Aerial MT ********* This is a very fast MT. They fly fast and use a weak rifle. But if they land, they can use a very powerful Linear Cannon. This is big and fast too. They do have to land however. Found in... Secure Trene City Protect Crest Convoy --Advanced Battle MT *** This just looks like a manta ray that dashes. It has a weak assault rifle type weapon. Found in... Destroy Kisaragi Forces Disable Radar Equipment --Suicide Bomb * These are bombs that track you just to blow up. They die in one hit but can hurt.

Found in... Destroy Kisaragi Forces Disable Radar Equipment --Quad MT *** They have 4 legs and slide the old fashion way. All they have is a pulse rifle. Found in... Destroy the AC Steal the Access Program Infiltrate Rehito Lab --Controller Forces ** These are the little MTs that fly around in the last level. You never have to kill a single one, but they are beyond the fastest MT in the game. Found in... Infiltrate Layered Hub --Spider Queen *********************** This is the giant spider version of the other spiders. It is on the ceiling and can take a lot of damage. But it is big and can be killed with rockets easily. There is just one hard part. This is actually very strong and can stun you very easily with its electrical beams. It is best to circle it and sidestep. It takes 12 HECTO large rockets to kill it. Found in... Investigate Water Swells --Massive Weapon ********************************* This Weapon is Big and can dive. Here are all of its attacks. Grenades: It uses these above water only, it will use 4 mid damaging grenades and stun you. Orbits: It will use this right when it goes under water. For these, you should just take the hits if you are risking you life exposing yourself. Vertical missiles: He uses them when he is under water as well, hover under the thing you start on to block all of these. This thing doesn't have very high AP, but it's more than any other MT you've seen so far. You can only hit it when it is above water. Rockets work VERY well against it. Found in... Destroy Massive Weapon --The Massive Dingy *************************** This looks like a 20X bigger version of what a hovering set of un-setup'd grenade launchers. Guess what it only uses? GRENADES! This thing fires VERY accurate grenades. Not only that it can do it at very long range. You do not need to kill this you first time through, but you need to for an OP-Intensify ability. The DM24/1 + R/24 will kill it out right (Dual missiles + X2 relation missiles). The LQ/35 works good too, just wait for a double lock. Make sure you don't follow it out of bounds and aim at the very tip of it. ALWAYS now where this MT is! This is what makes this mission hard, and annoying. This MT can kill the Big one, and visa versa. Found in... Destroy Massive MT --The Massive Mt: ***************************************************** This is a HUGE MT. The biggest MT EVER! IT is also a high speed hover

MT too. It is big, so its speed shouldn't matter. You don't even need a FCS to kill it. Why? It is that big. Any of these weapons work good (Equip the longest range FCS, you shouldn't miss at all up close with a Narrow & Deep any ways): Sniper rifles, Rockets (HECTOS!), Any type of heavy cannon, Machine gun arms (on ALT), bazooka arms (On ALT) and BLADES! (Too bad you can't get the Moonlight before this mission). 19 Hectos is the best way to kill it, but there are only 18 in a pack. But don't forget, you must also be aware of its attacks. Pod Missiles: Its most common attack. Other than dodging, THE only things that can protect you are the Crow (Stealth) and Decoys. You SHOULD fear this attack, it's only 20 missiles per launch, at mid range. Plasma Cannon: This is VERY accurate and rarely misses. It shoots two pink lasers from its "eyes" and does a lot of damage. Dual Titans: These are it large missiles. Touch these and DIE! No joke, you'll take anywhere from 500-6000 damage from these. But he CAN kill him self with these. You should try and keep him behind the downed ship. This way you can attack him without fear. You should try your hardest to keep it past 600 range (Look at the sight lock). Once it is damaged a tad, it will split in two... Found in... Destroy Massive MT [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #########========######==####==######========######========########### #########==############==####==######==####==######==####==########### #########========######========######==####==######========########### ###############==######==####==######==####==######==################# #########========######==####==######========######==################# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shop/Checklist This is a list of parts. It also serves as a shop guide. The shop part of this guide is if you started in Silent Line and didn't load up. -Five boxes ([][][][][]), means you either start with the part or it is in the shop from the beginning of the game. -10 boxes mean you have to get corporation points to unlock them. To get these points, just do missions for that corp. These are easy to get, just beat all the missions and this should work. -15 boxes means this is received as a prize in the arena. Just beat the whole arena and this shouldn't be a problem. -20 Boxes means this part is either found in a mission or given as a reward after the mission (whether it is in the mail or not) HEAD-----------------------------------------------------------------CHD-01-ATE MHD-MM/003 CHD-04-YIV MHD-RE/005 MHD-RE/008 CHD-06-OVE CHD-02-TIE MHD-MM/004 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]


[][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]

CORE-----------------------------------------------------------------CCM-00-STO MCM-MX/002 CCL-OI-NER MCL-SS/ORCA CCH-OV-IKS MCH-MX/GRP [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]

ARMS-----------------------------------------------------------------CAM-10-XB CAM-11-SOL MAM-MX/REE MAM-SS/ALS CAM-01-MHL CAL-44-EAS MAL-GALE MAL-RE/REX CAL-MARTE CAH-22-NIX MAH-RE/GG CAH-23-XBI MAH-SS/CASK CAW-DMG-0204 CAW-DS48-01 MAW-DHM68/04 CAW-DVG36-01 CAW-DBZ-48 CAW-DC-03 CAW-DHZ-36 MAW-DLC/POWER MAW-DSL/FIN [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]

LEGS-----------------------------------------------------------------CLM-01-EDF MLM-MM/ORDER CLM-02-SNSK MLM-SS/ORC MLM-MX/066 CLM-03-SRVT CLL-01-FKST MLL-SS/1001 MLL-MX/EDGE CLL-HUESO CLH-XV-MSGR CLH-STIFF MLH-MX/VOLAR MLH-SS/RS CLB-44-AKS MLB-SS/FLUID CLB-SOLID CLB-33-NMU MLB-MX/004 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]


[][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

BOOSTER--------------------------------------------------------------CBT-00-UN1 CBT-01-UN4 MBT-OX/002 MBT-OX/E9 CBT-FLEET MBT-NI/MARE CBT-DRAKE [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]

FCS------------------------------------------------------------------VREX-ST-2 AOX-F/ST-6 VREX-ST-12 VREX-WS-1 AOX-X/WS-3 AOX-ANA VREX-ND-2 VREX-F/ND-8 PLS-EMA PLS-ROA [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]

GENERATOR------------------------------------------------------------CGP-ROV6 CGP-ROV10 MGP-VE8 KGP-ZS4 MGP-VE905 CGP-ROZ KGP-ZSV [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]

RADIATOR-------------------------------------------------------------RIX-CR10 RIX-CR11 RMR-SA44 RMR-SA77 RIX-CR14 RMR-ICICLE RGI-KD99 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][]



[][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]

EXTENSION------------------------------------------------------------MEBT-OX/EB KEBT-TB-UN5 MEBT-OX/MB CEBT-HEX MWEM-R/24 CWEM-R/20 KWEM-TERRIER CWEM-AS40 CWEM-AM40 MWEM-A/50 KWEL-SILENT MES-SS/1441 KES-AEGIS MEST-MX/CROW CEEC-00-XSP CEEC-01-XSP2 KEEP-MALUM [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][]

BACK UNIT------------------------------------------------------------CWM-S40-1 MWM-S42/6 CWM-S60-10 MWM-S60/12 MWM-M24/2 CWM-M36-4 CWM-VM36-4 MWM-DM24/1 MWM-MM16/1 CWM-GM14-1 CWM-TITAN CWR-S50 CWR-S80 CWR-M30 MWR-M/45 MWR-TM/60 CWR-HECTOS CWC-CNG-300 CWC-SLU-64 CWC-GNS-15 CWC-GNL-15 MWC-IR./20 MWC-LQ/35 MWC-XP/80 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]


[][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

ARM UNIT R-----------------------------------------------------------CWG-RF-200 MWG-RF/220 CWG-RF-160 CWG-SRF-80 MWG-SRF/60 MWG-MG/350 CWG-MG-500 MWG-MG/1000 CWG-HG-80 MWG-HG/100 CWG-BZ-50 CWG-BZ-30 MWG-SBZ/24 CWG-GS-72 CWG-GS-56 MWG-GS/54 CWGG-HM-60 CWGG-HR-66 CWGG-GR-12 MWG-KP/150 MWG-KP/100 MWG-XCW/90 MWG-XCB/75 MWG-KARASAWA MWGG-XCG/20 KWB-SBR0X KWB-SBR01 KWB-MARS [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

Left Arm Weapons-----------------------------------------------------CLB-LS-1551 MLB-LS/003 CLB-LS-2551 KLB-TLS/SOL MLB-MOONLIGHT KWG-HZL50 KWG-HZL30 KWG-FTL450 CES-ES-0001 CES-ES-0101 [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][]

MES-ES/011 [][][][][] KES-ES/MIRROR [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] OPTIONAL PARTS-------------------------------------------------------OP-S-SCR OP-E/SCR OP-S/STAB OP-E/CND OP-ECMP OP-L/AXL OP-LFCS++ OP-L/BRK OP-L/TRN OP-E-LAI OP-E-LAP OP-SP/E++ OP-E/RTE OP-TQ/CE OP-M/AW OP-INTENSIFY [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][] [][][][][][][][][][]

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####========####========####========####========####### #######==####==####==####==####==####==#######==#######==############# #######========####========####========#######==#######========####### #######==##########==####==####==##==#########==#############==####### #######==##########==####==####==###==########==#######========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Parts...(Put a "~" in front of what ever you put in the find, to Find hold in "control" and press F) -Heads -----------------------------Head -Cores -----------------------------Core -Arms ------------------------------Arms -Weapon Arms -----------------------Arms -Midweight Humanoid legs -----------Legs -Lightweight Humanoid legs ---------Legs -Heavyweight Humanoid legs ---------Legs -Reverse Joint legs ----------------Legs -Quadruped legs --------------------Legs -Tank legs -------------------------Legs -Hover legs ------------------------Legs -Boosters --------------------------Booster -Firing Control Systems ------------FCS -Generators ------------------------Generator -Radiators -------------------------Radiator -Offensive Inside Weapons ----------Inside -Defensive Inside Weapons ----------Inside -Auxiliary Booster Extensions ------Extension -Relation Missile Extensions -------Extension -Anti Missile Extensions -----------Extension -Side Shield Extensions ------------Extension -Miscellaneous Extensions ----------Extension -Back Unit Missiles ----------------Back Unit

-Back Unit Rockets -----------------Back Unit -Back Unit Cannons -----------------Back Unit -Back Unit General Magazines -------Back Unit -Back Unit Radars ------------------Back Unit -Dual Back Units -------------------Back Unit -Rifles ----------------------------Arm Unit R -Machine Guns ----------------------Arm Unit R -Hand Guns -------------------------Arm Unit R -Bazookas --------------------------Arm Unit R -Shot Guns -------------------------Arm Unit R -Miscellaneous ---------------------Arm Unit R -Energy Guns -----------------------Arm Unit R -Parrying Blades -------------------Arm Unit R -Laser Blades ----------------------Arm Unit L -Left Arm Guns ---------------------Arm Unit L -Shields ---------------------------Arm Unit L -Optional Parts --------------------Optional Parts This section will tell you a lot about the parts. I will list important things about the part type and then a note about the part it's self. A number of stars will be on the part, rating its effectiveness. These are things I added in myself. The rating is just my opinion of the part, note that I prefer light weight. Note: My personal note BUO: Best used on/with, these are just tips (--- means it does really stick out that much to be on a certain AC or it is mentioned intro to the parts of a certain type.) Found: Where the part is found [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######==#####==####========####========####====########========###### #######==#####==####==##########==####==####==#===######==############ #######=========####======######========####==###==#####========###### #######==#####==####==##########==####==####==#===############==###### #######==#####==####========####==####==####====########========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Heads... Head are on the top of your AC. They provide Mapping, Radar, and other little things. For the most part, a Head's defense is usually not going to be the deciding factor in a big fight, but it can help. The heads stats Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Computer Type: The heads performance level. Computer Voice: The gender, has no real point. System recovery: How fast you get rid of system errors.

Map type: When you press select in missions, how good it is. Bio Sensor: Can it lock on to Bio weapons? ECM canceler: Can it counter electric counter measures? Radar function: Does this head have radar? Radar range: How far the Radar goes. Radar type: What the Radar looks like. Scanning interval: The radar's refresh rate. Text: What is actually says in the game. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CHD-01-ATE *** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 15000 Weight: 120 Energy drain: 350 Armor points: 780 Def. Shell: 154 Def. Energy: 149 Cooling: 204 Computer Type: Rough Computer Voice: Female System recovery: Mid Map type: No memory Bio Sensor: Provided ECM canceler: None Radar function: None Radar range: None Radar type: None Scanning interval: None Text: Stable, well balanced head part. Note: Other than being the lightest head, nothing else is good about it. BUO: The starting AC or the Lightest Found: You start with it. MHD-MM/003 ******** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 43500 Weight: 141 Energy drain: 657 Armor points: 892 Def. Shell: 165 Def. Energy: 232 Cooling: 25 Computer Type: Standard Computer Voice: Male System recovery: Mid Map type: No memory Bio Sensor: None ECM canceler: Provided Radar function: Provided Radar range: 490 Radar type: Standard Scanning interval: 80 Next: Head part with good energy defense. Note: AKA The bucket head, this is the head the Controller Acs use in

AC3. This head has the best E def in AC3. Supposedly this head has the best blade tracking. This head also has a scary eye! BUO: A blader or a VS E weaponer Found in: Shop CHD-04-YIV **** Manufacturer: Chest Ind. Price: 28000 Weight: 135 Energy drain: 243 Armor points: 865 Def. Shell: 201 Def. Energy: 165 Cooling: 449 Computer Type: Standard Computer Voice: Female System recovery: Mid Map type: Area&place name Bio Sensor: none ECM canceler: none Radar function: none Radar range: none Radar type: none Scanning interval: none Text: Good overall performance, no radar. Note: I can't find anything good about this part that makes it stand out... But from a back view with the IKS core, you look headless. BUO: --Found: Found hidden in "Defend Naire Bridge" look at the FAQ. MHD-RE/005 ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 22500 Weight: 234 Energy drain: 216 Armor points: 1000 Def. Shell: 196 Def. Energy: 172 Cooling: 388 Computer Type: Detailed Computer Voice: Male System recovery: High Map type: No memory Bio Sensor: none ECM canceler: none Radar function: none Radar range: none Radar type: none Scanning interval: none Text: Close-range, basic performance model. Note: This is without a doubt the best head to use in the arena if you have a back radar (or cheese with OPI). It's good because of it has the lowest drain I believe and has the highest AP. Its only bad part is that it sucks by itself. BUO: A OPI or when you want the highest AP. Found: Shop MHD-RE/008 ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 59000

Weight: 187 Energy drain: 439 Armor points: 911 Def. Shell: 192 Def. Energy: 149 Cooling: 164 Computer Type: Rough Computer Voice: Female System recovery: High Map type: No memory Bio Sensor: provided ECM canceler: none Radar function: provided Radar range: 290 Radar type: standard Scanning interval: 74 Text: Improved version of the MHD-RE/005 Note: I never really used this part. BUO: --Found: Shop CHD-06-OVE ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 67200 Weight: 166 Energy drain: 374 Armor points: 803 Def. Shell: 129 Def. Energy: 132 Cooling: 505 Computer Type: Rough Computer Voice: Male System recovery: high Map type: area&place name Bio Sensor: none ECM canceler: provided Radar function: none Radar range: none Radar type: none Scanning interval: none Text: Exceptional heat-defense and cooling Note: ILL! This head sucks, looks ugly too. I guess if your little brother loves heat weapons it has some purpose BUO: VS heat Found: Shop CHD-02-TIE ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 29500 Weight: 156 Energy drain: 457 Armor points: 788 Def. Shell: 141 Def. Energy: 154 Cooling: 58 Computer Type: standard Computer Voice: female System recovery: mid Map type: area&place name Bio Sensor: none

ECM canceler: provided Radar function: provided Radar range: 440 Radar type: standard Scanning interval: 48 Text: Improved version of the CHD-01-ATE Note: My used to be favorite head. There is nothing bad or too good about it. BUO: --Found: Shop MHD-MM/004 * Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 64100 Weight: 255 Energy drain: 333 Armor points: 956 Def. Shell: 133 Def. Energy: 146 Cooling: 25 Computer Type: standard Computer Voice: male System recovery: mid Map type: no memory Bio Sensor: provided ECM canceler: none Radar function: provided Radar range: 540 Radar type: standard Scanning interval: 30 Text: Good multipurpose functionality. Note: This is just a filler up head. There is no point in using this head. There is cheaper heads that weight less and that do better and more things. By the way, the part is ugly :) BUO: A joke AC Found: Shop CHD-SKYEYE ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 41000 Weight: 148 Energy drain: 534 Armor points: 840 Def. Shell: 177 Def. Energy: 153 Cooling: 100 Computer Type: detailed Computer Voice: female System recovery: high Map type: area&place name Bio Sensor: none ECM canceler: none Radar function: provided Radar range: 360 Radar type: standard Scanning interval: 65 Text: Highly stable Crest masterpiece. Note: This is a very good head for the arena and all. It does lack some features but is still very good BUO: ---

Found: Shop MHD-SS/CRUST ****** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 33800 Weight: 378 Energy drain: 711 Armor points: 956 Def. Shell: 246 Def. Energy: 208 Cooling: 242 Computer Type: rough Computer Voice: male System recovery: low Map type: no memory Bio Sensor: none ECM canceler: provided Radar function: none Radar range: none Radar type: none Scanning interval: none Text: Heavy armor, superior defense model. Note: Despite its lack of any functions and high E drain and weight, it does have very good armor. BUO: A heavy weight Found: Shop MHD-MX/RACHIS ******** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 54000 Weight: 353 Energy drain: 277 Armor points: 975 Def. Shell: 160 Def. Energy: 190 Cooling: 80 Computer Type: detailed Computer Voice: female System recovery: high Map type: area&place name Bio Sensor: provided ECM canceler: none Radar function: provided Radar range: 560 Radar type: standard Scanning interval: 56 Text: Highly stable Mirage masterpiece. Note: This is a very good head. Its bad point it its weight... BUO: --Found: Shop CHD-07-VEN ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 53200 Weight: 145 Energy drain: 865 Armor points: 692 Def. Shell: 104 Def. Energy: 202 Cooling: 122

Computer Type: detailed Computer Voice: male System recovery: high Map type: area&place name Bio Sensor: provided ECM canceler: provided Radar function: provided Radar range: 940 Radar type: standard Scanning interval: 15 Text: Multi-function, radar equipped model. Note: This is without a doubt my favorite head in AC... From the Radar, to WAKS and now VEN. This head has every function in the game and light. Is you can get around its piss poor AP, then it's great. This part has very high drain, but gets lowered in the expansion "Silent Line: Armored Core" BUO: Missions Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========#####========####========####========####========###### #######==####==#####==####==####==####==####==##########==############ #######==###########==####==####========####======######========###### #######==####==#####==####==####==##==######==################==###### #######========#####========####==###==#####========####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Cores... Cores are the "core" of your AC. The core stores your generator, booster, FCSs, Radiators, and optional parts. There is two types off cores. Over boosting: This lets you boost extremely fast. (OB) Exceed Orbit: These are little firing pods the track down and kill on there own. (EO) The (OB) core stats Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Maximum Weight: The amount of weight the core can carry. VS MG Response: The angle and ability of the AMS VS MG Range: The range of the anti missile system (AMS) Option Slots: The amount of optional parts that can be used Core type: EO or BO OB power: Boost power of the OB OB energy drain: The amount of drain from OB ing Discharge heat: The amount of heat generated when you OB Text: What is actually says in the game. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on...

Found: Where to get the part. The (EO) core stats Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Maximum Weight: The amount of weight the core can carry. Option Slots: The amount of optional parts that can be used Core type: EO or BO EO attack power: How strong one shot is EO number of ammo: The number of ammo in the EO EO ammo type: solid or energy EO ammo heat: How hot a shot is EO reload time: How long it takes to shoot again EO range: How far the shoot travels Discharge heat: How much heat you get when you pop them out. Text: What is actually says in the game. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CCM-00-STO ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 61000 Weight: 1105 Energy drain: 1043 Armor points: 2820 Def. Shell: 580 Def. Energy: 505 Cooling: 368 Maximum Weight: 3558 VS MG Response: 55 VS MG Range: 125 Option Slots: 12 Core type: OB OB power: 2670 OB energy drain: 9600 Discharge heat: 1200 Text: Crest's general purpose core model. Note: The basic core, nothing to good or bad. BUO: A starting AC Found: You start with this part. MCM-MX/002 ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 80000 Weight: 1016 Energy drain: 1100 Armor points: 2643 Def. Shell: 530 Def. Energy: 560 Cooling: 444 Maximum Weight: 3302

Option Slots: 16 Core type: EO EO attack power: 450 EO number of ammo: 50 EO ammo type: energy EO ammo heat: 12 EO reload time: 30 EO usage drain: 2800 EO range: 850 Discharge heat: 146 Text: Mirage's standard, high AP model. Note: Very good core, well balanced in everything. It has a medium recharge rate and in packs of 10. It shots green energy lasers. BUO: Anything without a blade Found: Shop CCL-OI-NER ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 88000 Weight: 788 Energy drain: 1310 Armor points: 2320 Def. Shell: 491 Def. Energy: 428 Cooling: 356 Maximum Weight: 3141 VS MG Response: 48 VS MG Range: 100 Option Slots: 14 Core type: OB OB power: 3000 OB energy drain: 10140 Discharge heat: 980 Text: Powerful OB thrust, but lacks defense. Note: This is my favorite Core. It is also the lightest core. In the expansion, this loses some AP and Shell Defense. BUO: A lightweight. Found: Shop MCL-SS/ORCA ****** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 114000 Weight: 890 Energy drain: 1553 Armor points: 2150 Def. Shell: 470 Def. Energy: 466 Cooling: 273 Maximum Weight: 3024 Option Slots: 20 Core type: EO EO attack power: 123 EO number of ammo: 100 EO ammo type: energy EO ammo heat: 8 EO reload time: 5 EO usage drain: 884 EO range: 300 Discharge heat: 85 Text: Many option slots and very expandable.

Note: This part does seem bad on paper, and it really is, this gets better in the expansion. Not only that, it has tons an OP slots. Its EO shot is a single energy machine gun that recharges about 1 per second. BUO: On a lightweight with energy weapons. Found: Shop CCH-OV-IKS ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 139000 Weight: 1502 Energy drain: 879 Armor points: 3166 Def. Shell: 664 Def. Energy: 610 Cooling: 733 Maximum Weight: 4077 VS MG Response: 38 VS MG Range: 150 Option Slots: 10 Core type: OB OB power: 2300 OB energy drain: 8000 Discharge heat: 1810 Text: Provides exceptional AP and DEF Note: The most AP core in the game. It is also very heavy. The lack of a big optional options make this core a little worse. BUO: On a heavily armored AC or tank Found: Shop MCH-MX/GRP ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 72000 Weight: 1378 Energy drain: 992 Armor points: 3003 Def. Shell: 630 Def. Energy: 543 Cooling: 407 Maximum Weight: 3813 Option Slots: 8 Core type: EO EO attack power: 1450 EO number of ammo: 15 EO ammo type: energy EO ammo heat: 18 EO reload time: 122 EO usage drain: 5450 EO range: 570 Discharge heat: 142 Text: Heavy model stressing AP and DEF. Note: Very good in EO attack. They recharge all in one bulk. They shot dual plasma rounds, that look just like the karasawa's beams BUO: when you're just to lazy to press square. Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #########========######========######===##===######========########### #########==####==######==####==######========######==#################

#########========######========######==#==#==######========########### #########==####==######==##==########==####==############==########### #########==####==######==###==#######==####==######========########### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Arms... Arms, the regular ones, are the things you need to hold weapons. I mostly never worry about arms unless I blade or need armor. So I usually just use light ones... The Arm stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Energy Supply: This is a major factor in blade damage. Recoil Control: Determines recoil (mainly machine guns) Reaction Speed: The arms speed to you blading. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CAM-10-XB *** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 15500 Weight: 1228 Energy drain: 1006 Armor Points: 1670 Def. Shell: 356 Def. Energy: 342 Cooling: 245 Energy Supply: 85 Recoil Control: 279 Reaction Speed: 600 Text: Standard model. Heavy but stable. Note: Too heavy for its usefulness BUO: A newbie Found: You start with this part CAM-11-SOL ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 19000 Weight: 1054 Energy drain: 877 Armor Points: 1635 Def. Shell: 332 Def. Energy: 328 Cooling: 95 Energy Supply: 105 Recoil Control: 284 Reaction Speed: 700

Text: Lighter version of the CAM-10-XB. Note: These are just above average in everything BUO: When it can fit Found: Shop MAM-MX/REE ****** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 23000 Weight: 1400 Energy drain: 1510 Armor Points: 1743 Def. Shell: 305 Def. Energy: 453 Cooling: 114 Energy Supply: 130 Recoil Control: 280 Reaction Speed: 400 Text: High AP and energy defense model. Note: Very high E supply and E defs, but they fall short because of E drain and weight... BUO: When you want to kill in one blade strike Found: Shop MAM-SS/ALS ****** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 37000 Weight: 1307 Energy drain: 1210 Armor Points: 1564 Def. Shell: 358 Def. Energy: 374 Cooling: 299 Energy Supply: 110 Recoil Control: 276 Reaction Speed: 700 Text: Highly stable Mirage masterpiece. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CAM-01-MHL Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 30000 Weight: 1243 Energy drain: 974 Armor Points: 1780 Def. Shell: 433 Def. Energy: 239 Cooling: 354 Energy Supply: 100 Recoil Control: 330 Reaction Speed: 500 Text: Close-range, high shell DEF model. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CAL-44-EAS ********* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 28000

Weight: 714 Energy drain: 1222 Armor Points: 1490 Def. Shell: 288 Def. Energy: 276 Cooling: 282 Energy Supply: 100 Recoil Control: 300 Reaction Speed: 600 Text: Lightest arm part. Very mobile. Note: One of my favorite arm parts. A must use on lights BUO: A lightweight, or when you are over weight. Found: Shop MAL-GALE ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 36800 Weight: 853 Energy drain: 940 Armor Points: 1602 Def. Shell: 229 Def. Energy: 402 Cooling: 549 Energy Supply: 90 Recoil Control: 285 Reaction Speed: 600 Text: Top notch energy defense and cooling. Note: Overall great arms for its weight, just sucks for blading. BUO: When you need high DEF but on a light Found: Shop MAL-RE/REX ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 39000 Weight: 895 Energy drain: 682 Armor Points: 1654 Def. Shell: 201 Def. Energy: 194 Cooling: 245 Energy Supply: 120 Recoil Control: 274 Reaction Speed: 500 Text: High AP offsets low DEF ratings. Note: IMO the best arms, good for blades and the lowest E drain BUO: With an expert Found: Shop CAL-MARTE *** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 56000 Weight: 914 Energy drain: 857 Armor Points: 1550 Def. Shell: 304 Def. Energy: 293 Cooling: 120 Energy Supply: 95 Recoil Control: 288 Reaction Speed: 1400

Text: Crest's answer to Mirage's MAL-RE/REX Note: I just don't like these arms, THEY SUCK FOR BLADES! BUO: with inside weapons and if you like a slow blade Found: Shop CAH-22-NIX ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 39500 Weight: 1612 Energy drain: 1258 Armor Points: 1835 Def. Shell: 475 Def. Energy: 360 Cooling: 102 Energy Supply: 110 Recoil Control: 295 Reaction Speed: 700 Text: Stable, high defense arm model. Note: The lightest of the heavy weight. BUO: When you just want to squeeze a little more on. Found: Shop MAH-RE/GG ******** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 54400 Weight: 1788 Energy drain: 1299 Armor Points: 1920 Def. Shell: 482 Def. Energy: 518 Cooling: 715 Energy Supply: 100 Recoil Control: 330 Reaction Speed: 600 Text: Close-range, heat resistant model. Note: VERY high DEF BUO: heavy weight Found: Shop CAH-23-XBI ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 34000 Weight: 1726 Energy drain: 1274 Armor Points: 1880 Def. Shell: 515 Def. Energy: 409 Cooling: 337 Energy Supply: 90 Recoil Control: 330 Reaction Speed: 600 Text: Highly stable Crest masterpiece. Note: I don't see why you would wear this over the GG BUO: Heavy Found: Shop MAH-SS/CASK ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 42100 Weight: 2120

Energy drain: 1415 Armor Points: 1990 Def. Shell: 654 Def. Energy: 488 Cooling: 165 Energy Supply: 125 Recoil Control: 300 Reaction Speed: 800 Text: Provides excellent AP and defense. Note: Hmm, highest DEF, good E supply, and doesn't interfere with back parts? WOW! Only it weight a lot. BUO: D3TA Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######==####==#####========####========####===##===####========###### #######==#==#==#####==####==####==####==####========####==############ #######==#==#==#####========####========####==#==#==####========###### #######==#==#==#==##==####==####==##==######==####==##########==###### #######========#==##==####==####==###==#####==####==####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Weapon Arms... Weapon arms are just as they sound. They are arms that are weapons them selves. They come in many flavors. WARNING these arms do not have defensive points. I'm not going to describe that stats in this part, they are way to different from part to part. If you want to know what something means go look at the other weapons. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CAW-DMG-0204 ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 48000 Type: Machine gun Weight: 1180 Energy drain: 74 Armor Points: 690 Cooling: 536 Weapon Lock: wide & shallow Attack Power: 200:200 Ammo Heat: 56:56 Range: 440:440 Maximum Lock: 1:1 Reload Time: 10:6 Number of Ammo: 360 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 58 Usage Drain: -:Text: Variable firing rate machine gun. Note: These suck, bad! They can't hit for crap BUO: when making the lowest AP AC Found: Shop CAW-DS48-01 ****** Manufacturer: Crest Ind.

Price: 57000 Type: Small missile Weight: 730 Energy drain: 420 Armor Points: 940 Cooling: 233 Weapon Lock: standard Attack Power: 780:780 Ammo Heat: 10:10 Range: 450:450 Maximum Lock: 1:1 Reload Time: 41:41 Number of Ammo: 48 Ammo Type: solid Ammo Price: 260 Usage Drain: -:Text: Variable launch missile model Note: These aren't that great. Shoot 2 or 4! BUO: A crappy missile AC Found: Shop MAW-DHM68/04 ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 68100 Type: Small missile Weight: 1275 Energy drain: 377 Armor Points: 1202 Cooling: 411 Weapon Lock: standard Attack Power: 520:780 Ammo Heat: 640:186 Range: 510:510 Maximum Lock: 4:4 Reload Time: 46:46 Number of Ammo: 68 Ammo Type: solid Ammo Price: 130 Usage Drain: -:Text: Toggle missile type: heat/small Note: These are great, keep them on Small, since you'll usually overheat them any ways, especially with relations. BUO: Any all missile AC Found: Shop CAW-DVG36-01 **** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 84000 Type: Low or high trajectory missiles Weight: 1714 Energy drain: 532 Armor Points: 834 Cooling: 365 Weapon Lock: standard Attack Power: 780:780 Ammo Heat: 145:145 Range: 600:600 Maximum Lock: 1:1 Reload Time: 84:84 Number of Ammo: 36

Ammo Type: solid Ammo Price: 1125 Usage Drain: -:Text: Toggle missile type: vertical/torpedo. Note: These have too little ammo, the low ones are better. BUO: A confusing Missiles AC Found: Shop CAW-DBZ-48 ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 96300 Type: Bazooka Weight: 1560 Energy drain: 99 Armor Points: 1550 Cooling: 257 Weapon Lock: narrow & deep Attack Power: 1500:1500 Ammo Heat: 320:320 Range: 760:760 Maximum Lock: 1:1 Reload Time: 45:45 Number of Ammo: 48 Ammo Type: solid Ammo Price: 200 Usage Drain: -:Text: Toggle bazooka: no. of rounds fired. Note: Either shoot two, or 4 spread. Very power fully up close. BUO: A jouster Found: Shop CAW-DC-03 ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 88000 Type: Grenade launcher Weight: 1830 Energy drain: 233 Armor Points: 910 Cooling: 98 Weapon Lock: narrow & deep Attack Power: 3400:3400 Ammo Heat: 742:742 Range: 1147:1147 Maximum Lock: 1:1 Reload Time: 180:110 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: solid Ammo Price: 1750 Usage Drain: -:Text: Toggle cannon: firing style. Note: Shot one or two, very strong. BUO: A hyper sniper. Found: Defeat Ace/Arcadia in the arena (A-1) CAW-DHZ-36 * Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 52500 Type: Howitzer Weight: 1700 Energy drain: 136

Armor Points: 1210 Cooling: 66 Weapon Lock: none Attack Power: 410:1050 Ammo Heat: 278:606 Range: 900:900 Maximum Lock: -:Reload Time: 74:74 Number of Ammo: 80 Ammo Type: solid Ammo Price: 340 Usage Drain: -:Text: Toggle howitzer: no. of rounds fired. Note: They suck! Don't use these, go away! BUO: Under a kick me sign Found: Shop MAW-DLC/POWER ****** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 82200 Type: Laser cannon Weight: 1666 Energy drain: 604 Armor Points: 888 Cooling: 338 Weapon Lock: narrow & deep Attack Power: 2335:1240 Ammo Heat: 24:24 Range: 415:415 Maximum Lock: 1:1 Reload Time: 74:47 Number of Ammo: 48 Ammo Type: energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 6800:2400 Text: Toggle laser cannon: shot strength. Note: The strong shot is a lot strong but drains a lot! They are way way tuned down since AC1 BUO: --Found: Shop MAW-DSL/FIN ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 53300 Type: Spread laser Weight: 1093 Energy drain: 611 Armor Points: 1090 Cooling: 657 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 160:300 Ammo Heat: 10:10 Range: 200:350 Maximum Lock: 1:1 Reload Time: 10:28 Number of Ammo: 180 Ammo Type: energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 1200:1500 Text: Toggle spread laser: rounds fired.

Note: VERY FAST KILLING! They just suck for missions and drain a lot. BUO: tank killer Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##=======###========##========##========##====######========# #========##==####==#####==#####==####==##==########==#===####==####### #==#==#==##=======######==#####========##======####==###==###========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #==####==##=======###========##==########========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Midweight Humanoid legs... These are the standard legs in AC. -Mid speed -Mid load -mid armor -mid air speed -cannon restrictions The mid weight leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CLM-01-EDF ****** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 25000 Maximum weight: 4905 Weight: 1888 Energy drain: 1844 Stationary Drain: 560 Armor points: 3050 Def. Shell: 502 Def. Energy: 494 Cooling: 354 Moving Ability: 280

Turing Speed: 118 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 100 Landing stability: 1007 Defensive stability: 900 Text: Inexpensive, standard leg model. Note: Just not the best in anything BUO: The starting AC Found: You start with these MLM-MM/ORDER ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 29500 Maximum Weight: 5097 Weight: 1994 Energy drain: 1725 Stationary Drain: 642 Armor points: 3238 Def. Shell: 556 Def. Energy: 529 Cooling: 402 Moving Ability: 277 Turing Speed: 115 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 92 Landing stability: 1018 Defensive stability: 1106 Text: Model competing with the CLM-01-EDF Note: Don't know why, but it has four pipes sticking out of it... BUO: --Found: Shop CLM-02-SNSK ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 45600 Maximum Weight: 5252 Weight: 2309 Energy drain: 1864 Stationary Drain: 690 Armor points: 3386 Def. Shell: 580 Def. Energy: 543 Cooling: 485 Moving Ability: 275 Turing Speed: 110 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 110 Landing stability: 1221 Defensive stability: 1320 Text: Highly stable Crest masterpiece. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MLM-SS/ORC ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 49000 Maximum Weight: 5384 Weight: 2555 Energy drain: 2850

Stationary Drain: 1352 Armor points: 3500 Def. Shell: 501 Def. Energy: 666 Cooling: 783 Moving Ability: 267 Turing Speed: 114 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 110 Landing stability: 1200 Defensive stability: 1200 Text: Emphasizes energy defense and cooling. Note: High load cap and the once highest E def is only pasted by its energy drain. BUO: Vs Anti SAWA or with one (This was my S ranker legs for AC3) Found: Shop MLM-MX/066 ******** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 30300 Maximum Weight: 4982 Weight: 1872 Energy drain: 2644 Stationary Drain: 735 Armor points: 3405 Def. Shell: 520 Def. Energy: 524 Cooling: 590 Moving Ability: 275 Turing Speed: 120 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 100 Landing stability: 1000 Defensive stability: 1187 Text: High mobility leg model. Note: Very light for a mid. Lighter than some light weights BUO: instead of the EDGE Found: Shop CLM-03-SRVT ********* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 35000 Maximum Weight: 5193 Weight: 2403 Energy drain: 1620 Stationary Drain: 650 Armor points: 3624 Def. Shell: 688 Def. Energy: 405 Cooling: 302 Moving Ability: 270 Turing Speed: 112 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 108 Landing stability: 1700 Defensive stability: 1612 Text: Leg model stressing shell defense. Note: Very good legs. If you can, I would try and squeeze on these legs if you got the weight. BUO: ---

Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #==########=======###========##========##========##====######========# #==########==####==#####==#####==####==##==########==#===####==####### #==########=======######==#####========##======####==###==###========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #========##=======###========##==########========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Lightweight Humanoid legs... These are the all around fastest legs in AC. -High speed -Low load -Low armor -High air speed -Cannon restrictions The light weight leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CLL-01-FKST ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 72000 Maximum Weight: 4377 Weight: 1675 Energy drain: 2894 Stationary Drain: 838 Armor points: 2855 Def. Shell: 500 Def. Energy: 482 Cooling: 783 Moving Ability: 425 Turing Speed: 110 Jump Function: Provided

Braking ability: 94 Landing stability: 1057 Defensive stability: 865 Text: Good mobility combined with decent AP. Note: Light weight that can hold the SAWA! BUO: --Found: Shop MLL-SS/1001 ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 54000 Maximum Weight: 4232 Weight: 1790 Energy drain: 2446 Stationary Drain: 907 Armor points: 3029 Def. Shell: 447 Def. Energy: 503 Cooling: 894 Moving Ability: 436 Turing Speed: 119 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 88 Landing stability: 854 Defensive stability: 670 Text: Part competitor of the CLL-01-FKST. Note: Not sure why, but this part has good cooling. BUO: --Found: Shop MLL-MX/EDGE **** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 110000 Maximum Weight: 4609 Weight: 1892 Energy drain: 3056 Stationary Drain: 583 Armor points: 2216 Def. Shell: 422 Def. Energy: 462 Cooling: 333 Moving Ability: 445 Turing Speed: 120 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 90 Landing stability: 1032 Defensive stability: 847 Text: Long-range, mid-load capacity model. Note: Great in AC1 were weight didn't matter, but they just suck. They do have one of the highest E drains in the game and very fragile. BUO: On a fashion model Found: Shop CLL-HUESO ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 35800 Maximum Weight: 3989 Weight: 1500 Energy drain: 2346 Stationary Drain: 627

Armor points: 2793 Def. Shell: 504 Def. Energy: 412 Cooling: 644 Moving Ability: 452 Turing Speed: 145 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 140 Landing stability: 674 Defensive stability: 593 Text: Lighter prototype of the CLL-01-FKST Note: The lightest legs in the game, and also have the lowest load cap in the game. Don't get used to these, they get slower in turning and get almost 100 S DEF raped off in silent line. BUO: A speed demon with one gun. Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #==####==##=======###========##========##========##====######========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==####==##==########==#===####==####### #========##=======######==#####========##======####==###==###========# #==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #==####==##=======###========##==########========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Heavyweight Humanoid legs... These are very heavy legs in AC, yet they can still boost. -Low speed -High load -High armor -Low air speed -Cannon restrictions The Heavy weight leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. I'm just telling you this, I never really ever used a staple heavy

weight biped, thus I'm not going to rate and give notes. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CLH-XV-MSGR --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 31000 Maximum Weight: 6184 Weight: 2777 Energy drain: 2010 Stationary Drain: 672 Armor points: 3540 Def. Shell: 679 Def. Energy: 567 Cooling: 666 Moving Ability: 160 Turing Speed: 110 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 100 Landing stability: 2150 Defensive stability: 2520 Text: Good close-in model. Inexpensive. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CLH-STIFF --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 75000 Maximum Weight: 6422 Weight: 3064 Energy drain: 2124 Stationary Drain: 972 Armor points: 3602 Def. Shell: 654 Def. Energy: 582 Cooling: 1010 Moving Ability: 155 Turing Speed: 107 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 140 Landing stability: 3133 Defensive stability: 1480 Text: High load capacity and good cooling. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MLH-MX/VOLAR --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 44600 Maximum Weight: 6909 Weight: 3146 Energy drain: 2200 Stationary Drain: 864 Armor points: 3710 Def. Shell: 703 Def. Energy: 600 Cooling: 584 Moving Ability: 151

Turing Speed: 109 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 118 Landing stability: 2953 Defensive stability: 2744 Text: Highly stable Mirage masterpiece. Note: --BUO: --Found: Get this from doing good in the 1st Raven Test. MLH-SS/RS --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 64200 Maximum Weight: 7501 Weight: 3478 Energy drain: 2410 Stationary Drain: 1112 Armor points: 3800 Def. Shell: 756 Def. Energy: 630 Cooling: 366 Moving Ability: 148 Turing Speed: 106 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 125 Landing stability: 3245 Defensive stability: 3008 Text: Best two-leg armor and load capacity. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ################========##########========#######========############# ################==####==#############==##########==################### ################========#############==##########========############# ################==##==############==#==################==############# ################==###==############====##########========############# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Reverse Joint legs... These legs actually come in mid and heavy, but are too low in number to get two more spots. (The second one is the heavy ones) -Mid speed (low) -Low-mid load (mid-high) -Low armor (mid-high) -Fast air speed (mid) -Cannon restrictions The Reverse Joint leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still.

Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. I'm just telling you this, I never really ever used a RJ, thus I'm not going to rate and give notes. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CLB-44-AKS --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 17000 Maximum Weight: 4613 Weight: 2180 Energy drain: 1412 Stationary Drain: 198 Armor points: 3095 Def. Shell: 527 Def. Energy: 451 Cooling: 204 Moving Ability: 304 Turing Speed: 114 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 105 Landing stability: 1888 Defensive stability: 1688 Text: Standard reverse-joint leg model. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MLB-SS/FLUID --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 32200 Maximum Weight: 5082 Weight: 2510 Energy drain: 1456 Stationary Drain: 372 Armor points: 3320 Def. Shell: 590 Def. Energy: 468 Cooling: 150 Moving Ability: 322 Turing Speed: 122 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 89 Landing stability: 2160 Defensive stability: 1756 Text: Well-balanced CLB-44-AKS.

Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CLB-SOLID --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 21100 Maximum Weight: 4816 Weight: 2090 Energy drain: 1685 Stationary Drain: 484 Armor points: 2940 Def. Shell: 472 Def. Energy: 446 Cooling: 716 Moving Ability: 328 Turing Speed: 130 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 115 Landing stability: 1804 Defensive stability: 1765 Text: Lightest reverse-joint leg model. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CLB-33-NMU --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 45000 Maximum Weight: 5782 Weight: 2777 Energy drain: 1515 Stationary Drain: 340 Armor points: 3500 Def. Shell: 622 Def. Energy: 525 Cooling: 289 Moving Ability: 223 Turing Speed: 110 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 108 Landing stability: 2800 Defensive stability: 2870 Text: Enhanced version of the CLB-SOLID. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######=======#####==####==####========####====########========####### #######==####=#####==####==####==####==####==#===######==############# #######==####=#####==####==####========####==###==#####========####### #######=======#####==####==####==####==####==#===############==####### ############===####========####==####==####=====#######========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

~Quadruped legs... These legs actually come in all sizes, but are too low in number to get more spots. These are averaged -High speed -Low-mid load -Mid-high armor -Mid air speed -Cannon restrictions only when flying < - Good! The Quadruped leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. I'm just telling you this, I do use quads, but I only used like two legs. I am a good/avid quad user but I still can't compare them. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MLF-RE/005 --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 37000 Maximum Weight: 4116 Weight: 2150 Energy drain: 2910 Stationary Drain: 1340 Armor points: 2855 Def. Shell: 553 Def. Energy: 604 Cooling: 1210 Moving Ability: 479 Turing Speed: 136 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 124 Landing stability: 2245 Defensive stability: 1077 Text: Standard, highly mobile quadruped. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MLF-MX/KNOT --Manufacturer: Mirage

Price: 44200 Maximum Weight: 5197 Weight: 2400 Energy drain: 3058 Stationary Drain: 1145 Armor points: 3150 Def. Shell: 476 Def. Energy: 554 Cooling: 1324 Moving Ability: 425 Turing Speed: 129 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 124 Landing stability: 2618 Defensive stability: 1243 Text: Enhanced version of the MLF-RE/005 Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CLF-DS-SEV --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 69000 Maximum Weight: 4554 Weight: 1890 Energy drain: 3325 Stationary Drain: 1020 Armor points: 2576 Def. Shell: 428 Def. Energy: 624 Cooling: 1502 Moving Ability: 489 Turing Speed: 120 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 117 Landing stability: 2648 Defensive stability: 2450 Text: Lightweight, emphasizing mobility. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CLF-D1-ILC --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 55000 Maximum Weight: 5012 Weight: 2573 Energy drain: 4010 Stationary Drain: 1583 Armor points: 3386 Def. Shell: 524 Def. Energy: 498 Cooling: 1633 Moving Ability: 437 Turing Speed: 124 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 110 Landing stability: 2080 Defensive stability: 1840 Text: Best cooling of all quadrupeds.

Note: Best cooling of all LEGS!. BUO: --Found: Shop CLF-D2-ROG --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 82700 Maximum Weight: 5366 Weight: 2880 Energy drain: 3699 Stationary Drain: 1820 Armor points: 3402 Def. Shell: 604 Def. Energy: 552 Cooling: 1050 Moving Ability: 396 Turing Speed: 118 Jump Function: Provided Braking ability: 123 Landing stability: 2400 Defensive stability: 2046 Text: An well-armored, heavy-load quadruped. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #######========####========####===###==####==####==####========####### ##########==#######==####==####====##==####==##===#####==############# ##########==#######========####==#==#==####=====#######========####### ##########==#######==####==####==##====####==##===###########==####### ##########==#######==####==####==###===####==####==####========####### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Tank legs... These are the heavy load/strong DEF legs of AC. -Very low speed -High load -High armor -Low air speed -No cannon restrictions The tank leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs walking speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump?

Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CLC-03-MLKS ****** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 15000 Maximum Weight: 6880 Weight: 4100 Energy drain: 978 Stationary Drain: 300 Armor points: 3800 Def. Shell: 770 Def. Energy: 503 Cooling: 603 Moving Ability: 255 Turing Speed: 127 Jump Function: None Braking ability: 311 Landing stability: 4015 Defensive stability: 4025 Text: Low mobility, but balanced overall. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CLC-SHUT ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 25500 Maximum Weight: 7375 Weight: 3027 Energy drain: 1115 Stationary Drain: 329 Armor points: 3735 Def. Shell: 740 Def. Energy: 541 Cooling: 404 Moving Ability: 273 Turing Speed: 122 Jump Function: None Braking ability: 300 Landing stability: 4520 Defensive stability: 4435 Text: Low energy drain for a tank model. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MLC-RE/3003 **** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 36000 Maximum Weight: 5415 Weight: 2922 Energy drain: 3120

Stationary Drain: 2320 Armor points: 3640 Def. Shell: 666 Def. Energy: 615 Cooling: 576 Moving Ability: 300 Turing Speed: 140 Jump Function: None Braking ability: 255 Landing stability: 630 Defensive stability: 941 Text: Respectable DEF ratings and mobile. Note: Would be good, but low load. Very high drain. BUO: Blader tank Found: Shop MLC-TRIDENT ******** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 57000 Maximum Weight: 7860 Weight: 3055 Energy drain: 2888 Stationary Drain: 920 Armor points: 3727 Def. Shell: 688 Def. Energy: 645 Cooling: 1303 Moving Ability: 290 Turing Speed: 136 Jump Function: None Braking ability: 280 Landing stability: 3020 Defensive stability: 1630 Text: Excellent cooling and load ratings. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CLC-D3TA ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 68000 Maximum Weight: 8600 Weight: 3620 Energy drain: 2600 Stationary Drain: 1315 Armor points: 3843 Def. Shell: 800 Def. Energy: 633 Cooling: 894 Moving Ability: 250 Turing Speed: 117 Jump Function: None Braking ability: 388 Landing stability: 4942 Defensive stability: 5100 Text: Best tank model AP and load capacity. Note: HIGH shell def, HIGH load, and AP... HIGHEST! BUO: A dreadfully durable machine Found: Shop

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###==####==###========####==####==####========###========###========## ###==####==###==####==#####==##==#####==#########==####==###==######## ###========###==####==######=##=######======#####========###========## ###==####==###==####==######====######==#########==##==###########==## ###==####==###========#######==#######========###==###==####========## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hover legs... Not only do there have the highest ground boosting, you can't fall into water with them... Too bad there is no real water missions. Each hover leg has a build in booster. I will list the max speed of each leg. (First is normal/air, the second is dashing) -Very high speed -low load -low armor -Low air speed -Cannon restrictions The Hover leg's Stats... Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Maximum weight: How much these legs can hold before going overweight. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Stationary Drain: How much drain the part has when standing still. Armor points: How much AP you get from the part. Def. Shell: How strong the part is VS solid weapons. Def. Energy: How strong the part is VS energy weapons. Cooling: The parts strength VS heat. Moving Ability: How fast the legs 'walking' speed is. Turing Speed: How fast the legs turn. Jump Function: Can this leg jump? Braking ability: Just after an over boost, how fast you stop. Landing stability: How fast you recover from a hard land. Defensive stability: How fast you recover form things like grenades. Text: What it says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MLR-RE/EGA --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 47600 Maximum Weight: 4801 Weight: 1945 Energy drain: 2540 Stationary Drain: 2703 Armor points: 3560 Def. Shell: 480 Def. Energy: 455 Cooling: 1524 Moving Ability: 615 (264/499) Turing Speed: 129

Jump Function: None Braking ability: 104 Landing stability: 740 Defensive stability: 1322 Text: Well-suited for long, mobile battles. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MLR-MX/QUAIL Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 20500 Maximum Weight: 4494 Weight: 1600 Energy drain: 1320 Stationary Drain: 1477 Armor points: 3075 Def. Shell: 424 Def. Energy: 402 Cooling: 555 Moving Ability: 520 (231/526) Turing Speed: 145 Jump Function: None Braking ability: 102 Landing stability: 684 Defensive stability: 997 Text: Highly mobile, hover leg model. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MLR-SS/REM --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 39000 Maximum Weight: 5276 Weight: 2520 Energy drain: 1656 Stationary Drain: 1907 Armor points: 2560 Def. Shell: 522 Def. Energy: 424 Cooling: 592 Moving Ability: 532 (235/537) Turing Speed: 133 Jump Function: None Braking ability: 216 Landing stability: 817 Defensive stability: 1100 Text: Respectable speed and load capacity. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MLR-MM/PETAL --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 87000 Maximum Weight: 3944 Weight: 1660 Energy drain: 2064 Stationary Drain: 1220

Armor points: 3122 Def. Shell: 356 Def. Energy: 393 Cooling: 793 Moving Ability: 681 (287/594) Turing Speed: 125 Jump Function: None Braking ability: 94 Landing stability: 1094 Defensive stability: 1135 Text: Exceptionally fast, good mobility. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CLR-00-MAK --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 58000 Maximum Weight: 4999 Weight: 2114 Energy drain: 1823 Stationary Drain: 1665 Armor points: 3203 Def. Shell: 505 Def. Energy: 439 Cooling: 965 Moving Ability: 633 (270/537) Turing Speed: 121 Jump Function: None Braking ability: 132 Landing stability: 908 Defensive stability: 1407 Text: A fine example of Crest workmanship. Note: --BUO: --Found: Get into the A ranks in the arena. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##========##========# #==####==##==####==##==####==##==###########==#####==########==####==# #=======###==####==##==####==##========#####==#####======####========# #==####==##==####==##==####==########==#####==#####==########==##==### #========##========##========##========#####==#####========##==###==## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Boosters... Boosters are the things that let you dash and fly. Just remember, Boosters and your weight affect flying and dashing, not mobility. The booster stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Boost Power: How strong the boost is. Charge Drain: How much this drains your energy bar.

Efficiency: Basically how far you can go with a boost. By dividing the drain into the boost power. (Note, this isn't listed) Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CBT-00-UN1 * Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 11000 Weight: 200 Energy drain: 27 Boost Power: 9800 Charge Drain: 4340 Efficiency: 2.258064516 Text: Carryover from early AC development. Note: The suck, bad. REAL bad. BUO: When you start out. Found: You start with this. CBT-O1-UN4 ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 13500 Weight: 164 Energy drain: 35 Boost Power: 13000 Charge Drain: 4420 Efficiency: 2.941176471 Text: Enhanced version of the CBT-00-UN1. Note: Has no point, it's only good when you are poor. BUO: --Found: Shop MBT-OX/002 ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 45000 Weight: 230 Energy drain: 30 Boost Power: 17300 Charge Drain: 4600 Efficiency: 3.760869565 Text: Promising new Mirage booster unit. Note: Very eff. Not that bad on speed either. BUO: The flying quads! Found: Shop MBT-OX/E9 ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 31700 Weight: 185 Energy drain: 37 Boost Power: 14800 Charge Drain: 3500 Efficiency: 4.228571429 Text: Efficient for long duration battles. Note: True you can get places with the least amount of energy, but you'll take a long time getting there. BUO: When you like to fly forever! With ease...

Found: Shop CBT-FLEET ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 44000 Weight: 355 Energy drain: 40 Boost Power: 19900 Charge Drain: 6990 Efficiency: 2.84624177 Text: Boost power allows for quick movement. Note: The fastest boosters. Not that great when your surplus energy is low. BUO: Without energy weapons. Found: Found hidden in "Destroy Massive MT" look at the FAQ. MBT-NI/MARE ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 82800 Weight: 300 Energy drain: 85 Boost Power: 18300 Charge Drain: 5350 Efficiency: 3.420560748 Text: Highly stable Mirage masterpiece. Note: Very fast and eff. BUO: Any thing too drainy for the fleet. Found: Shop CBT-DRAKE ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 51000 Weight: 177 Energy drain: 38 Boost Power: 7100 Charge Drain: 2900 Efficiency: 2.448275862 Text: A good choice for aerial combatants. Note: These are only better than the starting boosters. They literally go THAT slow. They are only good for when you need to dash/boost for a long time... BUO: If you suck at flying. Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #############========########========########========################# #############==##############==####==########==####################### #############======##########==##############========################# #############==##############==####==##############==################# #############==##############========########========################# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Firing Control Systems... These are the things that affect your lock box. There is no BEST FCS, but some are better than others are. Most of the time it all depends on the weapons and/or level you are playing in.

Pick the best FCS for you fighting style. These are the Lock Types. Standard: No real things that stand out. Best used with rifles, missiles, and when you have multiple weapons. Wide and Shallow: Use if you are using close range weapon and if you like close range al together. These have the worst range but biggest lock box. Best used with shotguns, machine guns, and bazookas. Narrow and Deep: Use if you like to stay far away and snipe. These have VERY small lock boxes and suck with things like machine guns. These have the best range. These are best used with sniper rifles and long range plasma rifles. Missiles are also a good choice. Lengthway: Use this if you have trouble looking up and down, or can keep things in your lock box better on a Y axis. A good choice when up against small flying enemies or in hallways. Sideway: These In than they look up faster. These are suck in hallways, turrets. my opinion are the best type. Since AC's turn slower and down, these can be used to get to a target also good if you like to ground boost. These actually especially when there is multiple ceiling gun

The FCS stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How much it weighs. In FCS, this will hardly matter. Energy drain: How much it drains. Lock Type: Which on of the 5 from above. Target: How many targets can you fire missiles at. Maximum Lock: The max amount of lock ons you can get with missiles. Lock Speed: The speed of a missile lock on. Sight Range: The max amount of distance this FCS can still lock on to. Precision: How accurate the FCS is, I believe this affects double locks Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. Even though I said it's all a matter of what you are using, I'm still going to give them stars. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] VREX-ST-2 *** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 10000 Weight: 14 Energy drain: 22 Lock Type: Standard Target: Single Maximum Lock: 2 Lock Speed: 37 Sight Range: 338 Precision: 8 Text: Two locks max, single target. Note: Not that it's bad, almost every FCS is better in so many more ways.

BUO: Until more FCS's become available. Found: You start with this part AOX-F/ST-6 ******** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 22800 Weight: 14 Energy drain: 24 Lock Type: Standard Target: Multi Maximum Lock: 6 Lock Speed: 35 Sight Range: 461 Precision: 8 Text: Enhanced VREX-ST-2, six locks max. Note: The most well rounded FCS in my opinion. BUO: Any thing that doesn't need a certain FCS. Found: Shop VREX-ST-12 ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 16800 Weight: 16 Energy drain: 24 Lock Type: Standard Target: Multi Maximum Lock: 12 Lock Speed: 46 Sight Range: 550 Precision: 6 Text: Twelve locks max, multi-target. Note: VERY SLOW! The only FCS that can shoot all of the "MWM-S60/12" BUO: With the MWM-S60/12 or with the Karasawa (Same range) Found: Shop VREX-WS-1 ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 20400 Weight: 8 Energy drain: 12 Lock Type: Wide & Shallow Target: Single Maximum Lock: 1 Lock Speed: 33 Sight Range: 287 Precision: 8 Text: One lock max, single target. Note: The short lock range, but with the biggest lock box. BUO: ONLY a close range AC, and with a blade. Found: Defeat Yellow Boat/Apathy in the arena at rank D-10. AOX-X/WS-3 ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 35400 Weight: 10 Energy drain: 19 Lock Type: Wide & Shallow Target: Single Maximum Lock: 3 Lock Speed: 38

Sight Range: 326 Precision: 8 Text: Three locks max, single target. Note: Just like the above, only a reasonable lock range. BUO: Ditto the WS-1 Found: Shop AOX-ANA ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 72000 Weight: 21 Energy drain: 85 Lock Type: Wide & Shallow Target: Multi Maximum Lock: 6 Lock Speed: 38 Sight Range: 407 Precision: 6 Text: Six locks max, multi-target. Note: I never really used this FCS, but has the range of a standard BUO: --Found: Shop VREX-ND-2 ****** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 88000 Weight: 18 Energy drain: 75 Lock Type: Narrow & Deep Target: Single Maximum Lock: 2 Lock Speed: 31 Sight Range: 1145 Precision: 6 Text: Two locks max, longest sight range. Note: True it is the longest. But its lock box is way too small and there is no need to long on that far away. BUO: A purely sniper. Found: Shop VREX-F/ND-8 ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 119000 Weight: 22 Energy drain: 55 Lock Type: Narrow & Deep Target: Single Maximum Lock: 8 Lock Speed: 26 Sight Range: 751 Precision: 4 Text: Eight locks max, revised VREX-ND-2. Note: The best sniper rifle FCS and the best choice for missiles in my opinion. BUO: A sniper or with multi locking missiles. Found: Shop PLS-EMA ******** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 47000

Weight: 10 Energy drain: 19 Lock Type: Lengthway Target: Multi Maximum Lock: 4 Lock Speed: 41 Sight Range: 481 Precision: 8 Text: Four locks max, vertical lock type. Note: Good basics, but the lock box is a little hard to get used to. BUO: If your L2 and R2 buttons are broke. Found: Shop PLS-ROA ********* Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 53000 Weight: 18 Energy drain: 37 Lock Type: Sideway Target: Multi Maximum Lock: 10 Lock Speed: 40 Sight Range: 481 Precision: 8 Text: Ten locks max, horizontal lock type. Note: Same with the EMA, only a better lock box. BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ##########========######========######===###==######========########## ##########==############==############====##==######==################ ##########==##====######======########==#==#==######========########## ##########==####==######==############==##====############==########## ##########========######========######==###===######========########## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Generators... Generators are the things that power your Acs up. Try and use low drain part as it will make your energy refresh faster. The generators stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How much it weighs. In FCS, this will hardly matter. Energy Output: The max amount of charge for the gen. Maximum Charge: The un-condensed size of the energy bar. Redzone: The size of the red part of the energy bar. Calorific Value: This actually affects your cool a lot! Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

CGP-ROV6 * Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 19500 Weight: 300 Energy Output: 6000 Maximum Charge: 28000 Redzone: 6800 Calorific Value: 1920 Text: Low capacity and has a wide red zone. Note: Very cappyish. It actually excels in ass! BUO: Until you sell that napalm howitzer. Found: You start with this part CGP-ROV10 ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 23500 Weight: 240 Energy Output: 6560 Maximum Charge: 38000 Redzone: 4000 Calorific Value: 2900 Text: Improved version of the CGP-ROV10 Note: Another sucky filler part. BUO: When you have 4000 spare credits from the start. Found: Shop MGP-VE8 *** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 32000 Weight: 284 Energy Output: 6800 Maximum Charge: 33000 Redzone: 5300 Calorific Value: 3892 Text: Competing product with the CGP-ROV6. Note: Same as the above part... BUO: --Found: Shop KGP-ZS4 ***** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 33000 Weight: 238 Energy Output: 7700 Maximum Charge: 33000 Redzone: 4000 Calorific Value: 4777 Text: A solidly designed Kisaragi model. Note: A light weight gen that will get you buy. BUO: When the ROZ still isn't in. Found: Shop MGP-VE905 ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 49000 Weight: 348 Energy Output: 9943 Maximum Charge: 34000 Redzone: 3000 Calorific Value: 3760

Text: Respectable output and a quality part. Note: This is another alternative to the ROZ BUO: --Found: Get into the D ranks in the arena. CGP-ROZ ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 54000 Weight: 450 Energy Output: 10500 Maximum Charge: 42000 Redzone: 2200 Calorific Value: 3914 Text: A model designed for Heavy ACs. Note: The best gen. True it says heavy, but you should ALWAYS have this on before you even start to make a design. This will also give you the best refresh. BUO: Anything, really. Found: Shop KGP-ZSV ******** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 66000 Weight: 398 Energy Output: 8900 Maximum Charge: 48000 Redzone: 3300 Calorific Value: 5200 Text: Revised version of the KGP-Z54. Note: A good choice instead of the ROZ, again. BUO: When you're just 50 WP over weight. Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ##########========######========######====##########========########## ##########==####==######==####==######==#===########==################ ##########========######========######==###==#######========########## ##########==##==########==####==######==#===##############==########## ##########==###==#######==####==######====##########========########## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Radiators... These are the things that cool down your AC when it over heats. I generally never even need a big radiator, but it can help. The radiator stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Weight: How much it weighs. In FCS, this will hardly matter. Energy drain: How much it drains. Cooling: How fast your heat meter goes back down. Forced Cooling: How fast your meter goes down once overheated. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part.

Please note I cannot effectively rate these, as I tend to use the CR10 in almost every one of my designs, thus I'm going to say it's the best. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] RIX-CR10 --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 13700 Weight: 125 Energy drain: 124 Cooling: 5000 Forced: 5000 Text: Not rated very well, but light. Note: This is my favorite Rad, it's the lightest and the least drainest. I don't fear heat that much :) BUO: Any one of my designs. Found: You start with this part. RIX-CR11 --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 16800 Weight: 238 Energy drain: 125 Cooling: 6700 Forced: 5200 Text: Standard model for general use. Note: Never used this part. BUO: --Found: Shop RMR-SA44 --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 27000 Weight: 153 Energy drain: 194 Cooling: 6702 Forced: 5955 Text: Competing product with the RIX-CR11. Note: This is actually VERY good for a weight/cooling ratio. BUO: Anything but a heavy weight, really. Found: Shop RMR-SA77 --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 34500 Weight: 376 Energy drain: 288 Cooling: 6990 Forced: 10200 Text: Standard model. Good forced cooling. Note: I guess it's good, too heavy for me. BUO: --Found: Shop RIX-CR14 --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 65000 Weight: 325 Energy drain: 354

Cooling: 8254 Forced: 8450 Text: Balanced cooling and forced cooling. Note: Never used this... BUO: --Found: Shop RMR-ICICLE --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 56000 Weight: 292 Energy drain: 486 Cooling: 7700 Forced: 9800 Text: Mirage's flagship model, very stable. Note: Very good cooling for its weight, but high drain. BUO: --Found: Reward given in "Escort Personnel Convoy" look at the FAQ. RGI-KD99 --Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 74900 Weight: 542 Energy drain: 376 Cooling: 11520 Forced: 11300 Text: Geared toward heavy AC designs. Note: The best rad. for cooling also the heaviest. BUO: A tank. Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##========##====######========####===#### ####==#####====##==##==###########==#####==#===####==#########====#### ####==#####==#==#==##========#####==#####==###==###======#######==#### ####==#####==##====########==#####==#####==#===####==###########==#### #========##==###===##========##========##====######========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Offensive Inside Weapons... These are the offensive weapons that are stored inside your arms. Generally I think they suck for missions and arena alike, if you never use rockets. Most of them can be used well with a blader. They alternate arms (Left, right, and left) when you shoot and have no lock on. The Offensive Inside Weapons stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel.

Maximum Lock: The amount of lock ons this weapon can get. Reload Time: The weapons rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWI-BO-20 ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 13400 Type: Bomb Dispenser Weight: 233 Energy drain: 85 Attack Power: 680 Ammo Heat: 188 Range: 750 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 150 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 240 Text: Releases devastating contact bomblets. Note: These suck. They are just about the hardest weapon to hit with. They do however cause damage and may serve some use in missions. BUO: --Found: Shop CWI-FM-50 ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 42800 Type: Floating Mine Weight: 536 Energy drain: 190 Attack Power: 1420 Ammo Heat: 263 Range: Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 90 Number of Ammo: 50 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 320 Text: Dispenses floating contact mines. Note: Found to use, but they are too weak to be worth it. BUO: For fun Found: Shop CWI-FM-30 * Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 51000 Type: Floating Mine Weight: 384 Energy drain: 220 Attack Power: 880 Ammo Heat: 457 Range: -

Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 100 Number of Ammo: 30 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 436 Text: Dispenses mobile, floating mines. Note: WAY too weak, it's hard to even kill yourself with these. BUO: --Found: Shop MWI-MD/40 ****** Manufacturer: Price: Type: Weight: Energy drain: Attack Power: Ammo Heat: Range: Maximum Lock: Reload Time: Number of Ammo: Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: Text: Note: Very strong close range damage, weak ass damage when actually laid out. BUO: A blader. Found: Shop CWI-NM-40 ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 64000 Type: Napalm Rocket Weight: 396 Energy drain: 285 Attack Power: 135 Ammo Heat: 672 Range: 435 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 64 Number of Ammo: 40 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 100 Text: Rockets that set targets on fire. Note: Very good against high DEF units and instantly over heats anything. BUO: A heater. Found: Shop MWI-RC/30 ******** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 54000 Type: ECM Rocket Weight: 242 Energy drain: 85 Attack Power: 220 Ammo Heat: 8 Range: 435 Maximum Lock: -

Reload Time: 60 Number of Ammo: 30 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 720 Text: Disrupt an enemy's lock-on capability. Note: Funny, great against machine gun users; puts a blue electric web on enemies. BUO: A blader. Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##===###==##========##========##====######========####====### ####==#####====##==##==###########==#####==#===####==#########==##==## ####==#####==#==#==##========#####==#####==###==###======#######===### ####==#####==##====########==#####==#####==#===####==#########===##### #========##==###===##========##========##====######========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Defensive Inside Weapons... These are the defensive weapons that are stored inside your arms. Generally I think they suck for missions but are great for the arena. All of these weapons float where ever you shot them. The Defensive Inside Weapons stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Range: How far the "pod" is effective. Reload Time: The weapons rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MWI-DD/10 ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 12700 Type: Decoy Dispenser Weight: 101 Energy drain: 110 Range: 20 Reload Time: 30 Number of Ammo: 10 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 140 Text: Decoys that attract enemy missiles. Note: Very lightweight and should be on every no AMS core design. BUO: too many cores Found: Shop

MWI-DD/20 ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 25900 Type: Decoy Dispenser Weight: 162 Energy drain: 180 Range: 20 Reload Time: 30 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 140 Text: Decoy dispenser with added storage. Note: These are just more ammo "deeks." BUO: --Found: Found hidden in "Defend Water Processors" look at the FAQ. MWI-EM/15 *** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 44000 Type: ECM Maker Weight: 295 Energy drain: 240 Range: 20 Reload Time: 45 Number of Ammo: 15 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 435 Text: ECM pods that disrupt enemy lock-ons. Note: These stop missiles from being locked on to you, but you have to stay next to the pod. These aren't that great as decoys, as decoy will not only protect you, but get rid of the missiles. BUO: Never Found: Shop KWI-EM/10 ***** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 113000 Type: ECM Maker Weight: 425 Energy drain: 330 Range: 40 Reload Time: 45 Number of Ammo: 10 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 435 Text: ECM pods with a wider effective range. Note: Best ECM in range, just a bit to heavy. BUO: A sub for the CROW Found: Shop CWI-DM-32 * Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 18000 Type: Dummy Maker Weight: 143 Energy drain: 160 Range: 20 Reload Time: 45 Number of Ammo: 32

Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 210 Text: Dispenses radar duping decoys. Note: These are useless against the AI and against any real AC player. Especially if they don't equip radar. BUO: When screwing with your friend's radar Found: Shop KWI-DM/30 ** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 32000 Type: Dummy Maker Weight: 223 Energy drain: 180 Range: Reload Time: 45 Number of Ammo: 30 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 210 Text: Dispenses mobile radar duping decoys. Note: Same as above, only they move. BUO: When toying with you friend's radar Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========#############===########## ########==#############==##==##########==###############====########## ########======##########====###########==#################==########## ########==#############==##==##########==########==#######==########## ########========######==####==#########==########==#####======######## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Auxiliary Booster Extensions... These are just extra boosters for your AC. Unless you know what you are doing, these should be kept of, as these are not noobie friendly. The Auxiliary booster extension's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of booster this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Boost Power: How much kick the booster has. Charge Drain: When used, this is how much energy it takes to use. Reload Time: How fast you can use the part again. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MEBT-OX/EB **** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 17900 Type: Back Booster

Weight: 140 Energy drain: 243 Boost Power: 18000 Charge Drain: 6200 Reload Time: 108 Text: Auxiliary booster for quick retreats. Note: Not that useful in every day AC use. BUO: Blader Vs blader Found: Found hidden in "Rescue Survey Team" look at the FAQ. KEBT-TB-UN5 ********** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 14500 Type: Turn Booster Weight: 166 Energy drain: 257 Boost Power: 16000 Charge Drain: 4920 Reload Time: 110 Text: Auxiliary booster for quick turns. Note: Very GOOD! A must for tanks and bladers alike. This turns your AC about 90 degrees in the way you were turning. BUO: A flanker. Found: Shop MEBT-OX/MB ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 24000 Type: Multi Booster Weight: 152 Energy drain: 258 Boost Power: 17000 Charge Drain: 5400 Reload Time: 94 Text: Multi-directional auxiliary booster. Note: Not that useful. Where ever you are facing, that's were you'll go a little quicker. BUO: The daring! Found: Shop CEBT-HEX * Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 36800 Type: Hover Booster Weight: 188 Energy drain: 376 Boost Power: 22000 Charge Drain: 2600 Reload Time: 150 Text: Provides mid-air hovering capability. Note: These suck. First off, when you're in air, wherever you activate them, you'll bounce back up in the air. If you keep them on too long, you'll charge. BUO: --Found: Reward given in "Safeguard Alloy Sample" look at the FAQ. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############====##########

########==#############==##==##########==###############=##==######### ########======##########====###########==##################==######### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#######==########## ########========######==####==#########==########==#####======######## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Relation Missile Extensions Once activated, relation missiles will launch out extra missiles. This can turn any single shot small missile into a powerful quick launch. They only work with other missiles and orbits. The relation missile extensions... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the missile can travel. Maximum Launch: The amount of missiles that "relate" per launch. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MWEM-R/24 ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 65000 Type: Relation Missile Weight: 289 Energy drain: 184 Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 500 Maximum Launch: 2 Reload Time: 70 Number of Ammo: 24 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 240 Usage Drain: Text: Interlocks with back-mounted missiles. Note: Very good for its weight, longest range too. BUO: With the DM24/1 or S40-1 Found: Shop CWEM-R/20 ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 88900 Type: Relation Missile Weight: 368

Energy drain: 252 Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 450 Maximum Launch: 4 Reload Time: 90 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 380 Usage Drain: Text: Interlocking support missiles. Note: Good but outdated. BUO: VM20-1 and other low ammo missiles Found: Shop KWEM-TERRIER ******** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 130000 Type: Relation Missile Weight: 399 Energy drain: 327 Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 400 Maximum Launch: 4 Reload Time: 80 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 490 Usage Drain: Text: Vertical launch support missiles. Note: The same as the R/20 only they go up. BUO: A tricky missiler. Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==####################===###### ########======##########====###########==##################====####### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#####=###====###### ########========######==####==#########==########==#####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Anti Missile Extensions These are what I call "lazy" missile defense. They are more reliable than core AMS's but they also had weight. In every aspect I think Decoys are better, as long as you know how to change to them fast enough. These parts should all be used when you don't have an AMS on your core. The Anti Missile Extensions stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains.

Range: How far the extensions can knock down missiles from. Vs MG Response: How well it is at knocking down missiles. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWEM-AS40 ****** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 27700 Type: Anti Missile Weight: 164 Energy drain: 130 Range: 200 Vs MG Response: 48 Reload Time: 10 Number of Ammo: 40 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 102 Usage Drain: Text: Automatic missile intercept system. Note: Ok for the weight. There is better. BUO: --Found: Shop CWEM-AM40 ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 40900 Type: Anti Missile Weight: 227 Energy drain: 164 Range: 230 Vs MG Response: 60 Reload Time: 10 Number of Ammo: 40 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 136 Usage Drain: Text: Enhanced missile intercept system. Note: Just better than the last, for obvious reasons. BUO: --Found: Shop MWEM-A/50 ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 49000 Type: Anti Missile Weight: 312 Energy drain: 117 Range: 250 Vs MG Response: 68 Reload Time: 15 Number of Ammo: 50

Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 160 Usage Drain: Text: Missile intercept system, Added ammo. Note: Better than all the other, mostly because of Ammo. BUO: --Found: Shop KWEL-SILENT ******* Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 31200 Type: Anti Missile Weight: 197 Energy drain: 380 Range: 300 Vs MG Response: 75 Reload Time: 15 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 2200 Text: Energy based missile intercept system. Note: True it has good intercepting skills, it just has low ammo. BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############==####==###### ########==#############==##==##########==###############==####==###### ########======##########====###########==###############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==########==###########==###### ########========######==####==#########==########==###########==###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Side Shield Extensions... These are basically extra armor mounted on the side of your AC. The Side Shield Extension's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of extension this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Shield DEF Shell: How much added shell def this extension adds. Shield DEF Energy: How much added energy def it gives. Shield Coverage: The shield's size. Cooling: The added heat defense. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MES-SS/1441 *****

Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 49000 Type: Side Shield Weight: 132 Energy drain: 222 Shield DEF Shell: 106 Shield DEF Energy: 213 Shield Coverage: 50 Cooling: 110 Usage Drain: 1340 Text: Added shielding, increases defense. Note: Best if you don't like your energy gone in a flash. BUO: --Found: Shop KES-AEGIS ****** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 58300 Type: Side Shield Weight: 188 Energy drain: 132 Shield DEF Shell: 171 Shield DEF Energy: 278 Shield Coverage: 42 Cooling: 284 Usage Drain: 303 Text: Enhanced shielding, better defense. Note: The best in extra E DEF, just drains too fast. BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ########========######==####==######========############========###### ########==#############==##==##########==###############==############ ########======##########====###########==################======####### ########==#############==##==##########==########==#####=#####==###### ########========######==####==#########==########==#####========###### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Miscellaneous Extensions These for the most part, are extensions that help recover certain things. Most aren't needed on staple Acs. The stats are VERY different on these parts so I will have to just tell you about them all the long way. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MEST-MX/CROW ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 42000 Type: Stealth Weight: 602 Energy drain: 999 Duration: 480 Reload Time: 240

Usage Limit: 5 Usage Drain: 12 Text: Jam enemy radar and lock-on function. Note: These are top of the line cheap parts. This lets you have about 10 seconds of freedom! Despite their high drain and weight. BUO: A sniper/light weight. Found: Found hidden in "Disable Pulse Generators" look at the FAQ. CEEC-00-XSP * Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 36000 Type: Energy Cooler Weight: 173 Energy drain: 199 Forced Cooling: 20000 Reload Time: 144 Usage Limit: 2 Usage Drain: 12 Text: Auxiliary radiator for emergency use. Note: These aren't that great. They just cool you down faster. These are good in only a very few places. BUO: Vs heat. Found: Shop CEEC-01-XSP2 * Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 44000 Type: Energy Cooler Weight: 304 Energy drain: 236 Forced Cooling: 20000 Reload Time: 144 Usage Limit: 3 Usage Drain: 12 Text: Enhanced CEEC-01-XSP2 Note: These suck, for 130+ weight you get one more use. BUO: Never Found: Reward given in "Eradicate Lifeforms" look at the FAQ. KEEP-MALUM ***** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 120000 Type: Energy Pack Weight: 270 Energy drain: 155 Recover Energy: 30000 Reload Time: 244 Usage Limit: 2 Usage Drain: 12 Text: Provides emergency energy recovery. Note: Although good, you really shouldn't really on these. Only two little uses. BUO: With the FIN. Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##========##========##==########========#

#========#####==#####==########==###########==#####==########==####### #==#==#==#####==#####========##========#####==#####==########======### #==#==#==#####==###########==########==#####==#####==########==####### #==####==##========##========##========##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Missiles... These are the back weapon missiles. Missiles are different from most weapons. To use missiles, you have to keep your lock box on the target for some time. Some missiles can lock you on more than once, even up to 12. Missiles are most effected by FCS's. FCS's affect the lock speed, the number of max locks, and if they can lock on to more than one target. Missiles are also very different in trajectory, I will try and list all of them, so don't just look at stats (EX. A TITAN may be the strongest missile, but is far from the best in most cases) The back unit missile's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of missile this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon is. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the missile can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock, as long as your FCS is high enough. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWM-S40-1 ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 17500 Type: Small Missile Weight: 245 Energy drain: 245 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 450 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 48 Number of Ammo: 40 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 120 Usage Drain: Text: Small missile, max lock one.

Note: Very good for its weight. You can stick this on just to use cheap weight extensions. The missiles launch strait forward. BUO: With any extensions. Found: You start with this part MWM-S42/6 ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 23000 Type: Small Missile Weight: 337 Energy drain: 320 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 450 Maximum Lock: 6 Reload Time: 48 Number of Ammo: 42 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 120 Usage Drain: Text: Small missile, max lock six. Note: I never really saw the point of using this for extra locks since small missiles are so week. The missiles launch strait forward. BUO: Found: Shop CWM-S60-10 ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 29500 Type: Small Missile Weight: 469 Energy drain: 351 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 450 Maximum Lock: 10 Reload Time: 48 Number of Ammo: 60 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 120 Usage Drain: Text: Small missile, max lock ten. Note: Bad for it's weight, it's rare you need 10 locks. The missiles arcs a bit at the top and is less accurate than the other small missiles. BUO: --Found: Beat Adieu/Sky Dancer at Rank E-9 MWM-S60/12 ** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 37600 Type: Small Missile Weight: 577 Energy drain: 546 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 450

Maximum Lock: 12 Reload Time: 48 Number of Ammo: 60 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 120 Usage Drain: Text: Small missile, max lock twelve. Note: There is no point for these missiles. Two much weight and you'll never need 12 locks. The missiles also fly in random directions out of the missiles launcher. BUO: Fire work show with the R20 Found: Shop MWM-M24/2 ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 35600 Type: Middle Missile Weight: 494 Energy drain: 270 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 1350 Ammo Heat: 186 Range: 500 Maximum Lock: 2 Reload Time: 60 Number of Ammo: 24 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 250 Usage Drain: Text: Mid-size missiles, max lock two. Note: Straitly shoot. I would rather use small missiles + extensions. BUO: --Found: Shop CWM-M36-4 * Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 43000 Type: Middle Missile Weight: 721 Energy drain: 203 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 1350 Ammo Heat: 186 Range: 500 Maximum Lock: 4 Reload Time: 60 Number of Ammo: 36 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 250 Usage Drain: Text: Mid-size missiles, max lock four. Note: These blow. For there weight they are not worst it. They are also hard to hit with and are ONLY long range. These shoot out like a half assed Vert. BUO: --Found: Shop CWM-VM36-4 ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 76000

Type: Middle Missile Weight: 645 Energy drain: 314 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 1350 Ammo Heat: 186 Range: 450 Maximum Lock: 4 Reload Time: 64 Number of Ammo: 36 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 450 Usage Drain: Text: Mid-size vertical missile launcher. Note: Hard to dodge, only because you must look up. Fun to use behind objects. BUO: --Found: Shop MWM-DM24/1 ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 64000 Type: Dual Missile Weight: 600 Energy drain: 472 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 850 Ammo Heat: 310 Range: 450 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 78 Number of Ammo: 24 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 300 Usage Drain: Text: Launched two missiles per lock-on. Note: Good damage and good heat. But it has low ammo and is not good standing alone. There launch in twos, both aside from each other. BUO: With the R/24 Found: Shop MWM-MM16/1 ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 43500 Type: Multi Missile Weight: 705 Energy drain: 318 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 600 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 78 Number of Ammo: 16 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 1050 Usage Drain: Text: Multi-warhead missile launcher. Note: Not enough kill power at all. These are still hard to full dodge, but still lack a little punch. These start has 1 missiles then spilt

into 4 in a cross formation. BUO: Getting rid of extension AMS' Found: Shop CWM-GM14-1 **** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 69000 Type: Ground Missile Weight: 722 Energy drain: 302 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 450 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 78 Number of Ammo: 14 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 850 Usage Drain: Text: Launched low trajectory missiles. Note: Very weak just like the multi missiles. Not only that, they ground out way too much. They start off as a pod then spilt into 4 missiles aside from each other. BUO: --Found: Shop CWM-TITAN ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 109600 Type: Large Missile Weight: 1520 Energy drain: 418 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 6800 Ammo Heat: 1730 Range: 290 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 255 Number of Ammo: 4 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 3500 Usage Drain: Text: Carries four high-explosive missiles. Note: These are the strongest single weapons in AC. But they are also the slowest missiles. They instantly overheat and deal tons of damage. They home VERY well but can also be led into the ground easily. BUO: TITAN BLADING! Found: Shop MWX-VM20/1 ********* (Note, this doesn't belong here, but is this type) Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 107500 Type: Vertical Missiles Weight: 920 Energy drain: 495 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 1100 Ammo Heat: 280 Range: 450

Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 66 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 920 Usage Drain: Text: Dual vertical missile launchers. Note: Very cheap parts. These are not only better than normal missiles, but they are stronger also. These should be used fast and dropped. BUO: These are great with the R/20 Found: Shop CWX-DM-32-1 ****** (Note, this doesn't belong here, but is this type) Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 90000 Type: Dual Missile Weight: 1160 Energy drain: 633 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 310 Range: 550 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 72 Number of Ammo: 32 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 515 Usage Drain: Text: Fires four missile per lock-ons. Note: Good, but it may not be enough. BUO: With the R/20 Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##==##===###========##========##========# #==####==##==####==##==####==##==#===####==###########==#####==####### #========##==####==##==########=====#####======#######==#####========# #==##==####==####==##==####==##==#===####==###########==###########==# #==###==###========##========##==##===###========#####==#####========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Rockets... Rockets are very strong. They also come out very fast and come in a lot of ammo. So what balances these weapons? The lack of a true lock. All you get it 3 || red lines to aim with. Rocket take a lot of skill to use effectively. Rockets are also a good choice for bipeds and reverse joints has you don't need to kneel with them and can provide a kick just like a grenades launcher. The back unit rocket's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of rocket this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon is. Rockets really have none

Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the rockets can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock, rockets have none. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWR-S50 ****** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 15500 Type: Small Rocket Weight: 221 Energy drain: 8 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 1020 Ammo Heat: 230 Range: 770 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 36 Number of Ammo: 50 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 98 Usage Drain: Text: Small rockets, fifty rounds. Note: Not really worth a hit I think, but light weight and fitable on nearly anything. BUO: --Found: Shop CWR-S80 ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 27000 Type: Small Rocket Weight: 657 Energy drain: 6 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 1020 Ammo Heat: 230 Range: 770 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 36 Number of Ammo: 80 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 98 Usage Drain: Text: Small rockets, eighty rounds. Note: Heavy but a lot of ammo. BUO: --Found: Shop CWR-M30 *****

Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 34000 Type: Middle Rocket Weight: 390 Energy drain: Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 1520 Ammo Heat: 350 Range: 800 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 48 Number of Ammo: 30 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 150 Usage Drain: Text: Mid-size rockets, thirty rounds. Note: Decent for the weight. BUO: --Found: Shop MWR-M/45 ******* Manufacturer: Mirage. Price: 39000 Type: Middle Rocket Weight: 568 Energy drain: 18 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 1520 Ammo Heat: 350 Range: 800 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 48 Number of Ammo: 45 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 150 Usage Drain: Text: Mid-size rockets, forty five rounds. Note: Very good for it's weight. BUO: --Found: Found hidden in "Safeguard Water Supply" look at the FAQ. MWR-TM/60 ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 46000 Type: Triple Rocket Weight: 625 Energy drain: 22 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 820 Ammo Heat: 162 Range: 885 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 60 Number of Ammo: 60 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 378 Usage Drain: Text: Fires three small rockets at once. Note: Easy to hit with, weights a little too much. BUO: ---

Found: Shop CWR-HECTOS ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 107800 Type: Large Rocket Weight: 830 Energy drain: 18 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 3200 Ammo Heat: 635 Range: 900 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 60 Number of Ammo: 18 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 442 Usage Drain: Text: Large rockets, eighteen rounds. Note: VERY STRONG! Only suffers from what all rockets suffer from. BUO: Instead of a grenade launcher. Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##===###==##===###==##========##===###==##========# #==####==##==####==##====##==##====##==##==####==##====##==##==####### #==########========##==#==#==##==#==#==##==####==##==#==#==##========# #==####==##==####==##==##====##==##====##==####==##==##====########==# #========##==####==##==###===##==###===##========##==###===##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Cannons... Back unit cannons are all very different from each other. They include chain guns, grenade launchers, and strong energy cannons. I'll try and explain these as best I can, remember they are very diverse. NOTE! All but the two last orbit cannons (which are really missiles when you think about it) has a thing call "Cannon restrictions." If you are not using a beefed up OP-I (which you should refrain), this could mean a world of difference. -All humanoid, reverse joint, and hover legs must kneel in order to use these cannons. Over boosting can help you get up from a crouch if you do decide to use these weapon with these legs. -Quads cannot fly and use cannons, but can use them when touching the ground. These are using the best choice for most back weapons, for speed. -Tanks can fly and do not have any restrictions at all, making them a very good choice. The back unit cannon's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it.

Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. I'm ranking each part as if it's on a good set of legs, EI no kneeling. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWC-CNG-300 ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 33000 Type: Chain Gun Weight: 602 Energy drain: 10 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 328 Ammo Heat: 50 Range: 500 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 6 Number of Ammo: 300 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 55 Usage Drain: Text: Rapid fire chain gun. Note: One of the most fast killing constant weapon. It has more than enough ammo and isn't all that heavy any more. BUO: A quad Found: Shop CWC-SLU-64 ****** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 48000 Type: Slug Gun Weight: 1310 Energy drain: 6 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 193 Ammo Heat: 60 Range: 750 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 143 Number of Ammo: 64 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 160

Usage Drain: Text: Spread-shot slug gun. Note: Very good in close range, plus you'll probably over heat them with one good shot. By the way you'll most likely never run out of ammo with this. BUO: Here's the kicker... It's too heavy usually for a quad, and tanks will have a hard time getting close. Better have an overboost. Found: Get in the B ranks in the arena. CWC-GNS-15 ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 64400 Type: Grenade Launcher Weight: 742 Energy drain: 6 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 2400 Ammo Heat: 950 Range: 1000 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 76 Number of Ammo: 15 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 665 Usage Drain: Text: Shoulder-mounted grenade launcher. Note: A lightweight grenade launcher, making it worth less per hit... BUO: A quad. Found: Shop CWC-GNL-15 ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 76200 Type: Grenade Launcher Weight: 1054 Energy drain: 8 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 3550 Ammo Heat: 1220 Range: 1000 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 92 Number of Ammo: 15 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 950 Usage Drain: Text: Fires devastating grenade rounds. Note: The AC weapon. I don't have to tell you why. BUO: A Tank. Found: Shop MWC-IR./20 ****** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 130000 Type: Plasma Cannon Weight: 988 Energy drain: 804 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 3000 Ammo Heat: 24

Range: 800 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 115 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 7300 Text: High power plasma cannon. Note: Like a grenade launcher, minus the heat. It's better for missions though. BUO: A low drain tank. Found: Shop MWC-LQ/35 ******** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 78500 Type: Laser Cannon Weight: 852 Energy drain: 405 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 2055 Ammo Heat: 32 Range: 900 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 68 Number of Ammo: 35 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 5100 Text: Shoulder-mounted laser cannon. Note: Very easy to hit with. Great for missions too. It has enough kill power to take down most Acs. BUO: A tank. Found: Shop CWX-LIC-10 ******* (Note, this doesn't belong here, but is this type) Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 90000 Type: Linear Cannon Weight: 1292 Energy drain: 965 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 5820 Ammo Heat: 58 Range: 1200 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 136 Number of Ammo: 10 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 9400 Text: Extremely powerful linear cannon. Note: One of the strongest one shot weapons in the game. It is almost a law to use this the E++. BUO: --Found: Shop MWX-MX/STRING **** (Note, this doesn't belong here, but is this type) Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 77700

Type: Quartet Cannon Weight: 1556 Energy drain: 875 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 720 Ammo Heat: 23 Range: 750 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 96 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 2770 Text: Four barrel energy cannon. Note: This is a little ok as a part, but the LIC 10 is still a little better. Don't get used to this part, has in silent line it gets 1/4 of that shots. BUO: 4 fake wings! Found: Shop MWC-XP/80 ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 82200 Type: Pulse Cannon Weight: 382 Energy drain: 918 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 1180 Ammo Heat: 12 Range: 800 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 24 Number of Ammo: 80 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 4800 Text: Pulse cannon stressing ammo storage. Note: This part is a fallen god. It is still pretty good with all the OP parts, it just drains you energy too quick. The part its self is drainy however. BUO: Some thing with low drain. Found: Shop MWC-XP/75 ** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 105000 Type: Pulse Cannon Weight: 305 Energy drain: 495 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 12 Range: 800 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 18 Number of Ammo: 75 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 3500 Text: Rapid-fire pulse cannon.

Note: Well not only is each hit weak, you'll end up with no energy in no time. BUO: With Malum/Elix Found: Shop MWC-OC/15 *** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 88000 Type: Orbit Cannon Weight: 527 Energy drain: 495 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 145 Ammo Heat: 6 Range: 500 Maximum Lock: 3 Reload Time: 160 Number of Ammo: 15 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 1600 Text: Releases independent weapon pods. Note: Weak little lasers that will follow down your opponent and fly at him till they die. These are the only back cannons you do not have to kneel for. These also are missiles and should be in the missiles section. I don't know how these are 100% energy based. BUO: With R/20 Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==############========##===##===##===##===##========# #==#########==##==#############==####==##========##========##==####==# #======######====##############========##==#==#==##==#==#==##==####==# #==#########==##==####==#######==####==##==#==#==##==#==#==##==####==# #========##==####==###==#######==####==##==####==##==####==##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit General Magazines... These are just extra ammo units in the game. These are usually needed if you prefer using just one weapon. If you're using a tank it's usually better just to use another weapon, but this can be good... Since things like the Karasawa and finger... Keep in mind, this adds to your Insides, Extensions, and Left arm weapons as well. The magazines stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Function Add Ammo: How much of a percent this ammo pack gives you. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on...

Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CM-AD-10 ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 55000 Type: General Magazine Weight: 366 Energy drain: 5 Function Add Ammo: 10 Text: Increases ammo storage by ten percent. Note: It's the lightest, but it doesn't give too much more ammo. BUO: --Found: Shop MM-AD/20 ****** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 73000 Type: General Magazine Weight: 488 Energy drain: 8 Function Add Ammo: 20 Text: Increases ammo storage by 20 percent. Note: The average ammo pack. BUO: --Found: Shop KWM-AD-50 **** (Note, this doesn't belong here, but is this type) Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 59000 Type: General Magazine Weight: 1408 Energy drain: 24 Function Ass Ammo: 50 Text: Increases ammo storage by 50 percent. Note: --BUO: --Found: Reward given in "MT Training Exercise" look at the FAQ. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###========###====#######========###========###========#### ###==####==###==####==###==#===#####==####==###==####==###==########## ###========###========###==###==####========###========###========#### ###==##==#####==####==###==#===#####==####==###==##==###########==#### ###==###==####==####==###====#######==####==###==###==####========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Back Unit Radars... Back radar is just radar itself. True they are better than the heads radar, but they take up a back slot and weight something. The Scanning is perfect on radars unlike heads, which actually have a refresh rate. If both your head and radar are on, the radar on the back is the one used. Equipping two Radars is pointless, unless you want fake wings. The back radar's stats...

Manufacturer: This is who makes the part, it has no real point. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of part this is. Weight: How heavy a part is. Energy drain: How much drain the part has. Radar range: How far the Radar can search. Radar type: What the Radar looks like. Scanning interval: The radar's refresh rate. ECM Counter: Can it counter electric counter measures? Noise Counter: Can it cancel certain noises? Missile Sensor: Can it make missiles appear on your radar? (pink dots) Bio Sensor: Can it lock on to Bio weapons? Stealth Sensor: Can this detect stealth using targets? (Still no lock) Text: What is actually says in the game. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. I have NEVER used a back radar in my whole life, except for the 3 qualifying missions in AC history. Thus I can't rate these at all. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CRU-A10 --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 12100 Type: RADAR Weight: 125 Energy drain: 199 Radar range: 700 Radar type: Standard Scanning interval: ECM Counter: None Noise Counter: None Missile Sensor: None Bio Sensor: None Stealth Sensor: None Text: Standard shoulder-mounted radar. Note: --BUO: --Found: You start with this part CRU-A102 --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 15000 Type: RADAR Weight: 167 Energy drain: 266 Radar range: 630 Radar type: Circle Scanning interval: ECM Counter: None Noise Counter: None Missile Sensor: Provided Bio Sensor: Provided Stealth Sensor: None Text: Bio-sensor equipped shoulder radar. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop

MRL-MM/009 --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 21000 Type: RADAR Weight: 223 Energy drain: 393 Radar range: 780 Radar type: Octagon Scanning interval: ECM Counter: None Noise Counter: None Missile Sensor: None Bio Sensor: Provided Stealth Sensor: None Text: Mid-range search radar. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MRL-RE/111 --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 28000 Type: RADAR Weight: 254 Energy drain: 456 Radar range: 890 Radar type: Circle Scanning interval: ECM Counter: None Noise Counter: None Missile Sensor: None Bio Sensor: Provided Stealth Sensor: Provided Text: High performance shoulder radar. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MRL-SS/SPHERE --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 42000 Type: RADAR Weight: 354 Energy drain: 542 Radar range: 1160 Radar type: Octagon Scanning interval: ECM Counter: Provided Noise Counter: Provided Missile Sensor: Provided Bio Sensor: Provided Stealth Sensor: Provided Text: Top of the line radar model. Note: --BUO: --Found: Found hidden in "Protect Crest Convoy" look at the FAQ. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

###################################################################### #====######==####==##========##==########========##========##========# #==#===####==####==##==####==##==###########==#####==########==####### #==###==###==####==##========##==###########==#####======####========# #==#===####==####==##==####==##==###########==#####==##############==# #====######========##==####==##========##========##========##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Dual Back Weapons... These are just back weapons so big, they take up both back weapon slots. They are very different and aren't even grouped together, except that they both take up both slots. MWX-VM20/1 ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 107500 Type: Vertical Missiles Weight: 920 Energy drain: 495 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 1100 Ammo Heat: 280 Range: 450 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 66 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 920 Usage Drain: Text: Dual vertical missile launchers. Note: Very cheap parts. These are not only better than normal missiles, but they are stronger also. These should be used fast and dropped. BUO: These are great with the R/20 Found: Shop CWX-DM-32-1 ****** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 90000 Type: Dual Missile Weight: 1160 Energy drain: 633 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 310 Range: 550 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 72 Number of Ammo: 32 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 515 Usage Drain: Text: Fires four missile per lock-ons. Note: Good, but it may not be enough. BUO: With the R/20 Found: Shop

MWX-LANZAR ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 135000 Type: Pursuit Missile Weight: 1480 Energy drain: 545 Weapon Lock: Standard (None) Attack Power: 680 Ammo Heat: 180 Range: 600 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 200 Number of Ammo: 4 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 1520 Usage Drain: Text: Dual pursuit missile launchers. Note: These actually suck if you use them the right way. But if you hit with the pod, you'll do tons of damage plus tons of heat. BUO: In the cross arena. Found: Shop CWX-LIC-10 ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 90000 Type: Linear Cannon Weight: 1292 Energy drain: 965 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 5820 Ammo Heat: 58 Range: 1200 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 136 Number of Ammo: 10 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 9400 Text: Extremely powerful linear cannon. Note: One of the strongest one shot weapons in the game. It is almost a law to use this the E++. BUO: --Found: Shop MWX-MX/STRING **** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 77700 Type: Quartet Cannon Weight: 1556 Energy drain: 875 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 720 Ammo Heat: 23 Range: 750 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 96 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: -

Usage Drain: 2770 Text: Four barrel energy cannon. Note: This is a little ok as a part, but the LIC 10 is still a little better. Don't get used to this part, has in silent line it gets 1/4 of that shots. BUO: 4 fake wings! Found: Shop MWX-OC-22 *** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 64000 Type: Orbit Cannon Weight: 1117 Energy drain: 920 Weapon Lock: Special (None) Attack Power: 285 Ammo Heat: 6 Range: 420 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 240 Number of Ammo: 22 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 1600 Text: Releases two independent weapon pods. Note: Not only is this have a crap reload time, the pods do not move. This weapon is only good versus the AI BUO: --Found: Reward given in "Destroy Germ Canisters" look at the FAQ. KWM-AD-50 **** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 59000 Type: General Magazine Weight: 1408 Energy drain: 24 Function Ass Ammo: 50 Text: Increases ammo storage by 50 percent. Note: --BUO: --Found: Reward given in "MT Training Exercise" look at the FAQ. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###========###========###==#########========###========#### ###==####==######==######==#########==#########==#########==########## ###========######==######======#####==#########======#####========#### ###==##==########==######==#########==#########==###############==#### ###==###==####========###==#########========###========###========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Rifles... Rifles are broken up into 2 main types. Regular rifles, with mid range, power, reload... basically the most average weapon. Or Sniper Rifles, long range and high power, only down side is its little lock box.

Rifles are average in the arena and missions alike. The right arm rifle's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWG-RF-200 ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 11100 Type: Rifle Weight: 405 Energy drain: 6 Weapon Lock: Wide & Shallow Attack Power: 215 Ammo Heat: 90 Range: 465 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 25 Number of Ammo: 200 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 15 Usage Drain: Text: Standard solid shell rifle. Note: Nothing good about this rifle and the R/220 is better in almost every way. BUO: Humiliating someone. Found: You start with this MWG-RF/220 ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 29000 Type: Rifle Weight: 325 Energy drain: 8 Weapon Lock: Wide & Shallow Attack Power: 290 Ammo Heat: 138 Range: 600 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 26 Number of Ammo: 220

Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 30 Usage Drain: Text: Long-range solid rifle. Note: One of the cheap weapons for its weight. In my opinion, still the best rifle. BUO: --Found: Shop CWG-RF-160 ****** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 47300 Type: Rifle Weight: 505 Energy drain: 10 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 350 Ammo Heat: 110 Range: 540 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 30 Number of Ammo: 160 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 45 Usage Drain: Text: Enhanced attack solid shell rifle. Note: This would rival the R/220, but it has a high weight and low ammo cap. BUO: --Found: Shop CWG-SRF-80 ******* Manufacturer: Crest Price: 41200 Type: Sniper Rifle Weight: 510 Energy drain: 6 Weapon Lock: Narrow Attack Power: 788 Ammo Heat: 25 Range: 1200 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 50 Number of Ammo: 80 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 50 Usage Drain: Text: Longest range Note: A decent pick BUO: --Found: Shop Ind.

& Deep

sniper rifle. for a sniper, but it's a little weak.

MWG-SRF/60 ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 58000 Type: Sniper Rifle Weight: 610 Energy drain: 4 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 995

Ammo Heat: 23 Range: 1000 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 55 Number of Ammo: 60 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 100 Usage Drain: Text: Sniper rifle emphasizing attack power. Note: The best all around rifle in my opinion. This should be enough. BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #===##===##========##========##==####==##========##===###==##========# #========##==####==##==####==##==####==#####==#####====##==##==####### #==#==#==##========##==########========#####==#####==#==#==##======### #==#==#==##==####==##==####==##==####==#####==#####==##====##==####### #==####==##==####==##========##==####==##========##==###===##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Machine Guns... Machine guns have as accurate as in what is used for, course, best used gotten one of the biggest boosts from AC2 (Still not AC1). If you don't know what a machine gun does or you shouldn't be playing this game. They are, of with a Wide and Shallow FCS.

The right arm Machine gun's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MWG-MG/350 ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 15000 Type: Machine Gun Weight: 370 Energy drain: 4

Weapon Lock: Wide & Shallow Attack Power: 85 Ammo Heat: 14 Range: 315 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 3 Number of Ammo: 350 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 15 Usage Drain: Text: Rapid-fire machine gun. Note: The fastest weapon in the game. It is very hard to kill an AC with this alone thus making it a bit bad. BUO: --Found: Shop CWG-MG-500 ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 29000 Type: Machine Gun Weight: 462 Energy drain: 4 Weapon Lock: Wide & Shallow Attack Power: 140 Ammo Heat: 10 Range: 300 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 5 Number of Ammo: 500 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 20 Usage Drain: Text: Balanced attack power and speed. Note: Just what it says, not bad in any thing, and it the second strongest machine gun. BUO: --Found: Shop MWG-MG/1000 ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 74500 Type: Machine Gun Weight: 519 Energy drain: 6 Weapon Lock: Wide & Shallow Attack Power: 105 Ammo Heat: 12 Range: 390 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 4 Number of Ammo: 1000 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 30 Usage Drain: Text: High ammo capacity machine gun. Note: VERY high ammo, the highest to be in fact. It can cost you a ton in missions. BUO: --Found: Shop

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #==####==##========##===###==##====######========##==####==##===###==# #==####==##==####==##====##==##==#===####==########==####==##====##==# #========##========##==#==#==##==###==###==##====##==####==##==#==#==# #==####==##==####==##==##====##==#===####==####==##==####==##==##====# #==####==##==####==##==###===##====######========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Hand Guns... These are light and weak weapons. So why use them? They have high stun and heat damage. I would strongly suggest never using these in missions. All handguns are good for allowing for a free blade/left hand weapon/EO attack. The right arm hand gun's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWG-HG-80 ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 19000 Type: Hand Gun Weight: 146 Energy drain: 20 Weapon Lock: Wide & Shallow Attack Power: 193 Ammo Heat: 255 Range: 248 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 20 Number of Ammo: 80 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 55 Usage Drain: Text: Fires high heat rounds, Short-range.

Note: Too little ammo and really low power. BUO: --Found: Shop MWG-HG/100 ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 28000 Type: Hand Gun Weight: 324 Energy drain: 10 Weapon Lock: Wide & Shallow Attack Power: 272 Ammo Heat: 190 Range: 200 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 25 Number of Ammo: 100 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 75 Usage Drain: Text: Enhanced solid shell handgun. Note: The only Hand gun that doesn't totally suck in power. BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##==##===###========# #==####==##==####==#######==###==####==##==####==##==#===####==####==# #========##========#####===####==####==##==####==##=====#####========# #==####==##==####==####==######==####==##==####==##==#===####==####==# #========##==####==##========##========##========##==##===###==####==# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Bazookas... Bazookas are close range weapons that move slow. These are very easy to dodge and anything but close range. These cause a lot of damage, heat and stun. Think of them as a bigger hand gun in a way. I still say they are weak rockets with a lock, and were always similar to each other in every AC. The right arm bazooka's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired.

Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWG-BZ-50 ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 53000 Type: Bazooka Weight: 804 Energy drain: 16 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 1400 Ammo Heat: 576 Range: 435 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 60 Number of Ammo: 50 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 161 Usage Drain: Text: Powerful solid shell bazooka Note: It's basic that's all. BUO: --Found: Shop CWG-BZ-30 ********** Manufacturer: Crest Price: 7100 Type: Bazooka Weight: 1010 Energy drain: 18 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 2240 Ammo Heat: 473 Range: 470 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 75 Number of Ammo: 30 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 185 Usage Drain: Text: Enhanced CWG-BZ-50 Note: The strongest bazooka, nuff said. BUO: --Found: Shop MWG-SBZ/24 ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 44200 Type: Spread Bazooka Weight: 1230 Energy drain: 22 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 560 Ammo Heat: 205 Range: 420

Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 58 Number of Ammo: 24 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 220 Usage Drain: Text: Powerful spread-shot bazooka. Note: Multi use, close range and do tons of damage or jump in the air and try and hit the most of the AC. BUO: --Found: Found hidden in "Recover Ship Cargo" look at the FAQ. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==##========##========##========##==####==##===###==# #==########==####==##==####==#####==#####==########==####==##====##==# #========##========##==####==#####==#####==##====##==####==##==#==#==# #######==##==####==##==####==#####==#####==####==##==####==##==##====# #========##==####==##========#####==#####========##========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shot Guns... Aww shot guns. First let me tell you these are my favorite class of weapons. First off shot guns are spread weapons, and are naturally better up close. Shot guns against hovers is great. Average against all else except for quads. Quad are to little most of the time to get hit by a lot of flak. So I would jump up and aim downward. There is two types of shot guns. Solid: These are usually stronger hit for hit, but take a while to reload. They also have over heating on there side. Energy: These are faster and can get through high shell DEF tanks. These are also supped up with optional parts. The bad parts are that it drains your energy and takes up your OP parts slots. Energy shot guns tend to be more intimidating as well. The right arm shot gun's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part.

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWG-GS-72 ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 32000 Type: Shot Gun Weight: 410 Energy drain: 24 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 142 Ammo Heat: 25 Range: 405 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 48 Number of Ammo: 72 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 68 Usage Drain: Text: Wide-spread shotgun. Note: Light. Mid strong up close. The shot gun has a dense fire pattern and allows you to shot at mid and get hits. BUO: --Found: Shop CWG-GS-56 ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 64700 Type: Shot Gun Weight: 533 Energy drain: 32 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 188 Ammo Heat: 36 Range: 380 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 55 Number of Ammo: 56 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 82 Usage Drain: Text: Powerful double barrel shotgun. Note: Good strong up close and heat. It just lacks in mid range due to its wide spread and slow reload. BUO: --Found: Shop MWG-GS/54 ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 73000 Type: Shot Gun Weight: 515 Energy drain: 367 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 202 Ammo Heat: 4 Range: 420 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 30 Number of Ammo: 54

Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 2000 Text: Rapid-fire energy shotgun. Note: VERY good. Up close with OP parts can rip an AC to nothing in seconds. BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##========##==####### #==########==####==##==########==####==#####==#####==####==##==####### #========##========##======####==###########==#####========##==####### #######==##==########==########==####==#####==#####==####==##==####### #========##==########========##========##========##==####==##========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Miscellaneous... These are just grouped like this because they are all weapons that came from some where else... Like the back/left arm. The right arms special weapon's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CWGG-HM-60 **** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 58200 Type: Hand Missile Weight: 573 Energy drain: 549 Weapon Lock: Standard Attack Power: 780 Ammo Heat: 145 Range: 600 Maximum Lock: 4 Reload Time: 60

Number of Ammo: 60 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 140 Usage Drain: Text: Fires high-speed missiles. Note: Good speed, but weak and easily avoided. Just take shoulder missiles. BUO: When missiles arms are not your bag. Found: Shop CWGG-HR-66 **** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 45000 Type: Hand Rocket Weight: 758 Energy drain: 15 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep (None) Attack Power: 1500 Ammo Heat: 283 Range: 900 Maximum Lock: Reload Time: 46 Number of Ammo: 66 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 110 Usage Drain: Text: Handheld rocket launcher. Note: This fires two rockets each time. I don't see the point in hand rockets since you right arm should be filled up with something better. Back slots are better for rockets. BUO: --Found: Shop CWGG-GR-12 ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 54000 Type: Grenade Rifle Weight: 1062 Energy drain: 38 Weapon Lock: Narrow & Deep Attack Power: 3100 Ammo Heat: 920 Range: 780 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 120 Number of Ammo: 12 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 820 Usage Drain: Text: Portable high-power grenade launcher. Note: Good so you don't have to kneel any more! Bipeds can have fun too! BUO: --Found: Get into the C ranks. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==##========##========##========##========##===###==# #==########==#==#==##==########==####==##==####==##==####==##====##==#

#======####==#==#==##======####========##========##==####==##==#==#==# #==########==#==#==##==########==####==##==########==####==##==##====# #========##========##========##==####==##==########========##==###===# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Energy Guns... Energy weapons come in a bunch of sizes. Most are only good for missions and don't excel to great in the area. Pulse Rifle: Shots a weak dinky pulse Laser Rifle: Shots an accurate linear laser. Plasma Rifle: Shots a very strong beam, energy drain is a major issue. I WOULD HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU EQUIP ALL THE ENERGY OPTIONAL PARTS The right arm energy weapon's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Weapon Lock: What type of lock this weapon has. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Maximum Lock: The max lock-on this weapon has. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] MWG-KP/150 *** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 44000 Type: Pulse Rifle Weight: 193 Energy drain: 256 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 320 Ammo Heat: 4 Range: 465 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 20 Number of Ammo: 150 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 1200 Text: Lightweight pulse rifle. Note: This is a weak little pink pulse, only half way decent in

missions. BUO: Pretending to be a little MT Found: Shop MWG-KP/100 *** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 63100 Type: Pulse Rifle Weight: 274 Energy drain: 288 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 437 Ammo Heat: 6 Range: 540 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 26 Number of Ammo: 100 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 1700 Text: Note: Just like above, but it's stronger. It shoots a less accurate sideways green pulse. Low ammo. BUO: --Found: Shop MWG-XCW/90 ****** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 59000 Type: Laser Rifle Weight: 542 Energy drain: 398 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 674 Ammo Heat: 8 Range: 640 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 50 Number of Ammo: 90 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 2800 Text: Standard laser rifle. Note: Very accurate, Very. BUO: --Found: Shop MWG-XCB/75 ******* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 58000 Type: Laser Rifle Weight: 683 Energy drain: 311 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 800 Ammo Heat: 10 Range: 600 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 50 Number of Ammo: 75

Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 3800 Text: High-power laser rifle. Note: Good and accurate. This is basically has the same shot type as the AC1's Karasawa. BUO: --Found: Reward given in "Defend Ruglen Laboratory" look at the FAQ. MWG-KARASAWA ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 88000 Type: Laser Rifle Weight: 1520 Energy drain: 422 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 1600 Ammo Heat: 14 Range: 550 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 55 Number of Ammo: 50 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 3400 Text: The epitome of laser rifle design. Note: This is without a doubt the best rifle. You'll see why, in missions and arena alike. BUO: --Found: Reward given in "Destroy Gun Emplacements" look at the FAQ. MWGG-XCG/20 ****** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 120000 Type: Plasma Rifle Weight: 999 Energy drain: 586 Weapon Lock: Special Attack Power: 2520 Ammo Heat: 8 Range: 840 Maximum Lock: 1 Reload Time: 60 Number of Ammo: 20 Ammo Type: Energy Ammo Price: Usage Drain: 9200 Text: Long-range plasma rifle. Note: Good damage, but low ammo. Heavy as well. BUO: --Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##===##===##========##========##====######========# #==####==##==####==##========##==####==##==####==##==#===####==####### #========##========##==#==#==##========##==####==##==###==###========# #==##==####==####==##==#==#==##==##==####==####==##==#===##########==# #==###==###==####==##==####==##==###==###========##====######========#

###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Parrying Blades... These are the most hated weapons, why? Because unless you are prefect with them, they suck. They are good things they have over every other weapon however... +Generally low weight +Durable, hard to break +Destructible, breaks weapons great +Strong +Instant over heat -Takes up your most important weapon slot -Not tracking thus hard to hit with -Ammo limit -A moonlight will is better in almost every way. The right arm parrying blade's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Attack Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Discharge Heat: How much heat this gives your AC. Range Rating: How long the "poke" is. Usage Limit: AKA number of Ammo. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. To be fair, I'm going to rate these within themselves, has I would give them all one star otherwise. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] KWB-SBR0X ** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 24000 Type: Blade Weight: 143 Energy drain: 8 Attack Power: 1550 Attack Heat: 673 Discharge Heat: 88 Range Rating: 7 Usage Limit: 30 Usage Drain: Text: Close-in parrying blade. Note: Suck, not only can it not over heat in one shot, but the risk getting close is bad for its payoff. BUO: --Found: Shop

KWB-SBR01 **** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 38600 Type: Blade Weight: 238 Energy drain: 13 Attack Power: 2270 Attack Heat: 950 Discharge Heat: 134 Range Rating: 6 Usage Limit: 20 Usage Drain: Text: Increase attack power parrying blade. Note: Just little bit more worth it. BUO: --Found: Shop KWB-MARS ******** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 42300 Type: Blade Weight: 376 Energy drain: 24 Attack Power: 3100 Attack Heat: 1200 Discharge Heat: 362 Range Rating: 5 Usage Limit: 19 Usage Drain: Text: Lethal short-range parrying blade. Note: This is actually worth the effort. BUO: --Found: Found hidden in "Destroy Massive Weapon" look at the FAQ. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ###========###==#########========###====#######========###========#### ###==####==###==#########==####==###==#===#####==#########==########## ###========###==#########========###==###==####======#####========#### ###==####==###==#########==####==###==#===#####==###############==#### ###========###========###==####==###====#######========###========#### ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Laser Blades... Laser blade, for the most part, have been the same in every AC game. It's not hard to find the major benefits. Like no usage limit and high damage. The only bad thing about them are their close range-ness. The left arm blade's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Attack Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Discharge Heat: How much heat this gives your AC.

Range Rating: How long blade is. Wave Range: The range of the wave that comes out of the blade. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. Note: pressing X right after circle makes A wave. This can only be done with OP-Intensify equipped. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CLB-LS-1551 *** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 11000 Type: Laser Blade Weight: 122 Energy drain: 26 Attack Power: 782 Attack Heat: 5 Discharge Heat: 8 Range Rating: 9 Wave Range: Usage Drain: 2050 Text: Lightweight, inexpensive blade. Note: This is the longest blade from AC3. It's wave is just a orange thing. BUO: H1 Found: You start with this part MLB-LS/003 ***** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 29000 Type: Laser Blade Weight: 188 Energy drain: 40 Attack Power: 970 Attack Heat: 12 Discharge Heat: 6 Range Rating: 8 Wave Range: Usage Drain: 1800 Text: Part competitor of the CLB-LS-1551. Note: This blade is kind of void because of the HALBERD. But is still one of the best blades when using OP1, has it's wave splits. BUO: With OPI. Found: Shop CLB-LS-2551 ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 38000 Type: Laser Blade Weight: 225 Energy drain: 48 Attack Power: 1240 Attack Heat: 22 Discharge Heat: 10 Range Rating: 6 Wave Range: -

Usage Drain: 2640 Text: Laser blade emphasizing speed. Note: Short, but fast. Not too great and doesn't really stick out as much as is did in AC3. Its wave is a regular green one. BUO: --Found: Shop KLB-TLS/SOL **** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 50000 Type: Laser Blade Weight: 250 Energy drain: 71 Attack Power: 1520 Attack Heat: 18 Discharge Heat: 14 Range Rating: Wave Range: 700 Usage Drain: 4240 Text: Special energy wave laser blade. Note: This has no blade at all, but just a non-OPI needed yellow wave. BUO: When you crave infinite small rockets. Found: Shop MLB-MOONLIGHT ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 55200 Type: Laser Blade Weight: 502 Energy drain: 100 Attack Power: 2100 Attack Heat: 20 Discharge Heat: 20 Range Rating: 8 Wave Range: Usage Drain: 2100 Text: Mirage's top of the line blade. Note: This has always been the best blade. It's still a little heavy. It shoots, as always, a blue wave. BUO: Try with the REE arms, LAP OP, and on Tank legs. Found: Reward given in "Destroy Massive MT" look at the FAQ. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### ##==############========######========##==####==##===###==##========## ##==############==####==######==########==####==##====##==##==######## ##==############========######==##====##==####==##==#==#==##========## ##==########==##==####==##==##==####==##==####==##==##====########==## ##========##==##==####==##==##========##========##==###===##========## ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Left Arm Guns... Left hand guns are just weak toned done left arm one. If you need help on using them, try the right arms ones first. There is one key thing, They use the lock on of your equipped weapons FCS so DO NOT drop all your weapons before using up your left arm

weapon. Remember, you should pick a strong one shoot weapon, because this is your "ready" weapons. Like I'm sure you got into those times in other AC games where you just wish you had your grenade launcher out. The left arm projectile weapon's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of weapon this part is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Attack Power: How strong this weapon is. Ammo Heat: How much heat this gives the enemy AC. Range: How far the weapon can travel. Reload Time: The weapon's rate of fire. Number of Ammo: The amount of ammo in this weapon. Ammo Type: Solid or energy. Ammo Price: The cost of each round fired. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] KWG-HZL50 ******** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 35500 Type: Howitzer Weight: 204 Energy drain: 14 Attack Power: 1250 Ammo Heat: 306 Range: 440 Reload Time: 60 Number of Ammo: 50 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 400 Usage Drain: Text: Left arm equipped howitzer. Note: Although outdated, this still has really cheap ammo to weight ratio. This weapon sucks VS anything light. BUO: --Found: Shop KWG-HZL30 **** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 43000 Type: Spread Howitzer Weight: 283 Energy drain: 14 Attack Power: 485 Ammo Heat: 278 Range: 505 Reload Time: 94 Number of Ammo: 30 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 400

Usage Drain: Text: Spread-shot howitzer. Note: This is a bad weapon. It doesn't spread till after shot so there is no up close bonus rather a penalty. BUO: --Found: Reward given in "Destroy Naire Bridge" look at the FAQ. KWG-FTL450 ******* Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 54200 Type: Flame thrower Weight: 355 Energy drain: 8 Attack Power: 235 Ammo Heat: 195 Range: 96 Reload Time: 3 Number of Ammo: 450 Ammo Type: Solid Ammo Price: 10 Usage Drain: Text: Close-range flamethrower. Note: This flamer-thrower actually moves, great for up close. BUO: A True flamer! Found: Shop [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##==####==##========##========##==########====######========# #==########==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===####==####### #========##========#####==#####======####==########==###==###========# #######==##==####==#####==#####==########==########==#===##########==# #========##==####==##========##========##========##====######========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Shields... These are shields you can hold up with you press in circle. Please note that it is a toggle, so you don't have to hold them in. The left arm shield's stats... Manufacturer: Who makes it. Price: How much it costs. Type: What kind of part this is. Weight: How much it weighs. Energy drain: How much it drains. Shield DEF Shell: How much added shell def this extension adds. Shield DEF Energy: How much added energy def it gives. Shield Coverage: The shield's size. Discharge Heat: How much heat is given when used. Cooling: The added heat defense. Usage Drain: How much this drains your energy when used. Text: What the game says for the part. Note: My personal note. BUO: Best used on... Found: Where to get the part. Please note, I never used energy so I can't only fairly describe them.

[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] CES-ES-0001 --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 11500 Type: Energy Shield Weight: 133 Energy drain: 18 Shield DEF Shell: 200 Shield DEF Energy: 198 Shield Coverage: 73 Discharge Heat: 10 Cooling: 396 Usage Drain: 1600 Text: Defense enhancing energy shield. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop CES-ES-0101 --Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 16400 Type: Energy Shield Weight: 180 Energy drain: 45 Shield DEF Shell: 304 Shield DEF Energy: 284 Shield Coverage: 73 Discharge Heat: 8 Cooling: 600 Usage Drain: 2080 Text: Enhanced CES-ES-0001 energy shield Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop MES-ES/011 --Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 29000 Type: Energy Shield Weight: 224 Energy drain: 75 Shield DEF Shell: 430 Shield DEF Energy: 205 Shield Coverage: 82 Discharge Heat: 6 Cooling: 283 Usage Drain: 2425 Text: Superb shell defense and coverage. Note: --BUO: --Found: Shop KES-ES/MIRROR --Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 35000 Type: Energy Shield Weight: 350 Energy drain: 129

Shield DEF Shell: 420 Shield DEF Energy: 470 Shield Coverage: 71 Discharge Heat: 10 Cooling: 450 Usage Drain: 2280 Text: Kisaragi design masterpiece. Note: --BUO: --Found: Reward given in "Defend Water Processors" look at the FAQ. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ###################################################################### #========##========##========##========##========##========##========# #==####==##==####==##==####==##==####==##==####==#####==#####==####### #==####==##========##========##========##========#####==#####========# #==####==##==########==########==####==##==##==#######==###########==# #========##==####==##==########==####==##==###==######==#####========# ###################################################################### [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Optional Parts... These are part you can equip that give you an instant boost. The core you use will tell you how many you can equip, they are all very different. The optional part's stats... Manufacture: Who makes the part Price: How much this part costs Slots: How much slots this part takes, Text: What it says about the part Note: My personal note BUO: Best used on... Found: How to get this part. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] OP-S-SCR ********** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 24000 Slots: 2 Text: Reduces shell-based damage Note: --BUO: Anything that moves Found: Shop OP-E/SCR ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 28000 Slots: 1 Text: Reduces energy-based damage. Note: --BUO: Anything that still moves. Found: Shop

OP-S/STAB ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 23000 Slots: 1 Text: Reduces impact shock when hit. Note: --BUO: Anything with two legs. Found: Shop OP-E/CND ***** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 21000 Slots: 4 Text: Increases generator capacity. Note: --BUO: With just energy weapons. Found: Shop OP-ECMP ***** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 19000 Slots: 3 Text: Emits pulse to disable lock-ons. Note: --BUO: Vs anything with 4 or more lock ons. Found: Shop OP-L/AXL ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 26000 Slots: 2 Text: Reduces lock-ons times. Note: --BUO: With missiles Found: Shop OP-LFCS++ ******** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 24000 Slots: 6 Text: Enlarges the sight lock. Note: --BUO: With a Narrow & Deep Found: Shop OP-L/BRK ******** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 30000 Slots: 1 Text: Improves braking. Note: Gets a good grade for being one slot. BUO: With jousting. Found: Shop OP-L/TRN ********* Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 41000 Slots: 4 Text: Improves turning speed. Note: ---

BUO: Close range fighters Found: Shop OP-E-LAI ** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 38000 Slots: 3 Text: Improves energy shield coverage. Note: --BUO: When you actually but a lot into your shields. Found: Defeat the AC at rank C-5 (Midas/Semilat) OP-E-LAP **** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 74000 Slots: 6 Text: Strengthens laser blade attacks. Note: Not that great for it's slot number. BUO: When blades are ONLY used. Found: Shop OP-SP/E++ ********** Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 45000 Slots: 3 Text: Increase energy weapon power. Note: --BUO: A must on anything with energy weapons. Found: Shop OP-E/RTE ********* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 45000 Slots: 1 Text: Improves fire rate of energy weapons. Note: --BUO: With non-drainy energy weapons. Found: Shop OP-TQ/CE ******* Manufacturer: Crest Ind. Price: 45000 Slots: 5 Text: Reduces energy use when firing. Note: Too many slots, but good if you like to fly. BUO: With drainy energy weapons. Found: Shop OP-M/AW *** Manufacturer: Mirage Price: 10000 Slots: 1 Text: Adds missile display to the radar. Note: If you are using the VEN, you don't need this. BUO: --Found: Shop OP-INTENSIFY *********** Manufacturer: Kisaragi Price: 0

Slots: ? Text: ??? Note: Ok here is the all time cheapest part. This is also called OP-I. This adds abilities that must be gained. You must equip this part and kill certain things. This part also uses up all of the OP slots. BUO: A PLUS monkey. Found: Beat the game. This will be added to the shop. Here are the upgrades and their missions, etc... (OPI must be equipped) Added various sensor functions ***** This adds thinks like bio sensors and stuff. In the mission "Eliminate Intruders" kill Crossback. Enhanced missile interception capability *** This makes you AMS better... In the mission "Defend Water Processors" kill Megalo Enhanced turning performance ********* Self explanatory. In the mission "Bomb Disarmament" kill Strasbourg. Improved targeting accuracy *** I really can't see the difference... In the mission "Defend Ruglen Laboratory" kill the AC. Added blade wave capability ********* By pressing X while blading, you can shoot out a wave. In the mission "Destroy Massive Weapon" kill the weapon. Enhanced cooling performance ******** Double cooling. In the mission "Destroy Massive MT" kill the MT. Enhanced cannon operation performance ********** No more kneeling for back cannons. In the mission "Destroy Massive MT" kill the MT and the smaller one. Added radar functions ******** This lets you have radar with out equipping any. Scanning interval = 0 Beat Thunder House/Battlefield in the arena. Enhanced booster performance ********** This let's you boost for a longer time. Beat Ace/Arcadia in the arena. Increased blade range. ******* 50% more reach to your blades. Beat Exile/Painkiller in the arena. [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][] ~Ending... If you have a question, feel free to ask me about it on the message board, I'm sure to be there. You may also Instant message me at IWBDK on aim. My Email is Oh yeah, Please rate :) I actually prefer Emailing now. ~Credits...

Thank you Mom for putting up with me And thanks to CjayC for a great site! ~Copyright... No one can use this FAQ with out my permission. GameFAQs is the only site allowed to use this FAQ. If you would like to "use" it, IM me ONLY!!!!!!! This document is... Copyright 2003 Brian David Kacaba Armored Core 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by Vesperas Version: 6.0 | Last Updated: 2003-09-16 | View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to Armored Core 3 (PS2) FAQs & Guides

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